Newspaper Page Text
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Mr. Albert Simpson has return
ed from a visit to the big state
fail at Macon.
The Cash Grocery Co. has
opened up a stock of goods in the
old postoffice building. Mrs. J.
E. Cockfield is in charge.
Mr. J. J. McAllister of the
Ijongpond section was transact
ing business here Tuesday.
Mr. M. J Brantley was a visi
tor here on Tuesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wright
attended the state fair on Thurs
day and Friday last.
Mrs. Stoddard, who was called
here by the death of her father.
Mr. V. I’. Moore, has returned
to her home in Owens, S. C., ac
companied by her sister, Miss
Lilah Moore, and little niece, i
Jaunita Cooper.
Hunter, Pearce & Battey, thej
solid, reliable and energetic Cot
ton Factors, of Savannah, offer
you the excelk nt service that
has earned them their superior
reputation as salesman among 1
thousands of satisfied customers, j
Give them a trial or else you may |
be neglecting an opportunity to
realize more for your cotton than
heretofore. Do it now and be con- j
vinced. ad.
Mr. Milledge Wilkes of east j
Montgomery was transacting
business here on Saturday.
Mr. G. W. Coleman of Route 1
was a visitor here on Saturday.
Mr. Coleman is considering the
matter of running for county
Miss Bessie Stuckey has re
turned from the state fair.
Col. A. C. Satfold of Cochran
came down Monday and attended
superior court at Alamo on Tues
Mrs. Thad lluckabee returned
to her home in Sylvester Tuesday
morning after a visit to her
TTV't.l' and other relatives here.
eys Geiger, Wilson, Un
i and Calhoun of the local
<ar uav\ been in attendance on
the court at Alamo this week.
Mr. John W. Mornson of this
place was mingling with friends
west of the Oconee Monday.
Mr. Angus Morris of the lliggs-j
ton section was here on business
Mr. ('has. F. Vinson of Savan
nah passed through here by auto
mobile on Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. A. B. Hutcheson is in Sop
orton visiting her daughter, Mrs.
J. E. Hall.
County School Superintendent
Hutcheson attended the state
fair in Macon Tuesday.
Mrs. W illie Jones of Ailey is
spending the week with relatives
in Uvalda.
N It Always Helps M
says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., In Iqß
[1 writing of her experience with Cardui, the woman’s rT’j
■Qfl tonic. She says further: “Before 1 began to use
P-'l Cardui, my back and head would hurt so bad, I
thought the pain would kill me. I was hardly able
K&W to do any of my housework. Alter faking three bottles R9B
of Cardui, 1 began to feel like a new woman. 1 soon
Kkv* gained pounds, and now, Ido all my housework, Bfifl
as well as run a big water mill.
|gjLj4 1 wish every suffering woman would give Ifid
S The Woman’s Tonic Q
a trial. I still use Cardui when 1 feel a little bad, j
and it always does me good.” iQi
Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness,
tired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs of woman
ly trouble. Signs that you need Cardui, the woman’s W9l
tonic. You cannot make a mistake in trying Cardui r~j
BBS for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing Bon
women for more than fifty years.
M Get a Bottle Today 1 |Bi
Mrs. Duncan Mediae of Mcßae
is spending some time with rela
tives in and around Mt. Vernon,
having remained over from the
recent session of the Presbytery.
©: 0 0 ©:•.©:#.©:
| Damon Notes %
® ~ M
ProccedingK of Weekly Meeting at g
Urewlon-Parker Institute, Ml. Vernon jgj •
©o® 00 0
The Damon Lite ary ‘ >ciety
. held their regular \ kL meet
ing in the freshman room on the
afternoon of October 25.
After being led in prayer by
ie chaplain the roll was called
and the minutes were read and
i The following program was
Reading Bessie Mae Rackley.
Conversation Robt. Williams,
Cecil Lee, Hayden McDaniel and
Edgar Mclemore.
Jokes and wants —Eunice Burk
Adjective game —Ernestine
1 'ant orni ne —Marguerite Mont
gomery, Vickie Hall, Marie Mc
| Queen.
Debate: Resolved, That Coun
ty Education is Beneficial.
