The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, September 17, 1914, Image 6

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The new warehouse of the ML
Vernon Warehouse Co. is open
for business, and several bales of
cotton have been stored there.
Mr. Arpad Hicks is in charge of
the business.
Mr. W. E. Fountain of Coffee!
county was at his former home
here yesterday.
War! Are you ready? School
children’s lunch baskets, 10 and
15 cents. Clothes baskets, 75
cents. H. V. Thompson & Bros.,
Ailey, Ga. a( k
Miss Sue Lynn Stone of Glen
wood returned to the Brewton-
Barker Institute Tuesday after
noon to resume her studies.
Judge J. G. Stanford’s court
yesterday was a close rival of
superior court in point of atten
dance, many coming in from the
Rev. H. C. Ewing left yester
day morning for Macon, where
he went to perform the marriage
ceremony of his brother, Mr.
Daniel A. Ewing, of Florida, and
Miss Carrie Mae Johnston of Ma
con. The ceremony was to have
been conducted yesterday even
I am in position to close a few
small farm loans promptly. If
you need money, see me at once.
A. li. Hutcheson,
ad. Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Ginning in Montgomery.
Mr. K. M. Johnson, collector
of cotton statistics of this county,
reports 883 bales ginned in Mont
gomery to Sept. Ist. To this
date last year there were ginned
only 55b bales. Let the farmers
save all cotton possible; the price
will doubtless be better in a few
Montgomery’s Share
Os Automobile Tax.
Under the new law to distrib
ute the automobile tax fund
among the counties according to
mileage of the rural mail routes,
only 80 counties have made the
necessary report to the Secretary
of State. This county would be
entitled to a snug little sum if
the proper authorities look after
t he matter.
Dr. Palmer Reappointed.
The numerous friends of Dr.
J. W. Palmer will be glad to
learn that he was reappointed by
Governor Slaton on Saturday last
as a member of the State Board
of Medical Examiners, for a
period of five years. Dr. Palmer
has long served efficiently in this
capacity, being president of the
retiring board, and is held in the
highest esteem by his co-laborers.
*»J w*
v* ’ 5
Splendid courses in English, History, Mathematics, Home «
Economics, Agriculture and Mechanic Arts,
g A strong faculty assures the best instruction.
|;J Work done in the school is recognized by all Southern col- »
leges, and our graduates enter without examination. «
S A competent coach has charge of all athletics.
Hoard $ll.OO per month. TUITION FREE. f
Fall session begins Sept. 19. For catalogue address |
(•* J. W. POWELL, Principal, Douglas, Ga. I
nuasuwiebi o; g
Statement ot the condition of
Unrated at Superton, Ga.. at the close of Business Sept. oth, 1014:
Demaint Loans {
Tun* I-mi* { #138,813 12
Oveilvuftt n(V)ih.l I
Oveixlratt*. miseotireil J #72 07
iSblllls Hint Stiak* owned by bank #SO 0*!
Hanking House lti.olß *.«»
¥' .rintitte mnl I'ixnii oM 5,187 45
Ollier real
Dm from bank* Hint bank, r» in
ibis sWti- 12,734 IS
Due tlvm bank* ami banker* ill oilier
stab* l,Bo< :R>
Curreney 1,538 00
Gobi 52 30
Nilvi i , Nickels, etc, 837 SI
CV ah item* 377 90
AUvanc - i >t. cut ton 919 iK 3.295 51
Otlu r resources 720 0*!
STATIC OK OKOibilA Montgomery Coanltr.
liefor,-m« J I'. Hall, C**liler of The Hank of .'*>perlnn, who, being dolv awnni says
that the abn anil goiiiK slati-ment Is a Into coinlitiou of aaiil llatik as shown bv the bonks
of Hie in aaij J- K. IIALL
SwiM n to ami snbsrrilssl before rtie, tills I4UI (lav *>l Se,.t.. U*U.
o. K. TYLlili, Com. X. P. M. c. (ia.
Mr. Max Segal 1 returned to
school in Athens Sunday night.
Mr. Carr McLemore also went
up to enter the State University.
Mrs. R. L. Fox is visiting in
Cripple Creek, Colo.—Brunswick
Ixiverett’s Studio, Vidalia, sup
plies the best in photographs, por
traits and view work. ad
Mrs. J. C. Hines and two
children of Hinesville, en route
home from a visit at Helena,
stopped over here last week to
visit Mrs. D. W. Folsom and
other relatives.
Tango Combs and Pins for the
Hair will be found at J. H.
Hudson’s, Ailey. ’ ad
Miss Eva Underwood of Den
ton, Ga., has entered the Brew
ton-Parker Institute as a pupil,
and is stopping with her uncle,
Col. L. C. Underwood, on liali
road Avenue.
Mrs. T. J. Pritchett and chil
dren of Dublin, came down by
auto on Saturday last to visit
Mrs. Pritchett’s brothers, Angus
and Everett McLeod.
For Cotton pickers, the Ailey
Hardware Co. Ailey, Ga., is sell
ing 200-lb Scale Beams at 98cts,
250-lb Scale Beams at $1.23.
Harts old-fashioned cotton steel
yards, 200 lbs, $1.19. ad
Sell Only for Cash
To Pay the Pickers.
Dublin, Ga., Sept. 14.—1 n Lau
rens county, according to esti
mates, about 4,500 bales of new
cotton has been picked so far,
about half of which has been put
in the warehouses and the other
half stored on the farms, some of
it ginned and some in the seed.
Os the amount in the warehouses
approximately 25 per cent has
been sold, the remainder being
held for a better price.
No cotton is being sold except
where the owner is oblighed to
get cash to finish picking his
Montgomery Ward & Co.
To Buy 10,000 Bales.
Chicago, Sept. 14. —Montgom
ery Ward & Co., of this city, one
of the largest mail order houses
in the world, is perfecting a plan
to purchase 10,000 hales of cotton
from their cotton growing cus
They regard the buy-a-bale-of
cotton as a great patriotic move
ment, they declare. The cotton
buying movement is creating big
interest in Chicago.
Citpiul stock paid in 125 Ox) 00
Nurpln* lund 7,u00 oo
Undivided Pioflts, Inst Current
ex., int. and taxis paid 2,202 54
Individual dop. subject to check 24,020 SO
I'inie certificates 511,541 04
Cashier's checks 3371
ltdls paiaide, iucludiiiK time cor.
rep. Inn . money 70,000 00
Total tios.ioo 40
Georgia—Montgomery County.
To all whow it may concern:
Notice is hereby given that J. F.
Collins has in proper form
applied to the nndersigned for
letters of administration on the
estate of Surah E. Collins, late of
said county, deceased; and said
application will be heard at my
office on the first Monday in Oct.,
1914. This the 7th day of Sept.,
1914. Alex McArthur,
Wounded German Found
With 50 Pocketbooks.
Paris, Sept. 14. —A wounded
German private brought to the
American hospital Saturday had
in his pockets fifty pocketbooks,
a string of pearls and many small
articles of jewelry.
The Germans are kept in a sep
arate ward and a guard is main
tained at each door to prevent
any attack on them by theTurcos
in the hospital.
Application Fob Title.
Montgomery Court ot Ordinary,
September Term, 1914,
The petition of Mrs. A. B. Da
vis showing unto the Court that
Ambrose Simpson, late of said
county, in life, signed a bond re
ferred to in said petition for a
title to two ce|tain tracts or par
cels of land described in said
bond (of which bond the said
Mrs. A B. Davis is the transferee.)
which land has been fully paid
for, and that she wishes an order
to make titles under said bond by
M. L. O’Brien, administrator on
the estate of Ambrose Simpson;
It is ordered by the court that
notice of the application of Mrs
A. B. Davis be giyen to the said
M. Jj . O’Brien, administrator up
on the estate of the said Ambrose
Simpson, by serving copy of thjs
order and the petition to which
it is attached on him fifteen days
before the next term of this court,
and that notice be given to the
| heirs of the deceased, to wit; Mrs.
A. B. Davis, K. B. Simpson, Rob
ert Simpson, Alberta Simpson,
Mrs. Guy Morris, Mrs. H. A
Manning, Walter W’right, Wil
lured Wright, Wayne W'right and
M mdie Wright, by publication of
this order m the gazette publish?
mg the legal advertisements of
the county, once a week for four
weeks, before the next term of
this court, so that they, or either
of them, may show cause, if any
they can, why this court sfiopld
not order said administrator to
make title to tjje lands described
in the petition to which the order
is attached under the said bond.
Alex Mo Arthur,
Ordinary of Montgomery Co., Ga.
Montgomery Superior Court,
November Term, 1914.
\V. E. Crawford ys Lula Crawford.
Georgia—Montgomery County
I he defendant, Lula Crawford, is
hereby required personally or by
attorney to be and appear at the
next Superior Court of Montgom
ery County, to be held on the
! first Monday in Novemer, 1914
i next, then and there to answer
i he plaintiff's petition for divorce,
and iii default thereof the court
will proceed as to justice shall
j appertain.
Witness the Honorable E. D.
i ilraham, judge of said court, this
! August 31, 1914,
P. C.
Plaintiff’s Atorney.
M. L. O’Brien, Clerk S. C. M.C.
For Long Term Farm
I am negotiating some very
attractive Long Term Farpi Loans
for the best companies doing bus
iness in Georgia, with lowest rates
of interest and the most liberal
terms of payments
I have several years experience
in the loan business, am located
at the county site and believs that
1 am in position to give you the
best terms and as prompt services
as anv one.
If vou need a loan see me before
A. B. Hutcheson,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
I have for sale 800 bushels of
Choice Rust-Proof Seed Oats.
Will be offered at market prices.
Shipping point, Uvalda. Write,
Peter Johnson,
Rt 2. Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Submitting a proposed amendment to the
Constitution or Georgia, to be voted on at the
General Election to be held on Tuesday, No
vembers, 1914, said amendment to amend
Articles, Section 4, Paragraph 1, of the Con
stitution of Georgia, by extending the term
of members of the General Assembly of the
State until the time fixed by law for the con
vening of the next General Assembly.
By His Excellency,
John M. Slaton, Governor.
State ot Georgia,
Executive Department.
August 24, 1914-
VVhereas, the General Assembly at its ses
sion in 1914 proposed an amendment to the
Constitution of this State, as set forth in an
Act approved August 14th, 1914, to-wit:
An Act to amend Article 3. Section 4, Para
graph 1. of the Constitution of Georgia, by ex
tending the term of members of the General
Assembly of the State until the time fixed b}
law for the couvening the next General As
Die following amendment is lu-reby pro
posed by the .Senate and House of Represen
tatives to the people of Georgia to Article 3,
Section 4 Paragraph 1, of the Constitution
of Georgia.
Amend said Paragraph 1, of said Section 4,
of Article 3. as follows:
By striking from said Paragraph 1 the
words “until their successors are elected,”
and inserting in lion of said words in said Par
agraph 1, the following words, to-wit: “Un
til the time fixed by law tor the convening of
the next General Assembly.”
Amend further by adding to said Paragraph
lof said section and article the following
wor la, to-wit.: That the provisions of this
paragraph, section and article shall apply to
the terms of the members of the General’ As
sembly, who are elected at the general elec
tion for members of the General Assembly in
the year 1912. When amended said Para
graph 1 es said section and article- shall lead
as follows: “The members of the General As
sembly shall be elected for two years and shall
serve until the time fixed by law for the con
vening of the next General Assembly. That
the provisions of this pa agiaph, seciion and
article shall apply to the term of the inemlu is
of the General Assembly wiki were el. cted at
the General Election for members of the Gen
eral Assembly in the year 1912 ”
And the Governor of the .State is hereby n -
cjuired and direotod to oause the above and
foregoing apiendnient to be published in at.
