Newspaper Page Text
To Monitor Subscribers:
Eleven years ago The Montgomery Monitor was re-established
and put on a business basis, and since that time it has been recog
nized as one of the best weekly publications in Georgia.
To put the business in its present excellent condition, it has
meant the outlay of both money and hara and trying labor—plenty
of it—and the merit of the paper is fully recognized by the public.
But in supposing that the paper should be printed and sent out
FREE, many of our patrons are in error—in fact, hundreds of them
refuse to pay the debts they contract with the paper, and, as a
common result, we have, during the past few years, thrown away
several thousand dollars in a vain effort to please an ungrateful and
ever-grasping element. This plan is very unsatisfactory.
Therefoi’e, in order to put a check on the constant drain on our
pocket-book, and withdraw the unwarranted and unappreciated
outlay on our part, we have decided to put the subscription on a
CASH BASIS, TO ALL alike. This rule effective Jan. 1, 1914. In
order to save annoyance, make settlement before January Ist.
Before this date our books will be revised, and all names in
arrears will be dropped from the roll, and no new names placed on
the books except upon payment in advance, whether it be 25 cents,
50 cents or SI.OO. Under this plan those who are benefited by our
money and labor will be contributing toward the support of the
paper, from which they will receive full value.
If you owe the paper, send in the money at once. If you want
it sent to you regularly —and every family in the county should
have it—send in the price AT ONCE. It shall no longer be sent
out onlthe credit or graft plan. To those of our patrons who ap
preciate and pay for our efforts, we offer our thanks; to those who
are indebted to us, we respectfully ask a settlement—AT ONCE.
Trusting that all will understand the above rule, and lend their
co-operation toward the further upbuilding of the paper, we are
Very truly,
The Montgomery Monitor,
Dec. 15, 1913. Mt. Vernon, Ga.
The Magic of The Sea.
The banality of a certain sea
poem, reports the New York
Tribune, led a rival poet to say,
“This poem of the sea reminds
me of a young woman from Illi
nois who saw the Atlantic for
the first time last week at Cape
“As she stood on the windy
beach, gazing dreamily out over
the vast blue expanse of tumbling
water, I said to her;
“ ‘So this is the first time
you’ve ever seen the sea, eh?’
“ ‘Yes, the very first time,’
she answered.
“‘And what do you think of
it?’ I asked.
“ ‘Ah,’ she said, with an ec
static smile, ‘it smells just like
oysters!’ ”
A Model Child.
George 111 was such a thrifty
king that we cannot doubt that
he hugged the little chap, of
whom Thackeray tells this de
lightful story, and longed to
knight him on the spot.
One day, when the king and
queen were walking together,
probably at Kew, they met a lit
tle boy,—they were always fond
of children, the good folks,—and
patted the little tow head.
“Whose little boy are you?”
asked the king.
“I am the king’s beef-eater’s
little boy,” replied the child.
On which the king' said,
“Then kneel down and kiss the
queen’s hand.”
But the innocent offspring of.
the beef-eater declined this treat.
“No, ” said he, “I won’t kneel,
for if I do, I shall spoil my new
i Against Loss
o®©® . * |
©’©@o No Matter from What Source it May Come
!! ©o®® ;
We are constantly adding new
accounts, and our business is increasing ;j
; i at a very satisfactory rate.
Possibly you also might be glad to ;j
(join us. i|
Caught in Own Bear Trap.
Caught by both arms in his
own bear trap while on a hunting
trip in the mountains near Em
fudo, New Mexico, Henry Sever
son, formerly of Denver, Colo.,
fought against death by starva
tion and thirst of wild animals
for several days before he finally
News of the finding of his
body, torn into shreds by the
claws of mountain lions and wild
cats, has just been received in
Denver by friends. His identifi
cation is made complete by pa
pers found in a pocket of his
coat. Severson was wealthy and
had many friends in Denver.
A few days ago a party of
hunters stumbled across his body,
stripped of flesh and lying in the
Half Done.
This one is told of a very young
married woman whose very new
home is in Cleveland, says the
Plain Dealer, and who is bravely
endeavoring to get along without
a maid. When her very young
husband came home for dinner
the other night, he found his
bride flnshed but triumphant.
And when they were seated at
the table, she could hardly wait
i to say:
“How do you like your meat,
dear? Don’t you think I have
begun pretty well as a cook?
And he answered:
“Yes, darling. If there’s any
thing in the old saying that ‘well
begun is half done,’ you have
certainly begun well on this
I steak.”
j It started their first quarrel.
Christmas Goods
Full line Fruits for the holidays,
Fancy Candies, etc. Our new' ;
Christmas Goods—something for
every member of the family.
Dolls for the girls and toys for
the boys. See our line before
buying. In the old millinery
store, next to R. L. Hall’s.
H. V. Thompson & Bro.,
ad Ailey, Ga.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia— Montgomery County.
Will bo sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Jan., 1914, l>e
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and
being in the 1386th district G. M. of said county
and state and’bounded as follows: On the north
by lands of A. M. Rountree, north ami east by
Pendleton creek, south ami south east by branch I
of Mrs. Henry Coby’s land line ami west by lands !
of George Spivey, containing 71 acres more or less.
Levied on and will be sold as the property of Free
man Hilburn to satisfy an execution issued from
the superior court of said county in favor of Rias
Anderson vs Freeman Hilburn. Written notice
of levy given defendant in possession. This the
10th day of December, 1913.
Jas. Hester, Sheriff.
A. E. Smith, Atty. for Plff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will he Hold before tlie court 1 <>uho door in
Mt. Vernon on tlu- first Tuesday in January,
1914, between the legal hours of Halo, to the
highest bidder for cash, certain property, o!
which the following is a complete description:
One certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying
in the 1657th G. M. District of said county and
state and Inmnded as follows: On the north by
lands of the Toney Mosley estate, on the east by
lands of Lawson Mosley, on the south by lands of
A. J. Williamson and on the west by lands of Mar
gurite Mosley, containing 50 acres more or less.
Levied on and will l>e sold as the propel ty of H.
D. Mosley to satisfy an execution issued from the
superior court of said county in favor of C. B. Mc-
Leod vs H. D. Mosley, being a mortgage fi fa. Writ
ten notice of levy given in terms of the law. This
the 10th day of December, 1913.
James FlcHtcr,
Sheriir M. C.
W. L. Wilson, Atty. for PI IF.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Ml.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Jan., 1914, be
tween thelegal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
One certain tract of land lying in the 12215 t G
M. district of county and state, containing 50 acres
more or less ami being carved from the northeast,
corner of the Edward Blackstone grim t ami hound
ed as follows: On the north and east by lands of
Hob and Herschel Williams and C L. Walters; on
the south by lands of Aaron Baker; arid on the
west by lands of W. C. McCrimmon. Said land was
levied on the 14th day of Feb., 1913, in favor of
Dougherty-Little Redwine Co. and Wilson Cotton
Mills by virtue of fi. fas. issued from the Superior
Court of Montgomery county against C. H. Peter
son, and was levied on on the 10th day of Decem
ber, 1913, by virtue of lwo fi. fas., one in favor of
Globe-Home Furniture Co. vs. C. H. Peterson, and
the other in favor of Aug. Wright & Co. vs. C. H.
Peterson. Said property was levied on as the
property of C. H. Peterson, and written notice of
levy was given as required by law. This Decem
ber 10th, 1913. James Hester, Sheriff.
Sherifl' Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Jan., 1914, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
Ix>ts of land in the* Town of Soperton, Ga., and
in the 1386th (J. M. district of said county. One
lot containing 56 x 75 feet, hounded on t he east by
Ashley Stewart, on the south by lands of D. S.
Swinney, and west by the J. L. Morris bankrupt
estate, being 50 feet on the west and 75 feet on the
north and south sides. Also one lot containing 70
x 50 feet on the north ami south, bounded on the
north by lands of Dave Swinney, on the east by
lands of N* L. (iillis, on the south by M. D. &S.
Ry. Co. and on the west by lands of J. M. Outlaw.
Also one lot 50 x 75 feet, bounded on the north by
lot of John Outlaw, on the south by lot of Merida
Barwick, on the east by lot of .1. L. Morris and on
the west by lot of George Hamilton. Also a2O x
30 fool tract, being a part of lot Mo. 20 in the L.
L. Gillis plat and hound**! on the north by part of
the same nurnlxtr of lot owned by 1). S. Swinney,
on the south east by lot of the same belonging to
N. L. Gillis, on the south by M. D. &S. Ry. right
of way and containing 20 x 30 feet fronting on R.
R. right of way 20 feet ami running back to D. S.
Swinney lot, fifty feet. Said property levied on
and will be sold as the property of Dave Swinney
to satisfy an execution issued from the superior
court of said county in favor of Norman Gillis vs
Dave Swinney. Property pointed out for levy by
attoomey for plaintiff and written notice of levy
given in terms of the law. This the sth day of
Decern her, 1913.
James Hester, Sheriff.
W. L. Wilson, Atty. for Plff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia— Montgomery County.
Will lx? sold liefore the court house door In Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Jan., 1914, between
the legal hours of Hal*;, to the highest bidder for
cash, certain property, of which the following is a
complete description:
All that tract or parcel of land in the 1343 Dist.
C. M. of said county, and bounded hh follows; On
the north by lands of T. Braddy and .J. B. O'Con
ner, on the east by lands of Wrn. Morris amis Lots
Nos. 15 and 16 of the Associated Realty Sales (>*.,
south by lands of W. G. Cooper ami N. A. Adams
and west by the Louisville and Mt. Vernon public
road, containing 430 acres more or less. Levied on
and will he sold as the property .of The Assm-iated i
Realty Sales Co., to satisfy an execution issued I
from the City (’ourt. of Macon in favor of Bank of
Soperton vs Associated Realty Sales Co. Point**!
out for levy by attorney for.'plaintiffs arid written
notice given defendants in terms of the law. This
the 6th day of Dec., 1913.
James Hester, Sheriff.
W. L. Wilson, Atty. for Plffs.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
Georgia— Montgomery County.
All persons indebted to the I
estates of Ben Bird and Lizzie
Miller Edmonson, late of said
county deceased, are hereby noti
fied to make immediate payment, j
and aLI parties having demands
against said estates are hereby
requested to present them proper
ly made out. This the 3rd day
of Nov., 1913.
John Jay McArthur,
For Year’s Support.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
December, Term, 19155.
The appraisers appointed upor.
the application of Vina Howell,
widow of Ned Howell, deceased,
for a 12 months support for her
self having filed their return,
all persons concerned are hereby
cited to show cause, if any they
have, at the next regular Jan.,
term of this Court, why said ap
plication should not be granted.
This the Ist day of Dec., 19155.
Alex McArthur,
Ordinary. (
Administrator’s Sale,
Georgia—Montgomery County. |
! Under and by yirtue of an order
| granted by’ the ordinary of said
county, will be sold before the
court house door in said county,j
on the first Tuesday in January, I
1914, to the highest bidder for
cash, during the legal hours of|
sale, the following property to
100 and 0-10 acres of land more
or less situate, lying and being in
the 12215 t G. M. district of said
county and state, carved out of
the land of estate of David Miller,
and bounded as follows: On the
north by lands of W. 1). Mart in
and Geo. M. Harwich, on the east
by lands of the estate of David i
Miller, south-west by lands of j
Arch Johnson and lands of estate j
of David Miller and on the west
by lands of W. D. Martin. Sold
for the purpose of paying debts ol
said estate and being a part, of t he
estate of David Miller, deceased.
This the 2d day of Dec , 19155.
A. C. McLennan,
Ad. Estate of David Miller.
Farm for Sale.
I am now offering at private i
sale 100 Acres of Land lying in j
the southern portion of Laurens
county, nine miles north of Glen-!
wood, Wheeler county. This:
property has open upon it a one- j
horse farm, a nine-room two-sto
ry building in first class condition,
barn and tenant house, and an
artesian well supplies an abund- !
ance of fine, pure water. This*
farm lies within one mile of the i
Oconee river, In addition to the
100 acres of farm land 1 am alsoi
offering 109 acres of Swamp
Land near by which will afford
excellent pasturage for livestock.
Prices reasonable and terms easy.
Write or call on the undersigned
for particulars. J. 15. Geiger,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Ferries To Let.
Georgia Mor tgoniery County,
Under an agreement between the Conimia-
MioitcrM of Montgomery county am! tin; Com
miHHionerH of Wheeler county, the nmh-rHigu
ed will let out to the lowent bidder, at Mt.
Vernon, Ga., on the flint. Tuesday in January,
HM4, Uammou’H Kerry at Mt. Vernon, Ga., and j
lb 11’* Ferry at Charlotte, On., on the Ocom ** |
diver, to be operated for and during the ye n
1014 and until the firat Tueaday in January,
1015. The Hoard of County <'oinmiH-ioiiei* of
Komis and UcVeiHH * rcnr-iviug the light to re
ject any and all bidtt. The condition, up«,,, i
wbieh aaid ferry boatn are to bo operated j f( .
a* follows:
The party or parties who offer the lowe*j - tt ,. 1
best bid tor the operation ot Lauiiiiou’/ |«Vriy
or Pell’* Ferry are to keep and maintain said
ferricM for ami during the year 1014, tn t to all
citizens of Montgomery county an | Wheeler j
< minify, but are to charge certain rate* to be
fixed by the said Hoard of County Commis- |
Hionera and are to keep a record of all p;u lb s |
who are iioii-resideuts of Moidgonmiv M Mint, j
and Wheeler county and th&jr vehicles that!
croHH Haiti ferries. Said ferry boah* are to be
operated t>y a cable lying on the bott ni of the
river, or in Home practical Wtty whereby tie
eliannel of Haid liver will not be at any time
>bst meted ho an to binder the pannage of boatn I
running up and down said river, and the par- 1
ty obtaining the contract for tne year to run I
Haiti boats shall In? Expected to give a good tpid |
Hiiflicient bond for tin faitofnl performance of*
| their duty, and to account to the Hoard of
Hoads and Ke a >enn« H of Montgomery county
and Wheeler county lor all mouev cothcted by
them out ot non-resident travel in the Hitin of
One TbouKind (tllMfO) Dollars.
For nioiij specific rulen governing the ope
ration of haid ferry lioatM can be bad by apply
ing at t|io office of tne County Comm issiom i h ,
of Oiim County at Mt. Vernon, Ga , between
now mt] ibe day that ferrica are to be let out. *
Order panned m open court, thin the 2d day i
of j>ec 19i:i. VV. II Mox/.ky, I
| Chairman Hoard of Hoads and ItevcnucH Mont :
/ iiufiy County, Ot»or|U.
No place will beat W. E. Walk
er’s jewelry store to select your
Christmas gifts. Vidalia. ad
Petition For Divorce.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Willie Gavin vh Susan bavin. In Montgomery
'Superior Court. To Hunan Gavin, Greeting: You,
are hereby notified that Willie Gavin has filed in
thin court hin petition for total divorce againnt
you, and that the name in made returnable to the
February Term of thin court. Take* due notice
j thereof and govern yournelf accordingly. Wit
j nenn the Honorable E. G. Graham, Judge of said
i court. M. L. O’Brien, Clerk, S. C. M. (J. •
n HTFnTinrrriwi irn nrrrinT nTirnrnirn nrni niTirnTrrnrnTriinTfiififitilHngiiMrawwWiiMiilim
Bring or Ship Your 1
Cotton To Us I
| Da you expect to use Fertilizers |
| tor your Fall Oats? We have them— I
as good as the best.
| We keep you posted on the Market. I
; Write us, call I on us, or telephone 222. 1
! ’?VVVVVVWV V wvv w w |
| The Road to |
& ww r 1 . 0)
I Wealth I
1 |
0 There is one door that always opens
to the road of prosperity and wealth, g
0; m
©. You will find that door at the front of our t®
0 Bank. Why not open it today? You will 0
© find a warm welcome. A checking account g
© at our Bank will simplify your business 0
© deals; your cancelled checks will be a re- 0
© ceipt and record of every transaction. It
0) makes errors impossible. Better start right &
'0 today. ©
& m
© 0
0 0
(V) President Cashier V ice-Pras.
0— m
W. T. Mcßride T. A. Clifton A. T. Johnson §j
0 H. M. Bland Dr. J. H. Dees I). S. Williamson g
0 James W. Sharpe Jos. W. Sharpe 0
0000 0000000.00000.0000. W 0:
0000 What dot’s it profit a man if 1
Ijj J ,a y U P riches for himself, g
0 only to lose them tliroi *gi« 1
ffl thievery, fire or the numerous §
% risks that beset the “home S
hank” Our strong vault, our g
jg © burglar and fire protection and §
I® S the constant safeguards as- jg
© lorded our depositors give you g
S absolute safety for yur money §jj
0' And you can always get it when you 3
© want it. Why not be safe with no chances S
of being sorry? Open an account with us -g
The Uvalda Dank |
J. J. MOSES, President W. F. McALLISTER, Caihier 55
J. H. JONES, Jr., V.-President H. G. McALLISTEH, Aaa’t Cashier JS
NO. 35