The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, August 27, 1914, Image 6

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Mrs. Mack Wooten of Wil-j
mington, N. C., accompanied by
her sister. Miss Hattie Belle
Burch of Atlanta, is here visit©
intr relatives.
Parties wishing to contribute
feedstuffs or other articles to Mr.
H. I). Lee, on account of his' re
cent loss by fire, will please noti
fy me and my teams will he sent,
for it. G. J. Thompson,
Mrs. ,1. I». China of Liberty
county, who has been visiting:
her sister, Mrs. I). W. Folsom, '
returned home yesterday.
LOST—Plain gold bracelet, en
graved, “Elizabeth” on inside.
I/>st last Sunday. Notify Mrs.
M. B. Calhoun. ad.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McQueen
arid Mrs. B. B. Wood attended
Tattnall campmeeting Sunday and
Monday, returning here Monday
Mr. 1). W. Folsom attended the
Twelfth District Congressional
Convention in Dublin yesterday.
Congressman Hughes was nom
inated without opposition, and
new coinmittemen were elected
for each of the thirteen counties
of the district.
Mrs. A. B. Hutcheson and
daughter, Carroll, have returned
from a visit to Savannah.
Got Caught In
Their Own Net.
Well, the Herald and The Ma
con News can both point to the
impending row over the sena
torial short term nomination -
the inevitable result of the coun
ty unit plan and the rules pre
scribed by the state democratic
committee for applying it—anil
say, “1 told you so!” So far as
we can now recall, the Herald
and its esteemed Macon after
noon contemporary were the on
ly daily papers in the state that
took a positive stand against the
county unit system in the pri
mary and to point out the oppor
tunity that would he given for
trading and thimble-rigging in
the convention of delegates. It
is a significant fact, too, border
ing on retributive justice, that
the leaders of the very element
which dictated the county unit
plan and the rules for its appli
cation are first to invoke the im
plied fairness of the plurality rule
under the direct popular vote
system. —Albany Herald.
Injured by Dynamite.
Americas, Aug. 25. —Allen
Johnson, of Americus, was prob
ably fatally injured this after
noon by an explosion of a charge
of dynamite in a steel well casing
which he was boring. The dy-!
namite did not explode in the
well as quickly as Johnson
thought it should and was with-:
drawn, only to explode as it]
reached the surface.
Hundreds of steel fragments j
were hurled in all directions, sev-■
eral striking Johnson and cutting
his right side open entirely.
Other fragments of steel cut
through the dwelling house like
Protracted Meeting.
Kev. J. H. McCullough will
commence a meeting at Bethel
Church (Beekum School House)
Friday night and run for a few
days. Everybody invited to come
and be with us.
K. M. Rowland,
McGregor, Ga.
Use Potatoes for Bread.
London, Aug. 22.—»The Rotter
dam correspondent of the Daily
Telegraph says because of a
shortage of flour Rotterdam bak
ers are making bread of equal,
parts of Hour and potatoes. The j
mixture is palatable.
) War! Are you ready? School;
children’s lunch baskets, 10 and
15 cents. Clothes baskets, 75
cents. H. V. Thompson & Bros.,
Ailey, Ga. ad j.
Rev. H. C. Ewing returned
from Tattnall camprneeting Sat
urday night and filled his ap-h
pointment at Glenwood on Sun
Leverett’s Studio, Vidaiia, sup
plies the best in photographs, por
traits and view work. ad
Miss Marguerite Montgomery
has returned from an extended
and pleasant visit to relatives in
South Carolina. Miss Inez Mc-
Rae met her in Augusta.
Mrs. J. L. Adams is in Atlanta
buying her fall millinery. During
her absence the store will be
open in the afternoons only. Her
opening will probably be held
about the first of September.
For Cotton pickers, the Ailey
Hardware Co. Ailey, Ga., is sell
ing 200-lb Scale Beams at 98cts,
250-lb Scale Beams at $1.22.
Harts old-fashioned cotton steel
yards, 200 lbs, $1.19. ad
Many of the younger set en
gaged in a picnic at Ochwalkee
Tango Combs and Pins for the
! Hair will be found at J. H
Hudson’s, Ailey. ad
Judge Alex McArthur visited
relatives at Longpond Tuesday.
