Newspaper Page Text
Examples in England and
Germany Show How
Garden Helps.
Gardens ought to be used more.
People ought to live in them, eat
in them, play in them, entertain
friends in them. A small, com
fortable, well furnished, well
kept garden immediately adjoin
ing the dining room, with proper
facilities for these various activi
ties, becomes an extension of the
house itself. It ought to be the
best room in the house—at least
all summer.
One who goes from America to
visit the gardens of the Old
World, especially the home gar
dens of England and Germany,
is most immediately and strongly
impressed with the spirit of pri
vacy which he finds there. The
whole garden is apt to be sur
rounded by a high wall of ma
sonry, and every access is guard
ed jealously. In the garden one
is quite as safe from instrusion
as in the master’s den or the mis
tress’ bondoir.
It is very different from the
American town lot garden, wide
open to observation from the
street, published broadly to all
the neighbors’ windows, espe
cially the kitchen and bedroom
windows, and subject to visit at
any moment from the grocer’s
lad, the plumber, the coal dealer,
the laundry boy, or any other er
rand boy. Why, the privacy of
English and German gardens is
so great as to make them favor
ite courting grounds and meeting
places of engaged couples. — Wo
man’s Home Companion.
• 3
Over the hills to the poor
house he goes in a heavy
nioncy-hiimina: monster. But
can you afford to spend ridic
ulous sums for automobile
travel when a Ford will car
ry* you- in comfort, style, safe
ty and record time at mini
mum cost?
More than 275 million Fords now in ser
vice—con vincing evidence of t heir wonderful merit.
Runabout $525; Touring ( ar Town < 'nr $K()(l —
f .o.l). Detroit with full equ i iuuen t. (iet iu I ores) in g
‘ Ford Times.” N. L. Gillisand .J. K. Hall, Agis.,
Soperton, (_ia.
II The Progressive RaiPy of the South. I
|j Pullman’s New Drawing Room Buffet j
ij Sleeping Cars Equipped With i
|| Erlectric L-igh\ts aryd Pans
lj On night trains between Savannah and Montgomery, making 1
][ connections for all principal points EAST and WEST, j
I 700 AM 600 PM Lv Savannah Ar 000 AM 885 PM i
;j 742 AM 643 PM Cuyler .. 813 AM 745 PM |
II 852 AM 758 PM Ilagan 707 AM 034 PM |
;! It 20 AM 825 PM Collins (J 17 AM ClO PM !
11 10 05 AM 912 PM Vidalia 602 AM 525 PM !
! 11 25 AM 10 35 PM Helena 440 AM 408 PM
11255PM12 08 AM Pitts 307AM2 86 PM
1 35 I’M 12 40 AM Cord-le 230 AM 1 40 PM
3 18 PM 2 00 AM Americus 1 15 AM 12 82 PM
4 05 PM 2 55 AM Richland 12 20 AM 11 82 AM
;i 6 4(5 PM 517 AM Ft Davis 952 PM 848 AM
815 PM <5 80 AM Ar Montgomery F.v 880 PM 720 AM j
I Last or West the Ua.v that’s liest.
C. W. SMALL, D. V A.,
Savannah, ... - ... Georgia
C. B. Ryan, G. P. A., i
Portsmouth, Virgina. |
Crisp County Farmer
Makes Fine Wheat.
Cordele, Ga., -Tune 21. —Mr.
W. R. Harris is the record wheat
grower of Crisp county. He has
just finished threshing the wheat
grown on two and one-half acre
spot on his farm about ten miles
northeast of the city, and 103
bushels, after perhaps ten more
bushels or more was wasted in
threshing, was the yield. Sev
eral othdh farmers have done al
most as well.
Mr. Harris can supply his fam
ily and all the croppers on his
farm with bread until another
crop can be produced.
This year has been quite fa
vorable to wheat growing and
not only have the yields been
good, but more farmers #than us
ual have grown wheat this year.
Judge Norwood is Laid
To Rest at Savannah.
Savannah, Ga., June 21. —The
funeral of Thomas M. Norwood,
former United States Senator
from Georgia, and a man who
came within a few convention
votes of being governor of tin
state, took place Friday aftenoon
at 5 o’clock from the first Pres
byterian church. The services
were attended by delegations
representing the Savannah Bar
Association and there was a large
number of citizens to do honor
to one of the most brilliant men
Georgia has ever produced. Judge
Norwood died at his country
home near Savannah on Thurs
day night, after he had suffered
a stroke of appoplexy.
