Newspaper Page Text
- •• AAJhA
Monday, February 2nd.
Page No.
144 127 M T Drake vs Patience Avery
151 16 E T Mcßride &Covs D A Fountain
159 64 Lollie Miller vs J D Miller
160 65 Lollie Miller vs J D Miller
5 26 E T Mcßride &Covs D A Fountain
6 35 G W Mosley vs C B McLeod :
13 74 Maria Phillips vs William B Kent ;
16 7.1 B Arnold vs C A Ellis &F C Stone
18 24 Jones, Gdnn & Jones vs N B Gibbs, Sr et al
13 25 Eliza A Fountain vs ET Mcßride et al j
1!» 28 W Mishoe vs Lovett Anderson j
24 2 Hugh Peterson vs Arthur Hamilton |
27 1 Amanda Rogers vs .J F Hall 1
28 5 Mt Vernon Bank vs .1 1* Miller & J A Crumley
28 6 Mt Vernon Bank vs .1 I) Miller &J A Crumley j
28 7 Ml Vernon Bank vs R A Dukes et al |
28 8 Mt Vernon Bank vs R A Dukes et al
28 9 Hunter, Benn &Covs J I) Miller et al
28 10 Hunter, Benn &Covs R A Dukes et al
2!) 12 Dublin Banking Co vs J DMiileretal |
29 13 H H Smith vs J DMiileretal I
29 14 Georgia Cotton Oil Co vs .1 D Miller et al
33 37 A J Copeland vs C T Braddy j
34 43 Mrs. Nannie Horn vs J D Mc.Crimmon ;
36 53 American Steel Wire Co vs M T Way &Co et al ;
42 22 Joseph M Brown, Gov vs A C Gridin et al I
43 26 Cora E& CC Conner Admr vs Jas Morris et al
44 36 W P Calhoun vs W 1) Peterson et al
45 37 W P Calhoun vs W 1) Peterson etal j
45 40 James McNatt vs N Q Cooper et al
52 82 W G Fountain vs James Morris
58 19 E T Mcßride &Co for use vs N B Gibbs et al j
68 52 Levis. Zukoski Mercantile Co vs Mrs R Morrison
et al I
69 29 E T Mcßride &Co vs Wiley Sharpe
69 34 Mcßae Oil & Fertilizer Co vs J C Council j
83 67 Standard Talking Machine Co vs W B Cadle j
88 10 Ella E Beckum vs J A Morris et al
89 16 J J Williams vs James McNatt
91 28 Mrs Ada M Peterson vs II Peterson
92 36 Ailey Merchantile Co vs II Peterson ]
93 41 CM Peterson vs Geo M &B B Courson
Tuesday, February 3rd.
Page No.
97 64 Ben Gillis vs Mayor & Council of Soperton
100 84 C W Brantlev vs Bettie C Sims et al
101 3 Merchants Bank of Mcßae vs N B Gibbs Sr et al
104 20 James McNatt vs Nancy Phillips Smith j
106 30 Phillips & Rice vs E Willis
108 42 Vidalia Grocery Co vs Eliza Darley et al
121 58 The Bank of Soperton vs Eliza Fountain etal
122 66 William B Kent vs Mrs E A Fountain
124 11 The Mt Vernon Bank vs Joe Miller et al
125 18 Hunter, Benn &Covs L A Thigpen et al
126 *2O Ward Truitt Co vs S W Harrell & Son ;
132 58 John J McArther vs Henry Braddy ;
132 59 1
132 60 “ “ “ “ • :
133 61 “ “ “ “ “ I
133 62 “ “ “ “ !
133 63 i
133 64 “ I
133 65 . I
140 106 Malcom E Morrison et al vs John W Morrison
144 128 Miles and Susan Calhoun vs Mrs L P Kelley
144 131 F Lee Mcßae vs Sin on Wilson et al j
145 136 J C Thornburg vs J A Mcßride etal I
148 14 W Mishoe vs Dolillah & DC Phillips I
149 20 Lawton Williamson vs John Memory
150 26 Marietta Fertilizer Co vs Allen Demery et al
150 27 Marietta Fertilizer Co vs Collon Simpson et al
Father’s Eloquence.
Reference was made to the
eloquence of certain great speak
ers, anil Representative Horace
’ll. Towner, of lowa, remarked
th at he was reminded of the
beautiful flow of language of the
esteemed Smith, says the Phil
adelphia Telegraph.
Recently Mrs. Smith asked
her husband to open a can of to
matoes, and then leaving him to
work, out the problem alone, slit
proceeded to some other duty in
the adjoining room. A minute
passed, and then she suddenly I
paused and glanced toward the
kitchen door.
“John,” she called out, “what
are you opening that can of to
matoes with?”
“I am opening it with a can
opener,” came back the peevish j
rejoiner of John from the kitch
en. "What do you suppose lam i
opening it with?”
"I don’t know,” answered.lit
tle wifey in a reproachful voice,
“but I have every reason to be
lieve that you are not opening it j
with prayer.”
Understood Human Nature.
The young doctor was buying
furniture for the equipment of
his new office. The eager sales
man racked his brain to think of
something else to sell him. He
had sold almost everything that
could go in an office, when he
had a happy thought.
“Oh, yes, surely, I nearly for
got that!” he exclaimed. “You
need a doormat.”
“Not a new one,” said the
young doctor. "I’ll get that at
s second-hand store. A worn
one wall be a much better adver
tisement forme.”
An Inviting Industry.
So far this winter the weather!
has not been cold enough in most
of the southeast to make the
housing of livestock necessary,
and in a short time, comparative
ly, the beginning of spring will
be at hand.
Not only has housing been un
necessary, but throughout the
winter so far there has been
much good forage for livestock
in lowland pastures, especially
those which afford the succulent
shoots of cane.
In other sections of the coun
try in which livestock is raised
for market, there have been al
ready several weeks this winter
of snow, ice and much cold, that
make necessary the close housing
and feeding of livestock, which
adds greatly, of course, to the
cost of raising.
The livestock industry is a
very inviting one in the south
east. Land upon which grow
native grasses and other food
products for livestock can be
bought at very small figures as
compared with equal adaptability
elsewhere. While being used for
livestock raising purposes, as for
any other, the value of land in
the southeast is increasing con
There is always a market for
beef cattle, for instance, and the
prices are good, as those who buy
beef know. —Industrial Index.
Dental Notes.
I have opened a dental office in :
Alamo, and am at that point on ;
Wednesdays and Thursdays of
each week to wait on patrons of
that section.
Dr. E. M. Rackley,
ad Mt. Vernon, Ga.
I ’ 150 28 Marietta Fertilizer Co vs Boisey Simpson et al
I 150 29 Marietta Fertilizer Co vs Elzie Simpson et al
jl 151 31 L W Youmans vs Ga & Fla Ry Co
;! 152 37 W Mishoe &Covs G W Caraway etal
II 152 42 -Mrs J A Crumley vs James Herndon
Wednesday, February 4th.
1 153 46 E L Meadows vs H J Gibbs
155 60 Scott Banking Co vs M C Barwick et al
ilsß 74 R K Mosley vs B W Ruth j
159 83 B F Adams vs R L Whitiker
163 104 W Mishoe vs R W Willis
163 108 W W Underwood vs L A Thigpen et al
11 163 109 Summit Naval Stores Co vs John J McArthur
11 164 110 Summit Naval Stores Co vs John J McArthur
164 111 Ailey Mercantile Co vs B L Strickland \
165 1 The Mt vernon Bank vs W H Kitchens
165 4 J M Mills vs Martha Ann Mills
165 6 Monday & Hadden vs M L Adams et al
11 167 13 Early Pollett vs Frank Morrison
11 167 15 A A Calhoun vs W B Cadle et al
167 16 Kelley Gillis vs M E F'oskey j
11 167 18 W A Tapley vs Ga & Fla Ry
;! 168 20 D W Freeman vs Ben Copeland •:
11 168 21 Alice &T J James vs O B Move
11 168 22 Aiice &T J James vs A D Moye \
169 27 Associated Realty Sales Co vs John J McArthur l
;| 169 29 McNatt & Moore vs W T Beasley
|l 170 32 W B Frost vs SudieFrost
l! 170 33 Farmers Supply Co vs C T Waller
1 170 34 A M Moses vs Julius Porcher
170 36 The Mt Verlon Bank vs W T McCrimmon et al
171 42 John Flannfgan Buggy Co vs W B Cadle
172 48 Tony Reese vs Rachel Reese
173 49 Calvert Mortgage & Deposit Co vs Geo M Tapley
173 51 Marietta Fertilizer Co vs W Mishoe
175 1 MD&SRyCo vs W R Adams.
