Newspaper Page Text
State Supreme Court Rules
That State Granted
Title Legally.
Atlanta, Ga., Dee. 13.—1 n a
decision handed down today the
State Supreme Court has finally
settled the litigation over Tallu
lah Falls, deciding that good title
to the property rests in the
Georgia Railway and Power Co.
and that the state has no claim
to the falls or any of the sur
rounding property.
This decision brings to an end
the long fight made by' Mrs.
Helen D. Longstreet of Gaines
ville and others in the eliort to
take the falls away from the
power company in order that
they they might be preserved for
their natural beauty. The land
in dispute covers 258.4 acres of
land in Tallulah river gorge lying
partly in Habersham and partly
in Rabun counties.
The Supreme Court holds that
the Georgia acts of 1818 and 1819
designated the limits of those
counties and legalized the survey
of their territory into lots and
the granting of those lots.
Ideal Christmas Gift.
“Out-of doors” with a Stevens
is the best developer for a grow
ing boy. Learning to shoot well
and acquiring qualities of self
control, decision and manliness
are the invariable results of a
Stevens Firearm education.
Particular attention is called to
Stevens Little Scout, Favorite
and Visible Loading Repeating
Rifles. Progressive dealers car
ry Stevens firearms in stock and
can supply individuals at attrac
tive prices. Insist on Stevens
when purchasing—there are no
substitutes. These guns -and
rifles are made in all sizes
gauge s —c alibres—weights,
lengths, etc.
Send to the J. Stevens Arms &
Tool Company, Chicopee Falls,
Mass., for their new general fire
arm catalogue No. 53. This em
bodies detailed descriptions and
furnishes the most complete
number of Christmas suggestions
in the firearm line.
There is no more suitable or
appropriate present than a fa
mous Stevens Rifle, Shotgun or
Pistol. These well known fire
arms have been on the market
since 1864, are guaranteed in
every way and universally con
ceded to be the best at popular
Remember—when securing
your gifts for the Merry Yule-
Tide Season—a Stevens Rifle or
Shotgun makes a man of your
boy and no mollycoddle.
Has Big Hogs.
Speaking of hogs, Mr. H. .T.
Carson has just killed two that
were fine specimens. The two
largest weighed respectively 595
and 590 pounds and some of the
others was almost as large. The
first of these measured 6ft. 10
long, 3 ft. 5 in. high; while the
second measured 6 ft. 6 in. long,
3 ft. 2 in. high, 5 ft. 6 in. front
girth and 5 ft. 4 in. hind girth.—
Monroe Advertiser.
A Natural Inference.
A School-teacher wa3 reading
a story to a class of very small
folks, and paused at the words
“lay brother,” to explain their
meaning. “Does any one know
what ‘lay brother’ means?” she
For a moment a row of per
plexed little faces looked up at
her. Then one face brightened
suddenly, and a small voice pin
ed, “Yes, ma’am—it’s a rooster!”
Dental Notes.
I have opened a dental office in
Alamo, and am at that point on
Wednesdays and Thursdays ol
each week to wait on patrons of
that section.
Dr. E. M. Raekley,
ad Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Thousands in Apples.
The enormous growth of the i
apple industry in Washington,
Idaho, and other Northwestern
states was demonstrated at the j
recent convention of the North i
Pacific Fruit Distributors at
Spokane. One thousand cars of
apples for future delivery were
sold through the association for
a total price of approximately
four million dollars. The cars
approximated one thousand dol
lars each. One car of Wenatchee
apples in New York brought two
thousand dollars. It consisted of
Winter Bananas, Jonathans,
King Davids, and Grimes’ Gol
dens. All the one thousand-dol
lar ears averaged from $1.35 to
$2 a box f. o. b. shipping point.
The Northwest apple crop for
1913 is estimated at seventy-five
hundred cars, or about four mil
lion five hundred thousand boxes.
W. E. Walker is always on
time; never late when it comes
to having the goods and fixing
them up for proper presentation.
Trv us and be pleased. Walker,
the jeweler, Vidalia. ad
For Partridge, Wood
cock, Squirrel or Rabbit
Shooting' the
No. 101
26 inch barrel, weighs 4 lbs., take-down.
For 44 X 1,. 41 W.C.F Shot and 4! “Game
: Getter” Cartridges. . . >/. u
' List Price Only $5.00 -^''o //!/
| No other bore or gauge of shot- 'V\\
gun a-efficient under so great • vj)
a variety of conditions.
/S * Send detailed des
cription and "GUN’S AND I
T? V AH !•*< dealers handle STEVENS
P.0.80x 5005
•'■■•jr i. i
| Tri-Weekly Constitution
■I ** 1
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, Almost a Daily, Three
Times a Week, Oaly SI.OO a Year
Has offered in connection with its Fall Subscription Contest an
| EXTRA SPECIAL $1,000.00 CASH |
*■ to communities at work for any Church, School, I.oJge or Library, or Other Public Improvement.
To the community outside the city of Atlanta that will raise and sene* in the largest number of
E yearly Tri-Weekly subscriptions, at SI.OO each, under the general rules of the contest, cash $ 750.00 H
For the next largest list, as above 250.00 ■
■ Total .. ..' $1,000.00
This fund can be used to build or repair a church, or parsonage, or manse, or schoolhouse, or a
sg bridge for special uses, town hall, lodge hall, or a library, public spring, roadway, ’park, picnic
ground, street lights or any other improvement or project that will be of any public or communal interest.
These prizes are wide open to all localities, and are put up for general competition throughout our
•J territory. The fund is of sufficient size to make it worth while, and to elicit the interest and work of the
best people of each contesting community. Some leading spirits will take an active part, committees
of canvassers, circles of ladies, young people’s clubs and enthusiastic individuals will rake the land for
subscribers to The Tri-Weekly Constitution. The $1,000.00 will be paid for the largest lists furnished.
What does your community, your town, your rural section need most that the money will cover, or
will begin in such away as to insure its completion by thp public?
That is what you want to determine, and then everybody get busy on it and get it.
The Ru es in Brief Are
bach yearly subscription
J to The Tri-Weekly Constitu- ~ “ ■
liu' l . Tuesday, Thursday and Atlanta Constitution. Atlanta, Ga.:
Saturday, thre* times a week,
$1 a year, whether clubbed . . . £
with any oth.r paper or not. Nomination is made hereby for
ebunts ONE. Agent's regu
lar commission allowed on
all subscriptions. Including . . , , . , .....
those credited on community (Mention any church, lodge, school, library, club, ladies society, young
prizes, only if received from people's society, or any civic organization.)
regularly authorized agents.
Commissions cannot be de- to enter your SI,OOO Community Prize Contest opening September 1
dueled by anyone who is not and closing December 31, 1913, for subscriptions to Tri-Weekly Con
agentaUth ° rlZe<i on»t tu on atltution, the purpose of the entry being to secure money for
Community subscriptions for
B the SI,OOO public prize will be (State purpose briefly.)
m credited to whatever person,
B or name, authorized as the Name
representative of such com
munity. When subscriptions
are credited to one such name
or person they are not trans- R*-».
ferabie and may not be con- (Date) laiu. orate
solidated. Community con- ;
testants must notify us at This blank, properly filled out and gent In prior to September 30,
once of their entry arid to 1913, will be worth 500 credits in this section of the contest,
whom the SI,OOO in checks
must be Vnade payable. fl
GET BUSY NOW —Make nominations for the community section of contest and start your list at L
once; face to-face canva66ers are the successful men. You can take the best money if you will make
a business of the work and use your spare time and some regular days of active soliciting. Send a
club every week.
L Address All Orders and Requests, and Make All Remittances Payable to
I v''; What is life I
M'TjJN without !
I comfort?
i bet me remove the .strain |
I from your eyes by fitting |
| V you correctly with a pair of %
|$ Glasses. I
P s
| I have made a specialty of this profession, and you will find ?!
:| lots of difference in being fitted correctly and in being fitted |
1 at by people going around over the country who are unpre- |
pared to do this work. My best reference is my many satis
| tied patrons. Yours for business.
| W. B. WALKER, Jr. Optometrist |
1 Church St. Phone 215 VIDALIA, GEORGIA |
N It Always Helps M
gfe-,!! says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., in
writing of her experience with Cardui, the woman’s
ptp tonic. She says further: “Before 1 began to use Oil
Cardui, my back and head would hurt so bad, I
thought the pain would kill me. I was hardly able
Bga to do any of my housework. After taking three bottles
of Cardui, I began to feel like a new woman. I soon
gained 35 pounds, and now, Ido all my housework, IwS
as well as run a big water mill.
