Newspaper Page Text
Leaves Final Result in the
Hands of His Friends
In Convention.
Atlanta. Aug. 20.-Governor
Slaton gave out the following
statement today:
“I am grateful for the earnest
support of my friends, and. of
course, appreciate the continued
confidence shown by my home
"Four candidates centered
their fire on me and I replied in
only one political speech, deliv
ered the night before the elec
tion in Columbus. The remain
der of my speeches were in ad
vocacy of a sound financial sys
tem for the state.
"Without shirking any respon
sibility, I assumed the full bur
don of the attack on a patriotic
law that was essential to the
welfare of Georgia.
"1 have never said nor done
anything during the campaign
which I regret, and I have up
held the dignity of the high office
I occupy.
I leave the final result in the
hands of my friends in the con
Hope of the World.
We are in position of advan
tage because of the work that
has been done in America during
the past one hundred years. I'ut
if the assailants of Mr. Wilson
had had their way, we would
have lost all of these natural ad
vantages, and would ourselves
have been at war with Mexico,
demanding all of the powder and
guns and ships and steel and
clothing and food that we could
produce, while our soldiers were
marching in ever-lessening num
bers from one battlefield to an
ot her.
We are in a condition to avail
ourselves of this opportunity of
a century because we have re
formed our tariff and reconstruct
ed our financial system.
We are the hope of the world
in a period of almost universal
warfare. —Louisville Post.
The American Method.
Not long ago some Europeans
were finding fault with the Uni
ted States because it did not take
more active steps in dealing with
Mexico, active steps meaning es-j
sentially sending troops across
the border to preserve order.
There are different kinds of
international diplomacy. The
American kind as carried out by
President Wilson has saved this
country from a long, costly and
appalling war with a neighbor
ing nation. European diplomacy
has failed to prevent one war,
which will be no slight one, and
it may not be able to prevent a
vastly greater one.
Judging them by their results,
we prefer the American method.
Schenectady Gazette.
Forcing Progress On Us.
The Manufacturers’ Record in
an optimistic editorial on the fu
ture, among other things says:
"The conditions which exist in
Europe will literally compel a de
velopment here whenever the
war is ended far greater than we
have seen in the past. This war
will put the United States ahead
fifty years in its domination of
the finance and commerce of the :
world and throw Europe back fif
ty years. Within twelve months '
after the war has ended, the
country will hold a more domi- ]
noting position in the tinanceand i
commerce of the world than it
could have hold in fifty years of 1
peace. Sad as it may be that '
our progress will be built on the ,
wreck and ruin of material things
and on the death of millions of <
men and the wastage of billions I
of wealth in Europe, nevevthe- j
less, this is the opportunity which i
the people of Europe are forcing j
upon us." *
I |
Dental Notice.
Dr. L. W. Bush of Soperton
announces that because of his
increased practice, he expects to
have with him for a few months
during the fall. Dr. L. J. Barter,
of Buffalo, N. Y., who will as
sist him in his Laboratory Work.
I This will enable him to spend his
: full time at the operating chair.
He wishes to thank his patients
in his surrounding community for
their generous patronage. He
has recently added more equip
ment to care for their wants, adv
Citat ion.
(Leorgin— Montgomery County.
To all whow it, may concern:
Notice in hereby given that D O.
Calhoun has in proper form
applied to the undersigned for
letters of administration on the
estate of .las. I. Calhoun, late of
said county, deceased; and said
application will he heard at mj
office on the first Monday in Sept...
11)11. This the ;s<| dnv of Aug .
11)14. Alex McArthur,
hnlimitf in# ** propo* cd ttni'iiiflnicut to tl* *
Constitution of tip* .State of Georgia, to he
v*.till on at tin* (L inoal Stat<‘ clecti' it to I>*
hold on Wednesday, October 7, *9ll, said
amendment, providing for the creation of tin*
County of Harrow.
By His Excellency,
John .M. Slaton, Governor.
