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The r\or\i£'orr\ery r\or\iior.
Kni••!•<•<i nt (he Pottofßci In Mt. Vi 1 cond*< l»*» Mail Utttor.
H. H. FOLSOM. Editor and Owner. a Year, in Advance.
04~ | hlllflv< -ril- * 11. * 1 1 ' ' 11 1 i .?1 • - .•!..* i*• f . t tin li ;/ '! rate, m*l m tlie Ihw
direct"; am! n»u»t !><• m hand m t Biu-i th ■•> WVDruT-iuy morning of the firm week of imiortioii
Mount Vernon, Ga.. Thursday Morning, April 9, 1014.
- ■ ■■■ ■ - ■ 1— ■■
Clark and Underwood arc great 1 {
Democrats regardless of tolls.
The County Pupils Contest is
the biggest event just ahead o,‘
Press Agent Thaw has al 1
played out, but Frank and Bun
manage to keep some copy on the
The political pot is past the
sizzling stage in Georgia. It is
boiling over. And the bojsar-'
all happy.
Os course John M. Slaton will
he elected to fill fix- unexpired
term of the lamented Ban n.
And he will make a suets -nr to
the departed statesman of whom
Georgia will not be ashamed.
The record of Hon. Dudley AT.
Hughes in Congress shows that
he has faithfully and energetief
ly represented the Twelfth Dis
trict. We see no reason whatev
er in displacing him simply be
cause some one else want- his
The County Pupils Contest to!
he held at the Brewton-Parlo r'
Institute on the lSth inst. iso!
more importance to Montgomeiy
county than all the elections,
county, state or national. It i
time our people were unertakinp
something worth while.
Now that Governor Slaton ha
spoken and is squarely in tin
race for the IJ. S. Senate, it will
take some figuring to keep up
with the fellows, down in th>
second and third ranks who will
manage to get “mentioned” for
the governorship.
The National Drainage Con
gross, with the auto floral para.b
attachment, to he held in Savan
nah on April 22-25 will he a 1 1
event. And the railroads will:
take us down at rates that w ill
permit us to drink ice cream s -
das or any other soft beveragt -
we may run across.
For awhile, at least, South
Georgia will have a man in tin
Governor’s chair. Upon the r< s
ignation of Governor Slaton, to
go before the people as the nom
inee for U. S. Senator, lion. J.
Randolph Anderson, from the
seaboard, will automatically -
and capably fill the place.
There are entirely too many
clogs and not enough iv/.s in . r
great industrial wheels of this
section. A lack of thought that
develops system, in what wo un
dertake, is one of the cloys. 1 Iv
ory acre of farm land in Al nt
gomery county ought to produce
twice as much as it has been |
If Montgomery county e\ r
has a fair, it is probable that tin
women will have to inauguratt
the movement. We have be n
pleading for eleven years with
the men to take the matter up.
The proverbial dumb watch is a
fast piece of mechaism compared
to our men. We are waiting, to
hear from the enterprising. .•
progressive ladies of Montgom
ery county.
Editor Folsom, of the .Mont
gomery Monitor, is among the
visitors to Atlanta today. Mr.
Folsom edits a live paper and he
is very popular in his seed >n.~
Atlanta Conespondent Macon
As such compliments are much
more rare before than after the
weekly editor's have
ended, we should be t \cused for
returning thanks for this one.
* *
S Gleanings From <
Wisdom’s Field. J
l 1
I t;- ■ raid Press:—Election is
;dl over. Now is a good time to
nci ntrate on making this year
i hi* b< t one in agricultural and
other \va\s that Ben Hill county
ever knew 7 .
Abel News: Bacon and pota
• ;e sellir." at good prices in
tlx local markets. There is hard
; anything that can be raised on
a arm hut what is bringing fair
.aices now. Sixty cents per bush
el is being paid for potatoes in
i.’ for Tupping purposes,
and nx at is selling at good prices
in the local markets also.
Thomasville Times-Enterprise:
The live hundred acres of truck
,11 'I fomas county will yield as
1 much profit this yearas five thou
sand acres which have been
planted in some other things,
Pembroke Enterprise: Bryan
<•< uiity has twenty candidates in
he field, and there is some talk
leveral others to enter later.
