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§ ;©• © ©lg ©o: G.'s.G.e ©s' Qffi&gflm |
! "local - PERSONAL g
— Jgf
•l ■ ■ ■ ©© © ©©©©© ©©© © © ©.O ©
“Summers” Barnesville Bug-
Kies are given up to be the best
made in the South or anywhere
else. “Summers” Buggies are
for sale by Soperton Hardware
Co. ad
Mr. Carl C. McAllister and
sister. Miss Emma, of Longpond
were visitors here on Thursday
of last week.
Mr. W. T. Hadden of Wheeler
county was over to see his friends
here on Monday.
“Weber Wagons” at Soperton
Hardware Company’s Store. 5 ad
Dr. M. Morrison of Glenwood,
a former citizen here, was over
on Monday.
“1 Jeering Ideal Mowers” run
lighest and have fewest oarts to
wear out. Soperton hardware
Co. sell “IJeering M wers and
Rakes” arid keep repairs for them
in stock. ad
Mr. J. I). McGregor of Lumber
City, former sheriff of Montgom
ery county, was among friends
and relatives here this week.
"Triple Motion” Ice Cream
Freezers freeze* fastest,. See the
line carried 1/ Soperton Hard
ware? Co. ad
Mrs. Hu nice Patillo and chil
dren of Bartlesville*, S. C., are
visiting Mrs. 11. A. Simpson and
other re*lative*s here. Mrs. I’atil
lo was formerly Miss Adams,
elaughte*r of Mr. Geo. L. Adams.
Mrs. Joe W. Sharpe: anel Mr.
It. L. Sharpe visiteel the*ir broth
er, Judge* L. B. MeLcmore, here
last Saturday.
“White Sewing Machines” run I
lightest and hist longest. For
sale by Se>perton Hardware Co.,
Soperton, Ga. ad
Mr. H. L. Wilt and Mr. Willie |
McQueen returned Sunday night f
from a Fourth e>f July outing in
Liberty county.
Befeire* buying a Refrigerator
see Soperton Hardware Com
pany's line. ad
Mr. Walker Morris of the*
Higgston section was here yes
Mr. W. M. MeLemoro and Mrs.
A. A. Pe*te*rson of Vidalia Were
guests of Judge L. B. MeLemoro
he*re e»n Sunday.
Miss Marie* McQueen is in Ma
con visiting Mrs. B. B. W’oeiel on
Walnut stre*e*t.
Se*c the* Soperton Hardware
Co., fora “Cotton King Revei
sible Disc Harrow with Tongue
Truck or Tongue.” ad
Mr. D. S. Barnhill, a promi
nent citizen of Lett hair was here*
e»n Monday.
Judge J. T. Langford of Me- 1
Gregor anel Re v. D. F. Sheppard
of Daisy spent Saturday night
lu re* with Judge L. B. Mel.e
more. ,
-rcmmmmmm—m—mm—m—mmmmmmmm -■« mi 1
27.V>7? is the number of a
motor that left our fahtorv one
• **
hi ijJ.i morning not long
It was a wonderful motor—
the result of a and un
matched experience. And the
thousand or more motors we
are buildim* e\cry day are ex
actly like it.
More than *.’7r> thousand Fords now in s*»r
vic«*—voi*' luring o\ idetu'c of t heir wonderful turrit.
Rm a -ml routing! in Tmni t in UU —
f.o.h I>« t»« >it with full .-quii'iurnt. Hot inirivsting
"Knt'd Tilths." S. 1. Uillis ami J. K. Hall. Agts.,
Mr. E. A. Outlaw and Mayor
Lamar Holmes represented soper
ton here on Monday, attending
Ordinary’s court.
Mr. A. S. Dukes of North
Montgomery, a well-to-do farm
er, was here on Monday.
Before buying a stove or range
see the Soperton Hardware
Mrs. Thad Huckahee of Sylves
ter is here visiting her mother,
Mrs, Missouri Mcßae.
