Newspaper Page Text
What this County is Doing
Can Be Done Over
The South.
Last year Brooks County rais
ed the meat necessary for home
consumption, shipped out several!
carloads of hogs, and in addition
sold 150,000 pounds of bacon at j
an average price of 14 cents a
pound. This year it is estimated
that Brooks County will sell
250,000 pounds of bacon in addi
tion to what is needed for home
consumption, and the large num
ber of hogs shipped to the mar
kets. About 1,000 head of fat
cattle will also be marketed from
the county. The raising of live
stock has not been accomplished
at a sacrifice of other crops, but
has been produced in addition to
the regular crops, with the result
that those who have taken up
this line of work are becoming
the leading and the most pros
peous farmers of the county. The
cash receipts for the live stock
and bacon sold from the county
is near SIOO,OOO. What is being
done in Brooks County, it is be
lieved, could be done in every
county in the South.— Bulletin U.
S. Dept. Agriculture.
To Corn Club Members
Tifton, Ga., March 25.—Dear
Corn Club Member: I know that
you are anxious to make a success
of your acre of corn, so I am
writing you a few suggestions.
First, you should have your soil
well prepared before planting
your corn, even though you do
not get to plant until the first of
May. Don’t be in too big a hurry
to plant, but wait until you get
your soil prepared as you want
it. Rains or dry weather may
keep you from planting as soon
as you would like, but remember,
good preparation is more import
ant than early planting and don’t
get discouraged if you have to
wait. Some of the most success
ful boys planted their corn in
May last year.
Second, you should try to be
sure and get a good stand of corn.
To do this I would an vise you to
plant your corn two or three
times as thick as you expect to
leave it, and thin it to a stand
after the corn gets large enough
for you to leave the strongest and
best stalks. Thinning corn is as
easy as replanting, and replant
ing corn never pays. Remember,
to get a stand of corn, plant it
two or three times as thick as
you expect to leave it, and then
thin to a stand about the time it
gets six or eight inches high. If
you don’t get a stand at first plow
up and plant over, even though
it. may he the first of May. Be
sure and*don’t replant. It does
not pay. By all means get a per
fect stand of corn.
Again, remember, you are in
the Boy’s Corn Club to stick to
the end and make an exhibit and
a report of how much you made
at your county contest to be held
this fall, even though you do not
make more than a peck. If you j
should fail, we shall want to find j
out the reason why and try to
help you so that you can succeed
in the future. Remember, you
are in the corn club to the end.
Be sure to have an acre. You
rnay have more than an acre and
select the best acxe from your j
patch when you gather.
I shall write you again from
time to time, but in the mean
time best wishes to you and your
acre. Sincerely,
G. V. Cunningham,
District Agent.
Register & Giennville
R. R. Sold for 3225,000
Giennville, Ga., April 9.—The
Register & Giennville railroad
was sold yesterday at Reidsville :
by the trustees, Messrs. Davis
Tiedman and Stillwell for $225,-
000. B. K. Willingham, of Hag
an, bid it in as agent for Mackall
& Company, of New York, and it
is understood the purchasers will
proceed to put the road in good
condition at once.
The Man Who Stays
on the Job Will Win
Underwood’s victory over Hob
son in the Alabama election last
Monday was the victory of a man
who “stays on the job.” Hob
son’s only claim was a sort of
foolhardy stunt performed dur
ing the Spanish-American war at
Santiago. It was the kind of
work he was educated to perform.
Two or three brave sailors went
with him, sharing the dangers of
the exploit, but received none of
the plaudits and honors which
have come to him since then.
They were greater heros than
Hobson, because they have not
tried to commercialize, or make
capital, of their heroism.
Cong. Underwood’s statement
regarding the result of the elec
tion is characteristic of the big
man that he is. He does not take
the glory to himself, but gives
the ci'edit to his friends. He
says, however, that the result
justifies his contention “that a
man’s duty is to stay on his job
and attend to business.”
