The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, October 30, 1913, Image 2
nontgornery Monitor. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. OFFICIAL OR<MN MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Entered at the Postoflice in Mt. Vernon, Ga. aw Second-Claw. Mail Matter. U. h. FOLSOM, Editor sadOwser. 5* a Year, in Advance. re-L' , al mlvw UM-mcntK must invariably be paid in advance, at the legal rate, and an the law direct*; and nni«t be in liaml not later than Wed need ay morning of the firm week of inacrtion Mount Vernon, Oa., Thursday Morning, Oct. 30, 1913. Only one more day in which to see the State Fair, but it would be time well spent. As grand factors in Georg l's good times we have hog-killing j time and Christmas still on Our; string. You will find the Montgomery county farmer who has not lost his head on cotton busy plowing in oats. On his trip through Georgia Mr. Wilson did not strike the garden spot. South Georgia is the hub of development and choice investments. It makes little difference with Huerta whether he is elected president of Mexico or not. He can chop off a few heads and reign until his own head falls in to the basket. Being a,close observer, Presi dent Wilson has probably noticed in his itinerary of the South that the old country is humping some since Democracy took charge of the government. Frank’s counsel are already looking towards Savannah to hold his second trial if one is granted. Frankly, we do not think Savannah will appreciate any such advertising. T' '* man, or boy, who follows >f rectitude and is not 1 by the every-day snares ,if, prevail, is peculiar in the full sense of the word. Verily he needs no badge to distinguish him from surrounding types and conditions of the present day, for he stands apart; he is in a class by himself, always at the head with but few struggling for his place. Since the passage of the new tax law last summer, many are rising up to commend it and ex press wonder at the act not hav ing been passed many years soon er. Tax Commissioner John C. Hart, who has been actively in vestigating conditions, find that only about one-seventh of the state’s taxable property is re turned for taxation. But the vi ta! question is. how to get the proper values on the tax books. I Montgomery citizens cannot ai ford to be lax in the matter of raising the necessary funds to ward the employment of the farm demonstrator, whose work has been mentioned in these columns for the past several weeks. It is a proposition be tween this and Toombs county, and Toombs county lias already responded to all demands made upon her. Only SIOO dollars re main to be raised by this county -—by the citizens. Who will give five dollars toward this work? Let it not bo said that tho plan has failed because the people of Montgomery count > failed to do their part. One hundred thousand dollars spent for flowers to decorate the grave of the world’s richest brewer, Adolphus Busch, whose death recently occurred in tier many. Based on the countless revenue from his beverage, thfsj is a small sum; it is well under-1 stood that this unlimited revenue has been contributed by every state and hamlet in the United States, and thousands of fami lies, destitute of bread, have been robUxi in the process of tribute. Yet hypocrites will rise | up tv the thousands and tell that * - ’’ sch was a groat benefac- j that the world is better i. lived and amassed un < millions, 1 fTTYTTYTYYYYYYYYYYYYVYYYY• t Gleanings From t 1 Wisdom’s Field. \ t < •AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA J Waycross Herald: —Cuba de termined that the Mexican situa tion shall not eliminate it from the first page position in the day’s news, has developed a military plot against the government. Macon Telegraph:—Let the na tions agree to stop building war ships for a year and then turn that money into the fund for in creasing agricultural facilities. Tattnall Journal: —Tattnall : county’s crops will surpass any thing she has ever had. Corn Club boys are getting ready for the annual displays and it is gratifying to see that a great many more will compete for pri zes this year than did last year, with better yields and greater profits. GraymontHustler:- Some folks look