Safe for Sale.
Large double door Cary Iron
Safe for sale at bargain. Good
as new. See me at once.
J. W. Palmer,
Guardian J. A. Riddle.
I j
“Liberty Belles” Call
On President Wilson.
Washington, June 21, —Chris
! tened the ‘‘Liberty Belles” when
they left the Pacific coast, a par
ty of school teachers from Cali
fornia, Washington and Oregon
are here ‘‘doing” the national
capital, and the White House po- j
lice are on the alert.
Recognizing in President Wil
son a former member of their
profession, they decided early to
storm the White House and see
him, despite cabinet officers or|
other state callers.
Congressional members from
the three states, however, assur
ed the visitors that militancy was
not necessary, and promised to
arrange a reception for them.
The teachers are returning
home from Philadelphia, whither
they went to urge the appearance
of the Liberty bell at the l’ana
nm-Pacific exposition in 1915.
County Officers Plan
Indian Springs Meet.
Jackson, Ga., June 21.- Indian j
Springs won the next conven
tion of the County Officers asso
ciation, which was in session in
Mi Hen Wednesday.
Judge John Cobb, of Sumter
county, was elected president,
succeeding Sheriff L. M. Craw
ford, of Jackson, while Clerk J.
A. Fouche, of McDonough, was
chosen first vice president: Sher
iff Crawford, who presided dur
ing the sessions, and Judge J. H.
Ham, ordinary of Butts county,
attended the meeting from here.
Futile Hint to The Bore.
President Wilson, thanks in
part to his splendid .training at
Princeton, but thanks in greater
part to his tact, is said to receive
and dismiss visitors more adroit
ly than any former occupant of
the White House.
Sometimes, however, a stupid
visitor turns up, and then Presi
dent Wilson’s tact is unappre
ciated, and the visitor overstays
4iis time. Apropos of such visi
tors the president at a luncheon
in Washington told a story.
‘‘There was an old fellow,” he
said, ‘‘who was praising the ris
ing young lawyer of his town.
“ ‘George, for a busy man,’
said the old fellow, ‘is one of the
pleasantest chaps l ever met.
Why, I dropped in on him for a
social call this morning and I \
hadn’t been chattin’ with him j
more than fifteen minutes before
he’d told me three times to come j
and see him again.’ ”
For Summer Time.
In the good old summer time
all women want a Monitor Self-
Heating Iron. Saves half the
time, half the labor and all the
worry of ironing day. Iron and
keep cool. Sample $3.50. Satis-j
faction guaranteed. Fifty repre-1
sentatives wanted at once. Write \
for terms.
Royston Ikon Co.,
ad Royston, Ga.
Sooner the Better.
The minute a tooth begins to
decay it is the beginning of later j
inconvenience and expense. The
time to treat a tooth is the min- j
ute the decay begins. The way 1
jto keep posted on the condition
of your teeth is to see a dentist
| at least twice a year.
Dr. L. W. Bush,
! [adj Soperton, Ga.
For Long Term Farm
I am negotiating some very |
attractive Long Term Farm Loans j
for the best companies doing bus
iness in Georgia, with lowest rates
of interest and the most liberal
terms of payments
I have several years experience
lin the loan business, am located 1
at the county site and believe tha
I am in position to give you the
| best terms and as prompt services
as any one.
IF vou need a loan see me before
A. B. Hutcheson,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
You’re Prepared
yH i For the Every
f f Day Job of Life
IfK The Satlsfaction of Doing
/ .? 'Well is Assured When
Save Time and Feed by Getting the Very Best
Our Lino of Household Requisites is completed mid selected to
please the most exacting housekeeper. Farmers find great help
in our line ol Oliver Chilled Plows, I. H. C. Harvesting Ma
chinery, American Field Fence and Choice Farm Tools.
wfii'iwnmn|i iiiMnimu»nim nunhi jnn . ,■ r -r v*. mnaruNMmawii
Sopertc Hdw. Co.
Office over Mt. Vernon Drug Go.
L. w. hush,
Dental Surgeon,
Offices 2d f loor Bank of Soperton Building,
Soperton, (la.
On Improved Farms in
Montgomery County ut a Small
Kate of Interest.