Mr. W. H. McQueen went up
to Atlanta Sunday for a short
Soperton Hardware Co have
the largest assortment of Furni
j ture in Montgomery County, ad
Lyons Easily Beaten
By Mt. Vernon, Score 13-9
Mt. Vernon defeated Lyons
here Friday afternoon by the
score of 13 to 9. Lyons used
diree pitchers but could not stop
the heavy hitting of the Mt,
Vernon team.
Batteries: Mt. Vernon, Mc-
Allister and Geiger; Lyons, Cole
man, Hart, Coleman and God
win. Umpire Morris.
Negro Shot By Marshal.
Dublin, Ga., July 7.—Will
Sanders, a negro, vvas shot and
! seriously wounded yesterday at
Rock ledge in this county by the
marshal of the town, when San
ders attempted to shoot the mar
shal while he w r as arresting the
negro. Sander* was brought to
Dublin, and is now in j ail here,
where he is receiving medical
1 attention.
Hides Wanted.
Best prices for dry and green
hides. Delivered at Morris &
Hart’s store. W. B. lIAR'L
ad IJvalda, Ga.
I )r. 11 uglies (’tuning
To Mt. Vernon.
Dr. F. B. Hughes, the eye
sight specialist will be at Mt.
Vernon Drug Co’s., Store on next
Friday, July IKth. If you need
expert service or want the right
kind of advice about your eyes
don’t fail to see Dr. Hughes dur
ing his stay here. He will leave
at 4 p. m. ad.
(’hildren’s Teeth
Not'd Attention.
Just .s much as grown-ups.
Too many parents are careless,
about the teeth of their children. J
Oft times a simple filling would !
save the expense and trouble of
a gold crown, or a bridge, and
prolong the life of the natural
teeth many years if attended to
in time.
Dr. Bush will be in Tarrv
town. Wednesday, July lfith, to
attend to all Dental Work. ad.
Dr. L. W. Bush,
ad Soperton, Ga.
Thomas County Melons
Bring Fancy Prices.
Thomasvilie, Ga., July 7.
Watermelons, cantaloupe and
grapes are some of the produc
tions of Thomas county that are
distributing good money around
now at a time when it is needed.
The average price for water
melons has kept up well at SIOO
per carload, this price of course
being for the better class of mel
ons, with fancy lots bringing
still higher prices. While the
shipments will not be as heavy
next week they will still keep up
during the week.
Cantaloupes have been bring
ing about SBSO a carload, with
probably about half or more of
the crop shipped. While the
acreage immediately around
Thomasville has been small, there
have been some fine crops made
in other sections of the county.
Killed Farm Hand
In Self-Defense.
Vidalia, Ga., July 7. —Acting
in self-defense Mr. N. H. Wil
liams, a prominent citizen of this
place, killed a negro farm hand
on the afternoon of July 4, by
striking him over the head with
a stick.
Mr. Williams was giving his
emyloyes instructions concerning
the work for the following day,
when the negro became abusive
and advanced on him vvith his
hand in his hip pocket. Mr.
William* then struck the negro
with a stick, resulting in his
death the following day.
, At a preliminary trial before
Justice McQueen Saturday after
noon it was determined that Mr.
Williums acted in self-© sense.
Safe for Sale.
Large double door Cary Iron
Safe for sale at bargain. Good
as new. See me at once.
J. W. Palpier,
Guardian J. A. Riddle,
M. L. Boone, a young man em
ployed in the postoflice at Bax
ley, Ga., has been taken to Sa
vannah, charged with stealing a
special delivery letter containing
111 the District Court of the Unit
ed States for the Southern Dis
trict of Georgia, Eastern Divis
ion. In Bankruptcy.
In the Matter of Monday & Had
den. a firm, and J. C. Monday and
G. W. Hadden, Individuals,
bankrupts. In Bankruptcy.
