Newspaper Page Text
No case will be called before the day on which it is assigned, and cases not *
4ft N* -
disposed of on day of assignment will he in order for trial the the day following. {■
.ait * 4^
Monday, November 3rd. Sf e m M -i g r ,, M r n r „ £
2 J 144 128 Miles and Susan Calhoun vs Mrs L P Kelley i|t-
Page No. 144 131 F Lee Mcßae vs Susan Wilson deft T A Peterson jk
-?F 135 77 Rias Anderson vs Freeman Hilburn. c r
# 151 16 E T Mcßride &Covs D A Fountain 145 136 J C Thornburg vs J A Mcßride Smith Gar
-sjt 159 64 Lollie Miller vs Joe D Miller 146 6 Mrs Georgia Benton vs J J Miller Z
jjt 160 65 Lollie Miller vs J D Miller 148 44 \y Mishoe vs Delila &D C Phillips
X 5 26 E T Mcßride &Covs D A Fountain 148 15 J M Davis vs John McNeal deft R K Mosley clt
2, 6 35 G W Mosley vs C B McLeod 148 17 Louranie McKay vs J H McKay £-
13 74 Maria Phillips vs Win B Kent 1 4 8 18 J W Martin Jr vs N A Adams Jr X
-3r 13 75 Eliza E Fountain vs E 1 Mcßride et al 149 20 Lawton Williamson vs John Memory
-sft 13 78 W B Herring vsBB&C C Gillis 151 31 Ij W Yeomans vs Georgia & Fla Ry Co
-4k 16 7 J. B. Arnold vs l A Ellis &F C Stone 151 34 Fisher Lowery & Fisher vs N N Barwick 4^
jx 18 24 Jones Gun & Jones vs N B Gibbs Sr&N B Gibbs Jr 4 5 4 36 Fisher Lowery & Fisher vs NN& N M Barwick 4£
2 24 2 Hugh Peterson vs Author Harm ton 152 37 W Mishoe &Covs G W Caraway &J T Braddy &
2 27 1 Amanda Rodgers vs Dr J F Hall • 152 38 T M Miller et al vs M L O’Brien admr
T 28 5 The Mt Vernon Bank vs J D Miller defendant cc 4 g 2 4 2 Mrs J A Crumley vs Jas Herndon
■3f* J A Crumley clt ’ 153 44 W Mishoe vs F B Calhoun Mary J Calhoun clt
& 28 6 The Mt Vernon Bank vs J D Miller dft &J A 153 46 E L Meadows vs 11J Gibbs
Crumley clt . T a 153 48 D F Warncck vs Kelan Walden X
28 7 The Mt Vernon Bank vs J D Miller dft &J A 155 55 Reader et a | vs Mrs Lula V Newton Palmer X
2 Crumley clt . „ , 155 59 Taylor Canady Buggy Co vs W Mishoe
clt _ , 156 61 J W Gorden vs Julia A Gorden W
-3ft 28 9 Hunter Ben &Covs JD Miller Crumley clt 156 g 4 D G Williamson et al vs A M Moses ijfc-
T 29 12 Dublin Banking Co vs J D Miller Crumley clt 158 74 R K Mosley vs B W Ruth X
1 29 13 H H Smith vs J D Miller Crumley clt 159 83 B F Adams vs R L Whitaker
Z 29 14 Georgia Cotton Oil Co vs J D Miller Crumley clt lf)0 B F Eckols vs AW& C G Thompson Z
33 37 A J Copeland vs C T Braddy et al 160 9() McNatt & Moore vs W R Beckum &C H Beckum 4*
-3$ i 34 43 Mrs Nannie Horn vs J D McCrimmon 161 97 Peruvian Guano Corporation vs J C Clifton & E
2 34 45 C W Beacham vs Andrew J Miller S Gibbs X
X 36 53 American Steel Wire Co vs N T Way Co Phillips IG2 101 Bank of Soperton vs C C Tapley &N L Gillis X
Garnishee 162 102 Bank of Soperton vs Jas McNatt et al
■9r 42 22 Joseph M Brown Gov vs A C Gnmn Jr et al 4 g 3 404 Mishoe vs R W Willis
43 26 A B Conner vs Jas Morris Jr etal 163 108 W W Underwood vs L A Thigpen deft J A Thig- *
4fs 44 36 W P Calhoun vs W D Peterson et al pen gar 4E
-3ft 45 37 W P Calhoun vs W D Peterson &E T Mcßride if )3 109 Summit Naval Stores Co vs J J McArthur &-
jfe 45 40 Jas McNatt vs N. Q. Cooper &W J Hamilton 164 44 q g um mit Naval Stores Co vs J J McArthur jl.
