Newspaper Page Text
In the Death of Pendleton
South Lost a Great
Newspaper Man.
In the death of Charles R.
Pendleton, editor of The Tele
graph, of Macon, Ga., this sec
tion lost a great newspaper man
and truly patriotic citizen.
In his editorial work and in
whatever way he touched public
affairs, Mr. Pendleton was no
tably forceful and conscientious.
His policies were shaped entirely
by what he thought was right.
With him, there was no deviation
from this, no matter what might
be the immediate results. He
was so loyal to principles and so
courageous and able in support
and defense of them that he at
tracted and held the esteem and
admiration even of those whoop
posed him most vigorously.
Mr. Pendleton has passed from
the sphere of human activity,
but his life and his labors have
left a lasting impression upon
Southern newspaper standards
and the public institution of the
section he loved and served so
well.—lndustrial Index.
Os Course.
Holding up a globe before a
bright little boy in school, the
teacher asked what country is op
posite us on the globe, says the
Chicago Journal.
“I don’t know, ma’am,” was
the reply.
‘‘Well, now,” pursued the
teacher, ‘‘if I were to bore a
hole through the earth and you
were to go in at this end, where
would you come out?”
‘‘Out of the hole,” replied
the pupil, with an air of triumph.
Cannibals Ate Him.
San Francisco, Jan. 31.—Rev.
H. A. Malley, a young congre
gational missionary just back
from the Antipodes, asserts that
connibalism still exists in New
Guinea. Babies and little chil
dren are the principal victims,
according to the missionary, who
also brought details of the death
of the German explorer, Werner.
‘‘The fact is startling, but
true,” Rev. Mr. Malley said,
‘‘that nine-tenths of the prison
ers held by the Brittish govern
ment in New Guinea are confined
either for murder or cannibalism.
I learned of the fate of Werner
from his partner Winzer, with
whom I traveled when he came
back to Papua.
‘‘Last August the two Ger
mans set out for the interior in
search of radium They were ac
companied by guides and a larg
er party of native carriers. Af
ter they had gone some distance
they quarreled and parted, Win
zer returning to the coast and
Werner continuing into the wil
‘‘Some time later the guides
returned with the tale that the
party had been surprised by can
nibals. The natives fled, but
Werner was speared, clubbed to
death and according to the guides,
eaten. Later investigations dis
closed the camp of the cannibals;
nothing was found but the bones
of the explorer.”
Pythian Delegates To
The “Golden Jubilee.”
Milledgeville, Ga., Jan. 29. —
Mayor Miller S. Bell, of this city,
who is Grand Chancellor of the
Knights of Pythias of Georgia,
has named delegates from the
state at large to attend the Gold
en Jubilee of the order to be held
in Washington, Feb. 19, next.
Mr. Bell will attend the jubilee
and respond to a toast on “Geor
The delegates named by Chan
cellor Bell are: Rev. Troy Beatty,
Athens; Hon. B. D. Brantley,
Blackshear; Hon. Thomas D.
Ridley, Dalton; Hon. William H.
Branon, Talbotton; Hon. Frank
M. Summerkamp, Columbus.
To Show Hog Raisers
How to Fight Cholera.
Farmers and those interested
in hog raising will be given an
opportunity today and Wednes
day to see practical demonstra
tions of the inoculation of serum
in hogs having cholera. The
demonstrations will be made by
Dr. Peter H. Behrson, state vet
erinarian, who arrived last night
from Atlanta.
With W. G. Middlebrooks,
county agricultural agent, Dr.
Behrsen will go to the farm of
11. A. Newberry, near Lizella,
today for the first demonstration.