175 3 Peoples Bank of Soperton vs C & Carrie E Con
nor Admr et al
175 4 Morris & Hart vs Richard Baker et al
175 5 IS Claxton vs Sallie Claxton
176 7 JR Broadhurst vs W K Cooper
176 10 First National Bank of Lyons vs W P Clifton etal
176 11 IF Dixon vs W W White
177 13 Georgia Walden vs Geo B Graham et al
177 14 H V Duly &J L Lowrey vs Geo B Graham et al
11 177 15 Soperton Fertilizer Co vs Neal Gillis et al
177 16 Fisher Lowrey & Fisher vs Neal Gillis et al
;! 177 17 Blackshear Mfg. Co vs Neal Gillis et al
11 177 18 Southern Saw & Machinery Wks vs O B Moye
178 19 Willie Davis vs Susan Davis
178 20 Rosa L Bragg vs Cora E Connor et al Admr
;! 178 21 Marietta Fertilizer Co vs J C Clifton et al
;! 178 22 Citizens Bank of Alston vs J T Conner et al
178 24 The Calvert Mortgage Co vs Macy A Hall
179 25 Mrs M S May vs Wallace Moses et al
|| 179 26 Maude D Davis vs G Davis
179 27 Emma Smith vs G&F Ry
179 29 Savannah Chemical Co vs Ira L Anderson et al
179 30 Citizens Bank of Vidalia vs W B Mosley et al
ISO 31 James McNatt vs J M Hughes et al
|l ISO 32 Altamaha Fertilizer Co vs Anthony Roberson etal
ISO 33 James McNatt vs J W Minton
I ISO 34 Savannah Chemical Co vs B A Wing et al
ISO 35 Citizens Bank of Vidalia vs Tony Phillips et al
180 36 S F Rovster Guano Co vs Tony Phillips et al
181 37 N L Gillis vs R W Willis et al
181 38 Lewis Sharpe vs Doty Cross
181 39 Citizens Bank of Vidalia vs Sikes Collins et al
ISI 40 Mrs Alice Lett vs H V Thompson
ISI 42 Dollie Etheridge vs Geo Etheridge
jl IS2 1 W J Acosta vs B L Powell et al
11 182 3 Geo Fountain vs Lewis Sharpe
184 16 Rice Anderson vs Freeman Hiiburn et al
]| 185 19 H V Daly vs Walter Sumner
186 29 J I Dixon vs P D Scott
|* s Dealers in Fresh Meats I
Best prices for Country produce. Bring |
us your Eggs, Hides, Butter, Tallow, etc. |
| Cold Storage f
| prompt service. MT, VERNON, GA, i 1
a a
my back and head would hurt so bad, I ;
of Cardui, 1 began to feel like a new woman. 1 soon j
j as well as run a big water mill. !
1 wish every suffering woman would give fegga
U The Woman’s Tonic y j
t ' * a trial. I still use Cardui when I feel a little bad,
■&§§ and it always does me good.” Sgra
Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness, :
tired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs of woman
ly trouble. Signs that you need Cardui, the woman’s !
r~T tonic. You cannot make a mistake in trying Cardui <
for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing Hi
Fs at aral V as * ■« Eg
P * 1
K‘ v v -y vy w yyyv a
p i
| Brins: or Ship Your 1
I Cotton To Us |
STi 3
I Do you expect to use Fertilizers |
si for your Fall Oats? We have them— jg
1 J |
I as good as the best.
I We keep you posted on the Market. I
g * 2
| Write us, call on .us, or telephone 2*22. |
r» js
| D than SORRY! I
What does it profit a man if ||
H u l ) r^ies f° r himself, §
if ’ only to lose them through §
§j || thievery, fire or the numerous jj|
[risks that beset the “home ||
H bank” Our strong vault, our gjj
M burglar and fire protection and ||
the constant safeguards as- |g
0 forded our depositors give you ||
H absolute safety for yur money ||
10i And you can always get it when y«u *3
0 want it. Why not be safe with no chances
q -: of being sorry? Open an account with U.s $1
The Uvalda Bank I
J. J. MOSES. President W. F. McALUSTEB, Csahier TO
J. B. JONES, Jr., V.-President H. G. McALLISTER, As»t Bsslrier TO
Against Loss
1 'OOOO :j;
I\ 0000. No Matter from What Source it May Come :j;
[ 1©.0.0. ©I “ •“
We are constantly adding new \:
| accounts, and our business is increasing ||
| at a very satisfactory rate. fi
| Possibly you also might be glad to I
| join us. |i
Brick! Brick!;
Plenty on Hand for Prompt
| Shipment. Standard Grades and Low ij:
1 Prices Prevail. Write for Prices.
' • < '
j Mt. Vernon, Ga. i