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- Make Your Dollars Count 1
>r Wagon Leads ®
m Our stock is the result of Studied Bargains and embraces the Best in
Others Follow ■ ®
10 highest grade material, the finest I FURWITIIBEj i v||UlitßESj AIN D RANGES) j|
I The l.urahle had THieieut Farm Tools 1 Maehinery, l.ougl.t in I
Lupin, if wo cannot interest you in I Carload Lots ( ‘ iml>l< *us to sell farmers at the Best and Lowest Figures. If ||
we will not figure the time lost. I y ou want tlie Cheapest and Most Reliable Power, get the International |
,i i i I Engine-—it has never failed. r fhis engine is the %
will carry the load J f 1
A guaranteed product of a world-wide firm—perfect. jS %
V All our sales backed up with a guarantee. Trade where* a large stock awaits your inspection. \
| Yours for solid and dependable goods, jj
The Soperton Hardware Co. wlap' I
#x#’ X #X¥x# X # 1 ¥X¥x¥x* ,<* >;V*X*x¥x¥x #X¥X¥X¥X¥X¥s&<¥s&#)
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Prof. L. Chavous of Stuckey
was over to see his friends here
on Thursday of lasi week.
Mrs. .1. I>. McCullough h*ft on
Friday last for Albany to visit
her son, Mr. Willie Coleman.
Rev. and Mrs. Brew ton, and
daughter, Lucy, of Ad rain, (la., ;
and Miss Matsie Brewton, of!
Way cross, and Mr. A. 0. Brew
ton, of Atlanta, were the guests
this week of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
M. Dame. Clinch Co. News.
Mr. B. R. Benton, a prominent
farmer and turpentine operator
of Wheeler county, was a visitor
here on Tuesday.
Sheriff Jas. Hester and Clerk
M. L. O’Brien attended the an
nual convention of the County*
Officers’ Association at Milieu
last week. They report a fine
time and speak in the highest
terms of the hospitality of the
people of Milieu.
Mrs. T. ,!. Pritchett, Miss Mar
garet Pritchett ami Masters Tom
and Ellison Pritchett left Wed
nesday for a fortnight’s stay at
Mt. Vernon Indore going to North
Georgia, where they will spend
some time. —Laurens Co. Herald.
Mr. W. 11. McQueen went to
Liberty county on Monday to join
his wife and children there and
try the fishing again at the fa
mous Dunn’s Lake and Old Rivet
on the Altamaha.
Mrs. Sumnei Morris and son,
John A. who have been visiting
here for a fortnight, returned to
their home at Mt. Vernon Mon
day.—Reidsville Journal.
Mr. C. A. Mason was transact
ing business in the hustling town
of Alston Tuesday.
Rev. W. D. McGregor will oc
cupy the pulpit at the Methodist
church here Sunday.
Mr. Jim McCullough is in Sav
annah on a visit to his Father.
Miss Flora Smith is at home
from college in South Carolina.
Thieshing machines have been
busy around here this week, and
hundreds of bushels of oats have
been sacked up and hauled in.
Several of our farmers have
been here this week, taking home
disc grain drills. The drills will
be used first in putting in peas
on oat land for hay.
Hon. D. S. McArthur, repre
sentative of Wheeler county, was
here a few days last week get
ting up abstracts in the clerk’s
Hon. John C. Johnson, Mont
gomery’s representative, was
here calling on friends on Friday
Miss Kthleen Folsom returned
Tuesday night from a month’s
stay with her sister in Macon.
Dr. J. F. Currie and Col. J. B.
Geigei took their families to Fer
ry l>ake for an outing on Tues
day and report a fine catch of
Mr. Emmet Hunt received by
Tuesday evening’s train a fine
bull dog from his old home. The
dog went into ecstasy at the
sound of the master’s voice that
it had not heard in nine months.
LOST—On street leading to B.
P. 1. or on court house square
one old-fashioned bar pin. Val
uta! for associations. Reward if
returned to this office. ad
Misses Rita Mae Outler and
Ernestine Blackwell of Institute
Heights were here shopping on
Mrs. Turner Smith and child
ren of Dublin are here visiting;
the family of Col. A. L. Lanier.
Brantley Chosen As
Big Railroad Lawyer.
Waycross, June 24.- That for
mer Congressman William G.
Brantley, of the Eleventh dis
trict, has accepted a position
with an organization comprising
all railroads of the United States,
as their southern representative,
with headquarters in Washing
ton, was learned here tonight
through an authoritative source.
The work he will handle will be
largely the compilation of the
value of all tangible pr Tty of
the railroads, covering states
from Virginia to Texas and all
territory south of Ohio river. Mr. '
Brantley will be associated with
tw r o other representatives, one
for the eastern states, and the
other for the western.
He has a five-year contract at
a salary reported as being be
tween $25,000 and $40,000. He
has gone to Washington to com
mence his new duties and will
move his family to that city
shortly. His new connection has
caused him to retire from law
practice in Atlanta.
Off To Gettysburg.
We are glad to learn that our
county and adjoining territory
will have a fair representation at
the great reunion at Gettysburg
next week, where thousands of
tents await the 40,000 veterans,
who will throng the famous old
Capt. M. D. Hughes, Mr. Peter
Johnson, Mr. W. A. Johnson, Mr.
Albert Sidney Johnson and Mr.
Martin F. Moses of this county,
and Capt. A. C. McLennan and
Mr. J. W. Clements of Alamo,
and perhaps others, are planning
to leave on Saturday next for the
great rendezvous.
Notice Local Legislation.
State of Georgia—Montgomery
Notice is hereby given that a !
bill will be introduced in the 1
General Assembly at the present ;
session, to amend an Act incorpo
rating the Town of Alston, in the
said county, approved August 3,
1910, so as to confer more power
and privileges upon said town, ,
and more clearly define the pow
er, privileges and duties of said ,
town and its officers, and for
other purposes. This the 22d
day of June, 1913. ad.
John Low Young of Canton,
China, who graduated in the Uni
versity of Georgia last week,
made SBO,OOO while taking the
course in agriculture by buying
and exporting cotton.
Lawton Bennett of Sylvania,
aged 21, was drowned in the
Ogeechee river while in swim
ming at a picnic on Friday after
noon near Ilalcyondale.
In a fire at Sandersville Mon-'
day a stallion valued at SI,OOO, j
the property of Lee Joiner, was
burned up.
In the criminal court at Wash- 1
ington, 1). C., on Monday, Ray
M. Stewart, age IS, attempted
to shoot up the court. He fired
three shots, all of which went
wild, before being choked into
insensibility by a witness in the
case against him.
Mrs. W. C. Lanier of Waycross,
on trial this week on the charge
of murdering her new-born in
fant, was acquitted. Her hus
band was convicted at the May
term of the court on the same
charge and sentenced for life.
Mary Tribble, the little At
lanta girl poisoned by eating l
school crayons two weeks ago,
and whose case has been a puzzle
to the doctors, was still alive on
Madame Thelma, a fortune
teller of Mt n, has disappeared
with a quantity of jewels left
with her by confiding patrons,
“to sleep over.”
Bichloride of mercury contin
ues to be the favorite drug with
suicides. Lizzie Silverman of
Chicago being the latest, and the
sixth one in that city to go out
by this route since the death of
Banker Walker in Macon.
A small bey climbed into the
cab of an engine in the round
house at Buffalo, N. Y., on
.Tuesday, pullet! opened the
throttle and the engine started
and killed two men.
Prolific English Walnuts.
A few days ago County Survey
or Morris handed us a twig of
green English walnuts, grown in
| this county. The branch was
only six inches long and had in
that short space nineteen nuts
about half grown. The tree is
growing on the farm of Mr. C.
D. Williams a few miles north
of Mt. Vernon. The English
walnut is said to do well grafted
|or budded on a block walnut
stock, and the planting of these
: nuts might pay as well as pecans,
j The twig sent to this office indi
! cates that the English variety is
very prolific.
Sing on Fifth Sunday.
The Union Singing Convention
will meet with Sardis Church on
the sth Sunday. Everybody in
vited to attend. Go prepared to
stay all day.
J. F. McDaniel.
Shouldn’t Worry.
Why worry about a summer
vacation with two band concerts
at the parks Sunday, any number
of swimming holes, and lemon- i
ade galore at the best regulated
locker clubs?—Atlanta Journal.
This is Your Bank! j
We want you to feel that we are here to render ser- a
1: vice to the public—to you personally. jf
Whether it be in safeguarding your funds or in »
|| advising you on business matters, we shall treat 8
8; you as we treat all our patrons—with the best service a
g and impartiality. There is no middle ground in our «
(dealings with customers. The small depositor will v.
receive just as careful attention as the large. a
We have taken every possible precaution to keep |j
your money safely, for our continuance in business 8
means as much to us as it does to you. jj
- ' 1
>7 r
tZ ' i 1
Legislature Meets.
The regular annual session of
the Georgia General Assembly
began yesterday, and will last
fifty days. On Saturday Gover
nor Brown will turn over the
govermental reins to lion. .John
M. Slaton, who will be inaugu
rated with simple ceremonies.
Legislation of grave importance
will be up for consideration at
this session. Indications are that
there will be a deluge of local
bills and many new county pro
positions will be crowded in for
consideration. Many new mem
bers occupy seats, and many old
legislators are out this time.
Tax Notice.
I will be in Mt. Vernon June
18 and 19 for receiving taxes,
and books will close eight or ten
I days thereafter.
Isaac Brooks,
T. R. M. C.
Attv at Law,
Mt Vernon, Georgia