The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, December 12, 1912, Image 2
TF\e r\or\tgonr\&ry r\or\iioir PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. OFFICIAL ORGAN MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Entered at the Postofftce In Mt. Vernon. Ga. as Second-Class Mail Matter. H. B. FOLSOM. Editor and Owner. $i a Year, in Advance. »#-L» «fti advertisement* must invariably be paid is advance, at the legal rate, and as the law directs; and must be in band not later than Wednesday morning of the flrat week of insertion Mount Vernon, Ga., Thursday Morning, Dec. 12, 1912. We are Droud of the fact that! two Montgomery county boys were among the prize winners i at the com club show in Atlanta ! last week. Governor Brown is now among the dynamiters. He uses the! stuff to break up his com land, | and has succeeded in increasing the yield four-fold. Reports continue to come in from the great work of the corn club boys; but, with average sea sons next year, the revelations will be astounding. Talk about “carrying coals to Newcastle," but when that gas convention met in At'anta last week there was a superabun dance of overdoing things. * 0 The lack of a bulldog deter mination to do things that they know ought to be done is the re- , al cause of many a merchant’s failure. And the same truth applies to farmers with greater force. Talk about the influence of j money in elections, but the Ma con justice who married 250 couples free of charge to induce the happy grooms to perpetuate him in office, is no small potato himself. The Pembroke Enterprise of ! last week gives some good rea- 1 sons for the organization of com clubs in Bryan county. Corn j clubs have done more for Geor gia in the past year than all her 1 politicians have in a decade. ; We are in receipt of the first number of the Wheeler Herald. '• There is no more potent factor ’ known for the upbuilding of a ’ community than a good news- ' paper, and we hope the Herald will do much for the new county 1 of Wheeler. 1 Mr. Taft is very much con- i corned as to what can be done ] for the Filipinos. Down here we 1 are wondering what can bo done i for the farmer whose cotton hasii failed to pay the debts contracted this year, with a balance against I him for last year’s run. ] ] It has been wisely declared < that “the love of money is the 1 root of all evil.” but it is a great! truth that the lack of money is a j serious drawback in this country. ' The plan of lending money to < farmers at a low rate of interest, | discussed at the conference of i governors in Richmond last week, \ should be agitated until a system j is devised by which any honest j farmer can get money to run his ] farm at a living rate of interest j Germany and other countries are l ( making a success of methods on j this line that we need to inves- , tigate here. : « ! < Enough work has already been I, mapped out for the Georgia leg- 1 , islature to consume far more j! than the time of the next session. 1 , But there is one thing that ought j to lie made a matter of investi- j gation, and power to act given j the state agricultural department | Fertilizers, foods and oils are in spected and their sale regulated, but thousands of dollars worth of wire fence is sold annually to Georgia farmers, and claimed to : lie heavily galvanized by the manufacturers. Much of the wire put up only three years ago shows strands badly rusted run- ■ ning the entire length of rolls, woven in ungalvanized to cheap en the cost of production. Why should not the farmer be pro tected by proper legislation? ! TmtmVfVfffYTTTTTTTm* ► . M l Gleanings From ji : Wisdom’s Field. 5 Atlanta Journal: —Why such a commotion about the city being “busted?” Isn’t a large per centage of its citizens in the same fix, and do you hear them complain? Dallas New Era:—The time for the inauguration of the parcels post system is near at hand. What are you doing, Mr. Coun try Merchant, to meet the changed conditions it is bound to bring about? Hawkinsville Dispatch-News: —Atlanta is entertaining the Georgia corn club boys this week and they are having a great time in the South’s greatest city. Ninety-three counties are repre sented and there are more than 2,500 individual exhibits of corn. Perry Home Journal:—On more j thafi one occasion Gov. Wilson ! has displayed the saving grace of ; humor. While in Bermuda he j said that if the statement was ! published that any one had been ; invited there to talk cabinet ap pointments, you may be sure the ! news came byway of Constanti- ; nople, or the windward passage j Toombs Co. Local:—A repre- | sentative of the Macon Tele- ! graph has negotiations pending J with Vidalia business men for a j general write up of the city. ! This would undoubtedly result in 1 much good being accomplished, j and the matter should be given j serious consideration. Laurens Co. Herald. —We had | almost reached the point where j we believed the political milleni- ! um had arrived, but Tom Watson \ will wake ’em up with his daily. ! We thought it sounded too good ; to be true. (Millenium—not the j daily’) Monroe Advertiser: —Comes j now an eminent Washington ! physician who says that we are j fast becoming a bald headed race 1 and that in a few years our wo- . men as well as our men will have “billiard-ball plates.” Shiny topped men we can endure, but from a race of hairless women may the Gods on High Olympus deliver us! Give us curls every time! Vidalia Advance: —It is esti mated that the next Congress will lie asked to donate $823,415,- 455.14 with which to carry on the government another tw’elve months. It is not stated what the 14 cents will be used for, but it is supposed that it will be used to buy a consolation prize for the Republican party. Dublin Courier-Dispatch:— ! Governor Blease of South Caro- i lina has again got into the lime- j light with his incendiary utter ances, this time at the governor’s j conference that was held at Rich mond, Va., this week. He is getting to be as dangerous a man 1 as Roosevelt and is bringing dis- ; repute upon South Carolina. Savannah Press: —The London suffragettes talk of using dyna mite. Will some one please send them a few marked copies of papers containing accounts of the Indianapolis trials? Darien Gazette: —The move ment to give all officers a four year term should be pushed. We again repeat it, there are too many elections in Georgia. The; legislature should take up this matter when they meet in June. Everybody is now praising the 'corn boys—and they deserve it. THE MONTGOMERY MONITOR-THURSPAY, DEC. 12, 1912. §) B® ETTER BE SAFE | THAN SORRY! | I W& ipp What does it profit a man if he lay up riches for himself, || r 0 only to lose them through «' |f thievery, fire or the numerous j» I risks that beset the “home jj| H bank” Our strong vault, our |j % burglar and fire protection and q the constant safeguards as- || ® forded our depositors give you || H absolute safety for yur money || ££ s ©' And you can always get it when you XX hi © want it. Why not be safe with no chances of being sorry? Open an account with us | TODAY! | The Uvalda Bank | UVALDA, GA. gs J. J. MOSES, President ' W. F. McALLISTER, Cashier §3 J. B. JONES, Jr.. V.-President H. G. McALLISTER. Ass t Cashier M WWWVWWWWMWWMWmWWMMWWWMMnWVWWWWMTO i SEABOARD AIR LINE R’Y, [ j; The Progressive Rail’y of the South. j| ii Pullman’s New Drawing Room Buffet ;j I Sleeping Cars Equipped With ij Electric L-igf\ts On night trains between Savannah and Montgomery, making |! connections for all principal points EAST and WEST. Ij 700 AM 600 PM Lv Savannah Ar 900 AM 835 PM j| 742 AM 643 PM Cuyler 813 AM 745 PM |! 852 AM 758 PM Hagan 707 AM 034 PM H »20 AM 825 PM Collins 047 AM 610 PM ! ; 10 05 AM 912 PM Vidalia 602 AM 525 PM j; 1125 AM 10 35 PM Helena 440 AM 403 PM |! 12 55 PM 12 08 AM Pitts 807 AM 236 PM H |! 135 I’M 12 40 AM Cordele 230 AM 140 PM !| 11 813 PM 200 AM Americus 115AM12 32 PM |i !