The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, December 18, 1913, Image 2
PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. OFFICIAL ORQAN MONTOOMERY COUNTY. Entered at the Poxtoflicc in Ms. Vernon, (la. as Second-Class Mail Matter. H. H. POLSOtt, Editor and Owner. $• a Year, in Advance. Le«ftl advertiafineuts must invariably be paid in advance, at the legal rate, and aa the law directs; and must be in hand not later than Wednesday morning of the first week of insertion Mount Vernon, Ga.. Thursday Morning, Dec. 18, 1913. It is sad to reflect that, in the rush of the happy Yuletide next week, there should be a single empty stocking. We will have to hustle if we surpass in 1914 the accomplish ments of the year now closing. But we can hustle. We will hail it as a sign of pro gress if in this country drunken ness and insane debauchery do not desecrate next week the day of all days that should be kept sacred. (’hristmas presents to a country newspaper are always in good order and correct form. As to size, anything from an automo bile to a three-cornered hen egg will do. The happiest boys in Georgia today are members of the corn clubs. They have profited by clean and healthful work, and have advertised their native state to an applauding an appreciative world. The man who quietly figures on the losses caused by his mis takes in the past year will ac complish ' much more than the fellow who publishes his new year resolutions and makes a big noise annually. The women and the hens have both got into congress. The suf fragettes are demanding recog nition by the president, and a pe tition from 100,000 of the Fede:- ation of Woman’s Clubs will be presented soon on the egg ques tion. If the well organized and suc cessful banks of Montgomery county would take up the matter of advances for live stock raising they would be doing a grand work, and the security for such advances would be quite as safe as advances on cotton. Among the many wonderful achievements of Georgia in 1914, nothing has been more conducive to the peace and good order of the old state than the final quietus put upon the Longstreet- Tallulah Falls war by the state supreme court last week. As Mrs. Wilson is a direct de scendant of the old Midway stock, it is hoped that the com mittee to call on President Wilson this week may induce him to visit Georgia when the monument to Gens. Screven and Stewart is unveiled next spring at old Mid way. If you want an example of what sentiment and curiosity will do, read the accounts of the ex hibition of the “Mona Lisa,” the painting stolen from Paris some months ago and found last week in Italy. Fighting mobs of thousands press together for a single glimpse of the painting. For eleven years we have preached to the people of Mont gomery county the doctrine of co-operation. But the cry of the children sitting in the market place, "we have piped unto you and you have not danced” is about all we can remind them of in the close of this vear 1913. We know that our theory is safe and sane, and that if our people had resolved to cling together and combined their efforts on all public lines and fanning opera tions that this old county would be a veritable paradise today; and one to which we could invite with open arms the home-seeker and the hordes marching towards a betterment of their conditions. ▼vvtvtvvttvwtvvttttytttv • E (j loppings From 3 S Wisdom’s Field. 3 ► < •AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Perry Home Journal: —The Georgia Tax equalization law is not designed especially to increase the valuation of taxable property, hut to equalize the valuation. It is also intended that property heretofore escaping taxation should be discovered and taxed. The law is specifically after the dodgers, be their method what it may. Dublin Courier-Herald. —How would you like to receive about eleven pounds of nice back-bone by parcel post? Country sub scribers please take notice. Lyons Progress:—As a death dealer it is hard to tell which is the most successful, the automo bile, the flying machine, the hip pocket arsenal or the “gun that wasn’t loaded.” Monroe Advertiser:—And just to think! Here Woodrow Wilson has been President for eight months aud the panics predicted by the rampant Republicans have failed to materialize. Isn’t it terrible that the country just will not panic when the Republicans want it to? Nashville Herald: —Several of the boys are limping around with an ingrowing desire to run for office. Wait till the new year r ills in, boys. Waycross Herald:—The travel ing men clammored loudly for the convenience of “pulling” mileage on the trains. Now they will be made to pay for their con venience. Atlanta Constitution: —At the border they can’t tell whether it is the noise of the fighting or people cheering Huerta in order to sidestep a firing squad. Fitzgerald