Newspaper Page Text
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No case to be called before tbe day of assignment. Cases not disposed of on the day
of assignment will be first in order for trial the day following.
Monday, May 4
Page No. Title of Cause
159 f>-1 Lollie Miller vs Joe I) Miller
151 16 E T Mcßride &Covs D A Fountain
lfi() 65 Lollie Miller vs .J I) Miller
5 26 E T Mcßride &Co vs I) A Fountain
6 25 (J W Mosley vs C B McLeod
12 74 Mariah Phillips vs Wm B Kent
12 75 Eliza A Fountain vs E T Mcßride et al
18 24 Jones, Gunn & Jones vs. N B Gibbs etal
24 2 Hugh Peterson vs Arthur Hamilton
27 1 Amanda Rogers vs I)r J F Hall
28 5 The Mt Vernon Bank vs J D Miller et al
28 6 Same
28 7 Same vs R A Dukes et al
28 8 Same.
28 9 Hunter, Benn &Covs J D Miller et al
28 10 Same vs R A Dukes et al
29 12 Dublin Banking Co vs J D Miller et al
29 12 H II Smith vs J D Miller et al
29 14 Georgia Cotton Oil Co vs J D Miller et al
22 27 A J Copeland vs C T Braddy
26 52 American Steel Wire Co vs N T Way &Coet al
45 40 Jas McNatt vs N Q Cooper et al
52 82 W G Fountain vs Jas Morris
56 7 Pittsburg Plate Glass Co vs Lillie M Williams etal
02 42 Dr O B Moye vs Arter Davis
64 52 Levis Zukoski Mercantile Co vs R Morrison et al
69 29 E T Mcßride &Co vs Wyley Sharpe
69 21 Mcßae Oil and Fertilizer Co. vs J C Council
82 67 Standard Talking Machine Co vs W B Cadle
10 Ella E Beckham vs J A Morris
91 28 Mrs Ada M Peterson vs H Peterson
92 36 Ailey Mercantile Co vs 11 Peterson
92 11 C H Peterson vs Geo M Courson et al
97 64 Bcnj Gillis vs Mayor and Council of Soperton
100 84 C W Brantley vs Bettie C Sims et al
101 2 Merchants Bank of Mcßae vs N B Gibbs et al
lo t 20 James McNatt vs Nancy Phillips Smith
106 20 Phillips A' Rice vs E Willis
117 26 J K On- Shoe Co et al'vs S W Harrell & Son
121 58 Bank of Sopertonrvs Eliza Fountain et al
122 66 William B Kent vs Mrs E A Fountain
121 11 The Mt Vernon Bank vs Joe Miller et al
127 20 Ward Truitt (V Co vs S W Harrell & Son
110 106 Malcom E Morrison et al vs John W Morrison
111 127 M T Drake vs Patience Avery
145 136 J C Thornburg vs J A Mcßride et al
148 14 W Mishoe vs Dolila Phillips et al
149 20 Lawton Williamson vs John Memory
151 21 I, W Youmans vs Georgia & Florida Railway Co
152 27 W Mishoe &Covs G W Caraway et al
155 60 Scott Banking Co vs M C Barwick et al
158 71 R K Mosley vs B W Ruth
159 83 B E Adams vs R L Whittiker
162 101 W Mishoe vs R W Willis
163 108 W W Underwood vs L A Thigpen etal
163 109 Summit Naval Stores Co vs John J McArthur
164 110 Same vs Same
164 111 Ailey Mercantile Co vs B L Strickland
165 2 M H Newsom vs Jas Fowler
165 6 Monday & Hadden vs M L Adams et al
167 15 A A Calhoun vs W B Cadle etal
167 16 Kelly Gillis vs M E Foskey
167 IS W A Tapley vs Georgia and Florida Railway
168 20 1) W Freeman vs Ben Copeland
169 27 Associated Realty Sales Co vs John J McArthur
170 22 W B Frost vs Sudia Frost
170 33 The Farmers Supply Co vs C T Waller
170 31 A M Moses vs Julius Porcher
171 12 John Flannigan Buggy Co vs W B Cadle
172 IS Tonnie Reece vs Rachel Reece
173. 49 The Calvert Mortgage and Deposit Co vs Geo M
173 51 Marietta Fertilizer Co vs W Mishoe
176 7 J R Broadhurst vs W K Cooper
176 10 First National Bank of Lyons vs W P Clifton etal
176 11 IF Dixon vs W W White
Tuesday, May 5
Page No.
177 13 Georgia Walden vs Geo B Graham et al
177 11 11 V Daly et al vs G B Graham et al
177 15 Soperton Fertilizer Co vs Neal Gillis et al
177 16 Fisher, Lowry A- Fisher vs Neal Gillis et al
177 17 Blaekshoar Manufacturing Co vs Neal Gillis et al
177 IS Southern Saw and Machinery Co. vs O B Moye
178 19 Willie Davis vs Susan Davis
ITS 20 Rosa L Bragg vs Cora F Conner et al
179 26 Maude D Davis vs G Davis
179 27 Emma Smith vs Georgia <fr Florida Railway
179 29 Savannah Chemical Co vs Ira L Anderson et al
179 30 The Citizens Bank of Vidalia vs W B Mosley et al
A. !,. LANIER, C. I>. 1.01 I),
Would Pass a Law
For County Audits.
A I'ill i~ being drafted and will
he mtrudiK'ed at the next session
of the (h ernia legislature, giving
grand juries of the several coun
ties of the state authority to enter
into contract for the audit of the
hooka of county otlicers, anil to
duvet imvincnl for this work out
of the county funds.
it stems that very often a
grand jury is impressed with the
advisability of an audit of the
e unity books, and in its general j
j resentments recommends to the
county comm sgioners that this
I • done, and this recommends- j
ton is disregarded by the com mis- 1
s oners. I’nder the proposed law
t o<-grand jury could recommend!
that an audit he made, and if it
\w re not made the next grand ju*|
r) could proceed enter into a
contract with an auditor and then J
direet that he he paid for his ser
vices out of the county treasury
and the treasuier would have to
honor the order.
The importance of periodical
audits of not only counties and
!cities, hut banks, manufacturing
. plants, mercantile establishments
and m fact business of practically
1 jevi rv character, is now being un-i
derstood and appreciated as never
before, and the bill that is being!
prepared is in line with public
sentiment. Industrial Index.
Couldn't Walk Like Him.
An Irisii woman walked into a
large department store. The lloor
walker, who was very bowlegged,
asked her what he could do for
j her. She told him that she would
like to look at the handkerchiefs
that were advertised.
• Just walk this way, ma,am,”
said the floor walker.
The woman looked at his legs.
“No. sir,” indignantly replied
| the old lady; “I’ll die tirst.’’
Page No. Title of Cause.
180 31 James McNatt vs J M Hughes et al
180 33 Same vs J W Minton
180 34 Sa\annah Chemical Co vs B A Wing et al
180 35 Citizens Bank of Vidalia vs Tony Phillips et al
180 36 S F Royster Guano Co vs Tony Phillips et al
181 38 Lewis Sharpe vs. Doty Cross
181 39 Citizens Bank of Vidalia vs. Sikes Collins et al
181 40 Mrs. Alice Lett vs H V Thompson
181 42 Dollie Etherige vs. George Etherige
182 1 W J Coster vs B L Powell et al
182 2 Louisa Baker vs J W Register
182 3 George Fountain vs. Lewis Sharpe.
182 4 Altamaha Fertilizer Co vs Eliza Fountain et al
182 5 Soperton Fertilizer Co vs J E Phillips
182 6 Same vs Isaac Johnson
183 8 Soperton Guano Co vs Mrs J A Crumley et al
183 10 Alice O’Conner vs W E Fountain et al
183 11 Leader & Rosansky vs D E Palmer
183 12 McNatt & Moore vs Anderson Mills
184 13 Leader & Rosansky vs L B Durden
184 14 Alice O’Conner vs W E Fountain et al
184 15 James McNatt vs James W Register
184 18 Alice A James et al vs Mrs Patience Avery'
185 19 H V Daly vs Walter Sumner
185 20 The Bank of Tarry town vs Mrs Z L Patrick et al
185 21 I) E Walker vs C H Peterson
185 22 Fisher, Lowry & Fisher vs Andrew Blount
185 22 James McNatt vs Peter Currie et al
185 24 Fisher, Lowry & Fisher vs Lucian Higgs
186 25 Fisher, f/>wry & Fisher vs C H Joyce et al
186 26 McNatt & Donovan vs JFI Wiliiamson
186 27 Mrs S H Parish vs JM I) McGregor
186 28 Macon Fertilizer Works vs F Lee Mcßae
186 29 J I Dixon vs P D Scott
186 30 D F Warnrck vs J M Hughes et al
Wednesday, May (>
Page No.