like green persimmons taste, says an exchange. Ah, brother, you must have some of those dead beats on your list. Perry Home Journal:—lt would be a political error of far-reach ing effect to displace next year a faithful and efficient democrat ic Congressman. Within the next several years a new man would be a mere “notch in a stick’’ in congress, compaied to the worth of a congressman who had gained political wisdom by experience. Monroe Advertiser: —With his asinine attacks on Underwood, “Hero Hobson” is going to sink himself far deeper in the sea of political oblivion than he ever sank the Merrimac in the en trance to Santiago harbor Pembroke Enterprise:—Sever al weekly papers over the state have raised their subscription price from SI.OO to $1.50 a year. Even at this price the newspaper would be a sure road to the poor house were it dependent alto gether upon its subscribers. Atlanta Constitution:—lf Sul zor is elected to the New York legislature among the things he will have to reminr bin. Tam many will be the wk up his sleeve. I Greensboro Herald-Journal: An exchange says that they are ,shearing sheep by electricity, that’s nothing. They are skin ning skunks in Atlanta by the use of newspapers. Savannah Press: —Felix Diaz says he isn’t very anxious to be President of Mexico. He knows too well the fate of the average gringo President. Valdosta Times: Dispatches from Atlanta declare that Mor monism is growing radidly in ] Georgia. This reminds us that Georgia is a big state and nearly everything grows fast in Geor gia—especially the isms. Darien Gazette:- Some of the i Georgia cities are finding it rath er difficult to prize the Republi cans out of the postoffices. How ever, it ought not to be difficult, if they go at it in the proper way. Hawkinsville Dispatch-News: Thirteen has always been look ed upon by some as an unlucky number but not so by the farmer who has been getting thirteen cents per pound for his cotton. He will think of it as his lucky number, and no doubt would be glad to see it come again when he is ready to market his next cotton crop. Sandersville Georgian There is no law against making persim mon beer, and as the crop is quite abundant no doubt quantities of this old-time Georgia beverage ’will be made. THE MONTGOMERY MONITOR-THURSDAY. OCT 30, 1918 College Students To Judge Stock At Fairs. Athens, Oct. 25.—A large 1 number of students of the State College of Agriculture will go to the fair at Commerce on Oct. 28 ,to judge stock under the direc tion of Prof. Goodwin. As many as fifteen requests have been re ceived recently by the college for trained men to judge live stock at fairs to be held in the state, most of which requests have had | to be denied on account of a lack of men and means. It is the purpose of the college to give j students special training in live 1 stock judging not only at the ; college, but at fairs so that they will he available for future de mands of Georgia fairs. A Square Deal. Give the people a square deal. We have done this the past two seasons, and as a result so far this season we have received more cotton than ever before. We give the correct weight, tell them the grade and show them the market price, and knowing what it cost to handle, they refuse any but a fair offer. We represent I the Southern States Cotton Cor poration. Bring your selling cer tificate. Vidalia Warehouse, ad Vidalia, Ga. Sheriff Sale. Georgia—Montgomery ('minty. Will bo sold before the court bouse floor in Mt. Vernon on the first Tins day in Nov., I GIB, between tin* legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, certain property, of which j the following is a complete descrip- j tion: One black mare mule seven years old, one black I mar«* mule nix years old, one brown mare mule t woven years old and one; bay mare mule six years old. Levied on and will be sold as the property of A. P., 11. P. ami H. C. Thompson to satisfy an ex- 1 ecu tion Issued from the superior court of Toombs f county in favor of First National Bank of Vidalia vs A. P. Thompson, prin.. J. F. Darby, H. C. and 11. P. Thompson ..dorsers. Levy made and re turned to me by A. B Hester, deputy sheriff, and ! written notice Riven. This the 7th day of Oct., , 1913. Jag. Hester, Sheriff, j D. C. Patiilo, Atty. for PUT. Sheriff Sulo. I • < Jeorgia—Montgomery < ’oimty. 