The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, December 18, 1913, Image 6

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Mr. I). A. Outen and family,
after a stay of several years,
have removed to their home in
Claxton. While here they made
many friends who will regret to
see. them leave. In fact, any
town sustains a loss when a fam
ily of good people moves away.
Nothing better or more appro
priate for a holiday gift than Cut
Glass. The Sumerford Drug Co.,
Ailey, have it in abundance, and
at lowest prices. Buy this week.
; • *
Messrs. Ben Gillis, A. M. Mad
dox, Geo. Sammons, Tom Page
and Dr. 0. B. Moye of Soperton
came down on business Tuesday.
Mr. Lawson Collins of Tarry
town was with the party.
Mr. Claude Allcorn of the City
Drug Store, Vidalia, and Col.
DaCosta Patilla of that place
were here on business Friday
Remember, we do hand en
graving without extra cost where
goods are bought of us. W. E.
Walker, the jeweler, Vidalia. ad
Mr. Julian Peterson, the affable
cashier of the Montgomery Coun
ty Bank, Ailey, was a business
caller at this office a few days
Mrs. C. If. Cummings has re
turned from Erick, where she
was called by the serious illness
of a brother.
Hunter, Pearce & Battey, the
solid, reliable and energetic Cot
ton Factors, of Savannah, offer
you the excellent service that
has earned them their superior
reputation as salesman among
thousands of sal isfied customers,
(iive them a trial or else you may
be neglecting an opportunity to
realize more for your cotton than
heretofore. 1)o it now and be con
vinced. ad
Mr. W. L. Calhoun, a well
known citizen of Tarrytown, was
a visitor here Tuesday.
Mr. W. 11. McQueen was a
business visitor to Savannah
The Sumerford Drug Co., Ai
ley, as usual have a fine line of
Christmas gifts. Their line of
Toilet Sets cannot be excelled for
elegance. ad
Mrs. M. B. Calhoun and chil
dren have returned from an ex
tended visit to her parents in
The Sumerford Drug Company
is a progressive institution. Be
sides a complete line of drugs and
sundries, when the holiday sea
son advances they are always
ready with a most complete and
appropriate line of goods suitable
for gifts. They invite the public
to call and inspect their line of
holiday goods. ad
Mr. Lamar Jones of tJvalda
spent Sunday with friends in Mt.
I Christmas Holiday Rates
Very Low Rates From all Stations
Tickets on sale Doc. 17, 18, 19,
fc 2o, *2l, 2*2, 23, *24, *25 and a Ist, 1913,
and Jan. I, 191 I. Good returning to
original starting point not later than
midnight Jan. (>tb, 1914.
For full information see nearest
I Seaboard agent or write
Div. P. A. Savannah, Ga.
Mrs. John S. Stamps and little
son, John S., .Jr., returned to
their home at Mcßae a few days
ago after visiting relatives near
Mt. Vernon.
Col. Albert C. Saffold of Coch
ran was here on legal business
Mr. R. L. O’Neal of Uvalda
came up last Sabbath.
Mr. R. N. Clark, the monu
ment and marble man, was a
business caller at this office one
day this week, leaving an order
for some stationery. He knows
where to get the best.
Christmas Presents to suit all
—men, women, boys and girls.
Stock is large but going fast.
See us at once. Sumerford Drug
Co., Ailey, Ga. ad
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hilton of
the Higgston section were shop
ping in Mt. Vernon Tuesday.
Nunnally’s Candies, in 1 to 5
lb. boxes. This dainty gift al
ways pleases. Fresh lot just in.
Sumerford Drug Co.’s, the gift
store, at Ailey. ad
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. H.
Stephens of the Kibbee section
spent the day visiting and shop
ping in Mt. Vernon Tuesday.
Remember, a diamond ring
worth $75 and a gold bracelet to
be given away Jan. Ist at W. E.
Walker’s, Vidalia, Ca. ad
Mrs. Alex McArthur is conva
lescing from a week’s illness.
No regular paper next week.
Have your subscription run up a
year in advance.
Mrs. W. A. Peterson and
daughter, Miss Mary Lou, re
lumed Thursday afternoon from
a trip to Atlanta.
It matters not who the present
lis for, W. E. Walker, Vidalia,
can fix it up reasonably. ad
Col. L. C. Underwood and
family are now comfortably
lodged in their new home on
Railroad Avenue.
We have a complete line of
jewelry and silver novelties.
Make your selections early and
avoid (be rush. W. E. Walker,
jeweler, Vidalia. ad
Mr. Gteen Williams of the
Erick section was a visitor here
j Tuesday. He is a Confederate
Veteran, and in his young man
hood was a valiant soldier of the
Sixty-First Georgia, taking part
in many battles.
Many Miners Killed.
Newcastle, Colo., Dec. 16- By
an explosion of coal dust in the
Vulcan mine here today thirty
eight men were killed. Two men
were rescued after the under
ground works had caught fire.
It will be several days before the
bodies of the dead miners can be
taken out, but there is no hope
that any more of them will be
The Regular Prayer
Service, Methodist Church.
On Thursday evenings the reg
ular prayer meeting of the Meth
odist church will be held. All
are invited to be present, as this
will be a special feature of the
church services.
Mr. Shaw Speaks.
Hon. Emmett R. Shaw of Fort
Gaines addressed a large audience
at the Brewton-Parker Institute
here last Friday evening on “the
Dangers of the Age,” and he
was given an appreciative hear
ing. He enunciated some import
ant topics, and his experience as
a legislator fits him for discussing
questions of vital interest to the
His address, while forcible, was
more in the nature of a warning
against evils, social, political and
otherwise, which are calculated
to affect the moral and civic wel- •
fare of the state. It is possible
that Mr. Shaw will go on the
lecture platform, in which event j
many newly made friends will
have opportunity of hearing him
here again.
Great London Estate Sold.
London, Dec. 16.—Perhaps the
greatest private real estate deal
on record was consumated in
London today, the Duke of Bed
ford’s block in the heart of Lon
don having changed hands. The
great estate consists of 19 acres,
and has long been held by the
family. It includes the Royal
Opera, the Drury Lane, the Ald
wych, the Strand and the Lyceum
theatres, and the price paid for
the property was $50,000,090.
Out for Clerk.
Mr. J. C. Calhoun, for many
years clerk of the superior court
of this county, is now a regularly
announced candidate for the
office which he once filled with
general satisfaction to the public.
Mr. Calhoun is a well known cit
izen, and for the past three years
has devoted considerable atten
tion to his farming interests. His
formal announcement will be
seen in this issue.
Petition For Divorce.
Georgia- Montgomery County.
Willie Davis vs Susan Davis. In Montgomery
Superior Court. To Susan Davis, Greeting: You
are hereby notified that Willie Davis has filed in
this court his petition for total divorce against
you, ami that the same I*9 made returnable to the
February Term of this court. Take due notice
thereof and govern yourself accordingly. Wit
ness the Honorable E. D. Graham, Judge of said
court. M. L. O’Brien, Clerk, S. C. M. C.
For choice rust-proof seed oats
see me before the supply is ex
hausted. W. H. McQueen,
ad Mt. Vernon.
W. E. Walker is always on
time; never late when it comes
to having the goods and fixing
them up for proper presentation.
Trv us and be pleased. Walker,
the jeweler, Vidalia. ad
► m
\ Your Farm Lands i
► ■ ■ i. ■ , . .... - <
► <
► <
► M
► <
► ◄
► ◄
► Will pay you more turned into cash. <
► This we can do for you. List your 2
► *■ *
► property wtili us for sale—we will find <
► a buyer for you. Whether you want •
► to buy or sell, we can handle the deal \
\ to your advantage and get results, on 3
► farm or city property in this county
► -4
* Get in touch with us. We are in position to supply it on 3
► short notice, and on very agreeable terms. We have good <
► connections with the big firms that want to lend money to •»
£ the farmers of Montgomery county. Drop in and talk the
► matter over with us. We can do the business to suit you. *
► *
► ~ " <
► •<
► 4
00000000000000 0000000000000000000000 s
If You Want a Farm!
1 of 40, 50, 60, 75, 100 or 200 Acres j
■| it will pay you to come here at once \
0 Our big private sale of farms is going on from day to day $
% and we are selling at prices that never will prevail again. |
* i t
It is your greatest opportunity to buy a good farm at $
the biggest bargain of your life. \\ e are selling bargains £
g every day and making prices that are an inducement for \
I you to buy. When we say “bargains,” we mean it.
Easy terms will be arranged. Write, wire or phone \
when you will come and we will meet you.
» M $
f Lumber City, Ga. Lumber City, Ga. \
Cotton Ginners’ Report
For Montgomery.
Special Agent Johnson found
14,103 hales of cotton ginned in
this county up to Dec. Ist. To
the same date last year 9,(582
bales had been ginned. The
bulk of the crop has no doubt j
been ginned.
For Clerk Superior Court,
I herein' announce my candidacy for the of
fice of Clerk of the Superior Court of Mont
gomery County, subject to such rules as may
he promulgate d by the democratic party for
holding the primary <1- *tion. If lam elect
ed I pledge rlie peoplejif the county to dis
charge all of tlic duties of the office to the
very best of my ability. Having served the
people in this capacity before, I fed that my
experience ipuililii s me to thoroughly perform
all of the duti. s ot this office.
Thanking the people for past favors and as
suring each and every voter that 1 will appre
ciate his support, I am,
J. C. Calhoun. j
Statement of the Condition of
(Branch of Bank of Soperton, Soperton, Ga )
Located at Tarry town, Ga., at the Close of Business Dec. 3rd, 1913:
i Time loans SIO,IOB 21
I Overdrafts unsecured 454 83 j
Banking House, 1,202 90
i Furniture and Fixtures 901 151
Due from banks and bankers
in the state 7,978 57
Due from banks and bankers
in other states 850 60'
Currency 1,943 00
Gold 40 00
Silver, nickles, etc. 329 09
('ash items 977 73
Advances on cotton 3,217 49 6,507 31
Total $28,093 57
STATE OF GJiOll' »IA Montgomery County.
I‘.'ton- mo came J). K» Holliman, Cashier of The Hank of Tarry town, who, being duly sworn
says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank as shown by the
honks of tile ill said Bank. D. E. HOLLIMAN.
Nwo in to and subscribed before me, this the 10th day of Dec., 1913.
J. E HALL. N. P. M. G., Ga.
Fresh and Pure from
r CVI ? tj the growers and manu- xj*
■ ‘jfsjj /WlfaStß facturers. All the skill £ J
.< v i, 0 f the doctor and drug- ®
H X gist will avail you
(© nothing if the prescriptions are filled with a poor grade or
t*9 with drugs that have lost their strength by reason of age.
; Health a Valuable Asset. ||
X When it needs attention, you can not afford to trifle. Let *!'
us serve you.
<|j A Full Line of seasonable garden
g seeds always in stock. 0
1* Sumerford Drug Co.
Prescription Druggists
Ailey, Georgia
Undivided profits less cur
ex. int. and taxes pd. $ 800 08
Due to banks and bankers
in this state 7,776 46
| Individual deposits subject
to check 18,823 28
Time certificates 400 00
Cashier’s Cheeks 798 75 .
Total $28,093 57