187 31 L Y Gibbs Son &Covs H J Gibbs
187 32 The Bank of Tarry town vs L Collins et al
187 33 Walter T McCrimmon vs Geo Beasley
187 34 Southern Fertilizer and Chemical Co vs Geo L
187 36 Pope & Fleming vs J W Sharpe & Son
188 27 I) J Morrison & Sons Co vs J A Wade, Jr
188 38 Mcßae & Bro vs Barber McMillan et al
188 39 Virginia Carolina Chemical Co vs C L Mills
188 40 Same vs Charlie Mcßae
188 41 The Bank of Tarrytown vs R W Anderson et al
188 42 People’s Bank of Soperton vs J E Hall et al
189 43 Peruvian Guano Corporation vs J I/Johnson
189 44 Same vs W A Odum
189 45 Same vs Addie L Sears et al
189 46 Same vs W G Thigpen
189 47 Same vs L W Barwick
189 48 Same vs D A Smith
190 49 First National Bk of Vidalia vs P A Phillips et al
190 50 H L Martin vs H J Gibbs
190 51 Altamaha Fertilizer Co vs G S Blackston
190 52 Calvert Mortgage Co vs Martha A Logan
190 52 J P Brown vs T P McKay et al
190 54 Taylor, Cannady Buggy Co vs W Mishoe
191 55 ET Mcßride &Covs W J Peterson, Jr
191 56 Dave Swinney vs J E Horn
191 57 Peruvian Guano Corporation vs C C Conner
191 58 Altamaha Fertilizer Co vs Sophronia Smith
191 59 Soperton Fertilizer Co vs W R Thigpen
191 60 Same vs Jack Page
192 61 Same vs C C Tapley
192 62 Same vs S Durden
192 63 Savannah Chemical Co vs O B Moye
192 64 The Blackshear Mfg Co vs P P Phillips
192 65 Altamaha Fertilizer Co vs R W Willis
192 £6 Alice May Johnson vs John Johnson
193 67 F S Royster Guano Co vs Goo L Mosley
193 68 Mrs J B O’Conner vs Susan Nobles et al
193 69 Altamaha Fertilizer Co. Julia Adams et al
193 70 The Mt Vernon Bank vs. Union-Baptist Inst et al
193 71 Same vs Same
193 72 Altamaha Fertilizer Co vs Nancy Smith et al
194 73 Same vs Rosa Belle Phillips et al
194 74 Same vs J A Chivers
194 75 J H Todd vs Lillie Belle Todd
194 76 The Mt Vernon Bank vs N B Gibbs et al
194 77 Jesse Fountain vs Geo Fountain et al
195 5 W Mishoe vs L B Calhoun
196 9 Mrs Julia Thomas vs Montgomery County
196 10 H Peterson vs. S. A. L. Railway Co
196 12 Mt Vernon Bank vs W B Grimes et al
197 13 Same vs Martha Browning et al
197 14 Same vs L H Browning et al
198 21 L Mohr & Sons vs Cora E Conner et al
199 24 II C Davis vs J M Moore et al
Attorneys Mt. Vernon Bar.
| Seaboard Air Line Ry. |
| LOW KATES to Jiuksonvile, Fla. §
I Account (*
Annual Reunion United j|
Confederate Veterans
May 6=B, 1914 |
Rate from Mt. Vernon, $3-95- • yy
/gv Correspondingly low rates from all stations.
;< Tickets on sale May 8, 4. 5, band 7, aud for trains §
scheduled to reach Jacksonville before noon of May Bth. W
£© Final limit returning May 15th. yt i
5© Upon payment of 60 cents aud deo siting ticket, in $* ■ !
fg Jacksonville limit can be extended to June 4th, It* 1i-
For full information, see nearest Seaboard agent or
Division Passenger Agent, Savannah, Ga. cjk
t l
l Your Farm Lands \
\' 7 “ j
t AYill pay you more turned into cash. <
► This we can do for you. List your <
t property wtih us for sale—we will find <
l a buyer for you. Whether you want •
t to buy or sell, we can handle the deal \
► to your advantage and get results, on \
* farm or city property in this county \
► *
► Get in touch with us. We are in position to supply it on
% short notice, and on very agreeable terms. We have good ■*
► connections with the big firms that want to lend money to *
t the farmers of Montgomery county. Drop in and talk the *
t matter over with us. We can do the business to suit you. *
► ■*
> «
\ AND LOAN 00. 1
: ■ 5
: 3
> 5
| s|
l A Check Bookj
| ij
I s is easier to carry tlmn a wallet filled I
with currency, silver or gold. It adds ;j
dignity to your transaction and always jj
gives you satisfaction. Checks are of jj
l no value except to the person in whose jj
favor they are drawn. Can you afford jj
I to keep your money at home or in your jj
pocket, when you can have, without .
expense, a cheek book on this bank? jj
-yy | I
I CAPITAL, $15,000.00 SURPLUS, $30,000 00 RESOURCES, $145,000.00 j|
Willie T. McArthur, President W. A. Peterson, Cashier ][
Alex McArthur, Vice-President H. L. Wilt, Assistant Cashier < >
i i;
Best Fancy and Family jjj
| Groceries. 1
I -1
| L'ls 1
§ . ®
All Goods Delivered Promptly %
Patronage Solicited 6*