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The Seaboard Air Line Rail
way will sell tickets to Savannah
and Tybee on August Ist on their
annual excursion, good for six
days. The rate from Mt. Ver
non will be $2.25. ad
Miss Etta Varnado of Warick,
has returned to her home after
visiting former school friends in
this section.
Miss Stella Morris has returned
after a visit to friends in Collins
and Reidsville.
“Deering Ideal Mowers” run
lighest and have fewest parts to
wear out. Soperton Hardware
Co. sell “Deering Mowers and
I takes” and keep repairs for them
in stock. ad
Messrs. J. C. Carpenter and I>.
H. Mitchell of McGregor, were
here Tuesday.
Mrs. Taylor Ivy and daughter,
Mrs. Clyde Shaul, of Savannah,
are visiting relatives anu l’rie ids
here this week.
‘‘White Sewing Machines” run
lightest and last longest. For
sale by Soperton Hardware Co.,
Soperton, Ga. ad
Miss Maggie Mae Lee is in
Claxton this week, the guest of
her uncle, Judge Walter Shep
Miss Katie Auld is visiting
friends here.
Mr. Tom Mason spent Sunday
in Savannah.
‘‘Triple Motion” Ice (’ream
Freezers freeze f: test. See the
line carried by Soperton Hard
ware Co. ad
Mrs. Seider of Savannah is the
guest of Mrs. W. H. Hinson.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Gore of
Collins spent Saturday and Sun
day here.
Before buying a stove or range
see the Soperton Hardware
I Bale Your Oat and Wheat Straw Now gj
A A S | Jt' 9 wor th $15.00 per ton baled.
Last year $23,680,000.00 worth of hay was shipped into L
Georgia, partly because the farmers did not have their straw
J | 9 and hay baled and put in marketable shape.
lOur Line of International Hay Presses Includes |1
SAr hi l() l Slv 9 One-horse Presses 1-4 x 18-inch Bale Chamber
| 14 x 18-inch Chamber ) with or
U Two-horse Presses 116 x 18-inch Chamber > without
! 9 (I 7x22-inch Chamber ) self-feeder
ill (14x18 —3, 4. or 6-H. P. Engine
Motor Hay Presses ■< 16x18 —4 or 6-H. P. Engine
( 17x22 —6-H. P. Engine
I PRACTICAL | lIC presses will bale more hay in a given ler T th of time 9 I
|| than any other press of equal 9ize. Ihe self-feeder, to£i;le J>
joint plunger, power jack, bale tension, and spring roller
: I tucker, are features worth looking into. Drop in and see us ■
9 the next time you are in town. J
For I>;i 1 iin* lYa\ino Hay No Press Surpasses the I. 11. C. j
i j I. H. C. Gas Engines are Reliable and Always Ready, j
W'arranted and for sale by
< [ •
Mr. Jim Blitch was visiting
school friends in this section last
Mr. William Gay, member of
the county board of education,
was in town latter part of week.
Mr. John McMillan of Bartow
is visiting Mr. S. Z. Salter.
See the Soperton Hardware
Co., for a‘‘Cotton King Revei
sible Di c Harrow with Tongue
Truck or Tongue.” ad
Hr. J. E. Hunt made a flying
trip to Higgston Sunday.
Clerk M. L. O’Brien spent
Sunday at his old home at Or
All varieties of Buist Turnip
seed in bulk, at Mt. Vernon
Drug Co. ad
“Summers” Barnesville Bug
gies are given up to be the best
made in the South or anywhere
else. “Summers” Buggies are
for sale by Soperton Hardware
Co. ad
Mrs. S. A. Lynn of Uvalda, is
visiting relatives and friends here
this week.
Misses Marguerite Montgom
ery and Inez Mcßride attended
the meeting at Hack Branch
church this week, stopping with
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Mcßride.
5! Loans of any amount from .SBOO to $50,000 on farms in Mont- 5
y) 5
D. goiimrv and adjoining counties. No delays for inspection. g;
Have lands examined by a man living near you.
I LOANS ON FIVE YEARS TIME, payable in easy installments to
9 g
jjj suit borrower.
X, Merchants Bank Building MclldC, G«l. f.
9 -
*»*•*'*•**•** XTSM&i*MH*sXi**iXi*s*)*\*'*"’
The series of baseball between
Mt. Vernon and Dublin has been
postponed until later. Those
that contributed toward these
games will be fully paid with
some other games between some
other strong team next week.
“Weber W’agons” at Soperton
Hardware Company’s Store, ad
Misses Elizabeth and Lolla
Bell Lee have returned home for
the holidays.
Mr. Roy Mason of Lyons spent
a few days here with his uncle,
Mr. C. A. Mason, returning yes
terday morning.
Before buying a Refrigerator
see Soperton Hardware Com
pany’s line, ad
All aboard for Savannah and
Tybee on August Ist, on their an
nual excursion over the Seaboard
Air Line Railway. ad
Judge Kelley Johnson of Als
ton was up yesterday to bring
the election returns.