J. E. Hall, Soperton.
A. L. Lanier,
Attorney at Law,
Will Practice in all the Courts of
the State.
Hami* Burcii
Attorney at Law
Practices in all the Courts.
Hlaeksmitli A: Repair
All Classes of Repair Work Work
Quickly ami Correctly Done
tiring Me Your Work.
Anyon® wondliiK u ntwl doHcrlriMon rutty
quickly moert mu our opinion tk-h wfuflwr an
invention 18 prolmblf roiienfkDlo. f ''iniftip 'ra
lions •trie* »r »-*ntirt#}ntiHl. HANDBOOK oiil'h'oiU
H«*Ht f rr*<*. * w/ttt.i f I</T H-fUtlUtt pAlHtltf.,
Pntetitu Hkoti thrnui/h Mumi /It Co. r*i*;«lr4
t pedal notice, wl'hout chartro. In the
Scientific American.
A handfomelf IMmitrAt.ed l.nrvnn t ctr
crjlatlon of any *H**/iUflc journal. 'J nr $3 s f
year ; four tuoriUia, $L Hold by ull nf*w«*J«a «r*.
WUNN &Co. New York
Branch Offic e. Wt\ K Ht„ Waab.ngtou. li. C-
Schedule Khedive Oct. 22, 1911.
noNs u IP' S
A M. P. M A. M. P. M.
i 'i' l I Oh) Leave Macon Arrive II 26 4 28
7 11 d ll Swift Creek 11 12 8 27
7 28 I 28 Dry Branch 11 08 4 04
7 27 1 27 Atlantic 10 69 4 (Mi
7 21 1 81 Pike’s Peal: 10 65 8 50
7 89 I 89 Fitzpatrick 10 48 8 49
714 4I I * Ripley JO 48 844
7 50 I 50 Jeffersonville 10 511 8 82
8 00 5 00 Callemore 10 19 8 21
8 10 5 JO Danvillf 10 09 8 11
| 8 21 ] 5 21 Allentown 10 04 8 00
881 581 Montrose 9 541 250
812 512 Dudley 948 245
8 48 6 48 Shew make 9 87 2 89
8 54 5 ol Moore 9 80 2 82
9 10 1 0 10 Ar. Lv. 9 15 2 17
9 15 0 16 Lv. Ar. 9 10 2 12
9 17 I 0 17 S M I> i\t. S.l 9 08 2 10
9 21 0 21 N M D.V S.l 9 04 2 00
9 81 081 Gatlin 854 1 50
9 41 0 II M inter 848 1 45
951 0 -.1 Rock ledge 881 188
9 50 0 50 Orlaud 825 1 27
10 I I 7 11 Sopor!on 8 10 112
10 22 ; 7 22 Tairvtown 768 1 00
10 80 7 80 Kihbee 7 50 12 62
10 45 17 ilia 7 85 12 87
At lei il l ill ■ i(h 11 1 e \V lie 1 1 1 ■\i 11 e A'Tiiui iI le and I lie f)u lilin A Soul li
westecu lor Kasi man and ') euuille and intermediate points
At M neon \ i l l l S' mi l liern lin ii w.i > Item and to t' i nciuiiat ti, ('hat fatiooga,
I’(.me fli rm me! hi in A i l;i nta and inti rineil iate points. A Iso the ('enl ml of
Georgia Railua G. <v I Railway, Macon and liirmitighaiii Railway
and Georgia Rail road.
At I ickl* d"c wit it tin Milhn and Soul Ii western for Wadley and in
termediate points.
At Vidalia with the Seaboard Air Line for Savannah and intermediate
point i'll ui i h tin .1 illiii and Son tli western for M illen, St lllinore and in
termediate points.
J. A. STICKYKR, G. P. A., Macon, Ga.
. *s ..ii.. ,'.j'.,v;"i,M.i-.i'... .. . .naiAi.i
Z, L'taiis of any amount from SBOO to ifSO,(KM) on farmß in Mont- £
& , fi
gmnery and adjoining eounties. No delays for inspection, g
tp Have lands examined by a man living near you. Z,
% LOANS ON FIVE YEARS TIME, payable ill easy installments to |
£ hii it borrower. a
% Merchants Bank Ruihling Me Rue, Ga. §
. xL unize Our Home Advertisers.
They have “the goods. ,,