To the Creditors of the above
named parties, merchants of Jvib
bee, Ga., in the county of Mont
gomery and District aforesaid,
bankrupt: —Notice is hereby
given that on the 3d day ol
July A. D. 1918, the above named
| parties were duly adjudicated bank
I nipt,s and that the first Meeting
of creditors will ho held at the
office of the Referee, Post Office
j Building Savannah, Ga , on tin
18th day of Julv, A. D. 1913, at
12 o’clock city time at which tain*
the said creditors may attend,
prove their claims, appoint a trus
tee, examine the bankrupt and
I ransaot auchothar business as may
properl\ come before said meeting
Savannah, Ga., Julv 7, 1913.
A. 11. Mar.DON ELL,
Referee in Bankruptcy.
Larsen & Larsen Attys for Blits.
Notice to Public.
I hereby warn all parties not to
extend credit to my wife, Missouri
Calhoun, for the reason that she
has voluntarily abandoned me
without sufficient provocation,
and 1 am not liable for anything
i furnished to her. This the 7th
day ofJuly, 1918.
ad J. A. Calhoun.
The Li rgest Magazine
in the World
Today's Magazine is the largest
and best edited magazine pub
lished at 50c per year. Five cents
per copy at all newspapers. Ev
ery lady who appreciates a good
magazine should send for a free
sample copy and premium cata
log. Address. Today’s Maga
izne. Canton, Ohio. [ad]
Atty at Law,
Mt Vernon, Georgia
Sheriff Hale.
M on tgrornery tonnly.
Will be »oid before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in August, 1913, be
tween the iesra) hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash. certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
Lot of land Nunber thirty-four in the Sixth land
dis’rict of said county, situate, Ivinvand being in
the county of Wheeler, formerly Montgomery, ex
cept t wenty arr< * cut ' IT of the northwest comer ,
of said lot, sai l act remaining being IHO 1-2 acres. I
Levied on and will he n.»d as the property of W. B. j
and Douglas S. M Arthur to satisfy an execution j
issued by D. F. Wamock, tax collector of said coun
ty, vs. W. B. and Douglas S. McArthur, for state j
and county taxes for the year 1912. Levy made i
and returnee! to me by Nat Miller, constable, and
written notice given as required by law. This the
i Ist day of July, 1913.
James Heater, Sheriff M. C.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Will he wild before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the firs 7 Tuesday in Aug., 1913, between
, the legal hours of -ale, to the highest bidder for
J cash certain property, of which the following is a
S complete description:
That certain house and lot located in the town of i
Tarry town, said county and state, l‘>s4th. G. M. !
district, and known as the Mary Jane Calhoun |
home place, and bounded as follows: On the- north j
by lands of Mary A. Phillips, on the south by j
lands of R. W. Andersen, and on the west by the
M. D. &S. Ry. right of way. Levied on and will
be sold as thu property of B. F. Calhoun to satisfy
an execution issued by IV F. Wamock, tax collec
tor, against said B. F. Calhoun, for state and
! county taxes due the county for the year 1912. In
posse ion of B. F. Calhoun and written notice of
levy given in terms of the law'. This the Hth day
of July, 1913.
James Hester, Sheriff M. C.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia— ontgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in August, 1913, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
s a complete description:
i One certain tract or parcel of land situate, ly
; mg and being in the 275th G. M. district of said
county and state and bounded as follows: On the
south west by Alligator creek, on the south east
by lands of Joe and J. W. Sharpe, on the north
east by lands of K. B. Baker or Richard Baker,
containing 35 acres more or less, and being the
place on which Richard Baker now lives and
known as the home place, and in his possession.
Levied on and will »*• sold as the property of
Richard Baker to satisfy an execution issued from
the superior court of said county : n favor of Mor
ns & Hart vs Richard Baker and W. B. Jones.
Written notice giv. nas required by law. This the
7th day of July. 1913. James Hester, Sheriff.
L. C. Underwood, Atty. p '»r Plffs.
Sheriff Suit*.
Georgia -Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt. i
Vernon on the first Tuesday in August, 1913, be
tween the legal hours of ale, to the highest bidder
fo r cash, certain property, of which the following
i e a complete description.
That certain tract or parcel of land situate, ly
ing and being in the 12215 t distirct G. M. of said
county and state, containing 180 acres more or less
and bounded as follows: On the north by lands
of H. A. Joyce, on the east by lands of H. A.
Joyce and Janes land, on thu south by lands of
W. C. McCrimmon and on the west by lands of
Joyce and Horn, the same being in the possession
of G. H. Williams. Levied on and will b, sold as
the property of C. C. Conner, p incipal, A. Wood,
security to satisfy an execution issued from the
superior court of said county in favor of The Peo
ple. Bank of Soperton vs said defendants. In the
possession of ,G. fj Williams and written notice
given in terms of the jaw. This tiiw htli day of
July, 1913. James Hester, Sheriff, M. C.
W. L. Wilson, Atty. for Plffs.
Sheriff ie.
enrglH—Montgomery County
Will lx* sold before the court l ouse door in
Mt. Vernon on the first Tuesday in August,
1913, between the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidd« r for cash, certain property, ot
which the following is a complete description:
Fifty acres of land mor* or ]cJ3. bpjnc the north
east corner of lot of land No. fi7 situate, lying and
being in the Eleventh land district of Wheeler
county, formerly Montgomery county. Said pro
perty levied on and \\ ill be sold as the property of
Hamilton Burch to satisfy an execution issued by
I). F. Wamock, tax collector of said county,
against Hamilton Burch, for state and county
taxes due the county for the year 1912, In the
possession of Hamilton Burch and written notie
of levy given in term of th<’ law. 'Phis the Bth
day of July, 1913. James Hester, Sheriff M. C.
Sheriff Sale.
ticorgin—Moiiiir<*m<T.v ('minty.
Will In* sold htlolr tin* court house
door in Ml. Vei'uoii o.i the first Tues
day in Aug., UHd, between Ihe b*gu!
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which
: lie following is a.complete descrip
i ion:
Forty-three acres of land more or less, tjeiugthg
western part of lot of land No. 312 situated iu the
Seventh land district of Wheeler county (former
ly Montgomery county) and being that portion I>-
ing adjacent to (Ljmswamp Creek on the west
side. Said property levied < r bu 4 ',vi!l be sold as
the property of R. S. Powell to satisfy an exeeu
tion issued by D. F. Warnock. tax collector of
Montgomery county, vs R. S. Powell, forstateand
county ta*es fiip* said county for the year 1912. In
possession of said defetidafp find written notice
given in terms of tlie law. This the *th day of
July, 1918. James Hester, Sherilf M. C.
Sheriff Sale.
(Georgia—Montgomery < 'ounfv.
Will I c sold before the conn house
door in Ml. Vc’ iion on the first Tues
day ill Aug., HMH between tile leyfn
hours of to lln* highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which
the following is a descrip
t ion:
:L >t of land Number fid in Hie Sixth Laud
District of said count - . situate, lying ami be
ing in the County of Wheeler, formerly Mont
gomery, snid property being in the‘possession
•»t Mrs Victoria McArthur and I>. S. McAr
thui ami leyie»i <*n the projuDy of said
Mrs. Victoria McArthur and ij. s. McArthur,
and sold to satisb an execution issued by
]>. F Wamock, fax (’ollectoi of d/oiitgomery
county, (Vi., vs. Mrs Victoria McArthur ami
D S. McArthur ft»r‘dab-and countv taxi s for
tin* year 1912 Written mdb- given to the
defend, tits as ivqni ml by law. Tin* tin 30th
day of April, 101 > Janu s Hester,
Slit ritV Montgomery Co, Hu
Sheriff Sale.
(ieorgia—Montgomery (‘otinty.
