The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, April 02, 1914, Image 2
TY\e Montgomery jPlorytoi** PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. OFFICIAL ORGAN MONTGOMERY COUNTY.' I the Po tofflc< In Mt. Vernon Ga. a* Second-ClM* Mail Matter. I H. b. i"i a car * * n Advance. «<lv<Ttim inentn must invariably be p*td in advance, at the legal rate, u 4 hh the law diroet-; and nni-i in hart.i not laid than Wt-lm .-lay murning of the first week Os insertion Mount Vernon, Ga*. Thursday Morning, April 2,1914. Yes, Burns is satisfied with the I’hagan case. Ihe question is, < how many thousand did it take? Taliaferro county colored farm ers are organizing corn clubs. They will beat fo’ day clubs all to smash and are safe r. From the political forecast, it would seem that the Georgia pol-; itician has something ahead of him besides the digging of fish bait. Mixed in with the great wagon 1 trains of guano sacks, we oc casionally see a sack of seed pea nuts. Better stick to the three p’s—peanuts peas and prosperity. If Tl'lsop of old could perambu- 1 late through this country in this day and time, he would pull out all his hair when reading some of the fables used by Georgia politicians. The boll weevil feedeth on the young cotton bolls and they wither and fall to the ground and j decay. The politician feedeth on the ignorance and prejudice of i the voter and rideth into office forthwith. The son-of-a-gun with an axe to grind will soon be packing his grip to drop in on the Georgia legislature arid put in his efforts to clog all legislation that can possibly become an uplift to the whole people of the state. People of Montgomery county could more easily, become inter ested in irrigation schemes than drainage methods. But the National Drainage Congress, to meet in Savannah on April 22-25, means much for South Georgia. There is nothing altruistic or poetic in the tap, tap, tap of the guano distributor all over the fields of Montgomery county to day; but nothing on the spring air is more convincing that, spring has come. (Gentle Annie will please excuse us.) Montgomery County teachers are getting down to things prac tical. In the contest to be held here on April Isth, the girls are to enter the lists for cooking bread, bacon, rice, hominy and biscuit, to say nothing of making aprons, dresses and shirts and darning socks. The first annual convention of the County Commissioners ofj Georgia, to be held in Atlanta on | the 15th and lfith of this month, j promises to be an interesting and I profitable occasion profitable alike to the members and the state. Nothing like co-operation for finding out what is best for all the counties in the state. If you want to exercise the right of suffrage in the next pri mary, you must register before the list closes on the 7th. Only five more days, and one of these the Sabbath, in which you ma> qualify as a voter to express your choice in the next election. Got ready to exercise the right of choice between candidates and principles. Give us education, great ship loads of it. Ignorance is not bliss in this country, it is blister. The man who would see Mont gomery county prosper and spread out like a green bay tree, in edu cation, religion, social better ment and progress towards the best in life, meets with the blighting effect of narrow-mind ed superstition and dogged in difference at every turn of the road. * TTYTfY t YfTYYTYYYYYYtYYYY• ► 4 £ Gleanings From « I Wisdom’s Field. 3 *■ 4; •AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA j - n 1 I Clinch Co. News:—The suf fragettes are championing the | 'cause of Leo Frank. But then, i vv( suppose they have as much j right to as the Atlanta preach ers. Barrels of money are being j I deposited in Atlanta banks to ; help the Jew’s case. Cordele Dispatch: —We must build uj» hope at every point and one of the best ways to establish confidence and give greater hope, f >r law, order, prosperity moral ity and happiness of our people! is to see that the very best men | are put in office. Darien Gazette: —Just about the time you feel confident that the rascal is on the way to the jope or the penitentiary, why old Technicality comes to the front and saves him. How long, oh, how long, is this thing to con ; tinue? Americas Times-Recorder:— According to a modernist in art pay colors bring joy to the home; perhaps she’s never seen the old man try to get into one of those red flannel undershirts after the second washing. Pembroke Enterprise;—Burns ha solved the Phagan mystery at least six times since his ar rival in Atlanta. We have de c: led that the case really is sur rounded with mystery. Atlanta Journal: Miss Geral dine Farrar has been offered $75,- 000 to sing ten weeks in Vaude ville, and, income taxor no in come tax, we believe we would be tempted to accept. I ,yons Progress:—Gov. Slaton’s iohn Lind attitude anent the sen atorial situation is perplexing to his friends and worrisome to his j enemies who are pleading fori peace. Greensboro Herald-Journal:— Three million dollars a day to run the government and Sunday not omitted. If somebody don’t head us off where on earth will we land? Valdosta Times:—Another evi-j deuce today of the efficiency of our fire department. The fires! that have the nerve to start getj scared and go out as soon as the bell rings. They know that there is no hope in Valdosta. Perry Home-Journal:—Hon. T. | JS. Felder claims to be a south , Georgia candidate, and thous ands of Georgians throughout the stale cordially concede the claim. When he officially becomes a member of the U. S. Senate, he will be Senator Felder, from the entire state of Georgia. Monroe Advertiser:—Forsyth has merchants who advertise in their home paper every week in ' the year, and if you’ll stop and reflect you’ll find that these are the merchants who are prosper , ing most. There’s a lesson in this, then, for those who do not believe that it pays to advertise. Just try it and see. Liberty County Herald:—Mr. Farmer, what have you done bout forage crops for 1914? Fern, hay and oats are expected; {to sell at record-breaking prices! this season. Oeilla Star:—We have as great an opportunity in Irwin for hog raising as any county in the state. We can raise the hog L ed here as cheaply as it can be ra.scd anywhere and there is no, j reason to suppose that we can-! r. t meet wirh success as great as ! xs and Thomas or any other! 