least two newspapers in each congressional
djetliet ill this .state for a period of t wn months
previous to the time of holding the next Gen
eral E'eption after tho submission of this
amendment to the General Assembly, and
shall at the next General Ejection to he held
after the submission of this amendment to th
people for their ratification cause the same
to lie voted on, and the form in which the
same shall be submitted to the people shall be
as follows: “For ratification ot amendment
Paragraph 1, Sccti-m 4, Article 8, of the Con
stitution, which extends the term of office of
members ol the General Assembly until the
convening of the succeeding General Asssemb
ly,” and “Against the ratification of amend
ment Paragraph 1, Section 4, Article- 3, ol Hie
constitution, which extends the tern, of olli e
of members of the General Assembly until the
convening of the succeeding Gt-lieral Assemb
ly.’’ And shall capse the retains of -aid elec
tion to be trpnsm tted to the 8 cietarv of
State, wifose di)ty Jt shall he to c-.usoi.ditto
the same, and tlu* Governor shall issue his
proclamation, declaring the result, if a major
ity vote in favor of said amendment, and by
said proclamation shall declare said amend
ment has Income a part of the constitution of
ttie .State.
Now, therefore, I, John M. Slaton, Gover
nor of said State do issue this my proclama
tion hereby declaring that the foregoing pro
posed amendment to Ihe constitution is sub
mitted for ratification or rejection to the
votprs of the State (jualifjed to vote for mem
bers of the General 'Assembly at the ocm-ral
Flection to be held on Tnesdav, November 3d,
John M. Sp.iTOH,
By the Governor:
Phillip cook.
Secretary of State.
New Road Notice.
State of Georgia, )
Montgomery County. \ Office of
Cotiitpissioners of Roads and
Revenues of Montgomery County,
Georgia, Angugt 4, 1914,
M. B. Peterson and others
having applied for the opening
and establishing of a new public
road, said new road beginning in
about 150 yards from she home of
M. R. Peterson, running straight
in a southerly direction over the
lands of M. B. Peterson, Mrs, J.
R. Rnigjit, tyesit 0 f the latter, and
to a point near a gafe on the farm
of Mrs {(.night, thence in slightly
easterly direction toward and over
the land# of S, J. Clark, about
tnidwov between two dwelling on
said Clark’s farm, through wood
land R. L. Sharpe, being siraight
from point near gate to intersec
tion with Mt. Vernon-Harden
Bridge Road, where the Vidalia
and Nails Ferry road leaves the
same, this point being the termi
nation of said roud, the length of
said road being about one mile
and three-quarters. thirty feet- in
width. Notice is hereby given
that gaid application will be gran
ted on the first Tuesday in Octo
ber next if no good cause is shown
to the contrary. This the Ist day
ot September, 1914.
W. H. Moxlev.
Chm. Bd. C. R. & R. M. C.
Cotton Ginning.
We are prepared to Gin your
Cotton and Grind your Corn in
short order and in up-to-date
manner. Satisfaction is our
motto. For the accommodation
of the public, our grist mill be
operated Fridays, Saturdays and
Mondays through the ginning
season. Soliciting the patronage
of the public, yours to serve,
H. V. Thompson & Bros.,
Ailey, Ga. j
Dental Notice.
I have opened a dental office in
Alamo, and am at that point on
Wednesdays and Thursdays of
each week to wait on patrons of
that section.
Dr. E. M. Rackley,
ad Mt. Vernon, Ga. 1
Statement of the Condition ot
Located at Soperton, Ga., at the Close of Business Sept. 9th, 1914:
Demand loans JL9BI f?
Time loans ® if
Overmafts, secured
Overdrafts, unsecured O'
Bond* and stocks owned by the Bar K 3.000 GO j
Ba .kin# House bOol 05
Furniture and Fixtures 1,608 6*2
Hue from Banks and Bankers in :
this State 777 30 j
Due from Banks and Bankers in
other States _ 3,798 77
Ourreucv i 1,575 00
Gold 40 00
silver. Nickels, etc. 172 59
Cash Items 1.189 45- 2,977 04
Depositors* Guarantee and Mutual
Fire Insurance Fund 3,147 45
Total $100,354 48
STATE OF GEORGlA—Montgomery County.
Befon me came li. E. Ward, Japhier of Peoples Bank, Soperton, Ga., who being duly
sworn, says that theabov< and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank as shown
by the 1m :. i riir in said Bank. R. E. WARD.
Sworn to ui.d subscribed before me, this 15th day of Sepb. 1914.
G. 11. TYLER, Coin/N. P. of M.C. Ga.
"Tire F\o Uryt Vendor) Bank,
Located at Mt. Vernon, Ga., at the Close of Business Sept. 9, 1914:
resources :
Demand loans $*2,038 54
l ime loans 120,423 67
Overdrafts unsecured 251 24
Hanking house, 3,000 00
Furniture and fixtures, 3,297 81
Other real estate 122 50
Due from banks and bank
ers in this state 15,928 43
Due from banks and bank
ers in other states 9,114 35
Currency $3.119 00
(Sold 147 50
Silver nickels, etc. 467 45 3.733 95
Safety deposit boxes 198 01
Total, $158,108 50
.STATE OF GEORGIA County of'Montgomery.
Before mu came 'V A. Peterson, Cashier of The Mt. Vernon Bank, who being (Inly sworn,
says that the above anil fort going statement is a true <sondition of said Bank, as shown bv
tile books of file in said bank W. A. Peterson. ‘
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 14th day of Sept.. 1914.
3 AH. F. CURRIE, Com- N. P. M. Co. Ga.
Located ai- Uvalda, Ga., at the Close of Business Sept. 9th, 1914.
Demand loans $ 1.598 85
Time loans 62.580 02
Overdrafts unsecured 973 25
Banking house 2,800
Furniture and fixtures 2,020
Due from banks and bankers
in Ibis state 2,777 93
Due from Banks and Bankers
bi ot her States 38 61
Currency $950 00
(Sold 85 00
Silver, nickels, etc. 561 37 1,546 37
Profit and loss 10 99
Total $74,346 02
ST A E OF UEGllGlA—Montgomery County.
Before no came W. F. McAllister, Cashier of Tho Uvalda Bank, v> ho being duly sworn, says
that the above ami t-.n-gning stati nietit is a true condition of said Bank, as shown bv tiio
books of file in said Bank. W. F. McALiLISTEU.
Sworn to and subsetibed before mo this 14th day of Si pt., 1914.
H. G. McAllister, Com. N P. M. C., Ga.
vv(Tfft TymmimiTvi »▼ >▼▼▼ v •
► J
\ Ailey Hardware Co. I
► 7 3
► H
! Are open for business, and extend to i
► you a cordial invitation to call on them «
► * 2
t for anything in the 4
1 §
> 4
t It will be our aim to carry a represent- i
alive assortment of ◄
t :
► hardware , Implements , Baggies , \
harness, Crokeryware ,
> Wagons , Furniture , Matting, j
l Stoves, Rar\S es » Shades. «
►• ■ -
t Roofing and Wire Fencing j
t j
► ◄
In fact, anything usually found in a 3
Firstclass Hardware Store. $
► <
E Ailey Hardware Co., \
J S. A. Sikes, Mgr. 3
► «
fc . W. BUSH,
Dental Surgeon,
Offices 2d Floor Bank ol Soperton Building.
Soperton, Ga.
Capital Stock Paid in 115,000 10
Undivided Profits, less current ex
penses, il'.t. and taxes paid 5,967 50
, Due to banks and bankers in
other states 5,000 00
Due unpaid dividends 88 00
Individual Deposits Subject to Ch’k 23.729 92
Savings Deposits 510 41
Time certificates 21,936 80
Cashier’s Checks 121 85
Bills payable, including time certifi
cates representing bor. money 28,(100 00
Total *100,354 48
Capital stock pain in, $15,000 00
Surplus fund, 33,000 00
Undivided profits, less cur
ex’s., int. and taxes pd. 3,219 39
Individual deposits subject
to check, 22.001,30
Savings deposits 11,698 71
Time certificates 50,205 22
Cashier’s checks 477 08
Bills payable, including time
eer. rep’g bor. money 22,500 00
Other liabilities * 6 80
Total, $158,108 50
Capital stock paid in $15,000 00
Undivided profits less cur
rent ex. int, and taxes pd. 1,882 03
Individual deposits subject
to check 14,583 62
Time cert ificates 8.432 75
Cashier’s checks 1,947 62
Bills payable, incl’ng time
eer. rep. bor. money 32,5(10 00
Total $74,346 02
Attorney at Law
Kent Office Building
Mount Vernon, Georgia.