Affirmative —Albert Sidney
1 Johnson, Tyra Stanley and Josie
Negative Ray Coursey, Ruby
Burch and Mamie McDaniel.
The judges rendered their de
cision in favor of the affirmative.
The following officers were
elected for the month of Novem
President Ray Coursey.
Secretary and Treasurer—Clara
(Corresponding Secretary
Marie McQueen.
Chaplain Charles Ricks.
Censor Edgar Mcliomore.
After a lengthy business meet
ing we adjourned in order.
-M. A. M.-
Scrvices Baptist Church
On Sabbath Next.
Regular services will be held
at the Mt. Vernon Baptist church
next Sabbath. The pastor, Rev.
I. D. Rabun, is conducting a re
vival meeting at Ailey, in which
he is being assisted by Rev. B.
G. Smith of Atlanta. The song
service is being conducted by Mr.
T. A. Henry of Maysville. This
meeting will probably continue
until Tuesday, and on Wednes
day protracted services will be
gin at the Mt. Vernon Baptist
church. There will be no prayer
meeting held at the Baptist
church here Friday vem'ng. The
public is cordially ii vitet to at
tend and take pan >i lie ser
j .Special Correnpoiulfciice.
Miss Helen DeWitt spent Sat
urday with her parents in Lyons.
Mr. J. F. Butler of Dexter
spent a few days with his friends
here last week.
Miss Ethel Pritchett left last
week for where she will take
j her school near Eastman.
Mr. Oscar Duggan, who is at
, tending school in Sandersville
spent Sunday with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Duggan.
Many young people attended
the fair at Macon from here
Mr. Tom Ivey spent Sunday in
Mr. J. A. Chivers left Tuesday
1 for Harrison, where he will spend
I a few clays.
Miss Willie Mae Ivey, Mrs. W.
T. Futrille, Messrs. Kelley Fu
trille, Winnie Cromedy and Wil
lie Waller spent Sunday at the
Association at Zaidee.
Dr. W. E. Worrill left Sunday
for Atlanta, where he will spend
a few days.
All Soperton mourns with Mr.
and Mrs. Wiley Mishoe in the
death of their son, Hoke, which
sad event occurred on the 21st
inst. Obituary next week.
Married, at the home of Rev.
W. li. Hilton, Sunday, 2Gth inst.,
Mr. Elefield Blaxton and Miss
Columbia Humphrey, Rev. W. li.
Hilton officiating. Mr. lilaxton
is quite a nice young man, very
handsome and intelligent, with
many friends to wish him well.
The bride is a splendid young
lady, very charming indeed, and
has many friends and admirers.
I We wish for them a happy voy
age on the matrimonial sea.
Invited To Attend The
Twelfth District Fair
At Dublin.
Judging from the big noise
they are making up in Dublin
over the Twelfth District Fair it
is going to be a whopper. Peo
ple from over the Twelfth Dis
trict are just beginning to realize
that this is a district fair and not
a county fair. Most of the coun
ties of the Twelfth Congressional
District will have county exhibits
and will send a large delegation
i to the fair.
The Special “Cotton Ginner’s
Day” that has been arranged is
one of the greatest strokes of en
terprize that we have ever heard
The enterprising business men
of Dublin, headed by Mr. J. M.
i Finn, of the Georgia Warehouse
and Compress Co., are arranging
to give theginnersof the Twelfth
District a big barbecue dinner on
this day and in the afternoon
will give demonstrations at one
of the modern cotton gins, show
ing the best known methods of
ginning cotton. The ginners will
also be the guests of the Georgia
Warehouse and Compress Co.,
during the afternoon and will
witness a demonstration of the
compressing of cotton. These
exercises have been arranged on
behalf of the cotton ginners to
| encourage and promote the bet
ter ginning and baling of cotton,
and will be of unusual interest
land benefit to every cotton gin
ner attending the demonstration.
The Fair Association asks us to
extend through the columns of
our paper a cordial invitation to
every ginner in Montgomery
county to attend thi« exhibition,
which will be on Thursday, No
vember 6th. Every ginner ex-
I pecting to be present will please
notify Mr. j. M. Finn, Chairman,
Dublin, Ga., advising him wheth-
I er or not you will be present, and
if so whether or not you will be
j accompanied by your wife and
children. Special arrangements
are being made for the entertain
ment of the wives and children
of cotton ginners.
