Newspaper Page Text
| The Sale Starts Dec. 19th.
I We carry full line of Fresh Groceries. Up-to-date j We call your attention to our price on Groceries, j
0 new line of Dry Goods, Shoes and Hats, all new stock and jj such as Sugar, ltice, etc. We will offer some low prices
II in good condition. To prove that we are going to offer jj on our line of Men's Suits, Underwear, Sweaters and Hats,
some of the lowest prices ever offered in Soperton, for jj Ladies’ Dress Goods, Scarfs and Neckwear.
jb cash only, below we mention some of the goods. jj All the goods mentioned here are kept in stock.
GROCERIES !| Men’s and Boys’ Sweaters \ Ladies’ Caps and Scarfs
cji 20 pounds of Sugar for SI.OO j| Men s Sweaters woU.h $2.50 lor j; New Lot Ladies’Aviation Caps, well worth 50 cents,
*va 30 pounds of Good Rice for 1.00 Ij <* *< << r )( j ( . << <jj^ c !! now to go at 35c
3 Boxes of Chewing Tobacco for 10c !; «« • • << gQ c “ jg c |! New Lot Ladies’Aviation Caps, well worth 25 cents,
W 2 Packages of Soda for 5c j: Boys’Sweaters worth 25c for 37c T ? at c rn . J^c
TO ;! j| Children s Aviation Caps worth 50c for 35c
(§) FULL LOT FRESH FRUIT AT . !■ Ladies’ Scarfs, all silk, worth 50c, now for 35c
H RIGHT PRICE ij Ladies bweaters jj Ladies’ Scarfs, all silk, worth 25c, now for 15c
it Ladies’Heavy Sweaters worth $2.50 for $1.89 *■>% f , i w-ki i _
'DRY GOODS “ ‘ 50c “ Vhc Comforts ana Blankets
a a jj *• rp a f-k jj Heavy Comforts, worth $1.50, now we are offering
*IB.OO Men’s Suits for $11.30 jj UINDt.KWt.AK Heavy'cotton Blankets, $2.00 pair, now we are offering
pin XO.UU JLU.oU i • i 1 . (j*i oQ nfll< T .„
14.00 “ “ 855 Men’s Heavy Fleeced Underwear, SI.OO suit for 70c ; .. .. 0 _ , pe.r pr.
G 12.00 “ “ “ 7]oo : “ Medium Fleeced Underwear, SI.OO suit for 65c Medium Blankets, sl.~;> pair, now to go at 80c per pr.
TO 9.00 Boys’Suits for 6.00 jj “ Ribbed Underwear, worth 50c suit, for 37c
5.00 Men’s Pants for 3.05 WE ALSO HAVE LOT OF LADIES’ Art SqUarCS and RllgS
H 3!oo ;; ;; ;; 2.05 heavy and light underwear jj*
G LSO 48c atp rnQT tartipintnpuiQ qat tt '' Art Squares worth $6.50, now ior $3.98
& 1-00 77c ; AT COST DURING THIS SALE Matting Art Squares, worth $5.00, now for 3.50
X 5.00 Men s Hats for $4.00 j Large Heavy Rugs worth $3.50, for 2.25
/3s 3.50 2.10 IE _„ J Medium Heavy Rugs worth $2.00, now for 1.25
to 2.00 1.55 Uveralls and j! Small Size Rugs worth 75c, now for 48c
2.00 1.42 I »
® 1.00 ;; ;; ;; 79c Men’s Overalls, worth SI.OO now at 80c and 70c pair 5 ALSO HAVE GOOD STOCK LADIES’ AND
X 1.25 98c ! Lot Boys Overalls at cost. «
50c “ “ “ 37c Lot Odd Sizes in Men’s Shirts worth SI.OO, $1.50 and J GENTLEMEN’S UMBRELLAS TO
TO 1.00 Men’s Caps “ 80c ; $2,00, now for 75c, sl.lO and $1.48 t
TO 50c “ “ “ 40c Good Lot Boys’Shirts worth 25c, now for 16c and 20c 5 SELL AT' COST
We also have a new and up-to-date line of Shoes, all new, which we will sell at the lowest prices ever offered. Remem
ber that we haven’t been in the Dry Goods business until this year and that all our stock is new. We haven’t any hard
stock or old goods to offer, but simply need the money. <
Remember the Day —December 19th j
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We have a good many things which we will cut \ Everything we advertise we have; everything
I down to cost that are not included on this page, \we promise to have we will have.
Soperton Grocery Company j