Press:—Down in Mexico the different armies sus pended activities the other day in order to attend a big bull fight. Hawkinsville Dispatch-News: A Tennessee evangelist pre dicts that the world will soon come to an end. Hope our de linquents will bear this in mind and be prepared for the great event by paying up their dues at once. Darien Gazette:—We are glad to observe that in every section of the state orders are being is sued to officers to see to it that the people have a safe and sane Christmas. If you are determin ed to get drunk and lie a nuisance why step down to Mexico where you can enjoy plenty of excite ment. Greensboro Herald-Journal:— Whenever a United States senator thinks he’s losing his grip on the people, he immediately intro duces some kind of a fool bill to benefit the dear farmer. A t lan ta Georgian :—Zapata, Mexican patriot and thirster for liberty and glory, was a fancier of chicken tights, a well-known sport. He did not get his start by starting any Declaration of Independence. He got it by “roping a mule.” Savannah Press:—The state game warden of Michigan wants hunters prevented by law from carrying whisky on hunting trips with them. He wants them to know which bird they are shoot ing at. Senoia Enterprise-Gazette:— Members of the suffrage conven tion in Washington say: “We no longer bog for the ballot, we de mand it." But guess that is not the only thing they ever demand- j ed and failed to get. THE MONTGOMERY MONITOR-THURSDAY. DEC. 18. IMS ANNOUNCEMENTS. For Ucrfc Superior Court: I sak of my friends and the citizens of Mont gomery county the office of Clerk of the Su perior Court. Long years of exoerienc in the work warrant me in claiming my Htataa for the dutiea of the office, and in the coining primary, under aucli rules as may be adopted, I a.k for your support. Your votes will be highly appreciated, John C. MijAllistkb. For Clerk Superior Court I take this method of informing the voters of Montgomery county that I am a candidate for the office of Clerk of .Superior Court ol your county. With a business training that fits me for this special work, and a desire to serve my people, I solicit your votes, and assure you that I will endeavor always to serve you ac ceptably. Thanking you for the support you can give me, I am Yours respectfully, UhO li. Tvi.eb. For Tax Collector: To the Voters of Montgomery County: In aa much aa I desire to be Tax Oollectoi of Montgomery County, i hereby announce myself a candidate for that office, subject to the rules and regulations promulgated by the Democratic Executive Committee governing tiie next primary. I will appreciate any and all support given me, and if I should he elected I will do all in my power to do the duties of the office in the proi er manner and accepta ble to the people at large. There is one tiling I will Ha.v in the beginning anti lot it be my motto until the election is over, that I will not resort to any unfair means, or dirty polit ical schemes or tricks, to secure my election. U. V. Mason. Fur Tax Collector. After having been solicited, I have decided to offer my services to the citizens of Mont gomery county as Tax Collector, under such rules as may be adopted for the coming pri mary, and, if elected, I promise to serve you according to law and the best of my ability. Asking the support of the voters of the coun ty, 1 remain, Yours Truly, J}. F. Hamilton. For Tax Collector: To the Voters of Montgomery County: I hereby offer myself a candidate for the of fice of Tax Collector of Montgomery county, subject to such rules as your executive com mittee may prescribe. If elected, I promise to servo the people to the best of nty ability. Assuring you that I will appreciate all support given me, I aut Yout s to serve, 11. C. Davis. For Sheriff: I am asking at the hands of the people and voters of Montgomery county the office of .Sheriff. I am not unknown to you, having served several years in the office with my brother, A. J- Burch, some years ago. lam familiar witli ttie duties of the office, and my highest aim will lie to servo you well, il fa. vored with the office. 1 am asking your sup port as an honest man, and my candidacy is subject to such rules as your executive com mittee may prescribe. Assuring you that I will appreciate all support given me, I am Yours to servo, E. E. Bimuu. For Sheriff. To the Citizens of Montgomery County; I am offering to serve you as Sheriff of your courty. I will ask your support for nomina uation as a candidate for that office in the ap proaching primary subject to such rules as may lie adopted. If placed in this responsi ble position by your votes, 1 beg to assure you that yon will not have cause to regret the choice. .Soliciting your support, lam Yours respectfully, S. Z. Salter. For Sheriff. To the Citizens of Montgomery County: I hereby offer myself a candidate