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© e© © © © .©;:©:© © ©•© :©: .©. © © © © © ©:©.©.©:© © ©
My patrons will please note
that my store will be closed to
morrow', the day being the anni
versary of our Independence as
a nation. W. H. McQueen.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hilton of
the Higgs ton section were here
shopping on Friday last.
Judge Wm. B. Haircloth, a
prominent lawyer and farmer of
Wrightsville, was transacting
business here on Thursday of last
Miss Claude McDonald return
ed to her home at Ha\ kinsville
on Tuesday morning after a visit
here to Mrs. I). A. Mediae.
The first good rain Ml. Vernon
has been blessed with in eleven
weeks came on Monday after
Mr. S. W. Harrell of the Als
ton section was here on Tuesday.
Mr. D. A. Jackson of the
Higgs ton community was attend
ing to business here on Tuesday.
Mrs. Morgan Hughes of Pica
yune, Miss., returned toiler home
on Tuesday after an extended
visit to numerous relatives here.
Mr. John S. Sharpe of Alston
was among his friends here on
Mr. G. W. Beck worth of Tar
rytown was before the Board of
County Commissioners Tuesday
looking out for a new road.
Mr. M. Bridges of Wheeler
county near Lumber City w'as a
visitor here on Tuesday.
Messrs. Tom, Sinsey and Angus
Morris were among the farmers
visiting here on the “First Tues
LOST—On street leading to B.
P. I. or on court house square
one old-fashioned bar pin. Val
ued for associations. Reward if
returned to this office. ad
Mts. A. L. Sammons was a
visitor here yesterday, guest of
Mrs. D. E. Mcßae.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McQueen
and children returned Frida>
from a delight fill outing in Liber
ty county.
Mrs. 1). W. Folsom returned
Friday morning from Liberty
county after a stay of some weeks
with relatives.
Rev. J. I>. Rabun will preach
at the residence of Mr. .las. W.
Adams, Route No. 1. Sunday af
ternoon, 3:30.
Mr. C. A. Mason is out on the
road this week again selling im
proved farm machinery.
Miss Sue Lynn Stone of Glen
wood is visiting her friend, Miss
Francis Pool on Institute Heights.
Mr. F. E. Burch an' l family
attended the birthday athering
at Mr. Mathew Sharpe’s lasi Sat
' ■<■■■■ -
27;V>77 is the number of si
motor tluit left our labtorv one
bright morning not long ago.
It was a wonderful motor—
the result of a big and un
matched experience. And the
thousand or more motors wo
arc* building every dav sire ex
aetlv like it.
M r< than "To ihoto-anil portls now in set- I I
' h-< «-on\ incingio nlotieeof tin i: wmnhrfnt merit-,
linnalniut ♦oSSa; l out ins-t ni *Ono; t own < at
f.«*.!». I>< tiuit wit It full • ,|tii| iiu'nt. Uet int, testing
"Ford Tine N l. OillDaml J. K Halt. Agt* .
Soperton, tin.
Mr. Jas. W. Adams has been
raising ome very fine honey this
Dr. M. L. Currie of Vidalia
was a visitor here on Tuesday.
Mrs. F. M. Smith went up to
Mt. Vernon Sunday morning to
he* present at a Sunbeam pro
gram Sunday evening at the Bap
tist church. She addressed the
ladies of the Woman’s Missionary
S *ciety Monday afternoon on
Missions. While in Mt. Vernon
she was the guest at the home of
her friend, Mrs. M. O. Cutler.
She returned home Monday af
ternoon. Lyons Progress.
Miss Bertie Twiggs went up to
Tarrytown with Mr. Homer
Adams Tuesday evening to visit
Mrs. Adams, Mrs, Cadle, and
other friends.
Mr. J. W. Gibbs of Hack Branch
was attending to business here at
a meeting of the County Com
missioners on Tuesday.
Mrs. F. Lee Mcßae left Tues
day morning for Sylvester and
other points, accompanied by her
niece, Miss Urania Mcßae.
Mr. J. W. Linder, who owns a
fine farm at Higgston, was among
friends here on Tuesday.
Hon. C. H. Wooten of Scot
land was calling on friends here
last Monday.
The Mt. Vernon Bank will be
closed toworrow, July Fourth.
Messrs. Willie McQueen and
Harry Wilt tiro threatening to
leave their acustomed fish drops
here on the Oconee and go down
in Liberty county where you
have to stand behind a tree to
get your hook properly baited.
Judge L. B. McLemoro came
back Monday from another trip
to Atlanta on account of his ill
health. Mr. McLemore has not
improved much. Dr. J. F. Hunt
took t lie trip with him.
IGO Girls in Bibb to
Hold Canning Bees.
Macon, June 30. —Beginning
July 7 and for a period of sixteen
days, the 1(50 members of the
girls’ canning clubs of Bibb
county will hold canning bees at
different points in the county, un
der the leadership of Mrs. C. J.