Will lie solil t»<'tia i• i iie eoui : house j
Joor in Mi. Vernon on flu first Tin s !
liny in A limits I !!*'•s. bet ween the legal '
hours of sale, to file highest hiililer 3
forea-li. i‘i rtain jiroi'eny, of which 3
tlie followi l l nr is a complete (leserip- |
I. Us es liwl s 887 ami 380 ill tbe Siitb )
L. Diet riot of Mill •• mui'j . lyii-jf nod being I;
m tha.eountjr of Wheeler, fm-nii-ily MotHgon)-1 1
, fv. sai'l lots emitniiiiiii. 2"’J‘„ sm s moli, ! ]
moie or less, Levied ..n and will lie »ml ;is ■ |
tlio property <«f \ •• mMi Arilmr and I'- S
M, -Artie.l Mt.kt. an < \«s rimi U.-n.-d l>> I). I
K. VVailievk, Ins l * ! i> 1 vs [
Vietnria MvAitlmr an I I). s eMiin.i, n.t .
KMte and run Illy tuv'-. ler tie yi si IHI 'nil
Imiil In inissi'ssi .ii i.f ~ii'l >i- femliints in ti f*. <
anil wi ll ten not i < given ns 11 n'liu-d to law.
Levy mails' thin the dm <l*> of 1312. '
Janu s II 'U i Mivliff M. C. \
Sheriff Sale. |
Georgia ontgomery Cnint' .
Will be sold before the - «*uvt 1 as* r M:. J
V <
twwn the legal hours «>f sab : • :lu . •- ler j
for cash, certain property, of whi* h th» fei w ng <
is a complete es -on:
U»t#of l»nd Nos. 2 " ’he Sixth land j
district of tm' mhiiv 7 W :■!»-.* *. ’ ’r. y M nt- j
ir 'ineiy tn: ■ L- * v. . •< 1
the property «»f thv » state e 1 1 H»n- *n .<» sat- (
isfy an execution >..ed b' D ‘ Warn-i d a\ j
cxJieotor of Montgoifft-ry county vs the estate of ,
L. I'. Hmson fur s-vate and . . ' taxes f'»r the 1
year 1912. Property “'at for lcv\ hv tax <
Collector and written notit e- f levy given in terms i
of thi law. This the ,l 'lay Ai i!. '9'3. j
James Hester. Sherilf M. C.
I™ is i
| i
» When it is a question of eye-sight, it will pay you to visit a
| skilled optometrist, and get glasses that fit. To do this you
I will save money and trouble. We have just installed the §
f; above instrument for the benefit of our patients. You will |
find we give you service and not hot air. ‘ ‘We do not travel. ” P
j § The relief of Eye-strain is our specialty. See us and see best. *|
| W. E. WALKER, Jr. Optometrist |
5* Church St. Phone 215 VIDALIA, GEORGIA §
| Against Loss j
1 ©©© ©’ ;i|
| ©® © © No Matter from What Source it May Come i : ; :
1 Q.O©Q • |[
We are constantly adding new |
| accounts, and our business is increasing ij ;
| at a very satisfactory rate. if
Possibly you also might be glad to |
1: join US. :S:
I! Fresh and Pure from
growers and manu- Sp
of the doctor and drug-
gist will avail you ®
nothing if the prescriptions are filled with a poor grade or
with drugs that have lost their strength by reason of age. (S)
Health a Valuable Asset, p
When it needs attention, you can not afford to trifle, Let Se
d*) us serve you.
:#) A Full Line of seasonable garden Jj)
® seeds always in stock. ®
7 Sumerford Drug Co. |
® Prescription Druggists
Ailey, Georgia &
This is Your Bank! j
! ij:
We want you to feel that we are here to render ser
| vice to the public—to you personally. ||
1 Whether it he in safeguarding your funds or in |f
advising you on business matters, we shall treat
| you as we treat all our patrons—with the best service
2 and impartiality. There is no middle ground in our
dealings with customers. The small depositor will 5
« receive just as careful attention as the large.
We have taken every possible precaution to keep :j!
your money safely, for our continuance in business ;|-
means as much to us as it does to you. !j: