The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, January 29, 1914, Image 6
STOP!—™~LOOK!*«*^^ Grand Clearance Sale! Sale Begins Monday, February 2, 1914 mmmmsmmmmsmmwmsmmm^ § "f § BAYS! I A. SEGALL, Mt. V emon. Jl is wed 1 known to the trading public of Mt. Vernon and vicinity that it has always been our policy to keep our stock as com plete and up-to-date as possible. Springtime is rapidly approaching, and our spring orders are on the way, while we still have an immense supply of fall goods on hand. It is now up to us to close out our winter stock at a great sacrifice to make room for our extensive line of spring goods. To do this we are ready to offer you at this sale the most rare opportunities of buying your goods almost at your own price. WE QUOTE SOME OF THE ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES. BY THEM YOU CAN JUDGE THE REST: wwtowmmmwmmw»mwwwmww«h*%»wwmmwmw%wvw%%to II S Men’s Hats ij Ladies’ Cloaks. ij Notions and Furnishings. Nobbiest Styles in Blacks and Colors T ... ™ !* ... |! $12.50 Ladies Cloaks at $8.50 |! $1.25 Men s Dress Shirts at the very liberal price of 89c $3.50 and $3. (X) Hats for-- - $2.38 and $1.98 |! 10.00 Ladies’ Cloaks at 6.50 f 1.00 “ “ “at - -79 c 2.50 and 2.00 Hats for ... 1.78 and 1.48 I 800 Ladies’ Cloaks at 5.50 !; 75c and 50c Men’s Dress Shirts going: at 43c and 39c 1.50 and 1.25 Hats for * 98c and 78c j 6.00 Ladies, Cloaks at 3.50 j; 50c Underwear for only 39c, 35c and 25c Underwear 23c, 19c T r, . . ... , , rii , 50c and 35c Sox and Stockings 39c and 23c. I iirlii.u’ T,I ||.,u ~;n )w. :: Like Bargains in Misses and Children Cloaks. j: 25c, 15c, 10c at 19c, 9c and 7c per pair littUUs I 1 llllUK (1 Il.lls Will be Closed -rv fLwwlct i\ .. I Handkerchiefs for only - ... 2c mil lit iiO ni»r r*<*nt riwlmHinn '! vJiHHIb. l'lj ViOOtlS. !> 15c and 10c Towels reducedtothe attractive price of 9c—7c * I * * ;! |! Towels that sell 5c go in this sale for only 3c ;i 7c Calico will go in this Sale at .... 5c Men’s, Boys’and Children’s Caps worth 50c and 25c will go at SL-it’fa I\H t All f« : i 7c Sea Island sold for .... 5c I the attractive figures 39c and 19c. Kills «IH(1 1111 H <)«lls, *111(1 All l\( *1(1} -TO- 10c Sheeting for .... 7 l-2c j! 50c, 35c and 25c Belts and Suspenders at 39c, 23c and 19c \V(*;ir *111(1 Ladies’ Flirilishiners. of 'i 7c Bleaching at - 5c ;! 50c, 35c and 25c Ties at - - -39 c, 23c, 19c “ ’ ;> jq c “at - - - -7 l-2c 1 1 which wc curry a splendid Line, j! 12 i-2cCambricat - - - - * j: Shoes and Oxfords. W ill 1)0 reduced 40c 011 the dollar. 12 l-2c Ticking sold for-- - 8 1-2 c 11 j! i2i-& c PCTcaie?for - - - i-2c ij We have an Extensive Line in Men’s Clothting! Clothing! I 7c Ginghams for-- - - sc* i t i • jo t i . n ioc “ for-- -7 i-2c i and Ladies Shoes and Oxfords m $25.00 Men’s Suits for- $18.50 1; 12 l-2c “for-- - - 8 l-2c SJKffiS; : : : : ,*« ij : : : : : £ f «n makes and leathers. “100 El StZ - : : : 1:18 I; Fashionable Dress Goods. f W.jjo Shoes and Oxfords for-- - $3.78 $15.00 Men’s Overcoats for ... $11.50 Latest Styles and Colors in Dress Goods. jj g - QQ << .*...« * " ‘aoo Men’s OwISSu fw I ! I l.m ii $1.25 Dress Goods will go in this bargain sale at _ 85c ;• 2.50 “ “ “ “ - - L» 6.00 Men's Overcoats for-- - 3.93 jj ™ “ " 2 t°h"’iow price of & ii UO - - I t£ Like Bargains m Men s Pants and in Boys’ ;i 50c “ “ at 37c I i Suits and Knee Pants. || 35 and 25c Dress Goods at 23c and 19c, and 15c goods at 9c j| Same Bargains in Children’s Shoes. Be sure to note the splendid bargains we are placing before you. We must sell our winter goods at a sacrifice. If you do not believe in sales, come and we will convince you that this is the place to buy all your goods in our line. j BRING YOUR FRIENDS. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED TO ALL. «««»««»« A. SEGALL, Mt. Vernon, Ga. TH« MONTOOMBRY MONITOR—THURSDAY, JAN. 29, 1914.