Ralston, county canning agent,
and Miss Mary E. (’reswell, head
of the State demonstration work.
It is estimated that 20,000 cans
of vegetables and fruit will be
canned by the girls’ clubs this
The barn on the Mill Pond
plantation near Thomasvile, own
ed by J. H. Wade of Cleveland,
Ohio, was struck by lightning at
noon on Saturday and the fire
resulting burned barns, mules,
sheds and the dairy, at a loss of
Mt. Vernon Postoffice is
in New Quarters.
On Tuesday, the first, the Mt.
Vernon postoffice began business
in the new Fountain building,
recently finished and fitted up
for that purpose. The new quar
ters are commodious and present
an appearance that will compare
favorably with many city offices.
A large number of boxes and
furniture have been placed for
the convience of patrons and the
quick dispatch in handling the
mails. The place presents a neat
and attractive appearance.
Mr. A. L. Sammons Dead.
On Wednesday evening of last
week, at his home near Tarry
town, Mr. Anderson Lee Sam
mons passed to his reward. Mr,
Sammons was a Confederate vet
eran, and a man most highly es
teemed by those who knew him
He had not quite lived 84 years.
Quiet and unassuming, he lived a
life that proved a blessing to lov
ed ones and acquaintances. His*
wife and many relatives still live
to keep him in sacred remember
ance. The burial took place at
County Boards Meet.
The Commissioners of Roads
and Revenues met in their regu
lar monthly meeting Tuesday.
Routine matters were attended
to, all the members of the hoard
being present except Hon. M. R.
Davis of Orland.
The Board of Educs : on met
yesterday, E, C. MeAli, r. W,
A. Peterson and Willie Gay mak
ing a quorum; A. T. Miller and
Geo. L. Peterson being absent,
Kemp School.
j Special Correspondence.
Our crops are needing rain.
We hope to have a large school
next week, under the manage
ment of Miss Annie Camp.
1 Jesse Goff spent Sunday with
Ad Palmer.
Horace Goff and Lester Cana
dy are in Tennille on business,
Warermelons are getting ripe,
Come, Mr. Editor. [Thanks.]
Sunday school at Bear Creek
j Sunday. Jack Frost.
Magnificent Corn
On Lester Acre.
An acre of corn on D. B. Les
ter’s place at Beaulieu is attract
ing a great deal of attention be
cause of the massive size of the
Many exaggerated stories have
been told about Mr. Lester’s prize
acre of corn. One man who saw
it wanted to buy the stalks for
piling, hut Mr. Lester declined
the proposition as he wants to
make batteaux out of the stalks.
The corn is so tall that a man
cannot reach to the top of the
stalks with a garden rake. The
stalks are just about the most
magnificent that have grown
along the coast. But expert
farmers who have seen the patch
of corn express serious doubt
whether it will grain. They are
afraid the corn has all run to
stalk and there will be nothing
for the ear.
Mr. Lester believes otherwise.
He followed the plan of Walter
Bridges, a 11-year-old corn club
boy of Terrell county, and he ex
pects to get about 200 bushels to
the acre. Young Bridge’s acre
yielded 15(5 bushels and lie had a
long dry spell to retard the corn’s
development. The corn was
planted in rows twenty-eight
inches apart, and the seed in the
row six inches from each other.
"Phis has produced a veritable
jungle. The big, bushy stalks
are so close together that it is
with difficulty that they are work
ed at all.
One thousand pounds of ferti
lizer was put on the acre, and 200
pounds of nitrate of soda was ad
ded twice and later 100 pounds
more of the same material was
put on. The growth is really a
curiosity. Some of tl stalks
are beginning to tassel. they
do not grain Mr. Lester will still
have a fine crop of fodder.—Sa
vannah News.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hall of
Soper ton are happy over the ad
vent of a brand-new baby at their
Those who are attending the
reunion at Gettysburg, Pa., from
this section are Capt. M. D.
Hughes and F. M. Mcßae. Mt.
Vernon; M. T. Moses and Pres
ton Moses. Uvalda; J. W. Clem
ents and Capt. A. C. McLennan.
Rev. W. D. McGregor
Here Last Sabbath.
Rev. W. D. McGregor of Mc-
Rae occupied the pulpit of the
Methodist church here on Sun
day last, preaching to a good
congregation. Mr. McGregor is a
native of old Montgomery county
and his coming is always a source
of delight to many old friends
who have known him from his
infancy. He is today one of the
strong preachers of the South
Georgia Conference, and his dis
courses are in the power and
demonstration of the Spirit.
Ballikinrain Castle near Stirl
ing, Scotland, was burned on
Monday at a loss of $500,000.
The fire supposed to have been
the work of suffragettes.
District Court of the United
States, Eastern Division, Southern
District, of Georgia. In Bank
ruptcy. Notice of Application for
Discharge in Bankruptcy.