There is no doubt that the man
ner of the campaigns of the two
men had much to do with the re
sult. Had they been evenly
matched in ability—had they
stood for the same things and
had there been no difference in
their personal following—Under
wood would have won because
he “remained on the job” while
Hobson deserted it.
Both men are heroes in away.
Hobson is the hero of an hour —
when smoke and battle and mar
tial music are in the air. His is
the heroism of war—the academy
made kind. Mr. Underwood is a
hero of peace—the man who at
tends to the work entrusted to
him. His was not a sudden leap
to fame, but it has come with
long days and nights of toil, and
faithful service.
The good people of the great
state of Alabama showed much
of the divine spark in their ver
dict: “Well done, good and
faithful servant—come up high
er.’’—Macon Telegraph.
You Don’t Have to
Accept the Nickels.
Perhaps you have, through
• lack of small change, found it
necessary to pay street car fare
with a dollar, or a bill of larger
denomination. Perhaps, too, as
sometimes happens, the conduc
tor has handed you back a hand
ful of nickels. From his spite
ful air you gain the impression
that he is taking this method to
reprove you.
It is interesting to know that
the nickel 5-cent piece and the
bronze cent are legal tender on
ly in amounts less than twenty
five cents. Half dollars, quar
ters and dimes are legal tender
for amounts not exceeding ten
dollars. Silver dollars are full
legal tender unless otherwise
specified by contract. The only
metallic coins which are full le
gal tender for all debts, public
and private, are the gold coins,
the double eagles, eagles, half
eagles and quarter eagles.—Kan
sas City Star.
A Bright Boy
Comes one and deposes and
says that he is acquainted with
| the persons mentioned in this
anecdote, that he heard the con
versation and that the circum
stance is accurately reported to
the best of his belief and ability,
says the Cleveland Plain Dealer.
The little Bratenahl boy visited
his uncle, who lives away out in
the country. Uncle is a devout
man, a pillar of the church and
a breeder of fine horses. And
upon a certain pretty colt did our
little friend cast his eye with ad
miration and covetousness.
“Uncle Samuel, ’ he said, “will
you please give me that colt?”
“Why, no, Harold,” answered
the uncle. “I can’t give you
that colt. Do you want a colt so
very badly?”
“I’d rather have a colt than
anything in the world!”
“Well, if you want a colt that
much you ought to pray for it.
When I want a thing very badly
I pray for it and it comes to me.”
“Honest,- Uncle? Well, I’ll
tell you you give me this colt,
and then you pray for another
T. R. Rounds.
Oriauna, Apr. 13, 10 to 12 a. m.
Orland, 13, 12 to 4p. m.
Lothair, 14, 8 to 12 a. m.
Soperton, 14, 2to sp. M.
Tiger Springs, 16. 11 to Bp. m.
Kibbee, 16, 8 to 11 a. m.
l'arrytown, 16, 2to 5 p. in.
Mt. Vernon. 17, 10 to 4 p. in.
Longpond, 18, 10 to 12 a> m.
Charlotte, 18, 2to 4 p. m
Uvalda, 20, 8 to 12 a. m.
Alston, 20, 2to 4 p. m.
Sharpe’s Spur, 21, Btolla. m.
Higgston, 21, 2 to 4 p. in.
T. R. M. C.
Get the best for your money.
Our complete stock of Millinery
is ready for inspection. J. H.
Hudson, Ailey, Ga. ad
Dissolution Notice.
The firm of J. E. Braswell &
Co. has this day been dissolved by
mutual consent, J. E. Braswell
continuing the business, collect
ing all accounts and paying all
claims against said firm. This
the 6th day of April, 1914.
J. E. Braswell,
D. O’Brien.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house
door in Mt. Vernon o.i the first Tues
day in May, 1914, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which
the following is a complete descrip
tion :
One certain black horse mule, six years old; one
black mare mule, six years old; and one log cart
and chains. Said property levied on and will be
sold as the property of H. J. Gibbs to satisfy an
execution Issued from the superior court of said
county in favor of The Bank of Vidalia vs H. J.
Gibbs, J. H. Gibbs and E. S. Gibbß. Property in
the possession of said H. J. Gibbs, and written no
tice of levy given in terms of the law. This the
7th day of of April, 1914. Levy made and returned
to me by A. B. Hester, deputy sheriff.
James Hester, Sheriff.
D. C. Patillo, Atty, for Plff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be gold before the court house door in
Mount Vernon on the Brat Tuesday in May,
1914, between the legal houra of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, certain property, ot
which the following is a complete description:
Fifty acres of land located in the 12215 t dis
trict G. M. of said comity and state and bound
ed as follows: North bv lands of Mrs. J. A.
Crumley's old. home place, east by lands nt
the Mt. Vernon Hank, south by lauds of Mrs.
Orphelia Smith and weHt by lands of said
Mrs. Crumley, the same being in a square,
beginning where the lands of said bank stop
at the west corner and running in a westerly
direct! in sufficiently far to make fifty acres iii
a square of the said Crumley lauds. Levied
ou and will be sold as the proderty of Mrs. J.
A Crumley, to satisfy a fifa issued by D. M.
Currie, tax collector, vs. Mrs- J. A. Crumley,
for state and county taxes for the year 1913.
IVintad out by defendants in execution. This
the 7th dav of April, 1914.
James Hesteb, Sheriff.
Farm for Sale.
I am now offering at private
sale 100 Acres of Land lying in
the southern portion of Laurens
county, nine miles north of Glen
wood, Wheeler county. This
property has open upon it a one
horse farm, a nine-room two-sto
ry building in first class condition,
barn and tenant house, and an
artesian well supplies an abund
ance of fine, pure water. This
farm lies within one mile of the
Oconee river, In addition to the
100 acres of farm land F am also
offering 169 acres of Swamp
Land near by which will afford
excellent pasturage for livestock.
Prices reasonable and terms easy.
Write or call on the undersigned
for particulars. J. B. Geigkb,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Dental Notice.
I have opened a dental office in
Alamo, and am at that point on
Wednesdays and Thursdays of
each week to wait on patrons of
that section.
Dr. E. M. Rackley,
ad Mt. Vernon, Ga’
For Long Term Farm
I am negotiating some very
attractive Long Term Farm Loans
for the best companies doing bus
iness m Georgia, with lowest rates
of interest and the most liberal
terms of payments
I have several years experience
in the loan business, am located
at the county site and believe that
I am in position to give you the
best terms and as prompt services
as any one.
If vou need a loan see me before
A. B. Hutcheson,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery <'minty.
Will be sold before Ihi court house
door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
day in May, 1914, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which
the following is a complete descrip
tion :
One certain brown horse mule eight years old
anti one bay horse mule eight years old. Said stock
levied on and will be sold as the property of H. J.
Gibbs to satisfy an execution issued from the su
perior Court of said county in favor <»f The First
National Bank of Vidalia vs J. Ulifu n. 11. J.
Gibbs, principals. E. S. Gibbs and I’. M. Moseley,
securities, J. C. Thornburg. endorsers. Property
in the possession of 11. J. Gibbs and written notice
of levy iriven in terms of the law. Levy made and
returned tome by A. B. Hester, deputy sheriff,
this the 7th day of April, 1914,
Jas. Hester, Sheriff.
I). D. Patillo, Atty. for Plff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery t ounry.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in May. 19M, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the follow itip:
is a complete description:
One certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying
and being in the 16915 t district G. M. of > aid coun
ty and state, containing one hundred anti «iineG ■ n
and one-half acres (119 1-2) acres according to a
plat of same made by J. U. Carr Dee. 27th, 1907.
which plat is of record in tin clerk’s office of said
county in Book 10, page 35, and known as the M.
A. Gordon plai t'. Levied on ami will h< sold as
the property of C. B. McLeod to satisfy an execu
tion issued from the superior court of said county
in favor of The Citizens Bank of Vidalia vs G. S.