| 405 PM 255 AM Richland 12 20 AM 11 32 AM |! j! 046 PM 517 AM Ft Davis 952 PM 848 AM l! 1 815 PM 680 AM Ar Montgomery Lv 880 PM 720 AM | ! THESE TRAINS ALSO CARRY FIRST-CLASS COACHES j; I Hast or West the Way that’s Best. ! C. W. SMALL, D. P. A., jj Savannah, .... ... Georgia j! C. B. Ryan, G. P. A., Portsmouth, Virgina. j| WMMWMMmmumvmm wawavwwawwawwMvtvawww m BTg gg! " 1 '; " I A Note to You: August 29, 1912, As you come panting down the street almost overcome by the scorching heat, come in and have a seat at our Soda Fountain. Then when refreshed, pursue your way, but drop in again some other day. No adulterated ingredients en ter into our refreshing drinks, only pure fruit flavors are used, and our ice cream is par excel lence. Yours truly, Mt. Vernon Drug Company. PIANO . TUNING. If your Piano is worth anything, it is worth EXPERT tuning. Any other kind will ruin it I have a diploma, and guarantee | all work. Write, and I will call. ORGANS REPAIREO. Charles L. Hamilton, MT. VERNON. GA. Money! Money! Money! We lend money cheaper on farm | lands than any person making I loans in Montgomery County. All iwe ask is to get our rate before j making application to some one j else for we can save you 1 to 2 per cent, interest. Loans closed without delay. Write us and we i will come to see you. i The Lyons Loan rnd Abstract Company LYONS. GA, MONEY TO LOAN On Improved Farms in Montgomery County at a Small j Rate of Interest. J. E. Hall, Soperton. | Hamp Burch Attorney at Law McRAE, GA. Practices in all the Courts. ! E. M. RACK LEY Dentist i Office pver Mt. Vernon Drug Co. MT. VERNON. OA. DR. L E. MASIIOM Refract ionist | Glasses Corrrectly Ground and 1 Fitted to the Eves. Consultation j Free. 109 Whitaker Street SAVANNAH, GA | “Oculum” “Oculum” “Oculum” 1 11 "g r g I | | Eggs Going Higher! | \ | Eggs this winter will be higher than ever. 1 Even you have only ten hens, get a bottle of “Oculum” and put them in shape and get 25 per cent, more eggs. At your dealers or by mail, 50 cents and SI.OO per bottle. 8 __ § % g “Oculum” is a Guaranteed Cure and a gr t g | g Preventative of g | | = COOLERA, ROUPE, WHITE DIARRHEA, SORE g | | ? HEAD, GAPES AND CANKER 9 j in Chickens, Turkeys and Ducks. Inoculate 5! your poultry and keep them well. For sale by ft 1 Mt. Vernon Drug Co. Mt. Vernon, Ga. j| W. J. & T. A. Peterson, Ailey, Ga. W. J. Cameron, Druggist, Glenwood, Ga. Alamo Drug Co., Alamo. Ga. 1 j | J. R. WILLCOX | j | Q SAVANNAH, GA. q 1 | ~ Agent for the State of Georgia S | “Oculum” “Oculum” “Oculum” | MACON, DUBLIN & SAVANNAH BY. Schedule Effective Oct. 22, 1911. N°- 18 No. 20 STATIONS No. 19 No. I 7 A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. 7 (JO 4 OU Leave Macou Arrive 11 25 4 28 7 14 4 14 Swift Creek 11 12 3 27 723 423 Dry Branch 11 08 404 7 27 4 27 Atlantic 10 59 4 00 7 31 4 31 Pike’s Peak 10 55 3 56 789 439 Fitzpatrick 10 48 349 744 444 Ripley 10 43 344 7 56 4 56 Jeffersonville 10 31 3 32 8 06 5 06 Galletnore 10 19 8 21 8 16 5 16 Danville 10 09 3 11 8 21 5 21 Allentown 10 04 3 06 8 81 5 31 Montrose 9 54 2 56 842 542 Dudley 943 245 8 48 5 48 Shew make 9 37 2 39 8 54 5 54 Moore 9 30 2 32 9 10 6 10 Ar. Lv. 9 15 2 17 Dublin 9 15 6 15 Lv. Ar. 9 10 2 12 9 17 6 17 S M D& S J 9 08 2 10 9 21 6 21 N M D& S J 9 04 2 06 9 31 6 31 Catliu 8 54 1 56 9 41 6 41 Minter 8 43 1 45 951 651 Rock ledge 881 138 956 656 Orland • 825 127 10 11 711 Soperton 810 112 10 22 722 Tarry town 758 100 10 30 730 Kibbee 75012 52 10 45 745 Vidalia 73512 37 CONNECTIONS: At Dublin with the Wrights Ville & Tennille and the Dublin & South western for Eastman and Tennille and intermediate points At Macon with Southern Railway from and to Cincinnatti, Chattanooga, Rome Birmingham, Atlanta and intermediate points. Also the Central of Georgia -Railway, G. S. &F. Railway, Macon and Birmingham Railway and Georgia Railroad. At Rockledge with the Milieu and Southwestern for Wadiey and in termediate points. At Vidalia with the Seaboard Air Line for Savannah and intermediate points, and with the Millen and Southwestern for Millen, Stilimore and in termediate points. J. A. STREYER, G. P. A., Macon, Ga. 1 MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! :|| Plenty of Money to Lend On Improved Farms at Six per Cent. Interest—Auy Amount From S3OO Up. Re-payment Allowed Any Time. Prompt :j; Service and Oourteous Treatment. ;i| I HAMP BURCH, Me It A E, GEORGIA. j Brick! Brick! j Plenty on Hand for Prompt | Shipment. Standard Grades and Low | ll| Prices Prevail. Write for Prices. If OCONEE BRICK YARD J. A. McBRIDE, Proprietor <j> Mt. Vernon, Ga. |