1 wish every suffering woman would give
key The Woman’s Tonic hgjj
, a trial. I still use Cardui when 1 feel a little bad,
gQf and it always does me good.”
pSH Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness,
tired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs of woman-
Igf ly trouble. Signs that you need Cardui, the woman’s
rT] tonic. You cannot make a mistake in trying Cardui i!
for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing jp' *j
women for more than fifty years.
h Gvt^« EtoM^ |T ’fe ~ 3
I % ;
j «
if |
| Brim{ or Ship Your
| Cotton To Us I
| Do you expect to use Fertilizers |
| tor your Fall Oats? We have them — |
I us good as the best. I
» j
| We keep you posted on the Market. j
I I Write us, call on us, or telephone 222- j
it *
©»:•©» M
| The Road to |
'©■ w w r mm V©
I Wealth I
© 1
w • w
r rhere is one door that always opens p
0 to the road of prosperity and wealth. f|
m §
0 You will find that door at the front of our (gt
0 Bank. Why not open it today? You will ®j
0 find a warm welcome. A checking account |||
0 at our Bank will simplify your business 0,
© deals; your cancelled checks will be a re
-0 ceipt and record of every transaction, it 0;
0 makes errors impossible. Better start right 0
||k today. |||
© M
0 , • P,
0 President Cashier Vrce-’Prm. @)
0 ;'©j
© W. T. Mcßride T. A. Clifton A. T. .Johnson
0 H. M. Bland Dr. J. H. Dees I). S. Williamson
0 James W. Sharpe Jos. W. Sharpe 0
©: w
© <ftj©H©.-:©!j©: .©•©'•©'©;©;,©: 0. © ©/©:©;©/.,©: 0
Schedule Effective 12:01 a. m. Nov. 9, 1912.
No 1 8 No. 20 STATIONS |tjo. Wjlo. 17
A. M P M _ A. H JP. M.
700 106 Leave Mujon Arriv-ii fl 25 426
| 714 420 | Swift Creek 11 12 511
i 7 255 420 Dry Branch 11 08 602
i 727 484 ; Winthrop 10 59 4 .78
7 81 4 86 Pike’s Peak 10 55 4 54
789 447 Fitzpatrick 10 48 447
744 461 Ripley ■JO 48 4 4T)
750 502 Jeffersonville 10 81 428
800 512 (iailemore 10 19 417
BHi 521 Danville 10 09 407
8 21 5 26 Allentown 10 04 4 02
i 8 81 680 j Montrose 1 9 54! 852
842 547 Dudley w4B 841
i 8 48 j 5 54 ! Shew make 9 87 8 85
8 54 ! 5 5w : Moore 9 8U 8 28
j 9 10 016 Ar. bv. 9 15| 818
915 020 Lv. A.r. 910 805
981 086 Gatlin 854 249
941 040 Minter 848 288
951 050 Rock’wlge 881 220
ySO 701 Orlund 825 220
JO 11 710 Soperton 810 206
10 22 727 Tarrytown 738 158
10 80 ! 7 85 Kibbee 7 50 1 45
10 45 750 Vidalia 785 180
A M. P. M. Arrive Leave A. M. P. M.
At i)uldin with the Wrightsvllle A Tt-nnille and tlie Dublin * South
western for Eastman and Tennille and Intermediate points
At Macon with Southern Railway from and to Clncinnatti, Chattanooga,
Rome Birmingham, Atlanta and intermediate points. Also the Central of
Georgia Railway, O. S. & F. Railway, Macon and Birmingham Railway
arid Georgia Railroad.
At Rock ledge with the Milieu and Southwestern for Wadhty and in
termediate points.
At Vidalia with the Seaboard Air Line for Savannah and intermediate
points, and with the Milieu and Southwestern for M ilien, Stillinore and in
termediate points.
J. A. STREYER, G. P. A., Macon, Ga.
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