2 46 45 MI)&SRyCo vs W T Brantley V
-J 52 82 w g Fountain vs Jas Morris Wednesday, November sth. {
53 90 Elsie Mosley vs C B McLeod J ’ - 4^
56 7 Pittsburg Plate Glass Co vs Lillie M Williams etal 165 1 Mt Vernon Bank vs W H Kitchens et al
7 15 C B McLeod vs H D Mosley 165 2 M H Newsom vs Jas Fowler
< 1 D_l Mcßride & C0.,.f0r use of F C McGahee, v« 3 Elijah Mosley vs Wm Hamilton
An „‘^J 3B et a , 4. • 165 4J M Mills vs Martha Ann Mills
' 42 Dr O B Moye vs Arter Davis M . 165 5H C Davis vs J M Moore J B O’Conner clt £
-2ft t>4 52 Levis Zukoski Mercantile Co vs Mrs R Morrison g Monday & Hadden vs M L Adams et al
■2f* „„ , _ Tv/r t1 xt * 166 10 Macon Gro Co vs Barwick & Smith
55 15 C Barker Co vs Mrs Lula Newton Palmer 4 gfi H Mashburn Drug Co vs AM & Walace Moses
^ e °A\ F - erU l\ Zer J° V r S J C £ oU p n^, o 1 67 15 A A Calhoun vs W B Cadle &Dr Culpeper 4^
83 67 Standard Talking Machine Co vs W B Cadle lfi7 lfi K e u ev Gillis vs M E Foskv
# oq J? Ella E Beckum vs J A Morris & Emily Morns 16? 17 D F Warnock Tax col vs' Mary J Calhoun FB *
T 89 16 J J Williams vs Jas McNatt Calhoun clt X
2 ni £5 Southern Fertilizer & Chemical Co vs J D Johnson lfi? lg w A Tapley by next friend vs G&F Ry J
m op Mrs Ada M I etei son vs Hugh Peterson j 9 Riount Buggy & Carriage Co vs C H Peterson T
# 52 36 Alley Mercantile Co vs H Peterson 168 19 D W Freeman vs Ben Copeland *
a o r u y, e^ erson vs 9 M Dourson &B B Courson IGB 2 i Alice &T J James vs O B Moye 4^
3ft 54 43 C H Peterson vs Cora E Conner &C C Conner 16g Alice &T j Jameß vs 0 B Moye
op rp at ll ™ 10 rpp 11 rr n™ 168 23 Alice &T J James vs M D Davis Jt
96 56 A J Burch &J C Calhoun vs Cora E& C C Con- 16g The F A Aimes Co vs c H Peterson X
017 PO Fvrw • oT> r r
57 63 A E Weichalbaum & Bro vs C C Conner & Cora lfi9 Norman Gi n ia vs David gwjney *
nr7 c . .. o r 169 27 Associated Realty Sales Co vs John J McArthur 4^
o? rr K 1111 .s vs Mayor & Council Soperton Ga 169 28 Norman Gillis vs CC & Cora E Conner admr #-
oJ So DW Smith vs CoraE&C C adi lf)9 29 McNatt & Moore vs W T Beasley &
98 69 Pearce Madox & Pearce vs Cora h& C C Conner lg 93Q County of Montgornery V s G J Warnock
inn q a r- a wr> +1 tti. r' ot oi 17° Mrs C D Simons vs W B Cadle & Mary Ann Z
-3ft 100 84 C W Brantley vs Bettie C Sims et al _ Phillios 4^
101 3 Merchants Bank Mcßae vs N B GibLz v.t u. Gibbs 17p 32 yj B Frost vs Sudie Frost 4^
-^f 4 in< 00 T clt n/r xt .4. x’ Tjx-n- g ;tv, 170 33 The Farmers Supply Co vs C T Waller iffc
-3 mi 20 Jas McNatt vs Nancy Phillips-Smith 170 34 A M Moses vs Julias Porcher 1
Inc Q? m'P f i tlCe VS M WI 'n rvnnor 17° 35 The Citizens Bank of Alston vs J T Conner et al
If m? HwS & feons T ? A D Conner 170 36 The Mt Vernon Bank vs W T McCrimmon et al J
mo av Jr n- 1 r Se c ll Fr w w 171 37 Marietta Fertilizer Co vs Henry McAllister 4^
lVovf‘tnlw‘r 171 40 Ellis Carriage Works vs W Mishoe i fc
1 lit ftdd), !>«)>(. ill H I it . 271 4 i Peruvian Guano Corporation vs M H Mason et al £.
Page No. 171 42 John Flanigan Buggy Co vs W B Cadle
113 10 The Farmers Bank vs N E Barlow et al 172 44 Jas McNatt vs A M Moses W
117 36 J K Orr Shoe Co et al vs S W Harrel & Son 172 45 W L Wilson vs W C McCrimmon et al W
117 38 Liipfert Scales Co vs Cora E& C C Conner admr 172 46 McNatt & Moore vs Geo Fountain ift
121 58 The Bank of Soperton vs Eliza Fountain etal 172 47 Reliance Fertilizer Co vs N M Barwick i.
T 122 66 Wm B Kent vs Mrs E A Fountain 172 *4B Tonie Reese vs Rachael Reese
124 11 The Mt Vernon Bank vs Joe Miller et al Crumley 173 49 Calvert Mortgage & Deposit Co vs Geo M Tapley
-3f t clt 173 50 Marietta Fertilizer Co vs A M Moses
-jj* 125 17 Savannah Chemical Co vs T W Morris 173 51 Marietta Fertilizer Co vs W Mishoe #
jit 125 18 Hunter Ben &Covs L A Thigpen J A Thigpen 173 52 Armour Fertilizer Works vs J W Sharpe & Son i(£
"X gar 173 53 P J Davis vs J D Miller &J A Crumley
3 126 20 Ward Truett &Covs S W Harrel & Son. 173 54 W O Jordan vs J H Williamson j*
*sr 130 44 Fisher Lowery & Fisher vs Walter Phillips 174 55 H B McNatt vs G W Wammock
132 58 John J McArthur vs Henry Braddy 175 2 Sarah Brittain vs SAL Ry * J
-3ft 132 59 John J McArthur vs Henry Braddy 175 3 Peoples Bank of Soperton vs C C Conner et al W
132 60 John J McArthur vs Henry Braddy 175 4 Morris & Hart vs Richard Baker Clora Baker clt £
ji, 133 61 John J McArthur vs Henry Braddy 176 11 I F Dixon vs W W White £.
T 133 62 John J McArthur vs Henry Braddy 176 12 C D Browning vs A W Harris *
■** 133 63 John J McArthur vs Henry Braddy 177 13 Georgia Walden vs Geo B Graham & Lester Gra- Z
•3f* 133 64 John J McArthur vs Henry Braddy ham
-3ft 133 65 John J McArthur vs Henry Braddy 177 14 H V Dailey &J L Lowery vs Geo B Graham sr
-ajt 133 66 John J McArthur vs J A Conner Peterson clt iff-
2, 138 95 Blackshear Mfg Co vs Isaac Brooks et al Phillips clt _
Z 140 106 Malcom E Morrison et al vs J W Morrison 177 16 Fisher Lowery & Fisher vs Neal Gillis
-3f* 141 113 Blackshear Mfg Co vs W A Odom 181 ,39 Citizens Bank of Vidalia vs S Collins &E S £
-3f< 144 127 M T Drake vs Patience Avery Adams
S J. B. Geiger, M. B. Calhoun, L. C. UnderwOod, C. I). Loud, W. L. Wilson, Attys. 4*
During the dull season The Monitor has carried a large number of patrons who
are in arrears for subscription, and now that the harvest is past, those who owe the
paper should make an effort to do the square thing—pay up and renew at AT ONCE.
The Weber Wagon Leads
All Others Follow
j§ For sixty-fivo years the highest grade material, tlio finest 1
I workmanship and tlio light running qualities of tho Weber |
I wagon have endeared it to tho hearts of Weber users. We I
I have tho exclusive agency for the Weber wagon, and if you
1 will call, wo will explain exactly why the Weber is tho King i
of all farm wagons. Step in. If wo cannot interest you in
the wagon proposition, wo will not figuro tho time lost.
l McQUEEN, Mt. Vernon, Ga. 1
A Check Book
I is easier to carry than a wallet filled |
with currency, silver or gold. It adds ;
dignity to your transaction and al ys
; | gives you satisfaction. Checks ar of
j; no value except to the person in wit se
|| favor they are drawn. Can you afford |
|| to keep your money at home or in your ;
11 pocket, when you can have, without |
|i expense, a cheek book on this hank?
I CAPITAL, *15,000.00 SURPLUS, $30,000.00 RESOURCES, $145,000.00
Willie T. McArthur. President W. A. Peterson, Cashier
Alex McArthur, Vice-President H. L. Wilt, Assistant Cashier
i i
| Brim{ or Ship Your j
I Cotton To Us j
I I)o you expect to use Fertilizers j
for your Fall Oats? We have them — |
as good as the best.
I We keep you posted on the Market.
Write us, call on us, or telephone 222. |
wvvvAMfvyv v v v
Atty at Law,
Ml Vernon, Georgia
L. W. BUS ;
Dental Surge. n,
Offices 2d Floor Bank of Soper ion building,
Soperton, <ja.