State of Georgia.
Executive 1)* partmont.
August 3, 1914.
Whereas, the General Assembly, at its ses
sion in 1914, proposed nil amendment to tin
Constitution of this State, as set forth in an
Act approved July 17. 1914, to-wit:
An net to propose to t|ie nualified electors
of this State an amendment, to Para raph 2 <d
Section 1, of Article 11. of the- Constitution <>f
the State * f Georgia, an amended hy the rati
fication by the qualified voleis of this State of
tin* Act approved July 19, 1904, and for other
Section 1. lie it enacted by the General
Assembly of the State of Georgia* that ihe
following amendment is hereby (imposed to
paragraph 2, Mutton 1, Article 11, <f the Con
stitution nf tills jH'rat", bh amended by the rat
ification by the qiialitied voters of thin state
of the Act o! July 19, 1904, towit; by adding to
said paragraph tin- following language: “rrn
vide I, However, that in addition to the conn
Ip s now provided for hy this Constitution
ihere shall he a new county laid out from the
Counties nl Gwinnett, Walt on and Jackson,
said county hounded as follows: B*-ginning
at a point amid stream where the Mulberry
liiver erosses the Midi County line Joining
.Jackson County; thence following tin lino 1>«-
tween Hall and Jackson Comities to the cor
ner of Hall, Gwinnett and Jackson Counties;
tin ner in a direct line to the center of the Ap
palachia River at Freeman's .Will; thence fol
lowing the middle of the current of said Ap
palachia liiver down to the line of Walton and
O onee Counties; thence fallowing the line be
lt ween Walton and Oconee counties to the
! common cornet of Walton. Jackson and
o<-«nice Counties; tin nee following the
line between Jackson and L-conee Coun
ties to the (laiUe County line dividing
Oconee and < larke Counties; thence in a di
rect line to AlcClesky’s Bridge at the central
point over the .Millberry l iver, and thence up
ihe said a I ulbcrry liiver to the beginning point
on the Hall t .’utility line,
7’liat Winder, Georgia, shall he the county
seat of said count v. Said county shall he at
tach'd to the Mnth Congressional Distiiet
ami to tin- Western Judicial Circuit, and shall
h»- attached t<* the fliirty-third Senatorial Dis
tort. 1 hat the said name of said new eountv
shall be ltarrow. and that all legal voters re
siding in the limits of said County of Barrow
entitled to vote for mem hers nt the General
Assembly under the laws of Georgia shall, ou
the iirst Tuesday in January, 1915, elect an
ordinary, a ch*rk of the Superior Court, a
sln-i itt, a coroner, a tax collector, a lax re
ceiver, a county surveyor and a county treas
urer. Said election to he held at Winder.
Geoigi.t, the county-site of ‘aid county flint
the Supei ior Courts of said county shall be
held on tin- f-• ti l lh Mondays in .March and
September of each year, flu- limits .ot said
county, tin- Congiesd-mal and Senatorial dis
t rift ■ and the Judicial circuit to which it is at
tached, the time of holding the terms of the
Supei ior Court shall he as above designated
| until cluing'd hy law.
j Sec. 2. Bo it further enacted that when
I this proposed amendment shall be agreed to
j hy tv o-tbirds ot the members etocied to each
oi th • two houses and shall have been ent* red
on the journal of each lum>* with tin* yeas and
nays taken thereon, and the (ioverimi is here
by directed to cause ti.c said proposed amend
ment to he advertised in at least two papers
hi each Congression District at least two
moii hs Indore the u< xt general election, to
In* held on the fi Ist Wednesday in October,
| 1914, ami In shall also provide for a submission
of the proposed amendment at said gmeral
| election And it a majority of the oltetois
shad ratify such proposed amendment by a
majority oi tin- ehctors qualified to vote for
members of tin General Assembly, ittcli
amendment sha I become a part of the Con
stitution of Georgia
• s kc 3 Beit further enacted, that it shall
lx- Ihe duty of tin- Governor to submit said
amendment to the people at said election in
tin following form: 1 bat those voting in fa
vor of said proposed amendment shall haw
written or printed on their tickets, “In hivoi i
of ratification of the amendment to the Con- j
stitution cn-ati g the County of Barrow with ]
Winder, Georgia, as the conn I \ -site,” and
those opposed to the ratification of said
amendment shall have written or printed on
their ticket, “Opposed to the rat ideation of;
amendment to the Constitution creating the I
County of Barrow, with Winder, Georgia, us |
the countx-site*"
Now, theseiore, I, John M. Slaton, Governot
of saul Mute, do issue this my proclamation j
hereby declaring that the L ingoing proposed 1
amendment to the Constitution is submitted 1
t-r ratification or rejection to th* voters ot
the State qualith-d t*» vote for memoers ot tin I
1 General Assembly at the General Flection to j
be held on \ v tnlucsday, October 7 1914
John l. M.vton,
By the Governor:
rim Lie i ook,
Secretary of State.
Farm for Sale.
I am now offering at private
sale 100 Acres of Land lying in
the southern portion of Laurens
county, nine miles north of Glen
wood. Wheeler county. This
property has open upon it a one
horse farm, a nine-room two-sto
ry building in first class condition,
barn and tenant house, and an
artesian well supplies an abund
ance of fine, pure water. This
farm lies within one mile of the
Oconee river, In addition to the
100 acres of farm land I am also
offering 1(50 acres of Swamp <
Land near by which will afford !
excellent pasturage for livestock.
Prices reasonable and terms easy.
Write or call on the undersigned
for particulars. J. B. Geiger,
Mt. Vernon. Ga. ■
Knbmift ug a propmwd amendment to the
Constitution ot the .State of Georgia, to be
voted ou at the General Siam election to be
held on Wednesda , October 7, 1914, said
amendment providing for the ceration of the
County of Candler.
By Min Excellency.
John M. Slaton, Governor,
.state of Georgia,
Executive D pannier t.
August 3, 1914.
Whereas, the General Assembly at its ses
sion in 1914 proponed an amendment to the
Constitution of this State as set forth in an
Act Approved July 17, 1914, to-wit:
An Act to amend Paragraph 2, .Section 1,
Article 1 1, of the Constitution of this State.
The following Amendment is proposed hy
tin House of ItepreMontafives and the Senate
of Georgia to Paragraph 2, Section 1, Article
11, of the Constitution of thin State.
Section 1. The General Assembly of the
State of Georgia hereby - roposes to tlie peo
ple of Georgia an amendment to J aragraph 2,
Section 1, Article 11, of the Constitution of
this state, as follows:
That, in additi >n to the counties heretofore
existing in this State, created by the General
Assembly, ami those created by amendments
to the above and foregoing paragraph, section
and article of the Constitution of this State,
ihere is hereby create*! an additional county,
which county wnen created shall he known a>
<’aridh r County. The territory for the forma
tion of said County of Candler shall he taken
from tin Counties of Emanuel, Bulloch and
Tattnall, and the said territory so taken for
the formation of said new County of Candler
sliall be included within the following bound
aries, to-wit:
Starting at the south of Ten-Mile Creek
where it empties into Canooche*- River, run
ning in a northerly direction up said river to
Excelsior Bridge, thence in a uoitherly direc
tion straight course to Lott's Creek to a point
one-quarter of a mile above Now Bridge;-
tlp-nci- along die line of Lott's ('reek to De-
Loach's I*oml, leaving b'djoa* h’s Pond run
ning in a northwesterly direction,crossing the
Bullouch and Emanuel County lines, inter
secting with the Swaiushoi'o and Statesboro
public road at D. B. Johnson's place; thence
in a southwesterly direction to TJni.ui School
House; thenc* in a southwesterly direction to
Cowart's Mill Pond; thence in a direct line to
tin Leo Collins crossing on the Central of
(ie igi i Railioad; rA« nc in a southwestern
course to (iiilfin’s Arry Bridge on the Ohoo
pee River (crossing line of Knmnnel and Tatt
nall ( oiintp s,) a southerly course to the point
when* the Counties of Emanuel and T’atttiail
meet on the < hoope* River; thence a direct
line east to Kennedy’s Bridge on the Canoo
elu River, fluit w. en said county is erected
tin eotint >-seat of tin same slid! he the town
of .M* Her, now in the County of Bulloch; that,
if Die above and foregoing amendment should
he ratified hy the pcbple when the same is
submitted to them for their i atification at the
uexi general election after ilie adoption of
this proposal to amend the Constitution, there
shall he. on the first \\ edm adav ill December
aft* r du* proposel rtinendmeiit to the Consti
uiti'Ui is adopted, an election for the eountv
ofticers In rein named in and for said new
county, to he hold at the several election pro
ofin'ts existing within the limits of si'id new
counts at the time of the adoption of die pro
posed amendment, during the usual hours of
hoi di g elections, and ail legally qualified
voters residing m said territory shall be quali
fied to vote at said election am* the ordinaries
of the several counties in which said election
precincts are located at the time of the adop
tion oi this amendment shall each appoint die
election managers for the precincts in tin.*
counties in which lie shall exercise jurisdiction
of ordinary and the managers of the election
shall on Ihe dav succeeding the el* etion meet
at the town of Met ter, the place desig ated as
ijp county-seatof the ! ew county, a* <1 Congo -
id ifce the vole for the county unices, at such
place within the limits of the town of Mutter
as shall be designated by die judge of tip?
Nitperi »r Court. ot the Middle Circuit, whose
duty it is hereby made to designate the place
<>f meeting of said election managers within
flie corporate limits of said town of Metter,
and the general laws now in force as to the
consolidation ot die votes, the return of the
election and the commission of officers shall
he applicable to officers elected at such special
election herein pmvided for; that the officers
to be elected at sail special election herein
provided for shall he an ordinary, a clerk of
the Superior Court, a sheriff, a tax collector, a
tax receiver, a coroner, a county surveyor and
a county treasurer; that said officers s)iajl be
commissioned as now nquiied by law, and ail
• awn now in force in this State tm commission
officers and for bonds r« quiivd of them s >ail
he applicable to the officers so elected; that
the officers eh ctt*d at said general election
shall hold their offices until the next general
dei tion for county offices and until their suc
cessors are elected andqualith'd.
1 lie Geiicr d Assent bit is hereby given pow
er to create any additional statutory officers
in sin i county or statutory courts, and to pro
vide hy law f r tilling said offices Any va
cancies that may occur before the next gener
al election jn any of the offices created by said
county may be filled as now provided hy law.
Ihe said County of Candler h1 1 u) Ihe attach
ed to the First Congi District, the
.Mi idle Judicial Circuit ami the Seventeenth
Senatorial District, but it shall be in the p< w
■i ot iln* General Assembly at any time to
change tin* judicial circuit to which snid Coun
ty of Candler is attached, and the General As
sembly of < »eorgia is hereby given power to
Giauge said County of Candler in arranging
congressional and senatorial districts as is
now provided by law. That the .Superior
Court In said County *if Candler shall beheld
on the third Monday in February and August
months of each year, hut it shall be within the
power of tlie (•eueral Assembly at any time hy
iaw to chance the time of holding the courts
and the number of tetius thereof. That the
justices of the peace and constables residing
in the t« niton included within the new Coun
ty of Candler shall exercise the duties and
powers of their office until new militia dis
tricts are laid o f in saul County ol Candler
is now provided by law; and that all of the
provisions of the law as c attained in Chapter
! 13 of the * o*,e ot ,910 are hereby made appli
l cable to tin? said County of cat idler whenever
! the same is created; that all of the general
laws in this State, in addition to tho above,
having application to the statutory counties
of Hits State are hereby mad** applicable t*»
the said County of Candler especiailv the law
, in lefeienco to holding elections for the pur
j pose of co ating a debt for said eountv; that
I when tins amendment is adopted, the said
: County of Candler so create I bv the adoption
of this amendment, shall become mail re
spects a statutory county and shall be govern- j
>) by all laws now in i r-*u in this State leg- j
ulatlng counties and county officers.
