Newspaper Page Text
Criminal Cases Assigned for
February Term,
Jim Mosley, Rape
Richard Baker, Murder
Briah Ruth, Larceny
Oliver Carmichael, (2 cas)
M T Lowery, Manuel Lewis,
Narcissus Williams, Joe Ryals,
Geo. Mosley, (2 cases) Dessie
Durden, J R Pollett, Josh Col
lins, Hicks Fullford, (2 cases)
Burley Phillips, Larceny
Ernest Smith, (2 cases)
Charlie Wiggs, (2 cases) Tom
Morris, Ben Morris, Frank
Faircloth, Lodie Morris, John
A Johnson, G B Graham, Tom
Morris, Jim & Bish Morris, Lee
Price, Misdemeanor.
J H Gannon, Forgery
Charley Blackston, Dennis White,
J A Wiggins, (2 cases) Zona
Lord, Luther Loyd, Jim Lord,
Ben Green, Jerry Phillips, Ed
Bradley, (2 cases) Allen John
son, Dennis McCormick, Lewis
Sharpe, (2 cases) Misdemeanr.
W H Kelley, Assault to murder
Milton Wiggins,
Goldsboro Powell,
Dessie Outlaw,
Goldsboro Powell, Lester Fair
cloth, (2 cases) Williams Over
street, Pete Stewart, General
Northcut, (2 cas.) W A Odum,
Dan Beaty, (2 cases) John
Johnson, (2 cases) Edfield
Blackston, Joe Millford, G W
Palmer, Morgan Wilson, Geo.
Sellars, Will Page, George
Graham, Fred Calhoun, Josh
Collins, F B Calhoun, Doob
Kellum, Lewis Collins, Mack
Collins, Kelley Collins (2 cases)
Olin Crumley, Sam Wright,
John Bazemore, Rosa Beamer,
Ed. Simmons, R W Willis, Joe
& Lawson Mosley,, Henry
Johnson, Misdemeanor.
W L Tapley, Larceny
Bob Whitaker, Misdemeanor
Richard Rawles et. al. Larceny
Twiggs Phillips et. al., J W Reg
ister, Lee Lunley, , Georgia
Lunley, Misdemeanor.
All cases on bills of indictment
found at this term of the court
will be in order for trial at any
time of Wednesday. Witnesses
will not be re-subpoenod for this
term, but will be expected to be
on hand. E. D. Graham,
W. A. Wooten, Judge.
Sol. Gen.
Alfalfa In Sumter.
That alfalfa will do well in
Sumter is proven by the success
attending the efforts of Mr. R.
W. Buchanan, upon his dairy
farm near Americus, and Mr.
Hogshead, residing near Plains.
Each has a fine field of alfalfa,
planted in the late fall and now
growing off well.
Alfalfa is one of the best crops
that can be planted for cutting
and grazing. It is said that four
or five cuttings of hay in a sea
son is about the average, and
each crop is a most valuable one.
Mr. Buchanan, who conducts a
large and model dairy farm, is
especially pleased with the re
sults attained in the planting of
his first crop of alfalfa. A very
fine stand on two acres is report
Mr. J. C. Carter, who gives
considerable attention to raising
fine livestock, is succeeding well
with burr clover and vetch. On
his model farm hear Americus he
has four or five acres in burr
clover that is growing luxuriant
ly and gives promise of several
cuttings next summer. It is said
that Mr. Carter and other Sum
ter farmers have, collectively,
about sixty acres planted in burr
clover.--Americus Times-Recor
L . W. BUSH,
Dental Surgeon,
Offices 2d Floor Bank of Soperlon Building.
Sopertnn, Ga.
Night Pictures Souhgt
of the Panama Animals.
New York, Jan. 24.—Night
pictures of the animals that prowl
in Panama's jungles are prizes
sought by George Shiras, a for
mer Pennsylvania congressman,
who will leave here for the canal
zone next w r eek, equipped with a
flash light outfit. With Mr. Shi
ras will go A. C. Anthony, an ex
plorer on the staff of the Ameri
can Museum of Natural History.
Gatur Lake will be made the
basis of opei’ations. Mr. Antho
ny explained today that the lake
had a great deal of water in it as
a result of being dammed and
this would permit exploration of
regions heretofore impossible to
Mr. Anthony yesterday sub
jected himself to typhoid immun
ity treatment.
The explorers plan to procure
for the museum the animals
caught in traps set by Mr. Shiras
to take their pictures by flash
light. Jaguars, panthers, tapir,
deer and monkeys abound in the
region to be explored.
Dental Notes.
I have opened a dental office in
Alamo, and am at that point on
Wednesdays and Thursdays of
each week to wait on patrons of
that section.
Dr. E. M. Rackley,
ad Mt. Vernon, Ga‘
Sale of Real Estate Under Power
of Sale.
