The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, July 10, 1913, Image 2

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    T?\e Monitor.
Entered at the I'ostntlie* in Mt. Vernon, Ga. a« Second-Class Mail Matter.
H. B. FOLSOM, Editor and Owner. Si a Year, in Advance.
advortiHcments mnat invariably be paid in advance, at tin- le«al rate, and aa tlie law
diiertH; and moat be in band not later than Wedneitday mortiitiK of tlie Brut week of itmertion
Mount Vernon, Ga.. Thursday Morning, .July 10, 1913.
The public will feel relieved if
the McNaughton case is ever set
tled, no matter what disposition
is made of it.
First cotton blooms are still
showing up in North Georgia.
Down here we look for open
Dolls any day.
Remember that there are sev
eral important reasons why you
should turn out and vote for Ba
con next Tuesday.
After all, our Fourth was not
so very sane. Forty deaths,
twenty-eight of them by drown
ing, is rat her a bad record for
this year’s celebration.
Every patriotic Georgian who
has the right to vote ought to be
at the polls on Tuesday next to
casta vote for lion. A. 0. Ba
con. A full vote would speak
volumes for right.and L .nocratic
That old saw about “the great
est good to the greatest number’’
needs sharpening in Georgia. If
you will drop in on the Georgia
legislature this week you will
find that the greatest good is ex
pected by the fellow who gets
there first with his scheme.
The multitude of measures
crowding in for enactment by
the present legislature would in
dicate that we are a people in
need of many rules and regula
tions. One half the laws of the
state now are almost a dead let
ter because they are not enforced.
The friends of Representatives
McArthur of Wheeler and Brown
ing of Bleckley regret very much,
that the legislature declined to
let them serve; but it is gratify
ing to them to note that it is so
specifically stated that their un
seating had nothing of a personal
n lure behind it.
Willacooehee, like Adel wants
entirely too much territory for
her proposed new count v. After
’Coochec makes a few stabs at it
she will learn that “beggars
must not be choosers, ’’ and that
the Legislature is not going to
ruin any old counties to make
new ones. Nashville Herald.
You just can’t down old Geor
gia by the failure of one crop.
Reaches were short this year,
but watermelons, cantaloupes and
cucumbers art* bringing in thous
ands of dollars daily; and profit
able crops of hay and peas will
follow these on the same land.
Young man, plant your two
sound feet on Georgia soil and
get ready for a life of peace and
We have always stood for co
operation by the people of Mont
gomery county as the only means
of advancing the prosperity
and social welfare of the whole
people. Co-operation means
strength and power to accom
plish desired ends. Disii ’-ation
means stagnation and absolution
means weakness for ihe whole
jieople. But the people must
take their choice.
As a people, we are learning
more and more as the years go
by. Twenty-five or thirty years
ago the press was howling for
immigration as the one thing
needful to complete our great
ness, as a na on. Today that
same press is calling for restric
tions that w ; !l stop the foreign
tide that would soon change the
plans and puriKises of our wrov
ernment and make us what the
crowded countries of the old
world are today. i
► ◄
► Gleanings From 2
t Wisdom’s Field. \
► 4
Fitzgerald Press: —We still
hear much talk of the State
building the “state road to the
sea.” A state that cannot pay
her teachers their salaries for six
months after the work is done is
in no shafie to build railroads to
the sea.
Hartwell Sun: According to
Edison, poverty will be unknown
a hundred years hence. We will
be starved to death and gone to
our reward long before then.
A mericus Times-Recorder: —No
danger of the natives starving
down in south Georgia as long as
the watermelon and cantaloupe
crops are good.
Graymont Hustler;— Los An
geles, Cal., has recently had its
First rain in June in 35 years. All
of which makes us glad that we
live in Georgia, even if we have
,ome long dry spells down here.
It would mean an absolute crop
failure if we did not have any
rain here during June.
Savannah Press: —Kansas has
a $40,000,000 wheat crop which
shows they have learned out
there that it is better to have a
farm covered with wheat than
with a mortgage.
I )üblin Courier-Dispatch:—lf
the legislature were to pass all
the hills introduced so far at this
session it would he in session un
til the end of the year. Every
body puts in a bill, in the legis
Walker County Messenger:—lt
now seems that the Legislature is
going to reform the tax system
and see to it that the teachers of
the State are paid promptly. If
they will do these two things,
t hough they do nothing more, the
session will have been worth
Monroe Advertiser: —Now is
the season upon us when the
small boy betaketh himself unto
ye washhole, strippeth off his
vestments (also his pantsments)
and diveth into its limpid, liquid
and refreshing depths.