1 Will he sold before the court house door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues day in Nov., 1913, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder I for cash, certain property, of which I the following is a complete descrip-J tion: One black mare mule live years old, one Krav mare mule six years old, one black mare mule six years old and one brown horse mule eififht years old. Said stock levied on and will be sold as the property of A. P., H. P., H. C. and C. M. Thomp son to satisfy an execution issued from the supe rior court of Toombs county in favor of Bank of Vidalia vs A. I\. 11. P., H. C. and C. M. Thomp son. Property in possession of defendants, levy made by A. B. Hester,deputy, and written notice given. This the 6th day of October, 1913. Jas. Hester, Sheriff. I>. C. Patiilo, Atty. for Plffs. Sheriff Sale, Georgia—Montgomery (Vanity. Will hi> sold before the court house door in Mt. Vci'iionori the first Tues day iu Nov., 1018, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder foreash, certain property, of which the following is a complete deserip i ion: 31 1-2 acres of land in the 1386th G. M district of said county, bounded north by lands of Virgil McLendon, east by Boston Durden, south by J. i’ Mixon and west by Me London. Also 11 acres of j land in the 1867th district G. M. of said county, ! j bounded north by lands of Hula V. \\ ing:. cast j by lands of Dr. Tom Thompson ami Mrs. Sic p j Findley, south by Kellie Mosley ami Elbert and west by Kate Vann. Levied on and will be j sold as the property of Hula V. Witigr to satis, >■ an execution issued from the superior court of said county in favor of The Citizens Bank ,<f Vidalia Hula V. Winy, principal, Cassie H. Mosley and .1. '> H. Mosley endorsers. In possession of del'cndom. pointed out for levy by plaintiff s attorney, and written notice yiven. This the 7th day Oct.. 1913. Jas. Hester, Sheriff. W. L. Wilson. Atty. for Plffs. Citation. Georgia—Montgomery County. John Jay McArthur lias in duo form applied to the ordinary of j said county for letters, fadm.nis tration on the e-tate of Elizabeth Miller Edmondson, late of said county, deceased; this is therefore to cite all parties concerned that said application will he heard at my office <>n the first Monday in I November, 1913 Witness my j hand and official signature this i this the oth dav of October, 113 Alex McArthur, Ordinary. Farm For Sait*. lam now offering at private < sale 1(K) Acres of Land lying in the southern portion of Laurens county, nine miles north of Glen wood, Wheeler county. This property has open upon it a one horse farm, a nine-room two-sto ry building in first class condition, ( barn and tenant house, and an artesian well supplies an abund ance of fine, pure water. This farm lies within one mile of the i Oconee river. In addition to the 100 acres of farm land 1 am also offering 169 acres of Swamp Land near by which will afford excellent pasturage for live stock. Prices reasonable and terms easy. Write or call on the undersigned for particulars. J. B. Geiger. Mt. Vernon, Ga. ! Save Time and Money 1 | The Hay Season is Here y I The I. H. C. Press Nothing pays Better. Bale it g |is strong, Safe and f or g a f e Storage. Pays for its c *l, Sure of Action. It || | should be bought. in a single season. Season no* - | % The Hoosier Grain Drill will put your Oats in the ground 3| in such manner that the cold will not kill them. You save O seed and time and always get an even stand. $ m m :m smemnammamamamam tat mmismmmm. sg ©. $ c-i 0 g) §% I 1 I SEE THIS LABOR SAVING IMPLEMENT. § |W. H. McQueen! MT. VERNON, GA. | I®®®®®®®®®®*®®®®®®®*®®®® ®®*®®®®®®®®«: ~ ®®@ Sheriff Sale. Georgia— Montgomery County. Will be sold before the court house door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tuesday in Noy., 1913, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, certain property, of which the following is a complete description: All that certain tract or parcel of land situate, ; lying an<i being in tin* 1654th G. M. district (now in he 169 t diatrh t G M. of Montgomery county, j (?a.. and boundt‘l as follows: On the north by i 1 nds of K. Wing, » n