Si;. 2 The Governor is hereby required
. and directed that when this proposed amend* j
! m* i shall Dc agivtd to hy a w > l.> . t to .* .
nu!iih;T> clccied hy tin two houses of this]
General Yssemblv, and shall hi* entered on I
the journal of eaefi lions*' with the ayes and j
nay** taken thereon, th** Gov* rno* i> hereby |
directed to can si tin* said proposed amend
ment to Jn* advertised in »t h ast two papers in
each cougn ssionat distri t at l< ast two months
belon 'hi next g»*n* ivl election, to he held on !
1 tin first V\ vdik-sdav in October, 1914, and be
; sindl als provide for a submission <»t the pr *.
posed am* mint nt to the qualified voters of the
stH'-e ai said gctu-ral i hdion. And it a ma
j<»ri:> ot ili«* electors v ding at saul * lection
shsd ratify tilts proposed amendment to tin
Cons'ituti *n oi this State hy a majority of the
electors qualified to vote for members of the
General Assembly and voting at sucli election,
said amendment >»fiall Income a part of the
Constitution *»f Georgia when ihe Fact is cer
tified to tlie G«»veiHor hy the secretary of
Mate, that a nisj nty of the qualified voters
voting at saul genera) election i.ave vot**d in
fav »r ot ihe adoption «>f said amendment to
th* Constitution «»f th Mat , and the Govei-j
hoi shall is>iu his proclamation to sncheffoct. j
hKC 3 It shall be the duty of the Gov* rn
or to submit said proposed ame dment in the j
following form; That those voting in favor of
said proposed amendment altjJl have written ;
or |*i mo don their tick** a, “In favor of the
ratification of the amendment to Paragraph 2.
Sir i m 1. Article 11 of the Constitution of
*ie rgicreating the County of Candler,” and i
those opi os d to the ratification of tin amend- |
nu *t shall have written or printed on their j
tickets. “Opposed to the ratification of the j
anu..*l:ncoi i'aiagraph 2,1, Article j
11 of the Constitution «*f tin* State of Georgia :
creating the Couuty of Candler.’
Now, therefore, I, John M. Slaton. Governor f
of said do issue this my’ proclamation ,
her* by <le**l.iring that tin* foregoing proposed i
; anieiiihnent to th** Constitution submitt' d J
. for ratification or rejei'tioii t*» the V'-ters oi 1
the Stst*- qualified t«» vote for mend- is « f the !
| General Assembly ut the General Eh ctiou t" '
be held on Wednesday, • *cti»h< r 7, 19*4
John M. nlvton.
Governor. !
By the Governor: I «
Philip Cook, | !
Secretary of State.
(Under Power of Attorney.) ' ;
OeorKia Montgomery County.
Under and hy virtue of a power of sale contained ,
in a certain mortgage dated September 2h. 19lu, i
signerJ by Eliza J. Pitts, anti being* in favor of J
Hai Lawson and A. 1. Webb, Executors of F. B. ; ,
Collins deceased, and recorded in Book 33 page 84 '
in the Clerk’s office of Montgomery Superior Court, ]
we will sell before the court house door of said (
county at public oulcry to the highest bidder for <
cash, between the legal hours or sale, on August J
24th, 1914, the following described property, to i
wit: An undivided one-seventh interest in and to 1
the certain tract of land containing 9*‘» acres, more \
or less, formerly owned by H. C» Hi ns, the father i
of F. B. Collins, situated in the 1343 d District, G. «
M., of Montgomery County, Georgia. The said ]
ninety-six acre tract of land was in May, 1907, ; i
bounded as follows: On the north, east and south ]
bv lands of John D. Phillips and on the west by
lands of John Coleman. Th* land above deseribi d r
being the interest of F. B. Collins as an heir of! €
his father, H. Coffins, in th * said ninety-six acre £
tract of land. Said sale will be made for the pur- i S
pose of enforcing the collet*tion of the indebted-I j
ness or obligation described in said mortgage. 1 %
This the 16th day of July. 1914. 5
Hal Lawson &A. I. Webb, J
Executors of F. B. Collin 9. > S
For Sale—Cheap. 1
My combination store and res- 5
idence at Alston, Ga.. located §
about 45 feet from depot. A big $
bargain for $425. |
H. W. S. Blitch, |
Bowdon, Ga. |
Dental Notice.
! %
I have opened a dental office in | -
Alamo, and am at that point on j *
Wednesdays and Thursdays of «
each week to wait on patrons of «
that section. j 8
Dr. E. M. Rackley, ! |
ad Mt. Vernon, Ga. «
'' ” 8
Lost Mule. |
Red mare mule, about-850 lbs.
left my place ton miles east.of «
Minter, July 15, corning south,
and last seen near Odom’s Ferry. «
Liberal reward for information »
leading to recovery.
S. Johnson, *>
Rock ledge, Ga. x
Dentist ?
Office over Mt. Vernon Drug Co. |
% #■
liSlii till Mt.vemon=AHey,^ a#
* %
i * &
* t
| Buildings and Equipment.
i Four Largo, Attractive Brick Buildings, two Dormitories
* and two Academic Buildings, situated in the midst of a
* beautiful’campus of eighteen acres, with a school farm &*
adjoining. Buildings furnished with Acetylene Lights,
and Water from a deep artesian well. Good water, per- &
1 feet drainage, an unsurpassed record for health.
* Departments and Teachers. &
The literary department conducted by six well trained
* teachers, the music department by two, giving courses in
Piano, Harmony, Voice, and Stringed Instruments, the
* Expression department and the departments of Artaud *
J Domestic Science, under excellent teachers. #
* Excellent moral and religious influences, w ith the teach- £
J ers all regularly on duty, High standing in Athletics, with #
two capable coaches. Athletics kept on a high plane and
J directed so as to secure better class room work, not to
5 interfere with it. t
* %
There are seven months free term for all pupils from six
* to eighteen, living in this county, by reason of legal tax- J
ation. Good common school department under well
i trained teachers in connection with the high school. &
* Write for catalog and handsome booklet or illustrations, f
% R. E. RO3ERTSON, President, Mt. Vernon, Ga. %
| Grand Prize Offer ! Ij
\ Goat Wagon, Rifle, Tricycle.
Don’t bother your neighbor and your j|
| s.df" this fall trying to borrow a wagon ij
ij to haul your eoton and other products |i
ij to market. ij
Buy a John Deere
ij from us. Just unloaded a new lot. See ij
them before buying.
We are going to give the following prize: To the Boy !|
| who brings to us the Twelve (12) Largest Ears of Corn !
One nice John Deere Goat Wagon, *
The Boy who brings the next largest Twelve Ears of |!
i Corn will get One 22-Caliber Rifle. \\
For the third largest lot of Twelve Ears of Corn the !;
* Lucky Boy will get a nice Tricycle. Boys, hunt the big ;!
I ears. The prizes will be awarded by three disinterested men,
l November sth, at our store. !>
H. V. T hompson & Bros.
| AILEY, GA. |
(Brick! Brick!l
| Plenty on Hand for Prompt I
| Shipment. Standard Grades and Low I
;| Prices Prevail. Write for Prices. |
| Mt. Yernon, Ga. |