Darien Gazette: If there is
goiqg to boa hot political cam
paign in Georgia the coming
year, why we will be compelled
to accept a foreign job, should
one come our way. However,
we don’t want it if we can have
political peace.
Macon Telegraph:—The gray
and blue have had a hot time at j
Gettysburg, but not quite as hot
a time as they had fifty years
IVKalb New Era:—Don’t joke
about the Georgia Legislature,
for when you come to think about
what it costs the taxpayers of the
State in dollars and cents, it’s a
mighty serious matter.
Nashville Herald: Why should
a good county like Berrien be
cut up and ruined to make a new j
county? No reason for it. and,
it will not be done.
Savannah News: While the
whole country was talking about
the fiftieth anniversary of Pick
ett's charge on July 3, did any-
Ihmly stop to think that the same
'av was the fifteenth anniver-|
sary of the battle of Santiago
Bay ? How fine it would lie if
all our glorious anniversaries
could be celebrated on the same
Douglas County Sentinel:—Tax
reform is one of the important
questions lx*fore the legislature
and should receive its careful [
consideration. Just and equit
able methods of assessment are
vital questions and some plan
should Ik* devised by which ev
ery individual should lx* required
to return his property at a fair
Modem Conveniences.
The Recoid-Herald relates that
a Chicagoan who employs a
Swedish maid overheard the fol
lowing conversation the othe day
between her cook and the maid
next door, also a Sw r ede:
“How are you, Hilda?”
“I well; I like my yob. W’e
got cremated cellar, cemetery
plumbing, elastic lights—and a
hoosit. ”
“What’s a ‘hoosit,’ Hilda?”
“Oh, a hell rings. You put a
thing to your ear and say ‘Hello,’
and someone says ‘Hello,’ an’
, you say ‘hoosit.’ ”
District Court of the United
States, Eastern Division, Southern
District of Georgia. In Bank
ruptcy. Notice of Application for
Discharge in Bankruptcy.
In the matter of W. L. Snow,
bankrupt, County of Montgom
ery, Ga. To the creditors of the
above named bankrupt: You are
hereby notified that the above
mentioned bankrupt has tiled Ins
application for a discharge from
all the debts provable in bank
ruptcy against the said W. L.
Snow. The said application will
be heard by the Hon. Emory
Speer, Judge of the United States
District Court for said division
and district, at the United States
Court House at Savannah, on the
28th day of July, 1913.
All creditors of said Bankrupt are notified to ap
pear at the time and place stated, and show cause,
if any they can, why the prayer contained in said
petition should not be granted,
Dated at Savannah, Ga., this
28th day of June. 1913.
Cook Clayton, Clerk.
For Summer Time.
In the good old summer time
all women want a Monitor Self-
Heating Iron. Saves half the
time, half the labor and all the
worry of ironing day. Iron and
keep cool. Sample $3.50. Satis
faction guaranteed. Fifty repre
sentatives wanted at once. Write
for terms.
Royston IttON Co.,
ad Royston, Ga.
Sooner the Better.
The minute a tooth begins to
decay it is the beginnin f later
inconvenience and expen . The
time to treat a tooth is the min
ute the decay begins. The way
to keep posted on the condition
of your teeth is to see a dentist
at least twice a year.
Dr. L. W. Bush.
[ad] Soperton, Ga.
For Long Term Farm
I am negotiating some very
attractive Long Term Farm Loans
for the best companies doing bus
iness in Georgia, with lowest rates
of interest and the most liberal
terms of payments
I have several years experience
in the loan business, am located
at the county site and believe that
I am in position to give you the
best terms and as prompt services
as any one.
If vou need a loan see me before
A. B. Hutcheson,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Live Stock
Insure your horse in an old
old and reliable company. Low
rates—less than two cents a day
will guarantee prompt payment
of claim. Mo assessments to pay
and no risks to run. I represent
the Atlantic Horse Insurance Co.
of Providence, R. I. Call and
look into the plan.
Attorney at Law,
Mt. Vernon office Tuesday, Wed
nesday, Thursday. Telephone.
If your Piano is worth anything.
it is worth EXPERT tuning.
Any other kind will ruin it. I
have a diploma, and guarantee
all work. Write, and I will call.