Blackston and C. B. McLeod. Properly pointed
out by attorney for plaintiff ami written notice of
levy Riven in terms of the law'. This the 6th day
of April, 1914. Jas. Hester,
W. J. DeLoach, Atty. for Plff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will he sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Ma\ IBM, hr
tween the legal hours of sale, to the hir in', t bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
One certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying
and being in the 12215 t district G. M. said county
and state and containing fifty acres more »>r le
and bounded as follows: On the north by lands
of Boh anti Werschel Williams and L. Welters,
on the soul Rby lands of Aaron Baker ami on the
west by lands of W. C. McCrimmon, and bring
carved from the northeast corner of the Edwaird
Blackstone grant. Levied on and will be sold as
the property of C. H. Peterson to satisfy an exe
cution issued from the superior court of aid
county in favor of The F. A. Amt : Co. vs L ii.
Peterson. Property pointed out. for levy by altor
ney for plaintiffs, and written notice of service
given according to law. This the 6th day of April,
James Hester,
W. J. DeLoach, Atty. for Plffs.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia— Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in May, 19J I, between
the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for
cash, certain property, of which the following is a
complete description:
A two-thirds undivided interest in am! to all
that certain tract or parcel of land lyingam! b. ing
in the 15915 t G. M. of said county ami state, con
taining one hundred and fifty acres rriei o, i, s
and bounded as follows: On the north by Bay
Branch, on the northeast, by Pendleton <V. ,T nod
on the south and west by a tract of land known an
the Joe Phillips new survey, and being in the pos
session of Nancy Phillips Smith. Pointed nut by
plaintiff’s attorney. Levied on and v> ill be sold as
the property of Nancy Phillips Smit h to satisfy
two executiohs issued from the City Court of Mt.
Vernon in favor of Bank of Vidalia vs Naoey
Phillips and K. K. Phillips. Writ ten notice of levy
given in terms of the law. This the 7th dip of
April, 1914. Jas. Hester, Sheri If.
W. J. DeLoach. Atty. for Plffs.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery < ’oimly.
Will be sold before the court house
door in Mt, Vernon on the first Tij«-
day in May, 15)14, between the legal
hours of sale, t,o the highest. Didder
foreash, certain property, of which
the following is a complete descrip
All that certain tractor parcel of land situate,
lying and being in the 12215 t G. M. district of said
county and state, and hounded as follow On the
north by Troup’s Ferry ruad, on tin* east by if mis
of W. T. McCrimmon, on the south-‘•mkl by Little
Red Bluff Creek, south w< t by Big Red Bluff
Creek and being in the fork;; <>f aid < .■ < « I ini
property levied on and will be sold as Up* prope; ty
of Cora E.'Conner to satisfy five execution i wed
from the superior court of said county, as follows:
One in favor of The Bank of Bop -rlori v; Mrs. A.
B. Conner principal and Otis Thigpen cndoi « r;
one in favor of A. E. Waxeelbaum A- Bro. vs ( C.
Conner and Cora E. Conner, admire I raters of A.
B. Conner; one in favor of Norman (lillis \ G. *
and Cora E. Conner, admiristrators of A. B. Con
ner; one in favor of The Southern Cotton Oil Go.
vs Mrs. A. B. Conner; and one in favoi of The
Bank of Vidalia vs W. M. Coleman and Cora F
Conner and C. C. Conner principals. Norman Gilli -
and J. D. Coleman, securities. Said properly in
the possession of Cora E. Conner and eon mining
three hundred (300) acres more or less. Written
notice of levy given in terms of the law. 'I his the
7th day of April, 1914.
James Hester, Sheriff.