State of Georgia—Montgomery county.
Under and by virtue of a power of sale vested
in the undei signed by deed made and delivered to
her by Henry D. Lee, dated Dec. 14th., 1909, and
recorded in the OlHce of the Clerk of the Superior
Court of Montgomery County, Georgia, in Book
No. 10, folio 543, the undersigned will sell at pub
lic outcry to the highest bidder for cash, on the
first Tuesday in February, 1914, before the court
house door at Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County,
Georgia, between the legal hours of Sheriff’a
sales, the following described property, to-wit:
All that tract or parcel of land lying and being
in the 1343rd District G. M. Montgomery County,
Georgia, containing 15 acres, more or less, bounded
as follows: North by a street running from Mt.
Vernon to Ailey by the Union Baptist Institute;
East by J. C. Brewton; South by J. A. Riddle;
West by lands of J. H. & W. T. McArthur and J.
C. Brewton, known as the place whereon Henry
D. Lee resided at the time of execution of said
deed, and lying directly in front of the Union
Baptist Institute.
Said land will be sold as the property of said
Henry D. Lee to pay the indebtedness referred to
in said deed and more particularly described as
One principal note for the sum of S4OO, dated
Dec. 14th, 1909 with interest thereon from Nov.
Ist, 1913 to Feb. 3rd, 1914 at the rate of 5 per cent
per annum; also one note for the sum of
SIOO, dated Dec. 14th, 1909 and due Nov. Ist, 1913,
with interest thereon from maturity to Feb. 3rd,
1914, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum; also one
interest coupon for the sum of $25 dated Dec.
14th, 1909 and due Nov. Ist, 1913, with interest
thereon from maturity to Feb. 3rd, 1914 at the
PHte of 8 per cent per annum; also all costs of this
proceeding. Said notes being made and delivered
to the undersigned by the said Henry D. Lee, and
the amount of principal and interest due to day of
sale being $532.66, together with all costs of this
proceeding. Default having been made in the
payment of the principal note and the interest
coupon note maturing Nov. Ist, 1913, the power
'of sale contained in said deed has become opera
tive. The proceeds of said sale will be applied
first t.o the payment of said indebtedness, and the
balance, if any, paid to the said Henry D. Lee.
This 6th. day of January, 1914.
Mary E. Fern.
Poor, Innocent Husband.
We are reminded of an inc : -
dent that occurred in court a day
or two ago, says the Cleveland
Plaindealer. It w'as told us by a
man who had noticed that when
wives have abusive husbands ar
rested they always repent a little
“You have had your husband
arrested for ill treating you, and
now you are trying to have him
discharges,” said the court, im
patiently. “Did he not attack
“No, your honor.”
“But you say he bit your nose
off. And you have the bandage
on. Didn.t your husband bite
your nose off?”
“N-n-o, your honor. I—l did it
Special Notice.
The business of the Sumerford
Drug Co., Ailey, Ga., has been
sold. All parties owing the com
pany are hereby notified to pay
up all accounts at once, as change
in business requires it. Settle
i ment of all outstanding accounts
! must be made at once, or they
will be turned over for collection.
Sumerford Drug Co.
Jan. 7, 1913. Ailey, Ga.
If your Piano is worth anything,
it is worth EXPERT TUNING,
Any other kind will ruin it. I
have a diploma, and guarantee
all work. Write, and I will call.
Charles L. Hamilton,
For Year’s Support.
Georgia —Montgomery County.
January Term, 1014.
The appraisers appointed upon
the application of» Elizabeth J.
Keen, widow of Eli M. Keen, for
a 12 months support for herself
having filed their return, oil per
sons 'concerned are hereby cited
to show cause, if any they have,
at the next regular Feb term of
this court, why said application
should not be granted.
This the sth day of Jan., 1014.
Alex McArthur,
Notice of Application for Charter
Georgi a—Montgomery County.
To the Superior Court of said County:
The petition of the Union Baptist Institute res
pectfully shows:
Ist, That it was duly incorporated by the Su
perior Court of said county on the 28th day of
April, 1904 for the purpose of promoting the cause
of education and constructing suitable school
buildings and dormitories and operating within
the same literary schools.
2nd, That it has been engaged in the purpose
for which its charter was granted since the date
of said charter up to the present time and is still
so engaged.
3rd. That at a meeting of the trustees appointed
by said incorporation to control and in every way
manage the affairs of said corporation held on the
20th day of May. 1912, it was agreed and decided
that it is desirable and proper in change the cor
porate' name from the Union-Baptist Institute to
the Brewton-Parker Institute and a resolution
w’as adopted and spread upon the minutes of said
corporation authorizing and requesting that said
change be allowed by this honorable court, all of
which will more fully appt*ar by reference to the
certified copy of said resolutions hereto attached
and which is hereby made a part of this petition.