Later he will visit other farmers
in the county, where hogs are
raised, and besides making the
actual demonstrations, will give
advice and suggestions to the
Dr. Behrsen will appear before
the Georgia Chamber of Com
merce, probably Friday, to ex
plain his work and outline to
them how the state body can co
operate with the state veterinary
The work of Dr. Behrsen is in
line with the campaign to get
new members for the Bibb coun
ty pig club. County Agricultu
ral Agent Middlebrooks has al
ready secured a number of mem
bers and hopes to secure many as
a result of the campaign for more
pigs and less cholera. —Macon
A Curious Disease.
The Jamaican negroes have
many bad and interesting forms
of speech, which are often due
to a misunderstanding of the
English words. That was the
case in a story that Winifred L.
James tells in “The Mulberry
Tree.” A woman took her baby
to a doctor, and the physician
asked her what ailed the little
“Him ill, sah,” she explained,
in her soft, musical voice. “Him
ill, sah; him blowing bones.”
Inquiry brought only repetition:
“Him ill, sah; him blowing
For several moments the puz
zled doctor contemplated the dim
inutive black creature and its
strange disease; then the solution
flashed upon him. Blowing
sounds not unlike growing. What
bones could a child of two be
growing? He was cutting his
Let The Good
Work Continue.
A Mitchell county farmer liv
ing near Baconton has seen the
light, and is raising beef cattle
for the market. A few days
since he drove thirty head of fat
tened Hereford beeves into Al
bany and sold them to a market
man there for between SI,OOO
and $l,lOO, or about $35 a head.
The price was way above that
usually paid for scrub cattle; the
beeves were fattened on less
than it usually takes to fatten a
scrub and besides were heavier
than a scrub would have been
after he was fattened. They
were not stallfed, but had grazed
on velvet beans and field peas.
This progressive farmer estimates
that the additional fertility to
his land from the legume crops
and the valuable fertilizer placed
there by the animals will be
worth enough to pay him for
their feed.—Tifton Gazette.
Polite, But Pointed.
A stern old preacher had is
sued to his people a command
against dancing, believing it to
be a device of the devil, says the
National Monthly.
A few of the young people dis
obeyed and attended a dance giv
en at a neighboring town. Fi
nally it reached the ears of the
preacher, and, meeting one of
the culprits on the street one
morning, said in a stern voice:
“Good morning, child of the
“Good morning, father” smoil
ingly replied the pretty miss.
For Clerk Superior Court:
X ask of my friends and the citizens of Mont
gomery county the office of Clerk of the Su
perior Court. Long years of experier.c in the
wotk warrant me in claiming my fitness for
the duties of the office, and in the coming
primary, under such rules as may be adopted,
l ask for your support. Tour votes will he
highly appreciated,
John C. McAllister.
For Clerk Superior Court:
I take this method of informing the voters
of Montgomery county that I am a candidate
for the office of Clerk of Superior Court ol your
county. With a business training that fits me
tor tuis special work, and a desire to serve un
people,.! solicit your votes, and assure you
that I will endeavor always to serve you ac
ceptably. Thanking you for the support you
can give me, I am
Yours respectfully,
Qi o It. Tyi.i b.
For Clerk Superior Courf,
I herein’ announce my candidacy for the of
fice of Clerk of the Superior Court of Mont
gomery County, subject to such rules as may
be promulgated by the democratic party for
holding the primary election. If lam diet
ed I pledge the people of the county to dis
charge all of the duties of the office to the
very best of my ability. Having served the
people in this capacity before, I fed that my
experience qualities me to thoroughly perform
all of the duties of this office.
Thanking the people for past favors and as
suring each and every voter that I will appre
ciate his support, I am,
J. C. Cai.houn.
For Tax Collector:
i'o the Voters of Montgomery County:
In as much as I desire to he Tax Collector
of Montgomery County, I hereby announce
myself a candidate for that office, subject to
the rules and regulations promulgated by the
Democratic Executive Committee governing
the next primary. 1 will appreciate any and
all support, given me, and if I should be elected
I will do all in my power to do the duties of
tlie office in the pro. cr manner and accepta
ble to the people at large. There is one thing
I will sav in tlie beginning and let it lie my
motto until the eleetion is over, Hint T wiil
not resort to ativ unfair moans, or dirty polit
ical schemes or tricks, to secure my election.