\V< are of the opinion that along
shout blackberry season consid
rsbly more than half of these
will he shifted to the “also ran”
Th - Greensboro Ilerald-Journ
-1 f .ou wish to he independ
. t live in the country. If you
wish to he let alone live in the
itv. ii you wish to he sympa
d with and helped when in
Moutde, and talked about behind
iiiir hack, live in a small town,
Darien Gazette: Don’t be de
ceived w hen you see the name of
a 2\4 politician “mentioned” for
a high office. Getting “men
m 1“ is the cheapest advertis
■ in the world—but it often
makes a fellow ridiculous.
Mmuoe Advertiser: The in
mates of’the Joliet, 111., prison
mid to choos.i a hanker as editor
of their papier because there
wasn't a newspaper editor in
m. pi is.m. Guess it’s due to the
mi that the people all realize
dial editing a paper is in itself
great enough punishment.
N.sinilw Herald: Us little
w vkly editors are planning and
s.: . . , up a few shekels for the
animal convention and outing in
North Georgia in July. The con
vention meets at Commerce, and
a plea. -ure trip will be made to
fa,, limit Falls and other points of si in the mountains.
1 r dele Dispatch:—With the
street paving being put down,
the ha, me churches rapidly
ganiig tip, Ihe waterworks station
; 1 ietion, besides quite
a !<>: of budding and lesser im
p i • nts e in., on, it is a self
• dent fact that “we are build
ing a city here.”
tuis id e‘tThe value of
•el m. ,u.s on the South Geor
’ . . s can i.ardly be estimated
n dollars and cents. The plant
..t i .siu-s tfu estof feed known
f , ,at? V and hogs, and nothing
q ads it as an upbuilder of the
ii .n sUfile Dispatch-News:
-\\ d; he trait crop safe and a
mv ;• outlook for a fine
tv crop there is no room
r v ,d at down here in South
S .r: - The Georgia State
C.x; a of Commerce found out
that more communities desire
e. t.uing factories than any other
cue iud :strv. Well, such a fac*
t > v >udi certainly help as many
.. any otner that could be
placed in a community.
To the Voters of the Twelfth Con
gressional District of Georgia:
I beg to announce that I am a
candidate for Congress from this
district, subject to the Democratic
Walter M. Clements.
For Representative.
I desire to represent the county of Montgom
ery in tbo Georgia Legislature, and hereby
Kive notice to my fellow citizens that I am a
candidate tor the place. Having the welfare
and proaperity of the people at heart, I pro
pose, if elected, to advocate such measures ax
they dexire enacted into law, and to do mich
things aa will uphold the dignity of the grand
old State of Georgia and advance the material
interext of tier people. Soliciting your votes
in the primary election, and assuring you of
my purpose to serve yon faithfully, I am
Yours respectfully
Jim L. Giixih.
For Representative.
To the People of Montgomery County:
I am ffity-seven years of age. I moved to
your county in IK!*4. I have been a close ob
server of the people among whom I have lived,
their condition and the causes that have led
to their condition. Mv observation and in
vestigations teach me that for many years
legislation has been in the interest of corpo
rations in general, in favor of office-holders,
in favor of the wealthy, against the interests
of the fainter and other poor people who have
to borrow money. It is time there was a
change; and the hard working men should
have a fair opportunity to make a comfortable
support for their families. Possessed with an
earnest desire to bring about legislation that
will correct some of the many evils that exist,
I announce myself a candidate to represent
you in the General Assembly of Georgia. If
my life since X have been in the county has
been such as to command your confidence
then I would be pleased to have Uie influence
of the ladies ami the votes of tin j men.
Yours to serve, t
A. L. Lakiek.
For Representative:
To the Voters of Montgomery County:
I hereby announce myself a candidate for
Representative of .Montgomery County, sub
ject to the rules and regulations of the Demo
eratic Executive Committee coinruling the
next election for Representative. I ask (lie
support of the voters of the county and will
appreciate any help given mo in the race.
X. CL Underwood.
For Representative:
Having been solicited by friends in various
parts ot the county, I hereby announce for
Representative of Montgomery county in the
General Assembly of Georgia, subject to the
rules and regulations enacted by the Demo
rat ie ICxecvtive Committee. It is nty errnest
desire to serve the people of Montgomery
comity in siteli away hh to promote a deeper
interest and improve her general conditions
I will appreciate any ami all support given nte,
and if elected, I promise to discharge my du
ties with an untiring energy. Thanking you
in advance for any favors, I am
Yours very truly,
G. 11. Adams.
For Representative:
I hereby announce myself a candidate for
Representative of Montgomery county. Be
ing n native of your county, and desiring above
til things the material and educational wel
fare id’its citizens, I seek tiiis opportunity to
assist in their upbtiil ling,- and it this trust is
committed to me, I shall do my best for the
advancement of my people. Soliciting the |
active support of ail law-abiding citizens of
the county, 1 ant
Yours respectfully,
P. M. Moseley.
■r |
best binder made.
|W H. McQUEEN, Mt. VernDn |
| Loans of any amount from #3OO to #f> on farms in Mont- s;
gomery and adjoining counties. No delays for inspection, g
8 * a
Have lands examined by a man living near you.
