Newspaper Page Text
Some Rules Which, if Ob
served, Would Prevent
Trouble and Cost.
The hunting season has brought
into the public prints a rather
formidable list of rules to insure
safe and proper sport with the
gun compiled some time ago by
the State geologist of Pennsyl
vania. Following are some of
Always keep the gun pointed
from yourself and other persons.
Carry the gun with the muzzle
pointed downward to the earth
or upward toward the sky. Nev
er sweep the horizon with it.
In getting over logs and fences
or through hedges, put the gun
over first and see that it will not
fall. Then go to another place
and cross, and [tick up the gun
with the end pointing where it
Never draw a gun toward
yourself by the muzzle, especially
in boats, wagons, or over fences
or logs, etc.
1 )o not load the gun until at the
hunting grounds and draw the
load when leaving them.
Never keep a loaded gun in
house or tent or where it may be
knocked down by children or
I)o not carry a gun cocked ex
cept when on the alert for game
to rise.
Do not shoot into moving
hushes or toward a noise. It
may be stock or persons. Wait for
the game to appear.
Do not start a fire without pro
viding against its spreading and
put it out when you leave it..
Do not wound game and leave
it to die a lingering death.
Spend an hour or more if neces
sary to find game that has been
Do not shoot protected game.
Hunt with the back to the sun,
slowly and quietly. Do not hunt
for anything and everything.
Find out where game is to be
found and the times for hunting
Find out if premises are posted
and do not hunt there without
Leave fences, gates, bars, etc.,
just as you find them.
Be satisfied with a fair bag.
Do not be a hog just because:
game is plentiful.
To urge the majority of young
men who go out with a gun to do
none of these things under any
circumstances would be about as
profitable as to request the aver
age citizen never to forget him
self and sin against propriety or
decorum in the least particular.
Nevertheless these rules are
worth remembering, and the
man who observes them will serve
his country and keep a whole
skin. Macon Telegraph.
Sherd! Sale.
Cioonri* Montjromory County.
Will In* »nhl bofort* tho court house <bx>r in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Jnn.. lUIS. be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder I
for rash, certain property, of which the following j
is a complete description:
One Hackney lumU*r wagon. 2 in axle, 4in j
•tool tires. One Taylor saw mill complete, con
sisting of StVhorse power boiler, 2tL horse |*>wer
engine, boiler Mallory make, engine Walter town |
make lx*vied on an the property of l\ B. Branch i
to satisfy a mortgage ti ta issued by the superior
court of said county in favor of W H Harrell,
agent for W. L. Jessup, against said C B. Branch.
Levy made anti returned tome by F. K. Forrester,
deputy sheriff. Property Inniig too bulky to
transport, will Ih» sold ns it stands at mill site in
the Alamo district. This the 3rd day of IVcem*
her. mt. JAMRS HESTER. Sheriff.
Administrator's Sale.
Georgia Montgomery county.
Will ta* mdd before the court house door in Mt. ,
Vernon on the first Tuesday’in January. 1913. dur
ing legal sale hours. 2i*9 aeres of land, more or
less, lying in the Soperton district of Montgomery
county, ttounded north by lands of Goo. W. Cour
son. east by Bud Collins and Virgil McLendon,
south by Nancy Phillips and west by J. A Thig
pen. Terms cash Sold as the estate of Teresa
Thigpen, for paying debts and distribution This
Dec 3rd. 11*12. J A. THIGi’FN,
Whereas, 0. D. Browning, Administrator of the 1
estate of CX W Browning, deceased, represents
to the Court in his |*ctition. duly filed and entered
on record, that he has fully administered C. W.
Browning s estate, this is therefon to cite all per
sons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show
cause, if any they can. why said administrator ]
should not be discharged from his administration. |
and receive letters of dismission. the first lion- j
day in January. 1913.
ALEX McARTHUR. Ordinary.
Delight the little ones by bring
ing them to see our shining dis
play of Christmas toys and souve
nirs. Sumerford Drug Co., Ai
ley, Ga* *
I .
KL The Georgia
tUSispM —Firmer—
— —f ' : MOt TWO BY Tht STAFF
state college •'agriculture
ATHENS <9 £or am
By President Andrew M. Soul#.
Our farmers are paying S3O per ton
for hay from the West and neglect
ing to save corn stover which, when
properly cured, has at least two-thirds
tho feeding values of western hay.
Our farmers are falling to make use
of other opportunities for supplanting
western hay, such as oats and vetch
Furthermore, our farmers are at
tempting lo buy protein in the form
of oats and corn from the West at
four times the cost of the same food
values found in cotton seed meal.
While our farmers are buying th s
corn and oats from the western
farmer, the western farmer Is buying
our cotton seed meal and hulls to feed j
By Jno. R. Fain, Prof. Agronomy.
Question —How would you advise
that I proceed to select seed corn?
In the first place it Is important
Bf ' ' —— Kp
Jaw WmbL
, MM M n
lift e&ISL.
Varieties of Corn.
that a farmer select his own seed I
coin, both because he can then have [
assurance thnt It is good seed and be-j
Pierce County Man Has 21
Children, 18 Living.
Waycross, Dec. 12. —Martin
Turner, who will celebrate his
64th birthday anniversary Janu
ary 1, boasts of the fact that he
is the father of twenty-one chil
dren, eighteen of whom are liv
ing. There are sixty-eight:
grandchildren living.
He is living in Pierce county, I
near the Appling county line, and ‘
works on his farm every day. |
If his age were judged by ap- 1
pearances alone it would be said
to be forty.
Wilson’s Mail Heavy.
Trenton, N. J.—Forty thousand
letters in five months represent
the total of Gov. Wilson’s mail
since he came into prominence as
the Democratic candidate for
President last July, according to
the figures given out by Joseph
P. Tumulty, Gov. Wilson’s sec
Hike to Gotham and Learn
to Say "Thank You.”
New York, Dec. 12. An illus
tration of how New York hotel 1
employes can become fairly well
off through the tips they receive,
is shown in the appraisal of the
estate of Walter F. Duncan, who
died a few weeks ago. As a
porter of a big up-town hotel, he
received wages of only a dollar a
| day. but his tips, carefully hus
banded. enabled him to leave an
estate of SII,IKK), including a
four-story house on East Seventy
third street
House for Sale.
Good five-room cottage with
barn, etc. Located on campus of
8.-P. Institute. See me for
price. M. D. Hitches.
1 Mt Vernon, Ga.
cattle In place of corn and oats.
Thereby the western farmer is pro- |
ducing from cotton seed hulls that j
he buys at from $6 to $8 per ton and
meal at from $23 to $25 per ton, meat
and milk at a much lower cost than ,
If he employed his homegrown feed
Ing stufT.
Why not stop this outgo of money
of the Georgia farmer by feeding
more cotton seed hulls and meal, by
raising more oats and corn, by grow-
Ing more roughage to take place of
expensive hay? Georgia need noi
buy from another state one single bit
of foot] for cattle If It will feed what
It already has and grow more abund
, antly a few crops that It can grow
| very successfully.
j ' _ -
j cause the corn is better adapted to
his needs than probably other corn
from a distance would be.
If your corn is not already gather
ed, go Into the field, pick the medium
sized stalk that Is well eared. It
should have, preferably, two ears on
the stalk. Take both ears if they
are well developed, but in case there
Is only one well developed, It does
not matter, as some think, whether it
Is a top ear or the bottom ear. The
| ear with the harder grain is prefer
Put your selected ears where they
| can dry readily. If this is attended
! to during November, you can wait un
j til later to carry on the more import
ant test, that Is, the germination test,
which will show whether the seed
| have a vigorous power of reproduc
tlon or not.
The State College of Agriculture is
making extensive exhibits of livestock
j and other lines of college work at va
1 rious fairs in Georg a, It will be well
| worth the while of farmers to exam
Ine the exhibits closely. Ask the at
j tendants questions. They will be
j glad to answer.
