Newspaper Page Text
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LOST—One pair gold frame
spectacles, with W. A. Hawkes
on case, between Stuckey and
Mt. Vernon. Reward if returned
to J. D. McDaniel at Stuckey or
W. H. McQueen, Mt. Vernon.
Col. Warthen T. Evans of Dub
lin was here on business Friday.
He is a son of Judge Beverly D.
Evans of Atlanta and a promi
nent member of the Dublin bar.
Tango Combs and Pins for the
Hair will be found at J. H.
Hudson’s, Ailey. ad
Mr. and Mrs. George Wright
of near Glenwood spent Thurs
day and Friday here, guests of
Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Mason.
War! Are you ready? School
children’s lunch baskets, 10 and
15 cents. Clothes baskets, 75
cents. H. V. Thompson & Bros.,
Ailey, Ga. ad.
Hon. W. A. Wooten, solicitor
general, came over Friday even
ing to arrange the criminal calen- 1
dar for superior court.
For Cotton pickers, the Ailey
Hardware Co. Ailey, Ga., is sell-,
ing 200-lb Scale Beams at OHcts, j
250-lb Scale Beams at $1.23.1
Harts old-fashioned cotton steel
yards, 200 lbs, $1.19. ad |
Montgomery County Cases
To Be Tried Next
The following is the assign
ment of criminal cases.
Tuesday, Nov. 3.
The State vs May Dunn, murder.
State vs Richard Baker, murder.
State vs Manuel Lewis, misd.
The following tire misdemean
ors: Joe Ryals, Dessie Durden, j
Fletcher Barrington, J. R. Pollet, |
1 licks Fullford (2), Charley Wiggs
(2). Tom Cooper, G. B. Graham, j
Joe Wiggins, Burley Phillips and
Ernest Smith, Ed Bradley, Den
nis McCormick, Allen Johnson, j
Luther Loyd, Ben Green, Jerry I
Phillips, Jim Lord, Zona Lord, J. I
A. Wiggins, Charlie Blackston,
Dennis White, Lee Price, Frank
Fnircloth, Tom Morris, M. T.
Lowery, Lodie Morris, Josh Col
lins, Ed Bradley, Ben Morris,
Jim Morrisand Bish Morris.
Troy Whitaker and John Jones,
assault to murder. Misdemean
ors: W. H. Kelley, Richard
Rawls and Frank Rawls and Do
die Cross, Bill Partin, Jr., Ent
mitt Durden, Lamar Holmes, Jno.
Outlaw, Captain Adams, John
Green. Goldsboro Powell, as
sault to murder.
Wednesday, Nov. 4th.
The following are misdemea
nors: The State vs Bird Smith, j
Geo. Clark, Joe Millford, Olin j
Crumley, Morgan Wetson, Doobj
Kellum, E. B. Conner, G. VV. i
Palmer, Homer Green, Char
lie Patterson, Josh Collins,
William Troupe, Peter Cars
well. George T. Tapley, Fred
Calhoun, Boston Durden, Jonas
Roberson, Rosa Beamer, Pete :
Stewart. R. W. Willis, J. W.;
Register, Twiggs Phillips and!
Nancy Phillips-Smith, Josh Col-[
lins, Geo. Adams, B. L. Strick-'
land, John Bazemore, F. B. Cal
houn, Lewis Collins, Kelley Col
lins (2), Alvin Wright, Mack
Collins, Alex Wilkes (2), Lucien j
Higgs, Marsnal White, C. H.
Simpson, John Ross, Wm. Over
street, John H. Gibbs, Charles
Morris, Henry Johnson.
The above cases will be called
in order assigned and from day
to day until disposed of. All cas
es returned at this term of court
will be in order for trial at any
time. Judge W. W. Larsen will
be here to preside in Judge E. D.
Graham’s place, and it is espe
cially desired that Judge Cra
eam’s disqualified cases, both
criminal and civil, should be dis
posed of during the week.
W. A. Wooten, E. D. Graham,
Sol. Gen. Judge. j
IVutal Notice.
1 have opened a dental office in
Alamo, and am at that point on
Wednesdays and Thursdays of
each week to wait on patrons of
that section.
Dr. E. M. Rack ley,
ad Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Just received a nice line of
Ladies’ Coat Suits. Prices very
reasonable. J. H. Hudson,
ad. Ailey, Ga.
Notwithstanding the notice
was so short, a good number of
our farmers attended the mass
Leverett’s Studio, Vidalia, sup
plies the best in photographs, por
traits and view work. ad
Mr. Angus Morris, one of the
best farmers of the Higgston sec
tion, was here Tuesday. Mr.
Morris produces fine crops of old
red yams, and will go through
the panic without a scratch.
We have an unusually attrac
tive collection of latest Styles in
Millinery. May we have the
pleasure of serving you?
ad. J. H. Hudson.
Misses Lida Pritchett of Dublin
and Abbie McLeod of Vidalia ar
rived Tuesday morning to visit
their uncles, Messrs. E. and W.
A. McLeod. The former has re
cently returned from a trip to
Europe, and gives an interesting
account of her journey.
Bring your boys to J. H. Hud
son’s Store, Ailey, and fit them
up in a nice suit of clothes. ad.
Georgia History By
An Able Author.
Volume 11, “Georgia’s Memo
rials, Landmarks and Legends,’’
by Hon. Lucian Lamar Knight,
is just off the press, and is being
distributed. Practically every
owner of the first volume is a
subscriber to the second. The
second volume is similar to the
first, and contains over a thous
and pages of the choicest Georgia
history, compiled from authori
tative sources, and written in
that charming style peculiar to
Mr. Knight’s gift. Thatdryness
characteristic of many historic
books is not found in this work;
it is true to fact, comprehensive
in expression, and mellow in sen
timent. Every page is a pre
server of some fact of Georgia
history, charmingly portrayed;
and the work, in complete form,
should be in every home wherein
is taught the love of state and a
regard for the achievements of
its illustrious sons and daughters.
Volume 11, especially, contains
matter of deep interest to the
citizens of Montgomery county,
and we trust that our people will
join thousands in purchasing the
work, the price of which is $3.80.
It is more than worth the paltry
sum; to be appreciated it must be
seen. Mr. Knight is Compiler of
State Records, an office created
by the Legislature in 1908, and
is a finished scholar. He is an
author with few superiors, if any,
in his chosen line. The work re
ferred to has no connection with
the state records, in any official
sense, but is the result of years
of patient research and applica
tion to a favorite theme with the
author. It is without doubt the
most pleasing work of its class
and scope in print.
Orders may be sent direct to
Mr. Knight, capitol, Atlanta, or
we will take pleasure in showing
the work to those who may call
at The Monitor office, and for
warding orders for any buyers.
New Road Notice.
Georgia— Montgomery County.
Office Commissioners Roads and
Revenues, Montgomery County,
Georgia. D. T. Ricks, J. \V.
Grecnwav, \V. V. Thigpen, J. A
Curry having applied for opeuing
and establishing a new road be
ginning nt the Orianna school
house and running through the
lands of said l). T. Ricks, J. \V.
Greenway, \V. V. Thigpin and J.
: A. Curry, and leading thence to
the (furry Ford on Pendleton
! Creek, being a distance of about
I — miles in length. The review
ers appointed for laying out and
reviewing the same having fileo
their return, notice is hereby
given that the said application
w ill he grant* don the first Tuee
I day in December next if no good
I cause is shown" to the contrary.
This October oth, 1914.
W. H. Moxley,
Chinn Board Couirs
Lyceum Attraction
Next Thursday.
The management of the local
Lyceum Association announces
that the first number of the ly
ceum attractions for 1914-15 will
be given in the auditorium of The
Brewton-Parker Institute on
Thursday, Nov. 5. This will con
sist of a quartet of male voices
and will be one of the best of the
entire season, the well known
DeKoven Male Quartet.
The others, as will be an
nounced from time to time, are
as follows: The Alkahest Fa
vorites Company, composed of
three ladies who will give selec
tions in Violin, Reading, and
Voice. (This will be an especial
ly attractive number, since each
of the performers is a specialist
in her department.) Booth
Lowrey, one of the best known
and most delightful Chautauqua
speakers on the stage today;
Louis Williams, Electrical Enter
tainer, who will show to the au
dience many of the wonderful
things which can. he done with
Chemicals, Magnets, Wireless
Telegraphy, Radium etc.; and fi
nally The Treble Clef Club, a
group of four young ladies who
guarantee a good time. The
dates of all the above numbers
will be announced later.
This is an exceptionally fine
course and offers to the people of
Mt. Vernon and Ailey as well as
to those in towns
and country a splendid oppor
tunity to hear some of the best
lecturers and musicians that visit
these parts.
The price of admission will be
50 cts. Season tickets will be sold
for $1.75. Other announcements
will be made later.
Missionary Society
To Meet Nov. 9th.
The Woman’s Missionary So
ciety of the Presbyterian church
will meet Monday, the ninth at
3 o’clock. Miss Ila McLemore
will report on the state meeting
being held in Macon this week,
to which she is a delegate. “Our
Young People” will be the sub
ject for discussion, insamuch as
it is the theme of the Synodical
and is very pertinent to our own
work. All members and inter
ested persons are urged to be
present promptly at three. The
program follows:
' Song—Take my life and let it be.
Chorus—Jesus call us.
Bible Reading—Mrs. W. C.
Chorus —Give of your best.
Report of Synodical —Miss Ila
Three Minute Talks.
Bible Teaching on teaching the
bible—Mrs. E. Adams.
The Church and the young peo
ple—Mrs. Chas. Montgomery.
The Sunday school and the
young people—Mrs. Cockfield.
The Social life of our young
people—Miss Urania Mcßae.
Advisability of organization for
young people.
Open discussion led by Vice-
Song—l’ll live for Him.
Mrs. Chas. Hicks, President,
Miss Inez Mcßae, Sec’y.
Farm for Sale.
I am now offering at private
sale 100 Acres of Land lying in
the southern portion of Laurens
county, nine miles north of Glen
wood, Wheeler county. This
property has open upon it a one
horse farm, a nine-room two-sto
ry building in first class condition,
barn and tenant house, and an
artesian well supplies an abund
ance of fine, pure water. This
farm lies within one mile of the
Oconee river, In addition to the
100 acres of farm land I am also
offering 169 acres of Swamp
Land near by which will afford
excellent pasturage for livestock.
Prices reasonable and terms easy.
Write or call on the undersigned
for particulars. J. B. Geiger,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Beef and Milk A-plent;
Cattle are kept for two purposes: for beef pro
duction and for milk production. To do either fight Any time any of
they must be healthy. There is nothing beiter to tie set
keep them in continued good health, or to make with them i, ve ii
them well quickly when sick, than a few doses of— fr. of :c e i
Bee Bee mlutctor k. ■« ■
Stirs up the liver—Drives 25c, soc and *i~ r
disease poisons away. At your dealer’s. t
Knlmiitting a proper <1 anu s Jp.u nt 1> t!u
--j Constitution of Georgia, to i>* .i m ; me
j General Election to 1,., hei-l on » No
vember 3 f 1914, said ante* Hi;' ?
Article :i, Section 1, Par :o. i,of :i*e « li
st i hit ion of Georgia, by ( xtei.oinv «i • t- ,n
ol member:** of Ihc- (.1* t.crM -« * ». He
State until the time fixer] by h-w for rlie • -
veiling of the Ilex? • »<-nor:ii A* r»i»J■
Bv Hi- Kxc< llelicy .
John 31. Slaton, Governor.
State ot fit i'j ih,
Executive I>epa» tnn i-t
A (Ignat 24. 1914-
vVliereaa. the General Ass< inbh ‘ it,
►ion in 1914 proposed an amendment to u *•
Constitution of this Shfe, an ,-et.forth in
Act approved August 11'. . 1914, it:
An Act to amend Article. 3. u-n !\ .-
! graph 1 of the Constitution of G.. r_. . ; . - \-
tending tl e term of mendx: o • G* . i
Assembly of the Si; te imtii ts time fixed in
law for the convening Mie next tie. .oral As
The*following amendment is lu :*‘ pro
posed by the .Negate and Ii« u- of j; :• -
fatives to the people of Georgia to . 1 *
Section 4 Paragraph 1, of tie i ‘- -ns. i ui\« *n
its (ie rgia.
Amend said Paragraph 1, of said . < :■: < i 4,
of Article 8. as fellow*:
By striking from said Pat agr. ph 1 i »
words “until their <ncc»--ssors ; «to •* !,”
and ii. Hurting in lien ot so id words i i
agraplt 1. the following words, o -wu: U -
til the time fixed by law for the eonve; i:;g
the next General Assembly ”
Amend further by nidi g to I’ar.-tgra;
1 of said section and article the f >iiow I .
\vorls, to-wit-.: That the provi-i ns of tlo
paragraph, section and article shall apply to
the terms of the members of the r.i As
sembly, who are elected ftt the g< »•! . elec
tion for mom hors of the lie serai As • •.!•.{ i
the jear 1912. When amended said Put
graph 1 • fjsftid Hecti .n and. article ?.:.nli • • ad
PS follows: “The meinhre-r* ui" He <»•,. mlA
semhly shall be elected to: two years :f.t 1; !; -
serve until the time fixed bvltw Im-tin: con
vening of the next General Assembly. T’-.-t
the yrovisions of this parr.g t>. -r.-ti * and
article shall apply to the term of tic ; . • b- is
of the General Assembly who w**i«-?i <• i rt.
the General Klec:i ,»i for ni'inln rs of the (b
era! Vssemblv in the year 1912 ”
And the Governor of the m ,t. Ch- i »-hy i: -
qnired and directed to cuum the above a* d
foregoing amendment to he publish *,
least two n« wspapers in call eoug: t-.-si >■
district itKthis State I »»• pe: i • i . - .. ■ > •.
previous to the time o!' 1 .
< Election alto** t!u scLmi'-i
amendment to the (Jciui.d ,n-. a
shall at the next Gem nil bleb • !
after the submission of this tun- - ei
people for their ratitic . tion cutis- o
to he voted on, and the form i • wi*
same si lull be submitted to the pee : s di i
tts follows: ‘ For raiificati *ti oi .
Paragraph 1, S« eti n 4, A» ‘icl( «.i tin
stitution, whiejt extends tin- term of i.i of
members ol the Generai Axsrin .* r. >
convening of the Htieeeed.i g Get,. .al -
lyd’und “Against the ratification - I ju
ra ent Paragraph 1, Secti 4 .mi l
c institution, w itieh n - /
of lßClllbciH -f illt Urlu'. n! . -• rnb:; m
convening of the sue ■« e li m G- .o rol . .
■ ly.” And shall tl •: • t ot .. 1 « 1
lion to he traiism ’t. <! r th S e e r <1
State, wlios(‘duty i: si a'i • • - i t
the same, and the g .vt*r,o»r i ; ail i ■ i i.i
j pioclamafioo, declaring r o r. sill!, if e n j i -
lty vote in favor of s.dd tunc-umieiit. a i I*.
said proclamation shaf! d< ; said
ment lias Ihc »me a part of the c u:s ituti'-n « ,
the State.
w, »tier* tore, I, .T. hn ': »la- n, < v.-s
nor of said S*ate do is>ti • ti i> my pr c io;
tion hereby declai iog \h i bn ~ uor < -
posed aniemlme lfo due • * unit • i - h
| mitted for rati;: • ti • -r rejection t t
1 voters of the St it-, q ndified to vote f ; m m
| hers of the o 'iu i«l Assembly a the <■ h
! Election to be held on Tuesdav, Nov. mix.r ■>
John .M. Sl ton,
G -vei nor.
By the Governor:
Phillip cook.
Secretary of State.
No single dollar spent on the
education of your ehiiden couid
advance them more than one
spent in subscribing fur your
home paper.
New Road Notice.
State of Georgia, (
j Montgomery County. \ Ofii.-o o'.
Commissioners of Roads ,
Revenues of Montgomery Conn; v,
Georgia, Oct. 0, 1914.
| .John Jay McArthur, E. C. Mc-
Allister, I'. G. McArthur. Mmviu
I Mcßride, .J A. J. Wallo-r aioi
! others having applied for 11 • • op
ieniiigaud establishing ot n m
road, beginning nr 1 tigpeod i.
jthe27s ! h G. M d:s icL, h- .i n-.
to John Jay MoArt hur’, : t ! in
to Norwood Cl ai k 1 : t hence io to.
place of Frank Cia*k-; tli 1 .«:• r t
J. A. J. Walker'.-; iroa, 11 ■ i,<-
through the lands of Mrs. Ai
Mcßride c* her home pt c . no -
mug straight from that point an*
intersecting the public road i an
ing to Alston. Ga , and passu.-
through the lands of John Ja\
McArthur, Norwood Clark. Fra:
Clark and .) A. J. Walker, ben-,
a distance of about three mile - i.
length, the reviewers app- nne.
for surveyii.g and laying out s i
road having tiled theii re turn, i is lier by given that said n
will be granted on tin* fir-t lii -
day in December, 19 If: o
‘cause lie shown to the c*sm r«r>.
I This Oct. 0, 49 i-4
\V. H Mosley.
Clnn. Bd C R e R. M. L
Not ice.
On account of the gen:
tion on the first Toes
' ember 3, the regul iv :n.
the Commissioners <*f iC
Revenues of ivle.-tgvrm. r .
will be held Wednende-, A . .
VV. ii. Mi - xi- y,
Kibbee News.
»Sp« v ial Coi i*rv-i•nii.H
The public school opened here'
this Pi< v ing under the leader
ship of Prof. C. A. Johnston, with
a pood attendance, A number
of the patrons were out, who
were greatly interestedingetting
the school standardized.
Miss Mary Joyner of Norman
town has been visiting friends
Mr. G. TL A dans and daugh
ter, Mias Alberta, attended the;
ihipti.-.i Association at Noith,
Thompson last Thursday.
Mrs. C. H. Biggerstaff, and
f. 7.: y visited Mrs. W. If. John
son Sunday afternoon.
Mt s. ■ . R. Adams han return
s;; ui a visit to Mrs. Ciias.
Calhoun in Yidalia.
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Adams en
tertainnei a number of their
friends Friday evening. Games
were enjoyed.
Little Rosa Johnson, the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R.
Johnson, who has been sick for
sometime. We are sorry to say
is no better. x
Mrs. G. W. Palmer visited her
sister, Mrs.- Warnock Sunday
last. Regina.
Schedule Effective 12:01 a. m. April 12, 1914.
-or \TtO\'s No. 19 No. 17
A. M P. M.
I.' - w Mu :on Arrive 11 20 4 10
Swift Creek II 07 8 50
7 24 4 40 Drv Branch 10 58 8 47
727 444 Wmthrop 10 54 848
4 45 ■ Pike’s Peak 10 50 8 89
■BO 4 -Fitzpatrick 10 48 332
Ripley 10 88 8 27
Jeffersonville 10 20 3 15
.8 00 5 2:: Gailexnore 10 14 8 04
8 10 5 81 Danville 10 04 2 54
8 21 -1 :: 5 Allentown 9 59 2 49
8 81 5 40 Montrose 9 49 2 39
42 b 57 Dudley O 88 2 28
s 48 0 <!t Shew make 9 32 2 22
8 54 6 02 Moore 9 25' 2 15
910 080 ; Ar. Lv. 905 155
9 15 6 3 * Bv. Ar. 9 05 1 55
9 31 0 40 Gatlin 8 49 1 89
9 41 0 50 Mi liter 8 38 1 28
7 00 Roek’edge 8 20 1 16
950 71 I Orlund 820 l 10
10 I 1 720 Soperton 80512 55
10 22 787 Tarrytowu 75312 43
! 10 80 7 45 Kibbee 7 45 12 85
1 10 45 8 00 Vidniia 7 30 12 20
A M. P. M Arrive Leave A. M .P. M.
\t T> hi in with tit-- Wrightsville & Tennille arid the Dublin & South
i'n ."or -a ■ 111!, ii and Tonuilie and iulemiedia te points.
At At aeon with Southern Railway from and io Oinciiinatti. Chattanooga,
Rome Birmingham, Atlanta and intermediate points. Also the Ceni nil of
.' 1 ■ • .u. »S. <k F. Railway, Macon and Birmingham Railway
and Georgia Railroad.
A ■ i win (lie Milieu and Southwestern for Wad ley and in
termediate pi 4 ui.e.
At Y.d; 1! i v. i ;.h the Seaboard Air Line for Savannah and intermediaie
eoints. ai.d ■ id i ihe M illen and Sou til western for M illen, Stilimore and in
ermediate miints.
J. A. STREYER, G. P. A., Macon, Ga.
; -- \ © Td n fm e % fi %
:~ I I
I k ntv on Hand for Prompt 1
;5 I
| , ; r. it. gandurd Grades and Low |
k: ‘ : Y(aad. Write for Prices. 1
ucc mwu rn 1
* a. is _ .YLc* Liblvßi fe'Ui
Mt. Vernon, Ga. |
■ ■ 55 55 5 tssi-55555555555555«?5V545555555555555555555i«
"• - -*• - :r.* a r a ‘ % gacAT 5
j «
r ? ■ s* *"7 $s C|Qy? 2
tr: „u i 'Jta u* 1 j b4ajßH tTi hm I 3t \B(8 V■ • M
• in th Unite ! States know what county was <
•d for his home and farm? -
xperiment farm is in Sonoma county, California, i
i.-.h i: 'th -if San Francisco. Sonoma county is ◄
he most productive counties in the United States. 3
- o idi.t describing Sonoma county. We
► . d bio, a map of California, answer your <
X tions and send a coj SUNSET MAGAZINE, the 4
i> monthly guide and text book of the homeseeker and the set-
, , wills iid us ten cents in stamps to help defray <
> the cost of mailing. j
: sit : :.= service bureau, san Francisco, California 3
tr ; f» ~ if, «| 8| bi | tap* (91*
•S £' j 'l b 3 iil 11 Hi 1 U *1
i..,u 4 -j i yy&a bfiwrai §yy
To Open Public Term.
The fall term of the public
1 school department of the Brew
ton-Parker Institute will begin
Tuesday, Nov. 3rd. The school
authorities wish to see every
child of school aae in the district
enrolled. Despite the war, the
best year of the school is here.
Let every parent and patron see
that the children are placed in
the school room.
Montgomery Superior Court,
No vein Per Term, 1914.
\V E. Crawford vs LuU Crawford.
| Georgia—Montgomery Count}’.
! 1 he defendant, Lula Crawford, is
; hereby required personally or by
attorney to be and appear at the
next Superior Court of Montgom
ery County, to be held on the
first Monday in Novemer, 1914
next, then and there to answer
the plaintiff’s petition for divorce,
and in default, thereof the court
will proceed as to justice shall
Witness the Honorable E. D.
Graham, judge of said court, this
August 81, 1914.
P C. Herrington,
Plaintiff’s Atorney.
M L O’Brien, Oh rk 8. C. MC.