Soperton Hardware Co have
the largest assortment of Furni
ture in Montgomery County, ad
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Cummings
and “C. B” Jr. left Monday
morning for Chalker, Ga., the
former home of Mr. Cummings,
10 visit relatives.
Miss Mary Effie McQueen of
Vidalia is spending a few days
here to the delight of her cousins
and friends among the younger
Rev. McMorris conducted a
fine meeting at Hack Branch.
| Guard the Family Health Ht , alt) , 1
Health is often endangered by unsanitary * »
cooking utensils. Physicians have found Sj
that cancer is caused by enamel ware chip- EcOllOlliy m
ping off and irritating the stomach.
If you have children or invalids in the family L\ £ ||pj| j| £§
beware of cheap cooking utensiis that crack, IIJI -liitS-Ja c* . • <> *•
M , , a \ ~° . rv V# mwrg katisiuctioil £3
,>y scale, peel oft, tarnish or rust Disease V
Jjy germs lurk in the worn places and there is (g
K? further danger of tainting the food. Health R aBBB , , £3
B too preciom to lake risks With iv Convenience 1
Be sale. Use ■. " |g
j|j k J 0 ||
M Pure Spun Aluminum . 1
*3 |« n. Highly efficient. ©
| Looking utensils |||grf g
jw which are guaranteed for 15 years constant Moderate COSt &
service and will never spoil food nor endanger {§
health. M
This new ware is featherweight, beautiful, - pj|
easy to clean—does not tarnish nor Durable ill Weffl 1 ®
t*j* The slight extra cost is more than made *§
by long service and absolute safety. wl”"
£ Easily cleaned ||
ij Look for Trade mark
§ on Every Piece to llan< ,le |
8 The Maltese cross with the v/ords &
Pure Illinois “1892” Aluminum —the v ' J ;'J
original, insures that you get the genu- . j& f Safest to lISC gS
ine. There are imitations, so be sure _jagssjSM £2
this trade mark is on every piece.
1 ' For Sale By Alluminum |
I ' |
1 Soperton Hardware Co.l
- it A
Watch In A Fish.
Amite City, La. Did any of
you lose a watch at 13 minutes jj
after 12 o’clock?
Silas Cooper, whose skin is the
color of newspaper ink, is asking
the question of everyone he sees.
| Silas didn’t feel well enough to
j work Friday so he dug over four
| acres of new ground for half a
| a pint of worms and went fish
j ing. It was an important expe
jdition because he was to try out
j officially a fishhook which his
mother had given him and which
| she guaranteed to be charged
I with good luck.
Silas dropped the hook in the
water of placid Tangipahoa. Im
mediately something grabbed it
and stalled off up the river with
it. Silas jumped into the stream
and after a heart-breaking effort j
| snaked a twenty-five-pound (in-;
spected scales) catfish ashore.
The catch was too heavy to
! carry home intact, so Silas drew ;
his knife and opened the fish’s
' vest. Inside the stomach he
found a watch in perfect condi
tion. It had stopped at 13 min
utes after 12 o’clock.
Silas dosen’t know whether to
part with the watch or not. He
was offered $5 for it and refused
to sell. Later, however, his
brother was taken with a ter
rible case of cramps from eating
s nne of the catfish, fried. The
fact that the fish was caught
Friday and tha r the watch stoped
at 13 minutes after 12 has con
vinced him that the timepiece is
soaked with bad luck. He is
hunting for the man that offered
him the five.—New Orleans
Notice* To Public.
I hereby warn all parties not •
to extend credit to my wife. Bet
tie Durden, for the reason that
she has voluntarily anandoned
me, and I am not liable for any
thing furnished toiler. This Ju
ly 14th, 1913.
i L. C. Durden.
Plenty of Money to Lend |
On Improved Farms at Six per Cent. Interest—Any Amount :j:
From S3OO Up. Re-payment Allowed Any Time. Prompt ;j;
Service and Courteous Treatment. <j|
vV \i s.V : V^-%‘V\. , W^^. , V^%/V’WWV'I/V^%/VWW<V'VV^WVW-V%'W%^WVX'V%V%.
A Check Book)
IMjT ||
is easier to carry than a wallet (illetl i;
with currency, silver or gold. It adds .
dignity to your transaction and always j|
gives you satisfaction. Checks are ol £
no value except to the person in whose j:
favor they are drawn. Can you afford jj
to keep your money at home or in your jj
pocket, when you can have, without j;
expense, a check book on this bank.-'
-*|jr 'wqp ifjr iqjr Tjjp wJF "V ' 9 & r "V W '*& r I ® r
CAPITAL, $15,000.00 SURPLUS, $30.000 00 RESOURCES, $145,000.00 j,
Willie T. McArthur, President W. A. Peterson, Cashier j!
Ale* McArthur. Vice-President H. L. WtlU Assistant'Cashier jj