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T?\e r\or\tgorr\<Bry l\or\itor.
|.'_tii,.,,.,| a t tlx; I’ostofflce in Mt. Venion, Oa. as Second-Class Mall Matter.
H. B. FOLSOM, Editor and Owner. St a Year, in Advance.
**'Legal M'lvcrtincmenta moat invariably be paid in advance, at the legal rate, and an the lew
• 111*.<■»-: and uniat lie in band not later than Wednesday morniiiK of thefirHt week of insertion
Mount Vernon. Ga.. Thursday Morning, Oct. 29, 1914.
Montgomery county farmers
have gone on record as opposing
penalizing cotton planting.
Appling, Tattnall and other
South Georgia counties are doing
the proper thing in the way of;
county fairs. Nothing can teach
our people right methods of
farming and living like the direct
object lessons of these county
Brooks county, one of the most
progressive in the state, is reach
ing out after Belgian farmers.
Considering the price of meat up
this way, we are forced to the
conclusion that we need Belgian
hares far more than Belgian far
The corn club boys have done
more for the South this year than
congress, and more than the leg
iMature of Georgia could do if
called in extra session. They
have given us the first great
lesson in making the South self
When you insure your home
that is protection against loss by
lire. When you make all the
home supplies possible to pro
duce on your land, and make cot
ton a clean profit crop, you in
sun* against panics and insure
for a good price for cotton at one
and the same time.
A news item of last week
brings tin* information that a
dispute between North Carolina
and Georgia, as to the exact lo
cation of the boundary line, is be
ing settled by the U. S. supreme
court. We had innocently sup
posed all along that the line was |
easily distinguished by a row of
persimmon trees.
We are proud of Montgomery’s
corn club hoys. In reports from j
adjoining counties, we have seen!
nothing that surpasses the yield I
of ItKJ.S bushels made by a Mont
gomery county hoy. We pre
dict that the work of the boys in
this county will be a revelation to
a number of the old boys who
think they are farming.
The waste baskets of weekly
newspaper offices in Georgia are
bulging full of propositions toad
vertise free the wares of a thous
and and one crooks who seize up
on tin* farmer’s predicament and
offer to take cotton for their pay.
These ghouls would take cotton
. |
or anything else they could lay
their hands on. from a free ad in i
a newspaper to the syrup off a
blind negro’s battercake.
That splendid institution, the
Georgia Chamber of Commerce,
has designated November 18th,
as Georgia Products Day. This
* means that your dinner on that
day should consist of Georgia
products only. Country editors
are expected to feast on the big
potatoes, mammoth turnips, long
sugar cane and freak eggs sent
in by admiring subscribers, and
enjoy a day of real rest from the
regime of paper sacks and for
eign canned products.
The air is full of suggestions
as to the South’s great problem
of disposing of the cotton crop.
The farmer who is clamoring for
the legislature to Ik* called in ex
tra session to put a penalty on
him if he refuses to reduce his
cotton acreage is about in the
same fix as the unfortunate
maniac who in his sane moments
asks to bo locked up because he
fears he will do some desperate
act while crazy. Fortunately for
this class the governors of the
cotton states will do no such ab
surd thing.
E Gleanings From 1
I Wisdom’s Field. \
► 5
Hartwell Sun:—More feedstuff
will doubtless be raised in Hart
county next year than ever be
fore. Some are beginning to
take much interest in the cattle
industry, also.
Liberty County Herald: —And
now comes Mr. Asa G. Candler
and says he will loan S3O a bale
on cotton and that he will take
up to 1,000,000 hales. He is one
man who has grown enormously
rich whom we believe to be most
deserving. Certain it is that he
has done a world of good with
his wealth. Our hat is off to
Laurens Citizen: Stock rais
ing can be made profitable in
Laurens county. Mules, cattle,
hogs, sheep, goats —all can he
raised to advantage. A 'coon
and ’possum farm, even, would
beat the present price of cotton.
Macon Telegraph:—ln two
weeks from today the State Fair
will be in full swing and thous
ands of earnest and interested
Georgians ought to be here to
see what mighty things the old
State is accomplishing.