the east by lands of Bob Phil- ; lips, south by lands of John Gillis and Effie Ham lon and west by J. P. Mixon, Jr., containing i hree hundred and ten acres more or less and known as the Jerry and Maria Phillips home place, i Levied on and will he sold ah the property of Ma •i Phillips to satisfy an execution issued from h up*-ri<;r court of said county in favor of The - ilme:. Falls Bunk against Maria Phillips. Writ te.j n.e'. e e:ven to defendant in execution and in ; > ■ si on of said land. This the 7th day of Oct., 1 >913. Jas. Hester, Sherifif. I W. M. Lewis, A tty. for PUT. Bankrupt Sale. Georgia—Montgomery County. Under and by virtue of an order granted by the Hon. A. H. MaeDonell, referee in bankruptcy for j ilio can,-rn div. ion of the southern district of 1 Georgia. will Ik* sold or the first Tuesday in No . ioi r, 1913, (heiny the 4th day) between the , ' lean of sale, to the highest bidder for casu, hefmv the court house door in Mount Vernon, the following property to wit: Ml that tract or parcel of land situate, lying G. M. of said cow y mul ne. containing 104 acres more or less and h< a- led as follows: On the north by lands of (.'has. Shame, cast hv lands of Mcßae Bros., south by lands oi W. T. Mcßride and west by lands of Flournoy Dees and lying on the public road by I ‘••no propo ; !>, said land conveyed to S. W. Harrell by Jas. McNalt Nov. 27. 1906. Said property to Be sold subject to an order issued by Hon. A. H. ' a ’ *•■■■■• 11, referee in bankruptcy, on the 23d day ot .1 une.L lb' and subjet tto a loan deed given by said s W. Harrell to Calvert Mortgage & Deposit $862. 4d as I ne property s w. Harrell, bankrupt. The purchaser will !h> ret-{uired to pay ten per cent. cash, the sale to bo subject to confirmation by Hon. A. H. Mac Don- ; oil. it-fereo, the amount to be returned in the event . . | rhis th« d day of Oct., It?L. C. UNDERWOOD, Trustee in the case of S. W. Harrell & Son. Citation, ! Georgia—Montgomery County, i A. C. McLennan, administrator j of tlie estate of David Miller, J,as in proper form applied to the or-j dinary < f said c unty for leave to sell the lands belonging to said estate: this is therefore to cile all • id singular that said application ; •Vil i Ik heard at my office on the liis Monday in Nov.. 19-13. This tin lit h day of Oct.. 1913. A t \ McArthur, Ordinary. Citation. Gonrgi a — Montgo me r v Con lit v. .1 A Allen having in proper form applnd to the ordinary of! -an! county for letters ot adminis t.rat on mi the estate of Elizabeth : Ui. a, at' of said county, notice! - : ■ ;• i'V givt-n that said applica tion will !„• heart! at tnv office on tin* tir-1 Monday in November,! -I. Witi is my hand and of ficial - gnature this the tith day of October, 1918. Alex McArthur, Ordinary. I* Sheriff Sale. Georgia—Montgomery County. Will be sold before the court house door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tuesday in Nov., 1913, be tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, certain property, of which the following lisa complete description: | Sixty acres of land more or less and'bounded as ! follows: On the north by lands of Make Stewart, on the east by lands of the Associated Realty Sales Co„ on the south by lands of Fountain and Hutch j eßon and on the west by lands of the estate of Luther Nabb. Levied on as the property of Jas. McNatt. Also 100 acres of land levied on as the property of J. B. O’Conner, and bounded as fol lows: North by lands of Charlie Fountain, east by lands of Wm. Godowns, south by lands of J. ' B. O'Conner and west by lands of Mrs. Georgian Fountain et al. Above tracts located in said I county and will be sold to satisfy an execution is ’ sued from the superior court of said county in fa vor of Merchants Bank of Mcßae vs Jas. McNatt, J. B. O’Conner, E. H. Holland and S. J. Meadows. Written-notice of levy given defendants. This j the 7th day of Oct., 1913. James Hester, Sheriff M. C. E. W. Graham, Atty. for Plffs. Sheriff Sale. Georgia—Montgomery County. Will be sold before the court house door in Mt. i Vernon on the first Tuesday in Nov., 1913, be- j tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, certain property, of which the following is a complete description: That certain tract or