In the matter of W. L. Snow,
bankrupt, County of Montgom
ery, Ga. To the creditors of the
above named bankrupt: You are
hereby notified that the above
mentioned bankrupt has Hied his
application for a discharge from
all the debts provable in bank
ruptcy against the said W. L.
Snow. The said application will
be heard by the Hon. Emory
Speer, Judge of the United States
District Court for said division
and district, at the United States
Court House at Savannah, on the
2Rth day of July, J01f?•
All creditors of haul bankrupt are notified to ap
pear at the time and place stated, and show cause,
if any they can, why the prayer contained in said
petition should not. be granted.
Dated at Savannah, Ga., this
28th day of June. 1918.
Cook Clayton, Clerk.
District Court of the United
States, Eastern Division, South
ern District of Georgia. In Bank
ruptcy. Noticeof Application for
Discharge in Bankruptcy.
In the matter of F. Dees, bank
nipt, County of Montgomery, Ga
To the creditors of the above
named bankrupt: You are hereby
notified that the above mentioned
bankrupt lias filed his application
for a discharge from all the debts
provable in bankruptcy against
the said F, Dees The said ap
plication will be heard by the
Hon. Emory Speer, Judge of the
United States District Court for
said division and district at the
United States Court House, at
Savannah, on the 28t,h day of
July, 1918
AH creditors of said bankrupt are notified to ap
pear at the time and place stated, and show cause,
if any they can, why the prayer contained in said
petition should not bp granted.
Dated at Savannah, Ga., this
28th day of June, 1918.
Cook Clayton, Clerk.
In the District Court of the Unit
ed States for the Southern Dis
trict of Georgia, Eastern Divis
ion. In Bankruptcy.
In the Matter of Wallace Moses,
bankru pt.
To the creditors of Wallace Mo
rs of IJvalda, Ga., in the County
of Montgomery and district afore
said, bankrupt:—Notice is hereby
given that on the 28th day of
June A. D. 1918. the above named
party was duly adjudicated a bank
rupt,, and that the first, Meeting
of his creditors will be held at the
office of the Referee, Post Office
Building Savannah, Ga , on the
10th day of July, A. D. 1918, at
12 o’clock city time at which tune
the said creditors may attend,
prove their claims, appoint a trus
tee, examine the bankrupt and
transact suchother business as may
properh come before said meeting
Savannah, Ga , June 80, 1918.
Referee in Bankruptcy.
W. M. Lewis, Attv. for Bkt.
District Court of the United
States, Eastern Division, South
ern District of Georgia. Notice
of Application for Discharge in
In the matter of M. Q. Wilcox,
Bankrupt, County of Montgom
ery, Georgia. t'o the creditors of
the above named bankrupt: You
are hereby notified that the above
mentioned bankrupt hns tiled his
application for a discharge from
all the debts provable in hank
ruotcy against the said M G
Wilcox. The said application will
be heard by the Hon. Emory
Speer, Judge of the United States
District Court for said division
and district, at the United States
court house, at Savannah on the
2S»h dav of July, 1918.
All creditor* of said bankrupt arc notified to ap
pear at the time and place stated, and show cause,
if any they can, why the prayer contained in said
petition should not be granted.
Dated at Savannah. Ga., this
28th day of June, 1918.
Cook Clayton, Clerk.
I «
a When it is a question of eye-sight, it will pay you to visit a
skilled optometrist, and get glasses that fit. To do this you ||
| will save money and trouble. We have just installed the |
li above instrument for the benefit of our patients. You will
g find we give you service and not hot air. “We do not travel. ” $|
§ The relief of Eye-strain is our specialty. See us and see best.
| W. E. WALKER, Jr. Optometrist 1
1 Church St. Phone 215 VIDALIA, GEORGIA |
Against Loss I
© © © 0’
| .©.©©.© No Matter from What Source it May Come ji :
!©.©.:©:© i|i
We are constantly adding new |
accounts, and our business is increasing jj;
% at a very satisfactory rate. jji
Possibly yo !> also might be glad to iji
I join us. i|:
Fresh and Pure from
H the growers and manu-
, ft of the doctor and drug- ®
’C Tgist will avail you
nothing if the prescriptions are filled with a poor grade or
with drugs that have lost their strength by reason of age. (*)
Health a Valuable Asset. ®
I When it needs attention, you can not afford to trifle. Let Sk
us serve you. aB
A Full Line of seasonable garden
seeds always in stock. ||
Sumerford Drug Co. |
Prescription Druggists &
Ailey, Georgia
This is Your Bank! |
We want you to feel that we are here to render ser- |j
| vice to the public—to you personally. |;
Whether it he in safeguarding your funds or in |:
advising you on business matters, we shall treat ||
a you as we treat all our patrons —with the best service
g and impartiality. Th"* is no middle ground in our «
dealings with custor. rs. The small depositor will x
a receive just as careful attention as the large.
» We have taken every possible precaution to keep
« your money safely, for our continuance in business
ji: means as much to us as it does to you. j|