The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, September 17, 1914, Image 4

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    15 DAYS! 15 DAYS!
The Great Clearance Sale
xm.• »JJLx\ it!,ILa iLp bJ
Mount Vernon, - - Georgia
Begins Friday, Sept. 11. Lasts 15 Days.
Sli!l having a considerable stock of Summer Goods on hand. J am prepared to close out all my Dress Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats
ami Notions at a Great Reduction, in order to reduce my stock and make room for the extensive supply of Fall and Whiter Goods
that I have bought in the Northern and Eastern Markets. My space is very limited; and the large arid complete selection of Fall
and W intci Goods i> already on the \'ay. lam therefore Compelled to sell all my present stock of goods at a great sacrifice.
’I lie goods must go at any price — At cost and under cost. This is a splendid opportunity to buy your goods at greatly reduced
prices. In these hard times you can make a dollar buy a lot of goods by reading over these prices and attending this great
Sacrifice Clearance Sale!
Wo don’t believe in quoting all prices here, but the following will convince you of the rest, I have the goods for your needs.
Dress Goods! Dress Goods!
7c Homespun will go at - 5c
9c Homespun bo will sold at - - - - 7c
7c Sheeting will go at .... 5c
8c Sheeting at only .... Oc
10c Sea Island for-- -7 l-2c
7c Bleaching for only - 5c
9c Bleaching at ..... o i_2e
10c Bleaching at only - - - - -7 l-2c
12 l-2c Bleaching at - - - - - 9c
7c Calico will go at - - - - 5c
10c Percale at only ----- 8 l-2c
12 l-2c Percale at 9c
8c Ginghams given away for only ... 5c
9c Ginghams at only - - - 0 l-2c
10c Ginghams will he sold for-- - 8 l-2c
12 l-2e Ginghams for ... 9c
8c Lawns and White Goods ...
10c Lawns and White Goods for-- -7 l-2e
12 1-2 and 15c Lawns and White Goods at 9c and 11c j
20 and 25c Lawns and White Goods at 13c and -18 c 1
15c Linen will he sold at - - -11 c 1
20 and 25c Linen will go at 13c and - -18 c
Latest styles and colors in nicest Crepes, Satines. and all i
other dress goods at great reductions in price, 1
15 and 20c Dress Goods at 9c and - -13 c
25 and 35c Dress Goods will be closed out at 18c and 23c
50 and 75c Dress Goods will "O in this big sale at 39c and 43c ]
SI.OO and $1.25 Satins and Messaletn - at 75c and 85c a yard. 1
75c Overalls only - -43 c I
81.00 Overalls cut down to only 78c
SI.OO Jackets will he cleared out at 78c
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%■%%%%%%%'%%%%■% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
These are sure-enough bargains. I have too much stock and must reduce it regardless of cost; and this means that voil can buy
yom- goods at the price you have been looking for. He sure to makegood the chance lam presenting to you. I need not say
anything as to the quality of goods I am carrying; for everybody who has bought goods of me knows my line is First Glass in
every particular. Don’t fail to come and take advantage of the extreme bargains placed before you in this Great Clearance Sale.
Don’t Forget the Time and the Place!
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A. SEGALL, Mt. Vernon, Ga.
c Latest makes in Tan, Vici, Patent Leather and Gun |!
I Metals. High quality goods at very low prices, in men’s and l!
ladies’ shoes and oxfords. |
$4.50 Shoes and Oxfords for only - - $3.28 f
4.00 Shoes and Oxfords for only - - 3.12
3.50 Shoes and Oxfords for only - - 2.78
3.00 Shoes and Oxfords for only - - 2.48 •!;
2.50 Shoes and Oxfords for only - - 1.93 j;
2.00 Shoes and Oxfords for only - - 1.43 j|
1.50 Shoes and Oxfords for only - - 1.23
Like bargains in Chidren’s Shoes and Oxfords.
Big Selection in Men’s and Boys’ Suits and Pants; ex
cellent styles and grades. Take this opportunity to get your
(clothing at reduced prices. !|
$17.50 Suits will be sold at - - - $13.50
15.00 Men’s Suits closed out at - - 11.50
10.00 Suits will be sold to close out at - - 7.50
8.00 Suits go in this special sale for-- 5.75
15.00 Men’s Pants to be sold at - 3.68
4.00 Men’s Pants will go at - - 2.98 1
3.00 Men’s Pants sold for-- - 1 98 S
I $2.50 and $2.00 Pants sold for- $1.78 and L4B |
1.50 Pants sold for only - - 123
2.00 and $1.50 Knee Pants - - 1.58 and 1.23 J
1.25 and SI.OO Knee Pants for- 98c and 78c
75r and 50c Knee Pants to go in this bargain sale 43c and 39c
35c and 25c Knee Pants at the extreme figures 23c and 19c
$3.00 Hats for only .... $1.98
1 250 Hats for only - - - - 1.68
2.00 and 1.50 Hats to go at - - $1.38 and 98c
1.25 Hats to be sacrificed at the very small price of 78c
1.00 Caps, latest styles, to close out at only -78 c
75c Caps for only - - . . 43 c
50c Caps for only ..... 39 c j
35c Caps and 25c Caps—you just pick them up at 23c and 19c- ]!
Notions, Furnishings, Hosiery, Ready
-to-Wear Goods and Laces.
7 c Towels for only 4 C
10c Towels for 7 C
15c Towels at only 9 C
5c Handkerchiefs to be sacrificed at - - 2c and 3c
5c Brass pins, best grade, only - - - 3c
15c Suspenders in this slaughter sale only - - 9c
25 and 35c Suspenders will hold ’em up for only 19c and 23c
50 and 75c Suspenders at 39c and 43c
25 and 35c Ties - - . -19 c and 23c
50c Ties for the bargain price of only - -39 c
10c Sox and Stockings cut down to bargains at - 7c
15 and 25c Sox and Stockings only - lie and 19c
35 and 50c Sox and Stockings reduced to 23c and 39c
25 and 35c Men’s Underwear will go for 19c and 23c
50c Men’s Underwear will be marked down to only 39c
10c Ladies’ Vests will be closed out for-- 7c
15c Ladies’ Vests at 9 C
50 and 75c Chijdren’s Dresses at this sale for 39c and 43c
sl-00 and $1.25 Children’s Dresses for 78c and 98c
$1,25 and $1.50 Ladies House Dresses to go at 88c and sl.lß
$2.00 Fine Skirts for only .... $1.43
#3.00 Ladies’ Skirts for .... $1.78
$4.00 and $5.00 Ladies’ Skirts at $2.98 and $3!48
50 and 75c Ladies’ Waists for- -39 c and 43c
SI.OO and $1.25 Ladies’ Waists for- -78 c and 98c
50 and 75c Gowns and Petticoats - -39 c and 43c
SI.OO and $1.25 Gowns and Petticoats -78 c and 98c
Silk Petticoats, best grades, latest colors, worth $3.50, sold
for only - - . . . $2.23
50c Men’s work and Dress Shirts for- -39 c
75c Men’s work and Dress Shirts for- -43 c
SI.OO and #1.25 Fine Dress Shirts at -78 c and 98c
We have a big line of laces and embroidery which will be
sold at a reduction of 40 cents on the dollar.