Wherefore, Petitioner pray that its charter be
amended by changing the corparate name from
the Union-Baptist Institute to the Brewton-Park
er Institute, and that said corporation under the
name and style of the Brewton-Parker Institute
be empowered to do any and all things set forth in
the original charter of the Union-Paptist Institute
up to the expiration of its charter.
Union-Baptist Institute,
J. B. Geiger,
Atty. for Petitioner.
“Resolved that the name of the Union-Baptist
Institute be changed to the Brewton-Parker Insti
tute. This May 20th, 1912.”
This certifies that the above and foregoing is a
correct abstract of a resolution adopted by the
Board of Trustees of the Union-Baptist Institute
at its meeting held May 20th, 1912 and recorded on
the minutes of the corporation. This Jan. 7th, 1914.
J. W. Palmer, Sec’y.
Filed in office the 7th day of January, 1914.
M. L. O’Brien,
Clerk Superior Court, Montgomery County.
The above and foregoing is a true and correct
copy of the petition of file in my office. This Jan
uary 7, 1914. M. L. O’Brien,
Clerk Superior Court, Montgomery County.
Hunter, Pearce & Battey, the
solid, reliable and energetic Cot
ton Factors, of Savannah, offer
you the excellent service that
has earned them their superior
reputation as salesman among
thousands of satisfied customers.
Give them a trial or else you may
be neglecting an opportunity to
realize more for your cotton than
heretofore. Do it now and be con
vinced. ad
For Year’s Support.
Georgia—Montgomery County
January Term, 1014.
The appraisers appointed upor.
the application of Mary A Smith,
widow of Samuel T. Smith, de
ceased, for 12 months support for
herself having filed their return,
al! persons concerned are hereby
cited to show cause, if any they
have, at the next regular Feb
term of this Court, why said ap
plication should not be granted.
This, the sth day of Jan., 1014.
Alex McArthur,
Sheriff Sale.
eorgia—Montgomery Lounty.
GWill be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Feb., 1914, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
One hundred and eigluv-two acres land mote
or lews, situate, lying and being in the 275th (».
\f. district of said county and state, and
hounded as follows: On the north by lamia of
Mrs. Mary Morris and F. C. Adams, on the
east by lauds of estate of J. H. .Mobley, south
by lands of U 11. Mobley and west by lands ni
A. M. Moses, being a part of a tract originally
granted to John Bwilley. Levied on and will
be sold as the property of A. M. Moses to sat
isfy an execution issued from the superior
court of said county in favor of Marietta Fer
tilizer Go. vs A. M. Moses. In postension of
A. M. Moses and written notice of levy given
in terms of the law. Levy made and returned
to me by A. B. Hester, deputy sheriff, this the
7tli day of January, 1913.
James Hester, Sheriff.
For Long Term Farm
I am negotiating some very
attractive Long Term Farm Loans
for the best companies doing bus
iness m Georgia, with lowest rates
of interest and the most liberal
terms of payments
I have several years experience
in the loan business, am located
at the county site and believe that
I am in position to give you the
best terms and as prompt services
as any one.
If vou need a loan see me before
A. B. Hutcheson,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
A. L. Lanier,
Attorney at Law,
Will Practice in all the Courts of
the State.
Tax Receiver's
First Round.
I will be at the following pla
ces on dates named for receiving
state and county tax returns:
Orianna, Feb. 2, 8 to 11 a m
Orland, “ 2,2 to 4pm
Lot hair, “ 3, Bto 11
Soperton, “3, 2to 5
Zaidee, “ 4, Bto 11
Pigeon Springs “4, 2to 4
Early Palmer’s “ 5, Bto 11
Jas. Adams’ “5, 2to 4
Kibbee, “ 6, Bto 11
John Connell’s “ (5, 2to 4
Tarry town, “7, 8 to 2
McGregor, “ 9, 10 to 12 am
Ailey, “ 9,2 to 5 pm
Mt. Vernon, “ 10, 8a to 3 p m
Mcßride’s “ 11, 8 to 11
Longpond, “11, 2 to 4
Charlotte, “12, 8 to 11
Uvalda, “12, 2 to 4
Alston, “13, 8 to 12
Sharpe’s Spur, “13, 2 to 4
Higgston, “14, 8 to 12
This completes my round.
Isaac Brooks,
Tax Receiver M. C.
Estray Notice.
Took up in our field since Nov.
last, north of Mt. Vernon, one
Black Sow, mark, crop in right
ear, crop and round hole in left.
Call, prove property and pay ex
penses or -jjame will be disposed
of as law directs.
Jan. 7, 1914. Hicks Bros.
State of Georgia, \
Montgomery County. \ Office of
Commissioners of Roads and
Revenues of Montgomery County,
Georgia, January 7, 1914.
After considering the demand
of Elbert Adams for damage, tor
constructing the road known as
the Normantown Public road, ov
er and through his lands and the
conditions of said road, it is or
dered and adjudged that said road
be discontinued, from the west
line of the Joe Phillips place on
said road in an easterly direction
to the Toombs County, Ga., line.
Done in open Court, this 7th
day of Jan.. 1914 \V. H.,
Chairman of ffoard of Commiss
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Whereas, Jos. W. and Jas W.
Sharpe, administrators of the es
tate of Littleton Sharpe, represent,
to the court in their petition, duly
filed and entered on record, that
they have fully administered the
said estate; this is therefore to
cite all persons concerned, kin
dred and creditors, to show cause,
if any they can, w hy said admin
istrators should not be discharged
from their administration and re
ceive letters of dismission on the
first Monday in February, 1914.
This Jan. 5, 1913.
Alex McArthur,
For Leave to Sell.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Notice is hereby given that C.
B. McLeod, guardian of Sentel
and Alex Wilkes, has apnliert to
the ordinary of said county for
leave to self a two-thirds undivi
ded interest in 130 acres of land
belonging to said wards. This is
therefore to cite all parties con
cerned that said application will
be heard at the next regular term
of the court of ordinary of said
county to be held on the first Mon
day in February, 1914.
This the sth day of Jan., 1914.
Alex McArthur,
A Note to You:
Jan. I, 1914.
Stop your automobiles and other
vehicles in front of our place.
Why go further? We are head
quarters for the up-to-the-minute
people and for everything up-to
the-minute in the Drug line.
We have had no kicks register
ed up to the present moment,
and do not believe you will have
occasion to register the first one.
Mt. Vernon Drug
To Monitor Subscribers:
Eleven years ago The Montgomery Monitor was re-established
and put on a business basis, and since that time it has been recog
nized as one of the best weekly publications in Georgia.
To put the business in its present excellent condition, it has
meant the outlay of both money and hard and trying labor—plenty
of it--and the merit of the paper is fully recognized by the public.
But in supposing that the paper should be printed and sent out
FREE, many of our patrons are in error—in fact, hundreds of them
refuse to pay the debts they contract with the paper, and, as a
common result, we have, during the past few years, thrown away
several thousand dollars in a vain effort to please an ungrateful and
eVer-grasping element. This plan is very unsatisfactory.
Therefore, in order to put a check on the constant drain on our
pocket-book, and withdraw the unwarranted and unappreciated
outlay on our part, we have decided to put the subscription on a
CASH BASIS, TO ALL alike. This rule effective Jan. 1, 1914. In
order to save annoyance, make settlement before January Ist.
Before this date our books will be revised, and all names in
arrears will be dropped from the roll, and no new names placed on
the books except upon payment in advance, whether it be 25 cents,
50 cents or SI.OO. Under this plan those who are benefited by our
money and labor will be contributing toward the support of the
paper, from which they will receive full value.
If you owe the paper, send in the money at once. If you want
it sent to you regularly—and every family in the county should
have it—send in the price AT ONCE. v It shall no longer be sent
out onjthe credit or graft plan. To those of our patrons who ap
preciate and pay for our efforts, we offer our thanks; to those who
are indebted to us, we respectfully ask a settlement—AT ONCE.
Trusting that all will understand the above rule, and lend their
co-operation toward the further upbuilding of the paper, we are
Very truly,
The Montgomery Monitor,
Dec. 15, 1913. Mt. Vernon, Ga.
»»I©3® ©•©©©©:©
j Why Not Jump j
M nr 1 o m
I loday/ I
H Paying any debt with a check is jg
© much safer tlnm with the money. |©j
Every farmer int his county should
© have 51 hank account, no matter how ijs|
<H small. It is the only correct meth- ||
© od of keeping hooks. By having a ©J
H cheeking account at your hank we ||
© keep yours for you in a faultless
manner and free of expense. Your
0 cheeks show yon (‘very transaction, p]
H besides being a receipt for every cent ||
© you payout. If you could get as ©j
§ good a thing sis we oiler, free, in ||
© other lines, how quick you would ©j
H jump fit the chance. Why not jump S
© today towards The Citizens Bank of
| Alston. I
©. ,©/
Q President Cashier Vrce-Pre* jQ'
ft —' f
HT. A. Clifton Dr. J. H. Dees A. T. Jehrmen |||
©• John Jay McArthur W. T. Mcßride F. B. Mcßride ©
© J. S. Sharpe Joe W. Sharpe D. S. Williamson ’&>
1 ©J
© © © ©gg© ©'©©;©/© © :©: ©;;©: ©:©; ©•©;
> *
t These qualities Jill summed up in the ,
t AMERICAN FENCE. See us for j
t prices and place your order at once. <