Charles L. Hamilton,
You’re Prepared
t\\i T For the Every
iJr ,'|{f ij Day Job of Life
The Satisfaction of Doing it
Well is Assured When
Save Time and Feed by Getting the Very Best
Our Lino of II ouscholrt Requisites is completed and selected to
please the most exacting housekeeper. Farmers find great help
in our line ol Oliver Chilled Plows, I. H. C. Harvesting Ma
chinery, American Field Fence and Choice Farm Tools.
Soperton Hdw. Co.
Office over Mt. Vernon Drug Co.
Dental Surgeon,
Offices 2d Ploor Bank of Soperton Building,
Soperton, Ga
On Improved Farms in
Montgomery County at a Small
Kate of Interest.
J. E. Hall, Soperton.
A. L. Lanier,
Attorney at Law,
Will Practice in all the Courts of
the State.
llaMi» Burch
Attorney at Law
Practices in all the Courts.
Blacksmith A: Repair
All Classes of Repair Work Work
Quickly and Correctly Done.
Bring Me Your Work.
'^■&^k, EX ° PERIENCE
Copyright* Ac.
Antoni a *kc’*'h d ascription may
quickly luwert.-i.ti our • ;*t: free whether &o
invention is proPnl .y V aemaMc. t •
ikmistrictlycu» a.lotitlal. HANDBOOK onUateuui
cent free. .cei . y for securing patents.
Patent* .ak. \ t r ugh Mutm X Co. revelry
tptcuil v fnv. » ' h 'ut charge, til the
Scientific Jlritcrican.
A handsomely ILuatrated wm»kir. I <uve*t c!r
cu ration of any * ei ? 'l« urnal. Term*. $3 a
year: fur n 'ha. |L Sotdbfall n e«rad ea lent.
MUNN & Co. 36,8^*dw *' New York
Branch office. fiJS F St_ Waabmgtoo, D. C
Schedule Effective Oct. 22, 1911.
NO. 18 No. 20 cT ATf i OCB NoTii) No. J7
700 400 Leave Ma vui Arrive li 25 428
7 14 4 14 Swift Creek 11 12 11 27
723 423 Dry Branch 11 03 404
7 27 4 27 Atlantic 10 59 4 00
7 31 4 81 Pike’s Peak 10 55 3 56
789 4 Oil Fitzpatrick 10 48 349
744 444 Ripley 10 48 344
i7 56 456 Jeffersonville 10 81 382
j 8 06 506 Gallemore 10 19 321
I 8 16 516 Danvillf 10 09 811
8 21 5 21 Allentown 10 04 3 06
8 31 5 31 Montrose 9 54 2 56
842 542 Dudley 948 245
8 48 5 48 Shew make 9 37 2 89
854 554 Moore 9 801 232
9 10 6 10 Ar. Lv. 9 15 2 17
915 615 Lv. Ar. 910 j 2 12
917 617 SMD &S J 908 j 210
9 21 6 21 N M D& S J 9 04 2 00
9 31 681 Catlin 8 54 1 56
941 641 M inter 8 48 1 45
951 651 Roekledge 831 188
9 56 6 56 Orland 8 25 1 27
10 11 711 Soperton 810 112
10 22 722 1 Tarrytown 758 100
10 30 730 , Kibbee 7 50112 52
10 45 7 45 Vidaiia 7 35,12 37
At Dublin with the Wrightsville &Tennille and the Dublin & South
western tor Eastman aial Tennille and intermediate points
At Macon with Southern Railway from and to Cincinnatti, Chattanooga,
Rome Birmingham, Atlanta and intermediate points. Also the Central of
Georgia Railway, G. S. &F. Railway, Macon and Birmingham Railway
and Georgia Railroad.
At Roekledge with the Milieu and Southwestern for Wad ley and in
termediate points.
At Vidaiia with the Seaboard Air Line for Savannah and intermediate
points, and with the Milieu and Southwestern for Milien, Stilimore and in
termediate points.
J. A. STREYER, G. P. A., Macon, Ga.
5; Loans of any amount from .1800 to $50,000 on farms in Mont- p
p gotnery and adjoining counties. No delays for inspection, g
Have lands examined by a man living near you. g
t LOANS ON FIVE YEARS TIME, p»y*ble ... easy installments to Ij
§ suit borrower. g
I' Merchants Bank Building AL R<l( , Gel. §■
£ §
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