Pembroke Enterprise:- De
spite financial depression many
counties over the state are hold
ing county fairs. Whether times
he dull of prosperous it always
pays to advertise.
Greensboro Herald-Journal:—A
subscriber wants to know what
we think caused the European
war. Well, beloved, we think
that one sot of capitalists have
some land that anothor gang
want, and they are using their
respective armies of poor devils
to fight it out for them. It
means just that and nothing
more. It is the greed of nations
the lust for power and terri
Adel News:—The Government
could hardly have created a de
mand for cotton, hut many of us
believe that in a crisis such as is
upon us it might have devised
some way to have tided the far
mers of the South over, even if
it is considered by some class leg
Dodge County Herald:—Why
not set out a few shade trees
around that lot during this Fall,
and help to beautify your own
premises, as well as build, at the
same time, a monument that will
last long years after you have
passed away.
Lyons Progress:—Sixty thous
and dollars worth of beef cattle
were shipped from one little town
in Tennessee last week. Yet we
still hear men who ought to be in
the insane asylum say “cotton is
the only crop that will bring
ready money.”
Savannah News: During the
last month New York’s exports
were $12,000,000 more than for
the same period last year. Now
if the South will only convince
the world that its cotton acreage
will be cut 50 per cent, next year
prosperity will be more in evi
Tifton Gazette: How futile is
the hope that systematic reduc
tion of cotton acreage can be se
cured by concerted state legisla
tion Texas has proven. The Leg
islature of that state refused to
make it a felony to raise cotton
in excess of a fixed percentage
of this year's acreage by a vote
iof 84 to 12. What is the use for
other states to attempt to make
reductions compulsory if the
greatest cotton grower of them
'all refuses to do so.
Submitting * propnne<l amendment to the
1 Conatitution ot the State of Georgia, to be
voted on at the General State election to he
held on Ttlesda Notember 3, 1914, .aid
amendment providing for the ceration of the
Comity of Candler.
Ilv Hia Excellency.
John M. Slaton, Governor.
State of Georgia,
Executive Dcpartrnei t.
August 3, 1914.
WiiKitKAa. the General Asaembly at ita aes
aion in 1914 proposed an amendment to tiie
Conatitution of thia .State an aet forth in an
Act Approved July 17,1914, to-wit:
An Aet to amend Paragraph 2, .Section 1,
Article il, of the Conatitution of thia State.
The following amendment ia proponed by
tlx* Hoiine of Kept eneDtativea and the Senate
of Georgia to Paragraph 2, Section 1, Article
11. of the Conatitution of thin State.
Suction 1. The General Assembly ot the
State of Georgia hereby proposes to the peo
ple of Georgia ail amendment to Paragraph 2,
Section 1, Article 11, of the Constitution of
thia State, aa follows:
That, in addition to the counties heretofore
existing in this State, created by the General
Aas' inbl.v, and thoae created by amendments
to the above and foregoing paragraph, section
and article of the Conatitution of this State,
there ia hereby created an additional county,
which county witeti created shall be known aa
Candler County. The territory for the forma
tion of aaid County of Candler shall he taken
from the Counties of Emanuel, Bulloch anti
Tattnall, and the aaitl territory so taken for
the formation of said new County of Candler
shall he included within the following bound
aries, to-wit:
Starting at the south of Ten-Mile Creek
where it empties into Cauooclioc River, run
ning in a northerly direction np said river to
Excelsior Bridge, thence in a northerly direc
tion straight course to Lott’s Creek to a point
one-quarter of a mile above New Bridge;
thence along the line of Lott's Creek to De-
Loach’s Pond, leaving LeLoaelt’s Pond run
ning in a northwesterly direction,crossing the
Bitllouch atxl Emanuel County lines, inter
secting with the Hwainshoro and Statesboro
public road at El. ii. Johnson’s place; thence
in a southwesterly direction to Union School
House; thence in a southwesterly direction to
Cowart’s Mill Pond; thence ill a direct line to
the Leo Collins crossing on the Central of
Geotgia Railroad; Uience in a southwesterly
c .nine to Grittin's ■my Bridge on the Ohoo
pec River (crossing line of Emanuel and Tatt
nall Counties,) a southerly course to the point
whore the Counties of JJmanuej and 7’attuall
meet on the ( hoopoe Riyer; thence a direct
line east to Kennedy’s Bridge op the Canoor
eltet River. That Wnen said comity is erected
the county-seat of the same shall be the town
of Metier, now in the County of Bulloch; that
if the above anti foregoing amendment should
he ratified by the people w|ten the same js
submitted to thcpi for their t atjtication a* the
in at general election after the adoption of
this proposal to amend the Constitution, there
shall he, on the lit si Wednesday in December
after the proposel amendment to the Consti
tution is adoji ttd, an election fur the county
oflicers herein named in and for said new
county, to he held at the several election pre
cincts i xisting within the limits of said new
count) at tin time of the adoption of tiie pro
post M amendment, during the usual hours of
holding elections, atnl all legally qualified
voters rt silling in said territory sballhe quali
fied to vote at said election and t}ip ordinaries
of tin several counties in which sa|d elect jun
precincts ate located at the time of the adop
tion ol this amendment shall each appoint the
election managers for tlip precincts in flip
counties in ujiifjh lie shall exeieise jurisdiction
of ordinary am) (lie managers "f tpc election
shall ot: t|ie t)av supcepdjng t)|e ph pfjon meet
at the town of Metfei', the place desig atpd ay
the county-scat of the > ew county, and pon&ob
ids to the vote for the county offlcea, at siielt
place within the limits of the town of Metier
as shall be designated by the judge of the
,'iiiperi ir Court of the Middle Circuit, whose
duty it is hereby made to designate tiie place
of meeting ol sajd election managers within
the corporate limits of sajd town of Mecter,
aud t|ie general laws now |n forge ips )P the
consolidation ot the votes, the return qf tiie
election an<l 'lx' commission of ottictrs shall
he applicable to n)ljccrs elected a) such special
election herein pmyplcd for; that the ofticers
to be elected at sajd special election berejn
provided for shall he an ordinary, a ulefk of
the Superior Court, a sherifi, a tax collector, a
tox receiver, a coroner, a county surveyor am)
a county treasurer; that said ofticers shall he
commissioned as now rt quited by law, and all
laws now in force in litis State to commission
ofticers and fttr bunds n ijulred of them shall
he applicable to the oftlct rs so elected: that
the oncers elected at said general eltction
shall hold tlieii offices until the next general
election for comity offices and until their suc
cessota are elected and qualified.
Tiie General Asspmb)' js hereby given pow
er to create any additional statutory officers
in said comity or statutory courts, aiid tq prq
vhlcby law f r tilling said offices Any va?
clinch-s that may occur before the next gener
al election in any of the offices created by said
county may he tilled as now provided by law.
I lie said Conntv of Candler shall he attach
ed to the First Congressional District, the
Mi idle Judicial Circuit am) the Seventeenth
Senatorial Disttict. hut it shall he in the pi >y
er of the General Assembly at any pipe to
change the judicial circuit to which said Cornw
tv of Candler is attached, and the General As
sembly of tuenrgia is hereby given power to
change said Comity of Gaudier in arranging
congressional and- senatorial districts as is
now provided by law. That the Superior
Court in said County of Candler sh&l! be held
on the third Monday in February and August
months of each year, but it shall be within the
pow.-r of the tieneral Assembly at any time by
law to chance the time of holding the courts
and tiie number of tetius thereof. That tiie
justices ot the peace and constables residing
in the turitory included within the tiuwConn,
ty of Candler shall exercise the duties and
I lowers of their office until new militia dis
tricts are laid out in said County ot Candid
as now provided by lan; ami that all of the
provisions of the law as eunturned in Chapter
13 ot the roue ot i‘JlO are hereby made appli
cable to the said County of C audit r whenever
tile same is created; that all of the general
laws in this Stale, in addition to the above,
having application to the statutory counties
of tins stale ire hereby made applicable to
tin said County of Candler especially the law
in icfeiouce to holding elections for the pur
pose of creating a debt for said conntv; that
when Ibis amendment is adopted, the sanl
Comity of Candler so crealgd bv the adoption
of this amendment, -shall become ill all re
speets a statutory county ami shall be govern
ed by all laws now in force in this State reg
ulating counties and county officers.
Sue 2. The Governor is hereby required
and directed that when this proposed amend
-111. nt shall Ik- agreed to by a two-thirds ot ttu
members elected l>y the two houses of this
General Assembly, and shall he entered on
the journal of each house with the ay es and
nays taken thereon, the Governor is hereby
directed to cause the said proposed amend
ment to he advertised in at least two papcis ill
each congressional disiri. t at least two months
befoie tne next geiu rel election, to he hrtdiiii
the first Tuesday in November. 1914, and lie
alp,ll also provide for a submission of the pro
posed amendment to the qualified voters of the
state at said general election. And if a ma
jority nt the electors voting at said election
shad ratify this proposed amendment to the
Constitution of this State by a majority of the
electors qualified to vote for members ot the
tit neral Asseiiiuly amt voting at such election,
said amendment shall become a part es the
Constitution of Georgia when .tie Tact ia cer
tified to the (inventor hv the secretary of
'late, that a majority of the qualified voters
voting at aaid genera) election have voted in
tai >i ot ilu adoption ot said amendment to
the ( icisiitutiou of th. .N’tat , and the Gover
tioi shall is -Us Ills proolau alien to such i tfoet.
Sic. 3. Ii shall )>e tin duly of the Govern
r to submit said proposed amendment ill the
following form. Thai those voting in favor of
said proposed amendment shall have writtwu
or pi lined on their ticke s, “In favor of Ihe
ratification of tne amendment to l’aragraph 2.
Section I, Article 11 of the Constitution of
Georgia, creating the County of Candler, ’’ aud
those oj posed to the ratification of the amend
ment shall have written or printed on their
tickets, “Opposed to the ratification of the
amendment to l’at agiaph 2, Section I, Article
II of the Constitution of the Slate of Georgia
creating the County ofCaudlet."
Now, therefore, I, John M. Slaton, Governor
of said State, do issue this my proclaim! ion
lien by declaring that the foregoing proposed
amendment to the Constitution is submitted
for ratification or rejection to the voters of
the State qualified to vote tor members of the
General Assemble at the General Election to
be held on Tuesday , Nov. 3 1914.
John M Slaton,
By the Governor:
Philip Cook,
Secretary of State.
Submitting a proposed amendment to the
Constitution of ihe State of Georgia, to he
voted on at the General State election to be
held on Tuesday, November 3, 1914, said
amendment providing for the creation of the
County of Barrow.
By Hi» Excellency,
John M. Slaton, Governor.
State of Georgia,
Executive Department.
August 3, 1914.
Whkukah, the General Assembly, at its ses
sion in 1914, proposed an amendment to the
Constitution of this State, as aet forth in an
Act approved July 17. 1914, to-wit:
An act to propose to the qualified electors
of this State an amendment to Pane, rapli 2 ot
Section 1, of Article 11, of the Constitution of
the State ■ f Georgia, as amended by the rati
fication by the qualified voteis of this State of
the Aet approved July 19, 1904, and for other
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General
Assembly of the State of Georgia, that the
following amendment is hereby proposed to
paragraph 2, .Section 1, Article'll, of the Con
stitution of this .State, as amended by the rat
ification by the qualified voters of this State
of tiie Aet of July 19, 1904, towit: by adding to
said paragraph the following language: “Pro
vide:), however, that in addition to the coun
ties now provided for by this Constitution
there shall be a new county laid out from the
Comities of Gwinnett, Walton and Jackson,
said county bounded as follows: Beginning
at a point amid stream where the Mulberry
River crosses the Hall County line joining
Jackson County; thence following the line be
tween Halt and Jackson Counlies to the cor
ner of Hall. Gwinnett and Jackson Counties;
thence in a direct line to the center of the Ap
palachia River at Freeman’s Mill; thence fol
lowing the middle of the current of said Ap
palachia River down to the line of Walton and
Oconee Counties; thence following the line be
tween Walton and Oconee counties to the
uommon corner of Walton, Jackson and
Oconee Counties; thence following the
Hup between Jackson and ceoiue Coun
ties to tfte Clarke County line dividing
Oconee and Clarke Comities; thence in a di
rect line to McC)' sky’s Bridge at the contra!
point over the Mulberry ltiver, anil thence up
the said Mulberry River to the beginning point
qn the Hall County line,
That Witidor, Georgia, shall be the county
seat of aaid countv. Sajd comity shall !> • at
tached to the Ninth Congressional Djstiict
and tn the Western Judicial Circuit, ami shall
he attached to the Thirty-third Senatorial Dis
trict. That the said name of said new county
shall be Barrow, and that all legal voters re
siding in the limits of sai l County of Barrow
entitled to vote for members ot the General
Assembly under the laws of Georgia shall, n
the first Tuesday in January, 1915, elect an
ordinary, a clerk of the Superior Court, a
sheriff, a coroner, a tax collector, a tax re
ceiver, a county surveyor and a county treas
urer. '’■' a ‘d election to be held at Winder,
Qeurgja, tl|e coiij)iy r Hit< of laid county That
the Sqpeiinr poi|fU qf xijjd rqnpt.y shall be
held on the fourth Mondays in March and
September qf each year. Tiie linijts ot said
popnty, tl)e emigres i mill am] Senatorial dis
D iets and the judicial iji'euj' to w.iiih it is at.
tachei), the time of linlfting the terms of the
Supet jof poqrt shall be as above designated
until eha.’gi t) by law.
Sec. 3- lie it further enacted that when
this proposed amendment shall be agreed to
by two-thirds of the members elected to each
oi the two houses and shall have been entered
on the journal of each house with theyeas and
nays taken thereon, and the Governor is here
by directed to cause tne said proposed amend
ment to be advertised in at least two papers
in each Congresttion District at least two
mqtrhs before the next genera) electjom to
be held on the first Tuesday in November,
1914, and he shall also provide for a submission
of f)ie proposed amendment at said general
election A ll( l it a majority of the eleetois
shall ratjfy sifch proposed amendment by a
majority oi flic electors qualified to vote for
members of the General Assembly, nigh
amendment sha.l become a part of the Con
stitution of Georgia.
Sxc. 3. Be it furl tier enacted, that it shall
be the duty of the Governor to submit said
amendment to the people at said election in
the following form: That those voting in fa
vor of said proposed amendment shall have
written nr printed on their tickets, “In favor
of ratification of the amendment to the Con
stitution creating the County of Barrow with
Wjndey, Georgia, as the county-site,” and
those imposed jo the ratification of said
amendment shall have written or printed on
their ticket, "‘Opposed to the ratification of
amendment to tiie Constitution creating the
County of Barrow, with Winder, Georgia, as
the county-site.”
Now, therefore, I, John M. Slaton, Governor
of said State, do issue this my proclamation
hereby declaring that the foregoing proposed
amendment to the Constitution is submitted
for ratification or rejection to the voters of
the State qualified to vote for memuers ol the
General Assembly at the General Election to
be held on Tuesday, Nov. 3, 1914.
Joqn I, Slaton,
By the Governor:
I’ujLßte Coo»,
Secretary of State,
State of Georgia, Executive De
partment. Atlanta, Aug, 24,
Whereas, five Proclamations
were issued on August 8, 1911,
submitting tive proposed amend
ments to the Constitution to the
vote of the people at the next
General Election, and
Whereas, after said Proclama
tions were issued the General As
sembly by Act changed the dale
of the next General Election from
Wednesday, October 7, 1914, to
Tuesday, November 3, 1914, it is
Ordered : That each of the afore
said Proclamations be amended
in the following manner, to wit:
That whenever the words “at
the General State elect ion to he
held on Wednesday, October 7th,
1914” appears, the words “at the
General State election to he held
on Tuesday, November Brd, 1914'’
be inserted in lieu thereof, so as
to submit said proposed amend
ments t l ’ the people at the Gener
al Election which will be held on
Tuesday, November 3rd, 1914.
John M. Si.aton,
By the Governor: Governor.
A. H. Ulm,
Secretary Executive Department.
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