We commend the good people
of Dublin and the Fair Associa
tion for this enterprising ven
ture. which will be of such bene
j fit to the ginners throughout this
1 section.
Program to Be Rendered
By Teachers’ Association.
Following is the program pre
pared for the meeting of the
Montgomery County Teachers’
Association, to be held in Mount
Vernon Nov. 8:
1. Possibilities Ahead of Us —
Miss Inez Mcßae, Homer H.
2. Responsibilities of a Teacher
Miss Annie Doolittle, Miss
Mamie Tarver.
3. Corn and Canning Clubs—
C. A. Johnston, Miss Lollie
4. What Teachers are Reading
and What They Should Read
Mrs. Alma B. Mosley, J.
M. Morris.
5. How far Should Teachers Go
in Trying to Shape the Gen
eral Life of the Community?
—C. M. Ledbetter, Miss Leo
nora Wright.
0. How Each One Can and Will
Help to Make the Teachers’ |
Association a Success—Gen- !
eral Discussion by all thei
Election of officers for the year.
This being the first meeting of
the year, all teachers are urged
to attend. President Ledbettei
has accepted an invitation from
the faculty of the Brewton-Par
ker Institute to hold the meeting
at the Institute, which will be
done. Dinner will be served the
teachers out there.
Mr. Lawton Williamson
Announces for Sheriff,
In this issue Mr. Lawton Wil
liamson gives notice of his candi
dacy for the office of sherilf. Mr. j
Williamson bears the reputation j
of being a good man and worthy
citizen, and will no doubt rally i
to his support many friends
and voters throughout the coun
ty. In making up your state for
county officers, he asks you to
consider his candidacy.
Georgia Montgomerv Connty.
(i. B. Graham lias applied for
exemption of personalty and set
ting apart and valuation of home
stead, and I will pass upon the
same ut 10 o'clock a. m., on the
17th day of November, 1918, at
mv office. This the 27th day of
October, 1918.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary.
For Clerk Superior Court:
I usk "f my li'i‘ji.dn and the cilisi ns of Mont-
Konu ry county the office of Clerk of the Su
perior Court. Long years of ex|KTienr in the
work warrant me in claiming ray fitness for
the duties of the office, and in the coming
primary, under such rules as may be adopted;
1 ask for your support. Your votes will bt
highly appreciated,
John C. McAli.jstkk.
For Tax Collector:
l'o the Voters of Montgomery County:
In as much as I ihsiro tc> be lax Collector
of Mnntgnilii ry Comity, 1 hrreb announce
myself a candidate lor that office, subject to
the rules and regulations promulgated by the
Hi mooratic Executive Committee govundng
! die nt xt primary. 1 will appreciate any and
\ dl suppoi t given me. and if I should be elected
| I will do aii in my p wer In do the duties of
! the office in the pro cr maumr ami ae ■ pta
|Mo to the people nt large. There is one thing
| 1 will sav in the beginning and let it be Illy
motto until the ili i-tior, js over, that I will
uut resort to any unfair means, or dirty polit
ical schemes or tricks,, to si cun my election.
G. V. Mason.
For Sheriff:
I am asking at the hands of the people and
voteis of Mo t gum try e unty the office of
Sheriff. I am not unknown to you, having I
serv. il srvi ral years in the office with mv J
brother, A. .1 Buri.'h, some years ago. I a:o
iamihar with the duties of the office, and mv
highest aim will be to serve you well, if fa. !
rored with the offici. lam asking yeer sip 1
port as an honest rum, and my candidacy is 1
subject to sneli ru es as your executive c in- i
inittcc may prescribe. Assuring you that 1 i
will appreciate all support given me, I am
Yours to serve,
E. E. Burch, j
For Sheriff.
To the Citizens of Moutg •m.-ry County;
I am Offeling to sel l , you as Sheriff of yiiiir ;
eoni'ty. I will ask your support f> i nomina
list it in as a cut did lb for that office in the ap- ;
preaching primary ; object to such ruins as
may be adopted. It placed in tliis respottsi- J
ble position bv your votes. I bi g to assnr.
you that you w ill not have cause to regret the
choice. .Soliciting your support, lam
Yours respect fully,
it. 7. Salti.ii
For Sheriff.
To tin Citizi ns of Montgomery County:
1 hereby offet mys ls a canilida'c n . tin
Oifiti if ITtVvlf Mold . •!• el . n 1 : 1 1 V . sit!. ■ ect
to such rules as your ex . miv, v rotni t mav
pn scribe. If favored with 'his. ffiei. I prom
ise to it.* my duty ai d si-ivt yll t tlie In st of
■my ability. Assuring jour fnys| pn elation
of the support given in, i your hands. I i.m
Yours t. mrve,
I. Wll.uv SON.
It is estim ited that 35.000
people attended the: state fair in
Macon last Friday, circus day.
Springhill Literary Society.
The Springhill Literary Society
has recently been reorganized,
and on Saturday evening next
will render a program. Let those
who are in touch with the organ
ixation attend and co-operate
with the work. It is uplifting
and beneficial.
Off To The State Fair.
The first automobile party ever
going from here to Macon left
Monday afternoon, going by
Dublin. In the party were
Sheriff Hester, Clerk Superior
Court O’Brien, Henry J. Foun
tain, and Arpad Hicks, the latter
in charge of the car. The trip
was a pleasant one and no doubt
enjoyed by all.
Card Os Thanks.
We desire to thank those who
rendered prompt aid and sym
pathy in the sad and sudden death
of our father, Mr. V. P. Moore,
and pray Heaven’s blessings on
Mr. and Mrs. Clem Cooper, ,
and the family.
Mt. Vernon, Oct. 29, 1913.
Seme Fine Potatoes.
We are indebted to Mr. W. H.
Adamson for a sample of his
Nancy Hall potatoes. They are
by far the best we have seen.
The potato crop in most sections
of this county is a failure on ac
count of the di’outh.
j 15c Cotton
There many lies being told to bluff the farmer
' : out of his cotton and keep him from filling his contract
with this Corporation. This Corporation is for the pur-
N pose of getting for the farmer the worth of his cotton.
Who else is doing this? Don’t go for advice to men who
are fattening on you —use your own brains and get out of
bondage. We shall Get 15c Per Pound For Every Bale
Os Cotton Delivered To Us, and next year we shall be
7- ; in business to get it again for those who are with us this
'& year,
Our agent at Ailey, Mt. Vernoq, Higgston and Me
lt; Gregor, H. V. Thompson.
Soperton, E. A. Outlaw.
'£ Sharps Spur, Newton Swindle.
Uvalda, S. A. Scott.
| Southern States Cotton Corporation,
W. T. Anderson, Vice-President for Georgia.
|Brick! Brick!
Plenty on Hand for Prompt
| Shipment. Standard Grades and Low
| Prices Prevail. Write for Prices.
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Against Loss
f 0©;©: ©: i
o'o 0 © No Matter from What Source it May Come
, 3 .©' © 0 i
| i
| We are constantly adding new
accounts, and our business is increasing
i- at a very satisfactory rate.
Possibly you also might be glad to
tj join us.
I i
1 Pythian Notes j
Proceedings of Regular Meeting Held
by Pythian Literary Society
On last Saturday, Oct. 25th,
the Pythian Literary Society met
in the chapel. After the roll
call and the reading of the min
utes the following program was
carried out.
j Piano solo—Georgia Bell Smi
Jokes and wants—Guy Stone.
Pantomine—lnez McP>ride, Lol
lie Cobb, Pearl Wells and Mae
Vocal solo—Emma Edwards.
Conversation—Brooks Elton,
John Stede, Harry Geq , John
Abt, Jerome Car ie. Eugene
Truitt, Colin Lacjson and Jim
Piano duet—Katherine Currie
and Theodosia Geiger,
j Favorite expressions—Dorcas
i Mcßae.
Debate: Resolved, That The
Negroes of Georgia Should be
Affirmative—Carl Geiger and
Vivian Dumas. Negative—Ned
Warren and Marie Peterson.
The decision of the judges was
a tie.
We were glad to enroll three
new members. After a short
business meeting we adjourned.