A Forlorn Hope.
In the welter of a general
European war the fate of the
little independent state of Lux
emburg has been for the moment]
I forgotten. That a time will
j come when Luxemburg will as
sume considerable importance is
by no means unlikely. For Lux
emburg, whose neutrality, in
tegrity and independence were
guaranteed by the treaty of Lon
don in 1867, was the first land to
be invaded by the German
| armies. An attempt to treat
neutralized Belgium with the
same indignity precipitated the;
great battle of Liege, the issue
i of which is even yet uncertain.
The sovereign of Luxemburg
is Grand Duchess Marie Adelaide,
a beautiful girl of 20 years. At.
. ; the approach of the Germans she
hastened to the frontier in her
i automobile, and placing it across
; the highway, attempted to bar
. the advance of the army. She
was given gentle words, but
scant consideration. The auto
, mobile was removed, and the
Luxemburg army, which stood
ranged behind its sovereign,
evaporated. The army, by the
way, numbers 250 men, less than
half as large as the police force
of Cleveland.
Luxemburg, which was for
merly a member of the Germanic
1 confederation, is one of the small
states which will undoubtedly be
come a part of Germany if the
Kaiser’s armies are victorious.
It is now completely in German
possession, the occupation having
been effected with no difficulty
, beyond that offered by the gir
in the automobile. Its people,
like those of Alsace, are mostly
of German blood, but they have
no desire to lose their indepen
dence, and would look upon such
an outcome as a catastrophe.
Meanwhile the girl ruler is one
of the forlorn spectacles of the
war. She is threatened with no
personal harm, but the ruthless!
appropriation of her domain and I
the threat of its extinction may
well evoke a little sympathy even
in this time of greater tragedies.
—Cleveland Plain Dealer
1 have for sale 800 bushels of
Choice Rust-Proof Seed Oafs.
Will be offered at market prices.
Shipping point, Uvalda. Write.
Petek Johnson,
Rt 2. Mt. Vernon, Ga.
A Brave Boy Soldier.
“One of the bravest acts I
witnessed during the whole war, ”
said an officer of the army of
Northern Virginia, “was that of
a young soldier, who was prob
ably not over 16 years old. We
had thought of him as only a boy,
although he went with the regi
ment on all of its marches, and
. lived with it in all its encamp
“One day there was a fierce
engagement. In the midst of it
a bullet struck this boy in the
breast and he fell. Our colonel
ordered his men to dismount, and
as he himself sprung from his
horse, the boy called out in a
weak voice, 'I will hold your
horse, colonel!’
‘ ‘Stopping in the midst of the
storm of bullets to gaze in pity
on Jffie white, boyish face, the
colonel said, ‘But you can’t do
that, lad—you are dying.’
‘I know I am, colonel,’ the
gallant boy replied. ‘But I can
hold the reins when I am dead.’
“The colonel placed the bridle
in the trembling hands, and went
forward. When the fight was
over he hurried back and found
the boy lying dead, the bridle
reins still wrapper tightly round
his limp right hand.”
Thought It Fit.
A prominent citizen died, and
a member of the family went to
the local newspaper office to read
the proof of the obituary notice.
There was the usual rer ark
about the deceased being ‘‘taken
to his last resting place,” but by
one of those typographical fatal
ities which occur in every news
p iper shop, the word which had
been written appeared
in the proof as “roasting.”
The member of the family was
scandalized. “Look here,” he
shouted, “this has got to be cor
“Oh, I don’t know,” murmur
ed the editor. “He was three
years behind with his subscrip
tion. I guess I’ll let it stand as it
is in the proof.”
Farm for Sale.
I am now offering at private
sale 100 Acres of Land lying in
the southern portion of Laurens
county, nine miles north of Glen
wood, Wheeler county. This
property has open upon it a one
horse farm, a nine-room two-sto
ry building in first class condition,
barn and tenant house, and an
artesian well supplies an abund
ance of fine, pure water. This
farm lies within one mile of the
Oconee river, In addition to the
10U acres of farm land I am also
offering 169 acres of Swamp
Land near by which will afford
excellent pasturage for livestock.