W. L. Wilson, Atty. for Plffs.
Sheriff Salts.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Ml.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in May, 1911, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of whirh the following
is a complete description:
All that tract of land located in the 1343rd dist
rict G. M. of said county and state and hounded
as follows: On the nort hby land of John Horne,
on the east by lands of !>. It. O’Neal; south by
lands of W. T. McArthur and on the v. ■hy lands
of John Horne, containing forty acres more or
less. Levied on and will in; sold as the property
of Nira Horne to satisfy an execution issued from
the superior court of said county in favor of M.
D. Hughes vs Nira Horne. Property in po - won
of said defendant and written notice of levy - i .< n
in terms of the law, this the 7th day of April,
1914. James Hester, Sheriff.
L. C. Underwood, Atty. for Plff.
Sheriff Sain.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court, house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in May, 1914, be
tweeri the legal hours of sale, to the high*- I bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description :
All that tiact or parcel of hind situate, li. y
ami being in the 275th district O. M. of sai i
county and state and hoi.mb las follows: On
the north bv the lands of J. VV. .S'hatpe •mi the
east by lands of Annie Cjifrmi ami the W i low
Hliarpe, south by lands of Rich Bak» r and on
the west by lands of Dr. J. H. Dees, e-ritsdn
iug 25 acres more nr lens, and being ail land
of the .Sail e Dees plane south of b« <• l,«\i I
on and will he sold as the pi p ity of So) \
Warren to satisfy a fifa issued l»y in d. Cur
rie, tax collector of said county, vs. >*d War-!
ren, for state at:d county taxis for the y» at
1918. Levy made and returned to tin- by 4.
A. Peterson, constable, and written notice
given according to law This 7th day of i
April, 1914. JAmkh Hf.-ii;i;,
Sheriff Sale. .
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mount.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in May, 1914, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highe ladder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a full and complete description:
Fifty acres of bum inoi • or I • I<.< tied in
the 16915 tG. M . district of said comity and
state and bounded as follows: On the north
by Pc dletup creek, on the nonthw - t In
lands of Jim Clovers, on the east. In lb uson ;
Brunch, and known as the Ore"nbijr\ \ei< ago
Hurvey. Levied on and will he sd i as the
property of Mrs. Nanc> .Smith to Hath fv a tux
flfa issued by i) >l. Currie, »r< collector of '
said county, vs. Mrs. Nancy Smith, for Hta f <
and county taxes for tint year 1913. Levy
made and returned to me by 1 J. J»■ ner, con
stable. Written notice given ;«* required In
law. This 7th day of April 1911
James Huvilh, N'herifl.
For Leave to Sell.
Georgia Mout gome 1 v County.
J. E. Hall, administrator of the
estate M. J. Hinson, has m
proper form applied to the under
signed for leave to sell one tract
of land belonging to said estate
for the purpose of payment of
debts, notice is hereby given that
said application will be heard at
my office on the first Monday in
May, next. This the Oth day of
April, 1914.
Alex McArthur,
For Sale of Property Under Pow
er of Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery ('minty:
Under and by virtue of u power of
sale vested in The (‘a I veil Mortgage
and Deposit Company of Baltimore
City, by deed made and delivered to
said Calvert Mortgage and Deposit
Company of Baltimore City by Mar
tini. A. bogue, dated November Hi,
tillO, and recorded in the olliee of the
('Jerk of Superior ('otirf of Montgom
ery county, Georgia, in book No. 12,
page f>47, the undersigned will soil at
public outcry to the highest I>i<l■ i<>i
ior "ash on the first Tuesday in May,
11*14, before the court house door at
Ml. Vernon, Montgomery county,
Georgia, between the legal hours of
sales, the following property, t.o-wit;
All that tract or parcel of land ly
ing and being in tie 12215 t district,
it. M., of Montgomery county, Geor
gia, and bounded as follows: On the
north by lands of Mary Higgs; on
the east by lands of John A. John
son; on the south by lands of A. J.
Copeland; and west by lands of
James Copeland, containing 124
acres, more or less, and being the
place whereon said Martha A. laignc
resided on (lie date of said deed, and
being the same land conveyed by
deed to Martha A. Logue by James
A. Biddle on Nov. 24, 189(5, of record
In deed book No. <>, page 200, in the
clerk’s office of Montgomery county
superior court.