G. V. Mason.
Fur Tax Collector.
After having been solicited, I have decided
to oiler nay services to tho citizens of Mont
gomery county as Tax Collector, under such
rules as may be adopted for the coming pri
mary, and, if elected, I promise to serve you
according to law and the best of my ability.
Asking the support of the voters of the comi
ty, I remain, Yours Trulv,
IX. F. Hamilton.
For Tax Collector:
To the Voters of Montgomery County:
I hereby offer myself a comlidatc for tho of
fice of Tax Collector of Montgomery county,
subject to such rules as your executive com
mittee may prescribe. If elected, I promise
to serve tlie people to the best of my ability.
Assuring you tliat I will appreciate all support
given me, I am Yours to serve,
11. C. Davis.
For Tux Collector:
To the People of Montgomery County:
I desire to succeed myself as Tax Collector,
tor that reason I announce myself a candidate.
Thanking tlie people for past, favors and ask
ing the help of everybody in the next race,
knowing I Hat I can better serve the people
now than when I first began the work of tax
collector. D. M. Citbhib.
For Sheriff:
I am asking at the hands of the people and
vmeis of Montgomery c-unty the office of
.Sheriff. I am not unknown to you, having
served si vi ral years in the office witli my
brother, A. J. Hindi, some years ago. lam
familiar with tlie duties of the office, and my
highest aim will be to serve you well, if fa.
voreil with the office. I Mil asking your sup
port as an honest man, anil my candidacy is
subject to such rules as your executive com
mittee may prescribe. Assuring you that I
will appreciate all support given me, I am
Yours to serve,
E. E. Bubch.
For Sheriff.
To the Citizens of Montgomery County;
lam offering to serve you as Sheriff'of yonr
com !y. I will ask your support for iiomiua
uation as a candid itc for that office in the ap
proaching primary subject to such rules as
may he adopted. If placed in this responsi
ble position by your votes, I bog to assure
you that you will not have cause to regret tlie
choice. Soliciting your support, lam
Yours respectfully,
H. Z. Halter.
For Sheriff.
To the Citizens of Montgomery County:
I hereby offer myself a candidate for the
office of .Sheriff of Montgomery countv, subject
to such rules as your executive committee may
prescribe. If favored with this office, I prom
ise to do my duty and serve you to tlie best of
my ability. Assuring your of my appreciation
of tlie support given me at your hands, I am
Yours to serve,
L. Willi ax son.
For Sheriff.
I hereby announce myself a candidate for
re-election to tlie office of sheriff ol Montgom
ery county, subject to such rules as may be
made for tlie next, primary. In offering again
my services in this capacity, I wish to thank
my friends for their hearty support in the
past, and beg to assure them that 1 will con
tinue to honestly disdiarge the duties of the
office as heretofore, if the trust is again com
mitted to me. Soliciting the support ol the
voters of the county, I am,
Yours Respectfully,
James Hester
For SherilT:
To the Voters of Montgomery County:
I hereby offer myself a candidate for the of
fice of Sheriff of said county, subject to tlie
rules of tlie Executive Committee If elected
I promise to serve the people to the best of my
ability, and will appreciate any and all votes
given me in tlie election.
Yours respectfully,
J. B, Davis.
Sopcrton, Nov. 25, 1913.
For County Purveyor.
I desire to serve the people of my native
county in the capacity ol (surveyor, and here
by announce myself a candidate for the office,
subject to such rules as your county executive
committee may prescribe. It will be my am
bition to serve you faithfully and efficiently if
elected by von to the office. Holiciting your
support, X am Yours Respectfully,
Bknj. F. Hamilton, Jb.
For County Treasurer:
To tlie Voters of Moutgnnieiy County:
I hereby announce myself a candidate for
County Treasurer, subject to such rules and
regulations as may be adopted by the Demo
cratic Executive iCommittee governing the
next primary. I will appreciate your support.
Very respectfully, Jones
For County Treasurer.
I am offering for re-election to the office ol
Treasurer of Montgomery county. I am in
need of tho compensation the office affords,
and having served you faithfully this term, 1
respectfully ask tor your support in the next
primary election, under such rules as may be
prescribed. Assuring you of my highest ap
preciation for past favors, and asking you to
remember me in the election, I am,
Yours Respectfully,
For Tax Receiver-
I am asking tho citizens of Montgomery
county for re-election to the office of Tax Ite
ceiver. Having served you faithfully and
well, I feel that I am justly entitled to an
other term, and guarantee tho same honest
service heretofore given you. Thanking yon
for past favors, and soliciting your support,
I am Yours to servo,
Isaac bkooks.
For Tax Receiver.
I take this method of informing my friends
and the voters of Montgomery Countv that 1
am offering to serve them as Tax Receiver.
Having served you one term, I feel that I am
entitled to a second term, and solicit the votes
of all citizens. My record will speak for my
ability to till the place satisfactorily. Thank
ing you for past favors, I am
Yours Respectfully,
John U. Monnis.
For Representative.
I desire to represent the county of Montgom
ery in the Georgia Legislature, and hereby
give notice to my fellow citizens that 1 am a
candidate ter tho place. Having Hie welfare
and prosperity of the people at heart, I pro
pose, if elected, to advocate such measures as
they desire enacted into law, and to do such
things as will uphold the dignity of the gra u
old State of Georgia and advance the material
interest of her people. Soliciting your votes
in tho primary election, and tissin ing you of
my purpose to serve you faithfully, I am
Yours respectfully
Jim 1.. Gim.ih.
For Representative.
r« the People of Montgomery County:
I am ffit.y-seven years of age. I moved to
your county in IHII4. I have been a close ob
server of the pc iple among whom 1 have lived,
their condition and the causes that have led
to their condition. Mv observation and in
vestigations teach me that for many years
legislation Inis been in the interest of corpo
rations in general, in favor of office-holders,
in favor of the wealthy, against the interests
of the fill lilt r and other poor people who have
to borrow money. It is time there was a
change; and the hard working men should
have a fair opportunity to make a comfortable
support for their families. Possessed with an
earnest desire to bring about legislation that
will correct gome of the many evils that exist,
I announce myself a candidate to represent
you in the General Assembly of Georgia. If
iny life silica I have bu n in tho county has
been such as to command your confidence
then I would he pleased to have the influence
of the ladies and Hie votes of the men.
Yours to serve,
A. L. Lahier.
Petition For Divorce.
Georgria—Montgomery County.
Willie Davis vs Susan Davis. In Montgomery
Superior Court. To Susan Davis, Greeting: You
are hereby notified that. Willie Davis has filed in
this court his petition for total divorce against,
you, and that the same is made returnable to the
February Term of this court. Take due notice
thereof and govern yourself accordingly. Wit
ness the Honorable E. I). Graham, J udge of said
court. M. L. O’Brien, Clerk, S. C. M. C.
Farm for Sale.
I am now offering at private
sale 100 Acres of Land lying in
the southern portion of Laurens
county, nine miles north of Glen
wood, Wheeler county. This
property has open upon it a one
horse farm, a nine-room two-sto
ry building in first class condition,
barn and tenant house, and an
artesian well supplies an abund
ance of fine, pure water. This
farm lies within one mile of the
Oconee river, In addition to the
100 acres of farm land I am also
offering 169 acres of Swamp
Land near by which will afford
excellent pasturage for livestock.
Prices reasonable and terms easy.
Write or call on the undersigned
for particulars. J. B. Geiger,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Atty at Law,
Mt Vernon, Georgia
Office over Mt. Vernon Drug Co.
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Ailey, Georgia
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