for the office of .Sheriff of Montgomery countv, subject to such rules as your executive committee may proscribe. If favored with this office, I prom ise to do my duty and serve you to the best of my ability. Assuring your of my appreciation of the support given me at your hands, I am Yours to serve, L. ax son. For Sheriff. I hereby announce myself a candidate for ro-election to the office of sheriff ol Montgom ery county, subject to such rules as may be made for the next primary. In offering again my services in this capacity, I wish to thank tuy friends for their hearty support in the past, ami beg to assure them that I will con tinue to honestly discharge the duties of the office as heretofore, if the trust is again com mitted to me. Soliciting the support ot the voters of the county, I am, Yours Ucspccthilly, Jambs Hkstf.ii For Sheriff: To the Voters of Montgomery County: I hereby offer myself a candidate for the of. lice of Sheriff of said county, subject to the rules of the Executive Committee if elected I promise to serve the people to the best of my ability, and will appreciate any and all votes given me in the election. Yours respectfully, J. B, Davis. soperton, Nov. 25, 1013. For County Surveyor. I desire to serve the people of my native county in the capacity ol Surveyor, and here by announce myself a candidate for the office, subject to such rulesas your county executive committee may prescribe. It will be my am tiitiou to serve you faithfully and efficiently if elected by you to the office. Soliciting yout support, 1 am Yours Respect fully, Binj. F. Hamilton, Jr. For County Treasurer: To the Voters of Montgomery Oountv; I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to such rules and regulations as may be adopted by the Demo cratic Executive Committee governing the next primary. I will appreciate your support. Very respectfully, William Jones. For Tax Receiver • I am asking the citizens of Montgomery county for re-election to the office of Tax De ceiver. Having served you faithfully and well. I fed that I am justly entitled to an* other term, aud guarantee the same honest service heretofore given you. Thaukin, you for j ast favors, and soliciting your suppoit, lam Yount to serve,' Isaac L books. | Save Time and Money 1 ;S The I. H. C. Press The Hay Season is Here 1 is btrong, bare and " g I Sure of Action* It P a 7 s Better. Bale it up | || should be bought. for Safe Storage. Pajs for its cost g p m a single season. Season now on. g £? The Hoosier Grain Drill will put your Oats in the ground || @ in such manner that the cold will not kill them. You save M || seed and time and always get an even stand. jS II r 11 | ' j | SEE THIS IABSR SAVING IMPLEMENT I fee r *23 mss ms S 3 car evs sm ms am am ma mm am am am m {x jSS HZ W. H. McQueen I | MT. VERNON, GA. § For Tax Receiver. I take tliis method of informing my friends and the voters of Montgomery County that I am offering to serve them as Tax Receiver. Having served you one term, I feel that I am entitled to a second term, and solicit the votes of all citizens. My record will speak for my ability to till the place satisfactorily. Thank ing you for past favors, I am Yours Respectfully, •Joiix G. Mounts. For Representative. I desire to represent the county of Montgom ery in the Georgia Legislature, and hereby give notice to my fellow citizens that I am a candidate tor the place. Having the welfare and prosperity of the people at heart, I pro p-,se, if elected, to advocate such measures as they desire enacted into law, and to do such things as will uphold the dignity ofThe giand old State of Georgia and advance the material interest of her people. Soliciting your votes in the primary election, and assuring you of my purpose to serve you faithfully, I am Yours respectfully Jnt L. M. B. CALHOUN At tv at Law, Mt Vernon, Georgia E. M. RACK LEY Dentist * Office over Mt. Vernon Drug Co. MT. VERNON, GA. L . AY. BUSH, Dental Surgeon, Offices 2d Floor Bank of Soperton Building. Superiors, Ga Ate You a WcatEit ? I m Cardiii I Lie Woman’s Tonic I FOR SALE AT All CRUGGiSTS I Brick! Brick! Plenty on Hand for Prompt \ Shipment. Standard Grades and Low ; Prices Prevail. Write for Prices. THE OCONEE BRICK CO. ! Mt. Vernon, Ga. A Check Book! is easier to carry than a wallet filled i j with currency, silver or gold. It adds ; | dignity to your transaction and always u;i\es you satisfaction. Checks are of i ; no value except to the person in whose favor they are drawn. Can you afford j to keep your money at home or in your, pocket, when you can have, without i expense, a cheek book on this bank? MT. VERNON BANK, MT. VERNON, GA. j CAPITAL, $15,000.00 SURPLUS, $30.900 00 RESOURCES, $145,000.00 j Willie T. McArthur, President W. A. Peterson, Cashier < Alex McArthur, Vice-President H. L. Wilt, Assistant Cashier | MT. VERNON, GA.