Prices reasonable and terms easy.
Write or call on the undersigned
for particulars. J. B. Geiger,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
For Long Term Farm
I am negotiating* some very
attractive Long Term Farm Loans
for the beat companies doing bus
iness in Georgia, with lowest rates
of interest and the most liberal
terms of payments
I have several years experience
in the loan business, am located
at the county site and believe that
lam in position to give you the
best terms and as prompt services !
us mu one.
If toil need a loan see me before!
! application.
A. B. Hutcheson,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
I™ ™ To-rr.orro^^^^|
Horses digest their feed less thoroughly than I”””"""“ “““‘“““l 0
other farm animals. In order to insure liiorough lam using Bee Dee 3
digestion of all the food eaten, and to make your
horses readier for next day’s work, add to their imd It a lawns proposition
evening feed a teaspoonful Of— on feed. It also makes 9
them healthy, thriving and M
D aa I\pa STOCK I Ira Johnston.
It will lessen your feed bills. f§
25c, 50c and sl. per can. £
It will increase your profits. At your dealer’s. ; i
■ I -m: m « ■■-—I. - 11 ■ » "
Notice to the Voters of
Mantgomery Courty.
Massmeeting Called.
To the Voters of Montgomery
Owing to the fact that there
is dissatisfaction in the appoint
ment of delegates to the State
Convention, it being generally
known that the delegates now'
appointed by the Executive Com
mittee did riot support the parties
who carried the county in the re
cent primary. The citizens of
the county do urge you to meet
in mass meeting at the court
house in Mt. Vernon on Satur
day, August 29th, at ten o’clock
a. m., for the purpose of having
delegates appointed who suppos
ed the candidates that carried
the county. As it is a well known
fact that Felder who carried the
county for the short term sena
torship will not have any repre
sentation in the State Convention
from this county as the matter
now stands.
The Last Straw.
One day a Scottish bov and an
English boy who were fighting
were separated by their respec
tive mothers with difficulty, the
Scottish boy, though the small' r,
being far the most pugnacious,
relates Tit-Bits.
“What garred ye ficht a big
laddie like that far?” said the
mother, as she wiped the blood
from his nose.
“And I’ll fight him again,”
said the boy, “if he says Scots
men wear kilts because their ft- !t
are too big to get into thi ir
New Road Notice.
; State of Georgia, /
i Montgomery County. \ Office of
! Commissioners of Roads and
I Revenues of Montgomery Oouuly,
| Georgia, Augugt 4, 1914.
M. B. Peterson anil others
having applied tor the opening
land establishing of a new public
road, said new road beginning in
1 ! about 150 yards from the home of
.j M. B. Peterson, running straight
iin a southerly direction over the
I lands of M. B. Peterson, Mrs, J
! B. Knight, west of the latter, and
I to a point near a gate on the farm
l of Mrs Knight, thence in slightly
; easterly direction toward and over
the lands of S. J. Clark, about
midway between two dwelling on
said Clark’s farm, through wood
land R. L. Sharpe, being straight
, from point near gate to intersec
tion with Mt Vernon-Harden
j Bridge, etc., said new road being t
I about, one and t hree-fourt hs miles
• in length, notice is hereby given
i that said application will be grant.
, ed on the first Tuesday in Sept.,
next it no good cause be shown to
the contrary. This the 4th day'
of August, l'Jl4
W II Moxlev.
Clim. Bd. C. R & R. M. (J
L . W. BUSH,
Dental Surgeon,
Offices 2d Floor Bank of Soperton Building.
So per ten, Ga.
The Barrels
and Lugs of -y. if
Double and Single Barrel §
lan- drop-foryvd in I
one piece. Made of B
AKtSf. Compare 5
ay where near the S
Ulllf throughout. S
BEf - ~asi
Our j
Cat;. ■
famous line of Stevens Repeaters —Doubles —Sin- ■
glos. If you cannot obtain STEVENS from year B
dealer—let us know, and we will ship direc . ex* B
press prepaid, upon receipt of Catalog Price. ;
F.O. Box 5005.
' Cotton Ginning:.
We are prepared to Gin your
Cotton and Grind your Corn in
{short order and in up-to-date
manner. Satisfaction is our
motto. For the accommodation :
of the public, our grist mill be i
operated Fridays, Saturdays and
Mondays through the ginning
season. Soliciting the patronage
of the public, yours to serve,
H. V. Thompson & Bros.,
Ailey, Ga. j
Schedule Effective 12:01 a. m. April 12. 1914.
A M. P M. A M P. M.
700 415 Leave Macon Arrive 11 20 410
711 430 Swift Creek 11 07 856
728 440 Dry Branch 10 58 847
7 27 ' 4 44 Winthrop 10 54 3 43
7 31 4 45 Pike’s Peak 10 50 3 39
7 89 f 4 57 Fitzpatrick 10 48 3 82
744 501 Ripley 10 38 327
756 512 Jeffersonville 10 26 315
8 06 : 5 22 Gailemore 10 14 3 04
816 531 Danville 10 04 254
8 21 5 36 Allentown 9 59 2 49
8 81 5 46 Montrose 9 49 2 39
842 557 Dudley 938 228
8 48 6 04 Shew make 9 32 2 22
854 609 Moore 925 215
9 10 680 Ar. Lv. 9 05 1 55
9 15 6 30 Lv. Ar. 9 05 1 55
9 81 6 46 Catlin 8 49 1 39
9 41 6 56 Minter 8 38 1 28
951 706 Rock'edge 826 116
9 56 7 11 Orland 8 20 1 10
10 11 726 Soperton 80512 55
10 22 737 Tanytown 75312 43
10 30 7 45 Kibbee 7 45 12 85
10 45 8 00 Vidaiia 7 30 12 20
A. M. P. M. Arrive Leave A. M. P. M.
At Dublin with the Wrightsville &Tennille and the Dublin & South
western for Eastman and Tennille and intermediate points
At. Macon with Southern Railway from and to Cineinnatti. Chattanooga,
Rome Birmingham, Atlanta and intermediate points. Also the Central of
Georgia Railway, G. S. & F. Railway, Macon and Birmingham Railway
and Georgia Railroad.
At Rockledge with the Milieu and Southwestern for Wadley and in
termediate points.
At Vidaiia with the Seaboard Air Line for Savannah and intermediate
points, and with the Milieu and Southwestern for Millen, Stilimore and in
termediate Doints.
J. A. STREYER, G. P. A., Macon, Ga.
► i
► How many people in the United States know what county was
► chosen by the famous plant wizard for his home and farm?
£ Burb nk’s experiment farm is in Sonoma county, California, 2
► only a few miles north of San Francisco. Sonoma county is
% one of the most productive counties in the United States.
j* We have a splendid booklet describing Sonoma county. We
* will send you this booklet, a map of California, answer your ◄
► questions and send a copy of SUNSET MAGAZINE, the 4
* monthly guide and text book of the homeseeker and the set
► tier, if you will send us ten cents in stamps to help defray 3
t the cost of mailing. ◄
\ Alley Hardware Co. \
l AILEY, GA. \
► j
l Are open for business, and extend to «
► you a cordial invitation to call on them 3
t for anything in the 3
t It will he our aim to carry a represent- ◄
ative assortment of 3
t *
l Hardware, Implements , Buggies , <
Harness , Crokeryware , 3
l Wagons , Furniture , Matting , 3
► Stoves, Ranges, Shades. 3
t ———
E Roofing and Wire Fencing j
► A
*• ◄
In fact, anything usually found in a 3
► M
► Firstclass Hardware Store. 3
1 Ailey Hardware Co., 5
E S. A. Sikes, Mgr. 3
Card of Thanks.
I wish to thank my friends for
their loyal support in my recent
campaign. I have none other than
the kindest regards for all of my
fellow citizens and I hope to pre
serve the confidence bestowed in
I me by serving the people to the
best of my ability.
Jim L. Gillis.
Attorney at Law
Kent Office Building:
Mount. Vernon, Georgia.