parcel of land situate, ly ing and being in the 275th district G. M. of said county and bounded as follows: On the east by lands of M. D. Peterson and his children, on the j south by lands of J. M. Dees, on the west by lands ; of Mcßae & Morgan and on the north by lands of said M. D. Peterson and his children and William I Branch, containing 100 acres and being the same J land deeded to Dwelle, Cann & Daniels by M. D. Peterson et al May 24th, 1895. Levied on and will be sold as the property of B. L. Powell to satisfy a mortgage execution issued from the superior court of said county in favor of W. J. Acosta vs B. L. Powd’ Property in the possession of de fendant nd by plaintiff pointed out for levy. Written • otice f levy given in terms of the law. This the 7’h da of October, 1913. Jas. Hester, Sheriff M. C. L. C. Un» hwj <d, Atty. for Plff. J Sheriff Sale. • Georgia— Montgomery County. Will he • >ld before the court house door in Mt. j Vernon on the first Tuesday in Nov., 1913, be i tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder ! for cash, certain property, of which the following is a complete description: ! All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the 275th district G. M. of said county and state and bounded as follows: On the north by lands of John Mosley and lands formerly owned by Dave Hamilton, now owned by I. Q. Coleman; on the east by lands formerly owned by Coleman & Sessoms. now owned by I. Q. Coleman; on the south by lands of Ed Brady and Dock Joyce and the west by lands of Hard Cook Said tract con tains 67 acres, and will be sold as the property of Bry Ruth to satisfy an execution issued from the superior court of said county in favor of I. Q. ' Coleman vs Bry Ruth. Written notice given de j fondant in possession. This the 7th day of Oct., 1913. James Hester, C. A. Rodgers, Sheriff. Atty. for Plaintiff. Sheriff Sale. Georgia- Montgomery Lounty. Will be sold before the court house door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tuesday in Nov., 1913, be tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, certain property, of which the following is a complete description: Twenty-four (24> acres of land more or less, sit- i uate. lying and being in the 275th district G. M. of said county and stAte, and bounded as follows: On the north by lands of Mrs. John Gordon, on the cast by lands of A. C. Moseley, on the south by lands of J. W. Moseley and on the west by lands of I. Q. Coleman. Levied on and will be sold as the property of Victoria Holmes to satisfy an exe cution issued from the justice's court of the 275th district in favor of Dr. Robert H. Mobley vs Mrs. Victoria Holmes. Levy made and returned to me by E. Wiikes, constable, and due notice given de fendant in possession. This the 7th day of Oct., 1913. James Hester, - Sheriff M. C. 1 For Leave to £ Georgia—Montgomery oty. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has applied to the ordinary of said county for leave to sell lots of land as follows: One tract containing 29 1-5 acres more or less bounded north and south east by lands of M. H. Bar ley and south west by sotJ. A. Riddle. Also an< tract containing 15 acres m r less, bounded north by lan f Rid dle, east by lands of P Bard mon, south by lands ot / . Rid dle and west by new t ; e road, both tracts located in ,843rd district G. M. of said c r, To be sold as part oft! of J. A. Riddle. Said app u will j be heard on the first jay in November, 1913. Ti:i i:e 6th day of October, 1913. J. W. .mer, Guardian T. A. Mddle. I :■; ~ A. L. La er, j 1 Attorney at Law, MT. VERNON, GA. Will Practice in all the Courts of the State. W. B. GRIMES, Blacksmith & Repair Works, ALSTON, GEORGIA. All Classes of Repair Work Work Quickly and Correctly Done. Bring Me Your Work. Anyone lending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Commnr’et tloiis strictly r onfldontial. HANDBOOK on Patent* sent free- Oldest agency for securing patents. Patent* aken through Munn X Co. receipt tperuil notice, without charge. In the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest eir. cuiation of any scientific lour.,til Terms. $3 a year: four months, $L Sold by aJ: newsdealers. MUNN & Co. 36,B ™ d " w Yori Branch office, F 8U W, u. Dt C.