Said land will In* sold as the prop
erty of Marl ha A. Logue to pay the
indebtedness referred to into said
deed and more particularly described
as follows:
The principal notes dated Nov. 1(1,
1010, for the sum of sr»o each and due
Nov. I, 1012, I Op; and 1014 respect
ively and one note of same da.r as
above for the sum of S4OO due Nov. 1,
1915, with interest on said ,notes from
date at the rate o! H per cent, per an
num. together with all costs of this
proceeding. The amount due on day
of sale of principal and interest be
ing $154.50, besides costs of this pro
ceed i ng.
Default having been made ii. the
pay me lit of said indebtedness accord -
ing to the tenor of said notes and
said deed, time being of the essence
of said eon(tact, all of said indebted
ness is declared due and the power
of sale contained in deed has become
operative. Tire proceeds ol said sale
will be applied first to the payment,
of said indebtedness, and the bal
ance, if any, paid to said Maltha A.
Logue. A conveyance will be exe
cuted to purchaser by undersigned,
as aiilaori/.ed in said deed. This
April 7. 1014.
Til K ( A I,VMKT MoIIT(UGI{ < '().
,»TmmuvvTn»YT’rf»Tfvvt rms rTTTtTTTTTTTf?m»
: k be,ween ~ *
t These qualities all summed up in the 1
l AMERICAN FENCE. See us for :
► prices and plaee your order at once. *
► *
► ' M
o ',v,'ss,'A van, v?s 'a *cv, sssssjss i v j^sissssssssssssssai
{Brick! Brick!
| * ;
I Plenty on Hand for Prompt
| Shipment. Standard tirades and Low
Prices Prevail. Write for Prices.
Mt. Vernon, GJa. ;
State of Georgia, )
Montgomery County. $ Office of
Commissioners of Roads and
Revenues of Montgomery County,
Georgia, April 7, 1914.
Whereas, J. J. Moses et al hav
ing made application for an order
discontinuing the public road
leading from the Longpond public
road across to the Old River public
road, distance of 2 1-4 miles,
; through lauds of W. B. McArthur,
Mrs. J. C. McAllister and J. J.
Moses, in the 275th district G. M.,
this is therefore to cite all parties
concerned that act ion on said pe
tit nm will be taken on the first
j Tuesday in May, 1914.
Done in open Court, this 7th
day of April, 1914
W. If. Mo.xr.Ev,
Chairman of Board of Commis
District Court of the United
States, Eastern Division, Southern
District of Georgia. In Bank
ruptcy. Notice of Application ors
Discharge in Bankruptcy.
In the matter of of Morris
blelson, bunkru]ft, County of
Wheeler, Ga.
I'o the creditors of the above
named bankrupt: You are
hereby notified that the above
mentioned bankrupt lias filed
Ins application for a discharge
from all the debts provable in
bankruptcy against the said Mor
ris Blelson Said application will
be heard by the Hon. Emory
Speer, Judge of the United States
District, Court for said division
and distinct, at the United States
Court House at, Savannah, on the
150 t h day of Apr., 1914.
t All ci i (liloi-H of said bankrupt are notified to ap
pear al the time and place stated, and show cause,
if ■inv they can. why the prayer contained in said
petition should not be granted.
1 Dated at Savannah, Ga., this
41st, day of Mar.. 1914.
Cook Clayton, Clerk.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Whereas, A. G. McLennan, ad
ministrator of the (>stute of David
Miller. (1 ceased, represents to the
j Court in Ins petition, duly filed
laird entered on record, that he
; lias fully administered said estate.
I'oih ik therefore to cite all per
sons concerned, kindred and
creditors, to show cause, if any
they can. on the first Monday in
May, 1914, why said administra
tor should not be dismissed from
liis said administ ration and receive
letters of dismission.
At.ex. McArthur,