Stewart county is now having a so ! l
survey made, under the direction of
the State College of Agriculture, the
United States Department of Agricul
ture cooperating. This border county
has been selected to determine what
j various crops can he grown there sue
I cessfujy In view of the approach of
I the boll weevil.
Four Hundred Marriages
Are Performed. 17,000
Letters Received.
Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 12. —
“Out of 17,000 letters received
' from all parts of the globe, 400
I marriages have been accom
j plished, ” said the report issued
j today by Father W. J. Dalton, of ,
, the Church of the Annunciation,
1 concerning the work of a matri
j monial bureau established by the
church a year ago.
Letters came from all parts of
the world. Nearly 85 per cent
of the letters received were from
women, according to Father
Dalton. A majority of the wo
men set forth wealth as a quali
fication for an acceptable hus-'
band while not one man asked
for a wife with wealth.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia— Montgomery County.
Will be told before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Jan., 1911 k be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
foi* cash, certain property, of which the following !
s a complete description:
All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying
and being in the 1343 District. G. M.. of said coun
ty, and bounded on the north by lands of Rosa- I
lie He Connell, on the east by lands of William Con- i
noil. on the south by lands of Nancy Bullard, and
on the west by lands of Elizabeth Moore, contain- ‘
j ing twenty-three (23) acres more or less, and be- j
I !ng the same tract of land as was deeded to Owen |
Smith by Mary Jane Story on the 17th day of j
i February. as shown by records thereof in
Deed Rook No. 3, on Page 301. Levied on as the j
property of said Owen Smith to satisfy a fi fa is- j
•ued from the Justice Court of the 1343 d District, j
G. M.. in favor of John F. Hall against Solomon 1
Smith and Owen Smith. Property pointed out by
plaintiff in execution, and written notice given
i tenant in possession as required by law. Levy
made and returned to me by E. W. Armfield, con
stable. This Dec. 3d, 1912.
Money to Loan.
I represent some of the best loan
companies doing business in j
Montgomery county, and can se-
I cure loans for a term of five years
iat a very small rate of interest.
Commissions charged are small,
and parties desiring to negotiate
loans iu Montgomery or Toombs
counties will save money by seeing
me before making application .
elsewhere. M. B. Calhoun,
Mt. Vernon, Ga. j
Wheeler Co.
For Clerk Superior Court Wheeler County. J
I announce to my fellow citizens of the County i
of Wheeler that I am a candidate for the office of
the Clerk of the Superior Court, the election to be !
held at Alamo January Tth next. This offering;
subject to such rules and regulations as may be ,
prescribed by the county executive committee to ;
he elected, or to any primary called by them. I
Years of experience in public affairs warrants me
in saying that I can fill the place with satisfaction
to every voter. JAS. T. GEIGER.
I hereby announce for the office of Tax Collec
tor of the new county of Wheeler, subject to the
rules of the county executive committee govern
ing the primary. I claim ability to discharge the
duties of the office; and, if favored with the place
by your votes, pledge myself to faithfully look
after the interest of the whole people. I will feel
highly grateful for your support.
Yours to serve,
I am a candidate for sheriff of Wheeler county.
Years or experience in this class of work warrants
me in saying that I can perform acceptably the
duties of the office. If named in the primary
Dec. 31st, as your first sheriff 1 stand pledged to a
faithful discharge of all work involved in this re
sponsible position. I ask your vote in the pri
mary. Yours respectfully,
I am a candidate for the office of County Treas
urer in the approaching primary to be held on De
cern her 31 in the county of Wheeler. If honored
with the nomination and election for this.respon
sible position, I pledge my earnest efforts for the
faithful discharge of every duty, and a careful
reckoning of the affairs of the county. If 1 did
not l»elieve that my life in this section had been
such as to commend me to the favorable consider
ation of the voters, I would never consent to offer
for the place. Assuring one and all that I will
greatly appreciate their support, and trusting to
be the first treasurer of our new county, I am,
Respectfully yours,
In the complete organization of Wheeler county
by the election of county officers, I greatly desire
to appear as your tax collector. To that end I re
spectfully solicit your support in the approaching
primary. My ambition will be, if favored with
the office, to give full satisfaction in discharging
its duties. Put up your votes good and strong for
me, and you will not regret it.
Very respectfully.
To the Voters of Wheeler County:
I hereby announce myself a candidate for the
office of treasurer of Wheeler county for the pres
ent term, subject to the action of the Democratic
primary to be held December 31st, 1912. I respect
fully solicit the support of my fellow citizens.
Yours very truly,
I desire to serve the new county of Wheeler in
the capacity of clerk of superior court. In mak
ing this announcement, I respectfully call your at
tention to my services in the mother county of
Montgomery. I claim a clean record and an hon
est intention to faithfully serve you. If elected
clerk by the primary of Dec. 31st, you will have
no cause to regret having cast your ballots for
Yours respectfully,
For Tax Collector:
To the Voters of County:
I announce for the office of tax collector of
Wheeler county, subject to the rules of the
'county executive committee governing the pri
mary. I take a pride in our new county, and I
want the office. 1 need it and lam competent to
fill it. Honor me with your vote and you will
never regret it. Sincerely yours,
For Tax Receiver:
1 hereby call the attention of my friends and
fellow citizens to the fact that 1 am a candidate
for Tax Receiver of Wheeler County. Long years
of residence here and a full knowledge of the du
ties of the office. I take the liberty to say that I
can fill the office to the satisfaction of all. I earn
estly ask your support in the primary on Dec. 31st.
Yours respectfully,
For Tax Collector.
At the approaching primary on the 31st inst.
I will ask for the office of Tax Collector of Wheel
er county. Respectfully calling attention to my
record as a man and a citizen in this territory, and
feeling assured that I can satisfy all voters by a
just and faithful discharge of the duties of this
office, I ask it at your hands. Your confidence
and esteem will be highly appreciated if you see
fit to honor me as one of your new county’s offi
cers. Yours to please.
Notice to Public.
This is to forewarn all parties
against buying three certain yoke
of oxen now in the possession of
J. N. Gillis and wife, the same
being owned by the undersigned
and having been sold to said
|j. N. Gillis or wife. Threats
I have been made as to selling said
property, and parties bnyiug same
will do so at their own loss. This
20th day of Nov., 1912.
Frank Gillis,
4t Glenwood, Ga.
Money on Hand
We have a good sup
ply of cheap money on
hand at this time and
can close loans very
promptly, either on
farm or city property.
If in need of cash, I
come to see or write!
us at once.
Southern Loan &
Investment Co.
i ■■■ J*i i l
GET TOOLS that will save labor and re
duce your expenses by half. The
secret of your profits is locked up in labor
saving. This tool and the others of our
big line will help you to make money.
You will always find us
anticipating your wants
At Last —
A Real Cotton-Stalk Cutter
X/’OU all know the gain in cutting cotton
Y stalks and turning them under. Here
is a machine that will do a thorough job
of stalk cutting in any field And here’s why:
Knives and knife carrier heavy enough
to stand the work.
Knives press against a lug of solid iron
instead of a bolt.
Bolts held with lock nuts —cannot
work loose.
Dust and grit-proof bearings with com
pression oil cups.
Spring hitch making the machine
easy on mules in rough fields.
Braced steel frames to carry the extra
weight that holds the machine to its
The International Special
Cotton Stalk Cutter
will do first-class work in cotton or corn fields.
It is built for the work it has to do. It looks
so strong that one user said, “It couldn’t wear
out if it wanted to.” Come in and we’ll show
you how it looks and how it works.
► 5
\ Your Farm Lands j
. i
► Will pay you more turned into cash. J
► This we can do for y ou. List your J
► property wtih us for sale—we will find J
► a buyer for you. Whether you want «
► to buy or sell, we can handle the deal 1
► to your advantage and get results, on <
► farm or city property in this county J
t :
£ Get in touch with us. We are in position to supply it on *
► short notice, and on very agreeable terms. We have good <
t connections with the big firms that want to lend money to ,
£ the farmers of Montgomery county. Drop in and talk the *
► matter over with us. We can do the business to suit you. <
! Z ◄
> *
t 5