I LOANS ON FIVE YEARS TIME, payable in easy installments to fj
I.— ' g
2 suit borrower. £
I s
Merchants Hank Building McßllC, (ill.
§ §
x apswwwißirawnrjf • • 'yieifxa**
T. l\. Hounds.
Orianna, Mar. 28, 10 to 11 a. m.
Orlaiid, 23, 2to 4p. m.
Bothuir, 24, 8 to 11 a. m.
Soperton, 24, 2bo sp. M.
Zaidee, 25, 9 to 11 a. ui.
Tiger Springs, 25. 2to 4 p m
Ed Palmer’s 20. 8 to 10 a. m.
Kibbee, 20. 2 to 4 p. m,
Tarrytown, 27, 8 to 12 a. m.
John Connell’s 27, 2to 4 p m.
McGregor, 28, 8 to 12 a. m.
Ailey, 28, 2to 4 p. m. ,
.Ylt. Vernon. 30. 8 to 4 p. tn.
Longpond, 81, 10 to 12 a. m.
Charlotte, 81, 2to 4 p. m
Uvalda, April 1, Btol2a. m. |
Alston, 1. 2 to 4 p. m.
Sharpe’s Spur, 2, Btolla. m. j
Iliggston, 2. 2 to 5 p. m.
T. R. M. C.
Pigs for Sale.
Big Bone Black Essex. Litter
of ten; registered stock; sires,
weigh over 300 lbs. See or write !
F. Lee Mcßae,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
|| Nitrate
1 c? | c! r, c!
| Soda 1 Sets - Sc. a
|| (GO lbs. te the j'J Ac*
-Ts* .T - ‘-Of -
Georgia's Oai Crop
YVliat Top-Dre&i»:.,;l 1 trick
Acting" Nitrate of Soda .Vil! I". :
Early in the Sprin apply Nitraa
of Soda evenly at the rate of IC3
pounds per acre.
Take this Okolona, Mississippi,
Official Record: Oats were
planted Oct. 10-20, 1912. Four
acres fertilized with
of Soda
produced an average yield c f 73.2 p
bushels per acre. No other fer
tilizer except Nitrate was used. [
The Nitrate was used 100 pounds I
per acre —50 pounds being sown |
March 1; 50 pounds, Apiil 1.
Why don’t you get busy now?
Let us send you Directions for
Using Nitrate of Soda on Oats.
Director Chilean Nitrate Propaganda
25 Mndl»on Avenue NEW YORK
No Drench Offices
The Coming Money Crop
of the South I
| Large paper-shell varieties profitable, iji
| Nuts raised easy as cotton and sell from jj:
130 cto SI.OO per pound.
Trees, guaranteed perfect in form j I
I\ and true to name, supplied by old es- j
j tablished nursery in Southwest Georgia. jj
| Prices low. Only budded stock, iji
Lands planted in pecans greatly
I enhanced in value. Season for planting
I now on. Place order at once and get im- I
| mediate delivery, express paid. Get 1:
particulars at once, and ijj
IA Check Book!
is easier to carry than a wallet filled jj
with currency, silver or gold. It adds jj
dignity to your transaction and always jj
gives you satisfaction. Checks are of jj
l no value except to the person in whose j !
I 1 favor they are drawn. Can you afford jj
to keep your money at home or in your jj
pocket, when you can have, without *
expense, a check book on this bank? jj
y ~qy y y yyyy yyyy
CAPITAL, $15,000.00 SURPLUS, $30,000.00 RESOURCES, $145,000.00 j|
,!> Willie T. McArthur, President W. A. Peterson, Cashier \\
j> Alex McArthur, Vice-President H. L. Wilt, Assistant Cashier
Best Fancy and Family I
| Groceries. p
1 J>b 1
All Goods Delivered Promptly ||
Patronage Solicited 41