'county. ' THE MONTGOMERY MONITOR—THURSDAY, APRIL 2. 1914 Bis Year | fill pay ;nough cradle i MM mitiwi Kjn ... ready ! when the grain is ready. Influences the grain acreage each year. A splendid in fluence. Buy now, for prices will be no Brush, and if we can snt, may save freight car and local rate. : the McCormick, the , Mt. Vernon | For The combination —high * ‘ * cass meat market and fancy gro- Good Top Buggy and Harness. ; eery. We have what the people For a bargain see. need, for the table, and invite T. B. Conner, ; them to call on us. 0. H. Mor ad 8.-P. 1., Mt. Vernon. , rison & Co., Mt. Vernon. ad • YYYYTYYYYYYYYT?YYYYYYYTYt»fYtYYYTTYTYTYYYYYTfTTTYYf• l 2 l Your Farm Lands l ►_ 4 ! > 4 i ► 4 ► 4 ► < ► 4 ► 4 ► Will pay you more turned into cash. 4 ► I’liis we can do for you. List your 4 ► property wtih us for sale—we will find * t a buyer for you. Whether you want * ► to buy or sell, we can handle the deal 4 k v < l ► to your advantage and get results, on 4 * farm or city property in this county F \ IF YOU WANT MONEY i ► 4 j fr- 4 ► Get in touch with us. We are in position to supply it on | ► short notice, and on very agreeable terms. We have good 4 £ connections with the big firms that want to lend money to 2 ► the farmers of Montgomery county. Drop in and talk the t matter over with us. We can do the business to suit you. 4 ► 4 ► 4 \ MONTGOMERY COUNTY REAL ESTATE \ l AND LOAN CO. : ► 4 > MOUNT VERNON, GEORGIA J ► 4 ► 4 ► 4 •AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA* HUSBAND RESCUED DESPAIRING WIFE After Four Years of Discouraging Conditions, Mrs. Bullock Gave Up in Despair. Husband Came to Rescue. Catron, Ky.—ln an interesting letter from this place, Mrs. Bettie Bullock writes as follows: “1 suffered for four years, with womanly troubles, and during this time, I could only sit up for a little while, and could not walk anywhere at all. At times, 1 would have severe pains in my left side. The doctor was called in, and his treat ment relieved me for a while, but 1 was soon confined to my bed again. After that, nothing seemed to do me any good. Come, Dollar! 1 had gotten so weak I could not stand, and I gave up in despair. At last, my husband got me a bottle of Cardui, the woman’s tonic, and 1 com menced taking it. From the very first dose, I could tell it was helping me. I can now walk two miles without its tiring me, and am doing all my work.” If you are all run down from womanly troubles, don’t give up in despair. Try - Cardui, the woman’s tonic. It has helped , more than a million women, in its 50 [ years of continuous success, and should i surely help you, too. Your druggist has sold Cardui for years. He knows what it will do. Ask him. He will recom ; mend it Begin taking Cardui today. li'ri.V to: Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Ladles' Advisory Dept.. Chattanooga. Tenn., for Special Instructions on your case and 64- page book, Home Treatment fur Women,” sent in pi«un wrapper. J«6a f VIDALIA WAREHOUSE I COMPANY I a 8 a S a WVWVWWWWVVV ,t fi a 8 I I | Brins: or Ship Your | I Cotton To Us I I 1 Do you expect to use Fertilizers | I tor your Fall Oats? We have them — g | as good as the best. j# | | We keep you posted on the Market. | | Write us, call on us, or telephone 222. | ■ § iit yy yyy yyyy yyy fi I VIDALIA, -:= GEORGIA | a ««aaw» 1 "H-% ETTER BE SAFE 1 |lj THAN SORRY! I |fi ©.©:©;©; What does it profit a man if §5 j|j he lay up riches for himself, || m only to lose them through || H thievery, fire or the numerous §> §: p risks that beset the “home || gj |§ bank” Our strong vault, our g| M burglar and fire protection and || jg the constant safeguards as- || p) forded our depositors give you || §| J absolute safety for yur money |jj w, © And you can always get it when you £3 'q) want it. Why not be safe with no chances gg §3 M of being sorry? Open an account with us I Jf TODAY! I „ % The Uvalda Bank 1 g UVALDA, QA. W {3 J. J. MOSES. President W. F. McALLISTER. Cashier jS JvS J. B. JONES. Jr., V.-President H. G. McALLISTER, Ass't Cashier W t mTTTmTTfTTmTTumT»mfTmTTTmmTTTTTm» l WHERE IS LUTHER BURBANK’S GREAT j • EXPERIMENTAL FARM? I ► •* ► Flow many people in the United States know what county was •« ► chosen by the famous plant wizard for his home and farm? * £ Burbank’s experiment farm is in Sonoma county, California, * ► only a few miles north of San Francisco. Sonoma county is ■* ► one of the most productive counties in the United States. 4 t We have a splendid booklet describing Sonoma county. We ► will send you this booklet, a map of California, answer your < ► questions and send a copy of SUNSET MAGAZINE, the 4 £ monthly guide and text book of the homeseeker and the set- ► tier, if you will send us ten cents in stamps to help defray < ► the cost of mailing. 4 t SUNSET MAGAZINE SERVICE BUREAU, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA l • AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA • | rv EPOS ITS INSURED I Against Loss I ©'© © © | ©© © © No Matter from What Source it May Come |< ©.©.©.© ' We are constantly adding new 3 accounts, and our business is increasing : | at a very satisfactory rate. Possibly you also might be glad to j | join US. :j: THE PEOPLES BANK I SOPERTON, GA. i I: