Newspaper Page Text
Brooks County Farmers in
Lead Selling Farm
There is one county in Georgia
that is showing others what can
be done in raising hogs. Brooks
county holds the distinction of
producing and selling more ba
con than any other county in
Georgia. Recently twenty-two
wagon loads of cured bacon were
delivered at Quitman in one day.
This amounted to 45,000 pounds.
Last year Brooks county raised
the meat necessary for home con
sumption, shipped out several
carloads of hogs, and, in addi
tion, sold 150,000 pounds of ba
con at an average price of 14
cents a pound. This year it is
estimated that Brooks county will
sell 250,000 pounds of bacon in
addition to what is needed for
home consumption, and the large
numbers of hogs shipped to the
markets. About 1,000 head of
fat cattle will also be marketed
from the county. The raising of
livestock has not been accom
plished at a sacrifice of other
crops, but has been produced in
addition to the regular crops,
with the result that those who
have taken up this line of work
are becoming the leading and the
most prosperous farmers in the
county. The cash receipts for
the livestock and bacon sold from
the county is near SIOO,OOO. —
Home & Farm.
Through Freight Service,
Macon To Savannah.
Dublin, Ga., Nov. 9. —A
thorough freight service is to bo 1
inaugurated between Macon and !
Savannah, via Dublin and Vi
dalia, over the lines of the Ma
con, Dublin and Savannah road ;
and the Seaboard Air Line. A
through freight, making only |
three stops, will be run each wav !
at night, the crew of the M., D.
&S. in charge out of Macon,
making the trip through to Sa
vannah without change. Bojth
trains wall meet at Dublin at 5
o’clock in the morning. The
new service will furnish the
fastest freight, schedule to Sa
vannah from here yet given this
Just Forget It.
If your tooth is ailing and caus
ing you most excruciating pain;
or the rheumatism in your joints
is causing you to frown continu
ally, the proper thing to do is to
forget it and imagine there is
nothing whatever the mattei;
that you do not need any kind of
medicine and will recover at
once. This is the kind of phil
osophy, at least, which the Dem
ocratic Administration has pro
scribed for the ailing South as a
good self cure. Ii; is the very
backbone of the democratic party
which has been suffering too,
and still its Guardians prescribe
only faith cure. England pro
tected and provided for the
Egyptians in taking care of their
cotton. Besides they have sent
two representatives over to this
country to rake up all the gold to
help do it with too. Most people
think they have come to help us,
but is is really to get the Ameri
can gold to help England; also
her Egyptian cotton growers.-
Cordele Dispatch.
Automoble Hits Mule.
Guyton, Ga., Nov. 6. — While
driving Sunday afternoon with a
young lady in ari automoblie, ;
Charles Rountree of Egypt, col
lided with a mule and wagon
near Tusculum. The driver was
thrown out but was uninjured.
The mule’s leg was bioken and
the animal will have to be killed. |
It belonged to Preston* Rountree,
a brother of young Rountree who
was driving the automobile. The
mule becoming frightened at the
approach of the car backed in the
way of it and was run over. i
44 Years Ago French
Surrendered to German.
Forty-four years ago today
Marshall Bazine surrendered the
fortress of Metz and the French
army of the Rhine to Prince
Frederick Charles of Prussia, af
ter a siege that had lasted from
August 19, 1870. Three mar
shals of France, 50 generals,
(5,000 other queers, 173,000 men,
including 20.000 sick and wound
! ed, 541 field pieces and SOO for
-1 .
' tress guns were surrendered to
the Germans, together with a
great quantity of munitions of
; war. Gaunt with starvation and
illness the defenders marched
: sullenly out and laid down their
: arms after articles of capitulations
had been signed.—New York
Has Husband Held
As a White Slaver.
Macon, Nov. 7. —George Skin
ner, a railroad rate expert, has
been arrested by Federal officers |
; upon the complaint of his own 1
wife, who charges him with vio- j
i iating the “white slave act.” He
| will be given a preliminary hear
ing this afternoon. The young
woman was married to Skinner
in Fitzgerald last month, but her
home is in Florida.
Woman Killed When
Auto Leaves Track.
Troy, Ala., Nov. 6.—One wo
man was killed and another bad
ly hurt at a county fair here
when a racing automobile* driv
en by T. Dewett, of New York,
left the track and crashed
through a fence into a crowd of
spectators. Dewett was arrest
ed, but later released. The wo
man killed was Mrs. Fannie
Catrett and the woman injured
was Mrs. Ander Catrett, the for
mer’s daughter-in-law.
Two Acres of Ground
Yield $385.05 Profit.
Dalton, Ga., Nov. 7.—A clear
profit of 4385.06 is shown from
two acres of ground cultivated
this year by the Girls’ Canning
club of Whitfield county. The
gross receipts from the two acres
amounted to $568.06. There
were twenty members of the
club, each cultivating one-tenth
of an acre. Miss Clarice Phipps
cleared $65.64 off her tenth acre.
The club, with the Boys’ Corn
club, has sent a large exhibit to
the state fair in Macon and the
exhibit will also be shown at the
Atlanta corn show.
Just as Bad.
While we are poking fun at
some of the foreign names and
wondering how the poor natives
can pronounce such jaw-splitters
as Przemysl; just remember that
Georgia has some towns that
might prove hard to the German
or Austrian tongue. F’instance:
Ludowici, Alapaha, Eastanolle,
CHomokee, Connesauga, Lux
omini, Upatoie, Ypsilanti, Tal
iaferro, Towaliga, Chalybeate or
Wefanie. Monroe Advertiser.
-. 1
or Partridge, Wood
. Lonirrel or Rabbit
P bocting the
: : shotgun .
Fn, 101
• . . 1 ID. , ts»! e-down.
*." ! diiot ar/J 11 “Gama
' • ■ \j
: ; m
X !
. * t **GU?L> AND |
' ■ ■ •% STEVENS j
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\ • a J<!L Cl'illt' ii'i l jjjl j
I'.O. Kok 50C5
I Commercial |
I Printing |
This printing* business is an every-day tiling with ns. ||
For nearly twenty-five years we have made a specialty of
that department of the art known as “job printing” — |
I Letter Heads, Envelopes |
| Note Heads, Circulars I
| Cards, 1 Pay Checks
■ Programs, Ets. >
I „ I
■*; vvvvvvvvvv vvvw vWb I
», AS
i The Montgomery I
% -T
| Monitor
| MT. VERNON, GA. Telephone No. 40 I
n H
Tri-Weekly Constitution
Tuesday, Thursday asid Saturday, A'most a Daily, Three |
Times a Week, Only SI.OO a Year
I lias offered in connection with its Fail Subscription Contest an
}// EXTRA SPECIAL $1,000.00 CASH |
to,conirr.unities at work for any Church, School, 1.0 Ige or Library, or Other Public Improvement.
*.'i jan mimm '■ n
To the community outside the city of Atlanta that will raise and send In the largest number of q
g yearly Tri-Weekly subscriptions, at SI.OO each, under the general rules of the contest, cash $ 750.00
For the next largest list, as above 250.00 $
Total $1,000.00 \
This fund can be used to build or repair a church, or parsonage, or manse, or schoolhouse, or a [
P bridge for special uses, town hall, lodge hall, or a library, public 6pring, roadway, park, picnic
Sjj ground, street lights or any other improvement or project that will be of any public or communal Interest.
These prizes are wide open to ail localities, ana are put up for general competition throughout our
Li territory. The fund is cf sufficient size to make It worth while, and to elicit the interest and work of the fi
ft best people of each contesting community. Some leading spirits will take an active part, committees f.!
of canvassers, circles of ladies, young people's clubs and enthusiastic individuals will rake the land for J,
if subscribers to The Tri-Weekly Constitution. The $1,000.00 will be paid for the I’rgest lists furnished
What does your community, your town, your rural section need most that the money will cover, or
p will begin in such away as to insure its completion by the public?
That is what you want to determine, and then everybody get busy on it and get it.
The Rules in Brief Are *
Efich yearly subscript lon
to The Til-Weekly Constitu- a
1 ' i ", n ' Thursday and Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Ga.:
nj Saturday, three times a week,
S 3 $1 a year, whether clubbed . , . . . M _ K
H with any other paper or not. . Nomination is made hereby for
H counts ONE. Agent’s regu
lar commission allowed on
H ail subscriptions, including ..... . , , . , ... , fcj
those credited on community (Mention any church, lodge, school, library, club, ladles society, young r! I
a prizes, only if received from people's society, or any civic organization.)
H regularly authorized agents.
B Commissions cannot be de- to enter your SI,OOO Community Prize Contest opening September 1
H ducted by anyone who is not and closing December 31, 1913. for subscriptions to Tri-Weekly Con
l agent U ‘ /f d -onst tution gtitution, the purpose of the entry being to secure money for
Community subscriptions for
the SI,OOO public prize will he (State purpose briefly.)
credited to whatever person,
{ or name, authorized a* the Name
representative of such torn
| m unity. When subscriptions
are credited to one such name
or person they are not trans- ... c . .
ferable and may not be con- (Date) ISla.
Isolidateri. Community con
testants must notify us at This blank, properly filled out and sent in prior to September 30,
once of their entry and to i 913 wj || be wor th 500 credits in this section of the contest.
whom the SI,OOO in cheeks
must he made payable. - ■ - ■ ■■ S*
GET BUSY NOW—Make nominations for the community section of contest and start your list at
once: face-to-face canvassers are the successful men. You can take the best money if you will make jE
a business of the work and use your spare time and some regular days of active soliciting. Send a
club every week. gj j
H ««,m- ,TTTi-r,-,.i '' P . .... ,y,..5.W.'T,, .. ,ii "s' T. '" . " I. rffißg |
Address All Orders and Rentier's, and Make All Remittances Payable to
I have for sale 800 bushels of
Choice Rust-Proof Seed Oats.
Will be ofFered at market prices.
Shipping point, Uvalda. Write.
Peter Johnson,
Rt 2. Mt. Vernon, Ga.
For Long Term Farm
I am negotiating some very
attractive Long Term Farm Loans
for the best companies doing bus
iness in Georgia, with lowest rates
|of interest and the most liberal
| terms of payments
1 have several years experience
!in the loan business, am located
j at the county site and believe that
I am in position to give you the
best terms and as prompt services
as any one.
If vou need a loan see me before
A. B. Hutcheson,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Farm for Sale.
I am now offering at private
sale 100 Acres of Land lying in
: the southern portion of Laurens
I county, nine miles north of Glen
wood, Wheeler county. This
property has open upon it a one
horse farm, a nine-room two-sto
ry building in first class condition,
barn and tenant house, and an
artesian well supplies an abund
ance of fine, pure water. This
farm lies within one mile of the
Oconee river, In addition to the
100 acres of farm land 1 am also
offering 109 acres of Swamp
Land near by which will afford
excellent pasturage for livestock.
Prices reasonable and terms easy.
Write or call on the undersigned
for particulars. J. B. Geiger,
Mt. Vernon. Ga.
Dental Notice.
I have opened a dental office in
Alamo, and am at that point on
Wednesdays and Thursdays of
each week to wait on patrons of
that section.
Dr. E. M. Rack ley,
ad Mt. Vernon, Ga.
M. B. CAL 110l 1 N
At t v at Law,
Mt Vernon, Georgia
Blacksmith A Repair
All Classes of Repair Work Work
Quickly and Correctly Done.
Bripu Me Your Work.
A. L. Lanier,
Attorney at Law,
Will Practice in all the Courts of
the State.
[piano . TUNING.
If your Piano is worth anything,
it is worth EXPERT tuning.
Any other kind will ruin it. I
| have a diploma, and guarantee
I all work. Write, and I will call.
Charles L. Hamilton,
L . W. BUSH,
Dental Surgeon,
Offices id Floor Bank of Soperton Building
Soperfon, Ga.
Attorney at Law
Kent Office Pu lifting
Mount Vernon, Georgia.
Office over Mt. Vernon Drug Co.