Newspaper Page Text
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Dr. Hilhurn Williamson, at
home for vacation from a dental
college in Atlanta, was a caller
at our office Tuesday. He will
return soon to Atlanta to finish
his course.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McQueen
and Miss Janie McQueen attend-,
ed campmeeting in Tattnall Sun
day. Mr. McQueen went on to
Savannah Monday, returning
Monday night.
Pens, Penstalfs, Inks, Rulers,
Pencils, Lunch Baskets, at Mt. !
Vernon 1 Irug Co. ad
Col. A. L. Lanier has made I
some very fine watermelons, and
is now marketing them.
Mr. Emmitt Hunt spent Sun
day with friends in Dublin.
A full line of Toilet Articles.
Mt. Vernon Drug Co. ad
Rev. O. O. Williams filled his
regular appointment at Oak
drove Sunday, stopping over
here Monday en route to his
home at Soperton.
Misses Belle and Annie Lou
McAllister spent Monday here
with relatives, returning to
Longpond in the afternoon.
On account of an increase in
cost, we will have to sell our dry
batteries at 80 cents each in
stead of 25 cents as heretofore,
ad Stanford Bros.
(let an Unbreakable Comb
(guaranteed) for 25c at Mt. Ver
non 1 >rug (!o. ’s, ad
Misses Fannie Lee and Madge
Ledbetter, who have spent vaca
tion hero with their parents re
turn to their respective schools
today to begin their fall terms.
Miss Fannie Leo is teaching at
Metcalf and Miss Madge at
Hunter, Pearce & Battey, the
solid, reliable and energetic Cot
ton Factors, of Savannah, offer
you the excellent service that
has earned them their superior
reputation as salesman as
among thousands of satisfied
customers, (live them a trial or
else you may he neglecting an
opportunity to realize more for
your cotton than heretofore. Do
it now and be convinced. ad
Mrs. K. M. Rackley is spend
ing the week with relatives in
Mr. and Mrs. It. F # Mcßae re
turned yesterday morning from
an outing at Cornelia, Ca.
Mrs. A. L. Lanier is in Dublin
visiting relatives and friends.
Mr. W, (’. Ryals is back from
his summer outing up in “the
hills of Habersham. ’’
Mrs. C. 11. Peterson of Soper
ton visited Col. and Mrs. M. B.
Calhoun here last week.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwvvv 1
I 1
Bring or Ship Your
Cotton To Us
I $
[ On account of the steamship rules for this season, exporters
* are compelled to dock your cotton if it is wet. soiled or i
| stained; therefore it is to your advantage to store-it with ns. jjj
j Being Bonded under the laws of this state by a million dollar |
; surety company, our receipts are good collateral everywhere g
! I
| \\ e keep von posted on the Market. ■
§ I
| Write us, eall on us, or telephone |
£ vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwvvv :
s'*- 0 ' / Vc * , ‘ •
Miss Iris Simpson attended the’
campmeeting in Tattnall, going
down Saturday evening and stop
ping with friends.
School Books—all the State-
Adopted; also High School, at
Mt. Vernon Drug Co.’s. ad
Miss Genevieve Lanier is at
home from a visit to relatives in
Toombs county.
Full line Stationery to suit the
most fastidious at Mt. Vernon
Drug Co.’s. ad
Mrs. Ada B. Stubbs, after a
j visit to friends here, has re
turned to her home in Eatonton.
The Sumerford Drug Co. calls
attention to their line of School
Supplies and Box Papers. ad
Mr. E. E. Burch returned Sat
urday evening from a short stay
in Savannah.
Mr. and Mrs. 7'. -J. Mcßae
have returned from an extended
visit, to Atlanta.
Fresh Fall Garden Seed of all
kinds at Sumerford Drug Co.’s,
i Ailey, Ga. ad j
Mr. Ben Segall left Monday for
Marietta where he goes to as
sume the place of principal of
the high school of that city.
Lunch Baskets, 15 and 20c and
Book Straps 10 cts. Sumerford
Drug Co. ad
Miss Cordelia Thornton of
Athens is here as the guest of
Col. and Mrs. M. B. Calhoun.
Anything in Toilet Articles,
Perfumes, etc., at Sumerford
Drug Co.’s, Ailey, Ga. ail
Mrs. A. B. Hutcheson and
daughter, Miss Carrol, went to
Savannah Tuesday afternoon to
visit relatives.
One 5c Tablet and a 5c Pencil
all for 5c at Mt. Vernon Drug
Co. ’s. ad
On Wednesday of last week,
(he pretty home wedding of Miss
Ala Peterson and Mr. John
Broadus Brewton, both of Ailey
occurred in the presence of a few
relatives and friends. Mr. Brew-j
ton is the popular county secre- i
tary of the Southern States Cot
ton Corporation, also engaged in
the insurance business, and is aj
son of Dr. J. C. Brewton of the
Brewton-Parker Institute. The
bride is the daughter of Hon. W.
J. Peterson, highly accomplished y
and popular with a large circle ot
.acquaintances. The couple are
spending some time at White
Springs, Jacksonville and other
points. The impressive ceremony
was rendered by Dr. J. C. Brew
ton, father of the groom, assist
ed bv Rev. .J. D. Rabun of the
Baptist church.
Ailey Paragraphs.
Special Corrc'HtHHiflence.
One of the delightful events
for the children occurred at the
home of Mrs. Holmes on Thurs
day afternoon. Those present
i were: Effie Lee Currie, Jessie
Lee Hall, Sallie Hall, Audry Hall,
Rovie Mason, Winnie Stanford,
Louise Frizzelle, Louise Kichens,
Helen Tarver of Stillmore, Ur
ven Mason, Mildred and Nell
Holmes. Taylor Summerford,
Kent Hall, Murie Frizzelle, Ed
win Legette, Robert Hall, Ben
Hall, James and T. A. Peterson,
Wiley, Julian and Clark Holmes.
Games were played, after which
refreshments were served.
Mrs. Tarver and children of
Stillmore have been visiting here.
Mrs. J. H. Hudson left Mon
day for a trip to Atlanta.
Mr. Clifford Dukes has been
visiting relatives here.
Little Miss Adine Stanford has
returned from a visit to her
grandmother in Vidalia.
Mrs. Dukes is visiting her
: mother and sister here.
Mrs. Legette and children
spent Saturday and Sunday in
! Miss Mary Louise McArthur of
Vidalia spent last Sabbath here
with her grandmother, Mrs. Mc-
Mr. E. T. Mcßride of Alston
spent Friday here on business.
Vidalia’s Cotton Trade.
’ i
The progressive town of Vida-)
: lia will handle more cotton this
season than during any year in •
its history. The Vidalia Ware
house Company has unusual fa- ,
cilities for storing and handling
c >tton, and expect a big business \
this fall. We take pleasure in ;
calling attention to their adver- 1
tisement in this paper.
Bankrupt Sale.
State of Georgia— )
Chatham County. (
In re Muiuly & Hadden, Bank-!
rupts In the District Court of !
the United States, Eastern I)lv- j
ision of the Southern District of I j
Under and by virtue of an order j i
granted by the Hon. A. H. Mac-|{
Donell, referee in bankruptcy for J
i said district and division, l will j a
dl'er for sale the entire stock cf "
j merchandise of the above-named | J
bankrupts, and on Thursday, the j I
Ith day of September, 190, at j*
Kibbee, Ga , in the county of J
Montgomery, at 10 o’clock in the!s
forenoon, will receive sealed bids t
for said stock ot goods. The said l
stock consists of dry goods, gro- J
is l ies, shoes, provisions, notions *
‘*ind such articles as are generally j
aAld in a country store, with the j
exception of certain show cases *
and one pair of scales. Said stock «
may be inspected at said time by jj
prospective buyers. Each bidder (I
will be required, to deposit with £
his bid a certified check to the *
amount of 10 per cent, of such »
bi I, the balance of purchase price »
to be paid in case such bid is ae- *
capp’d on the sth day of Sept »
n x! by tin Hon. A. H. MacDon
ell, at th' U. S. -postoffice build- -
mg. Savannah, tin , 12 o’clock ’
noon, wln n one bid will lie ac- '
cepted, said referee reserving the
right to reject any and all bids.
Deposits with unaccepted bids will ■
be returned to said tedders. Said
stock invoiced at:• #1,500, and copy
of same may be seen on applica
tion to the undersigned, and said
stock mav lie inspected at the late
place of business of said bank
rupts on the tth day of Sept.
1 !ns the 20th dav of Augu-q,
1918. VV. L. Wn, son,
Trustee. Mt. Vernon, Ga.
limiter's License.
Hunter’s license for the season
can be obtained from the under
signed. game warden Montgom
ery county. T. M. Mason,
ad Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Mrs. Louise W. Carpenter of
Worcester, Mass., a direct de
scendant of Roger Williams, cel
ebrated her 107th birthday on
Tuesday. j
— . i
M. 15. CALHOUN !
At tv at Law,
Mt v ernon, Georgia
I Save Time and Seed! I
| 1
p? The Hoosier Grain Drill will put your Oats in the ground &
|j in such manner that the cold will not kill them. You save ||
j§ seed and time and always get an even stand. ¥ t
-) m am iws ami mm /as is?? am art am mi ess am ms am m m M
Get yours in thin i n ii: ! jHobrr ()iits,the only sure |jj
$ coop in this country. File Hoosier lasts for years, and is
|jj a necessity on every well-ordered farm. Get one now. ||
Jj rma eezs men set esx sem sss sn a saa ess tow ssm am am ms am am jjjjj
IW. H* McQueen j
| Ml. VERNON, GA. |
» *
: Eleventh District A. & M. \
£ "
£ *
£ A State Institution for Boys and Girls. Faculty College *
£ and University Trained Men and Women. Separate dor- *
t mitories for boys and girls. Strong courses in <
*► <
» 4
► History, Mathematics, Science, J
Modern Language, Agriculture, l
£ Mechanic Arts, Home Economics, J
% Piano, Voice. J
► 4
► *3
£ Rural Teachers Training Course. Prepares for entrance <
► to college without examination. Session opens Sept. 10th. *
* <
► For catalogue apply to C. W. Davis, Principal, Douglas, 4
£ Ga. For scholorships apply to H. B. Folsom, Mt. Vernon, *
► Member Board Trustees for Montgomery County.
► 4
► 4
• AAAAAAAAAA&AAAAAAAA.AAAA4.A *aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa&aaaaaaaa»
Schedule Effective Oct. 22, 1911.
NU. l'B| No. 20 No. 19 (No. 11
A. M.fP. M M l\ M.
700 1 ( 11 Leuve ■ iv 112, t2B
7 14 111 Swift Or— k 11 12 j 8 27
7 23 4 23 - Drv branch 11 03 1 4 04
7 27 ’ 4 27 Atlantic 10 59 j 4 00
7 31 4 31 PikcV iVnk : 10 55; 3 5t5
789 4 3.i Fitzpatr ■ k 10 1> 349
744 44 1 Riplev 10 13 844
7 53 1 50 JfrtVrsonvill** 10 31 3 32
8 00 1 5 00 Gnilem re 10 19 3 21
810 510 Danvilli 10 09 311
8 21 j 5 21 A lien tow t. 10 04 8 00
8 31 5 31 Montrose 9 54 2 50
842 542 Dudley 943 245
8 48 5 4S Shew make 9 37 2 39
8 54 ! 5 54 Moore 9 80 2 82
9 10 0 10 Ar. Lv. 9 15 2 17
9 15 615 1 Lv. Ar. 9 10 2 12
917 017 , SMI)& S.? 908 210
9 21 0 21 ' N M D<V 8 J 9 04 2 00
9 81 0 81 Cat I’m 8 54 1 50
9 41 0 41 Winter 8 43 1 45
90l 0 til Ruck ledge 881 133
9 50 0 50 Orland 8 25 1 27
10 11 711 So pert on -8 10 112
10 22 722 Tarrytown 758 100
10 80 7 80 , Kibbee 7 50 12 52
10 4* 1 i 14,» Vidalia 7 35 12 37
" .... 1 . —...——' ■ 1 .
Take the County Paper and
* A. L. Lanier,
◄ Attorney at Law,
j Will Practice in all the Courts of
4 the State.
3 Hamp Burch
3 Attorney at Law
a Practices in all the Courts.
3 \V. B. GRIMES,
3 Blacksmith & Repair
3j * Works,
4 All Classes of Repair Work Work
Quickly and Correctly Done.
Bring Me Your Work.
< j .||yi7 ’
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention is probably patentable.
tlona strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent*
sent free, oldest agency for securing patents.
Patents taken through Munn Sc Co. recelyf
special notice t wifhout charge, lathe
Scientific American.
A handsomely illnstrated weekly. Largest oir
culation of any sctenllflo laurnal. Terms, $8 a
year: four months, |L Sold by all newsdealers.
MUNN &Co. 36lB ™ d **’ New York
Branch Office. 62ft F St- Washington. D. C.
Are You a Woman?
i! Cardui
The Woman’s Tonic I
F, 1