Newspaper Page Text
Superior Court Gets Through
Good Portion of Big
After a busy week Montgom
ery Superior Court adjourned at
noon on Saturday. The grand
jury finished their labors and
adjourned on Friday afternoon.
Their presentments will found in
this paper. Two cases took up
most of the time on the civil
docket, one of them resuting in
a mistrial, one juror standing out
against the other eleven.
The following cases were dis
posed of:
McLeod vs Mosley, verdict in
favor of McLeod for S3O and in
terest on note.
D. E. Walker, treasur, vs C
H. Peterson, verdict for plaintiff.
W. B. Greenway vs W. E. H.
Thigpen and Geo. Spivey, verdict
for defendants.
Fred C. Wallis Agency vs G.
M. Barwick, dismissed at plain
tiff’s cost.
E. T. Mcßride & Co. vs B. J.
Phillips, verdict for plaintiff.
Mrs. Beckey Brantley vs F. 'C.
Wade, settled.
W. D. Martin vs Chas. H. Gil
lis, et al, verdict for plaintiff.
South Georgia Cotton Co. vs
J. T. War nock, verdict for pit f.
C. W. Wood vs Rosa Wood, di
vorce, total divorce granted.
Southern Saw & Machine Wks.
vs O. B. Moye, verdict for pltf.
A. Leffler Co. vs Mrs. A. B.
Conner, verdict for plaintiff.
State vs John Bird, plea of
guilty, fine S4O or five months.
Jimbo Kelley, plea of guilty,
fine SSO or six months.
Ben Powell, plea of guilty, fine
S6O or four months.
Dennis McCormick, plea of
guilty, sentence twelve months.
Jack Jordan, plea of guilty, fine
$75 to include costs or six months.
Ben Hill, plea of guilty, fine
SSO or four months.
Alvin Wright, plea of guilty,
fine $37.50 to include costs or
three months.
Henry Goins, murder, verdict
guilty, sentenced for life.
Virge Phillips, plea of guilty,
fine SSO to include costs, or to
serve four months of nine and
be released on payment of fine.
Will Wright, plea of guilty,
same sentence as Phillips above.
|| Times Will
jj Get Better
If you will buy your Turn Plows jj
from us.
We handle the Syracuse Line.
They are from 5 cents to SI.OO jj
cheaper on repairs.
I See us for seed peanuts, flat or jj
Spanish. Seed Irish Potatoes.
« i j
H. V. Thompson & Bros.
Breaking Record.
Savannah, Feb. 10. — This port
continues to break all previous
high records in the exportation
jof cotton for European ports de
spite the war.
Cargoes sent out Sunday and
Monday aggregated approximate
ly $2,500,000 in the value of the
cotton alone, exclusive of the
freight rate, easily one-third of
j the value of the cotton, all of
which is paid in advance in Sa
vannah before the ship sails.
| “5
U. S. Court in Savannah.
Savannah, Ga., Feb. 9. — Fed
eral Judge Emory Speer opened
| the U. S. Court for the February
term htp-e today, his first apear
ance in this city since the inves
tigation into charges against him
a year ago. Many of the attor
iey.B who took the stand to testi
ly against him then had import
ant cases before him and were up
early to pay their respects.
Judge Speer’s first official act
| was to take a court order that all
I fees in bankruptcy of more than
SIOO should receive his official “o.
k.” in the future, regarded as a
retribution for some of the bene
ficiaries of this court in the past,
who teslifL d against him.
Election School Trustees.
An election has been ordered
held at each school house in
Montgomery county on Friday,
19th inst., from 2 to 4 o’clock p.
m., for the purpose of electing
| trustees for each school to fill the
vacancies of the trustees whose
terms expire with this election
and to fill any vacancies that may
, exist in any of the boards of
trustees. The best school men
in each school district should be
elected to fill these important
places, and it is hoped that all
the patrons of the schools 'ill
j take an active part in these
elections and see that their best
| men are put in these important
places. Respectfully,
A. B. Hutcheson, C. S. C.
: Feb. 10, 1915.
Dock Harmon, "verdict guilty,
sentence twelve months or after
serving nine months to be releas
ed on payment of SSO.
Ben Carter, same as Harmon.
Dan Goin, plea of guilty, same
as above.
Lee Hicks, plea of guilty, fine
S6O or six months.
Jodie Baulknight, larceny, 12
Neal Mcßae, verdict not guilty.
i May be Limited to
One Jug a Month.
Columbia, S. C., Feb. 9. — It is
going to be a long time between
drinks in South Carolina if, as
seems likely, the legislature pass
es and the present governor signs
a bill now pending,
j The bill permits each South
Carolinian to receive just one
i shipment of “corn licker” per
month, such shipment not to ex
ceed one gallon. Thus, by legis
lative interpretation, the exact
length of time between drinks
has finally been settled. The
measure has already passed the
j house and has been favorably re
j ported to the senate.
Trainload of Horses
Scorched by Flames.
! Birmingham, Ala., Feb. 9.
Special agents of the Alabama
Great Southern are looking for
i the cause of a fire originating in
a train load of horses at McCalla,
about 17 miles from here, and
which destroyed one car. Sev
eral horses were burned to death
and many of those in the car
were so badly burned as to make
shooting them a necessity.
The shipment w r as consigned
to New Orleans and the horses
were to be trans-shq ped to Eng
land for the use of the allies in
the war. The cause of the fire
is a mystery.
Woman, Who Poured
Oil on Fire, Dying.
Waycross, Feb. 9. When her
clothes were ignited from kero
sene, she was pouring on wood
in an open fireplace today, Mrs.
L. A. Godfrey received serious
and probably fatal burns. She
is unconscious and little hope is
entertained for her recovery.
Neighbors, attracted by Mrs.
Godfrey’s screams, sought to
render assistance, but could not
reach her before all the clothing
had been burned from her body.
1 8.-P. I. Plays Hard
and Deciding Game.
The Brewton-Parker Institute
basket ball team has played six
games this season and ha 3 won
five of them. They were defeated
by the Dublin High School when
■ these two teams met in Dublin on
the 25th of January. The score
was 17 to 15.
On Friday next, the 12th, this
same Dublin quintet is corning to
Mt. Vernon for a second game
with the local players. This will
undoubtedly be the best and the
crucial game of the season for
the Mt. Vernon team. The de
feat in the first game between
these two teams was attributed
by some to the court and the ref
eree. These will not be factors
in Friday’sjgame, for the 8.-P.
I. courtis not excelled in Georgia
and the referee will be a mem
ber of Mercer’s team. The game
is to begin at 3:15, and the ad
mission price is 25 cents.
Honor Roll for
The Hancock School.
George Morris, Mettie Ladson,
Sam Connell.
Johnnie Horne, Alvena Con
Lonnie Ladson, Ida Horne,
Tommie McCoy, Lola May O’Con
Clarence McCoy, Shellie Con
nell, Ernest Connell.
Ovid Graham, Jimmie Horne.
The Lyceum Course has been
called off, so why not hear the
8.-P. I. Glee Club tonight. Vo
cal solos, duets, quartets, read
ings and violin solos. Admission
25 and 35 cents.
Mrs. Carson Mason
Dead at Lyons.
The numerous relatives and
friends in this county of Mr.
; Carson Mason of Lyons sympa
thize with him deeply in the loss
of his estimable wife, her death
: having occurred at the home in
Lyons on Saturday. Mr. Mason
is the nephew of Mr. C. A. Ma
son of Mt. Vernon, and a son of
the late Hon. G. T. Ma on, ordi
nary of Toombs county at the
time of his death. The deceased
lady was the daughter of Mr.
Perry Brown of Lyons, and her
demise in the prime of life and
j young motherhood is regretted
I by a large circle of friends.
The Methodist Quarterly
Conference Here Saturday.
The first quarterly conference
of the Mt. Vernon Circuit for
j t his year will be held here on
! Saturday. The presiding elder of
the Mcßae District, Rev. L. A.
Hill, will preside over the confer
ence and will preach at 11:00
o’clock on Saturday and again
on Sunday. Mr. Hill is well
known as one of the strong
preachers of the South Georgia
Conference. You are invited to
attend all the services.
Appointed Consul.
Washington, 1). C., Feb. 9. —
Calvin M. Hitch, assistant chief
of Latin-American affairs in the
State Department, and recently
nominated by the President as
a consul, is to be given the post
at Nottingham, Eng., after his
confirmation, Secretary Bryan an
nounced today.
Mr. Hitch is a native of Mor
ven, Ga., was a member of the
'Georgia Legislature, private sec
retary to several governors and
to the late senator Bacon, before
occupying his position.
Woman Burned.
Waycross, Ga., Feb. 9. While
she was using kerosene oil in
starding a fire today, Mrs. L. A.
Godfrey’s clothing caught fire
and she received serious and
probably fatal burns. Little
change was noted in her condi
tion today. Mrs. Godfrey ran
screaming into her back yard,
where neighbors extinguished
J the flames. Both arms were
badly burned as well as the lower
part of her body.
Charged With Robbery.
Cordele, Ga., Feb. 9. —.June
Clary and Ewell Waldrop, two
white men, as they gave their
names, and their homes as hu
man, S. (’., were arrested in
Cordele Sunday night by Special
Officer It. P. Kendall, of the Sea
hoard Railway and local officer
Turk, charged with car robbing.
Some of the goods missing from
j the freight, cars entered were
found in their possession.
Sheriff Hale.
U«sorgia Montgomery Omniy.
Will lie Hold b<*for<* th«* court houdoor in fV<t
Vernon on t.h«- find, TuemJay in Mar,. 1915, In
1 tween the legal hour« of sale, to t he hitched biddri
for ranh, rertain property, of which the following
! in a complete description:
One hundred and fourteen acre* of land more m
iesH, situate, lying and in the 1221rl f> t <>.
M. of Ha id county and state and bounded as fol
lows: North by lands of M ns. Mary Higg ~» a <
by lands of Mis. Ophelia Smith, south by lands of
T. A (iillis and went by the Julia A Johnson
lands, s&rne being the lands deeded to Mrs M <
Bar wick by H. S. Calhoun Dec. 14th, D**9. ‘•aid
deed recorded in Book 15, page 25R, in th«* Clerk h
office of said county. levied on and will he sold
as the property of Mrs V. (' Barwlck to satisfy
an execution issued from the superior court of
said county in favor of Scott Banking Co. vs M
C. Barwick, N. N. Barwick and J. (1. Carter. In
possession of Mrs. M C. Barwick and written no
tice of levy given terms of the law. This the 2nd
day of Feb., 1915.
James Hester, Sheriff.
L. C. Underwood, Atty. for I’lfTs.
" r
Prof. J. R. Auld, county school
superintendent of Wheeler coun
ty, was over at court here on
Thursday. Prof. Auld has moved
from Erick to Alamo, on account
of the duties of his office.
1 Glee Club Concert Tonight.
The Brewton-Parker Institute
| Glee Club will give their annual
concert in the local auditorium
tonight. Since the remaining
numbers of the Lyceum Course
have been canceled it will be well
for all the people of the commu
nity, who are lovers of good mu
sic, to avail themselves of this
oportunity. The club is in splen
did shape and will, without a
doubt, give a very creditable en
tertainment. The admission will
be 25 cents for children and 35
cents for adults.
Kibbi e News.
Special OorreßPomluneo*
Prof, and Mrs. C. A. Johnston
were in Vidalia Satuaday.
Mrs. Win. Hobbs has been sick
several weeks to the regret of
her family and friends.
Mr. C. 11. Biggerstaff was a
visitor to Dublin on the 3d inst.
Mr. E. S. Adams and daugh
ter, Norma, were recent visitors
to Vidalia.
The store of Mr. C. 11. Biggor
stalf of this place was totally de
stroyed by fire Monday night,
Ist inst. Origin of the blaze un
known, and when discovered, it
was beyond control.
Elizabeth, the little daughter
of Mr. J. B. O’Conner, is very
sick at this writing.
Mr. and Mrs. Mack Davis en
tertained a number of friends at
their home Friday evening with
a party.
An interesting event was the,
game of baseball played on the
Kibbee school grounds Friday af
ternoon. The boys of the com
munity organized a team and
challenged the school boys for a
game, the score being 27 to 21 in
favor of the school team. The
school boys received much ap
plause, and friends rejoice in-the
success of their first efforts of
the early season. Regina.
Farmer Injured.
Cordele, Ga., Feb. 9. W. I).
Goodman, one of the best known
farmers of Dooly county, was
seriously injured when his wagon
was struck by the Dixie Limited,
G. S. and F., on the crossing on
the Vienna road.
Roadster Touring j|
i 5765 1915 Model $790 I
Delivered Delivered
Maxwell 25-4 Fully |
1 Equipped |
Iloin, Ventilated Windshield jj
2-1 flit Gray <Sc Silk Mohair Top
Davis So 1 f starter Adjustable Front Seat |
M Kloctl’ie Lights Crown Moulded jg
8 with Dimmer Fenders |
Attachments Tire Holder 8
A Car Built for Business and Pleasure. Power, Com- S|
*2 fort, Durability. For demonstration see \
I ricßae & Hicks |
Distributors MT, VERNON, GA, |
Effort to Oust County Con
vict Warden Up for
Attorneys Geiger and Under
! wood and several of our citizens
were in Atlanta yesterday, at
which time the charges formerly
brought against Mr. C. F. Fer
rell, in an effort to oust him as
county convict warden, were to
have been heard before the Pris
on Commission.
We do not know the conten
tions of either side of the case,
but it is a well known fact that
the matter is but the prolongation
of the recent fight over the coun
ty commissioners of this county,
in which three new men replaced
the live men of the old board.
It is claimed that Mr. Ferrell
was not only employed to contin
|ue as warden, hut was recom
! missioned by the state authori
ties. lu the rnixup Mr. Parker
lof Toombs county was also em
ployed, and on January first
i moved his family here to assume
his duties.
i In all probability both men will
be to pay, and the tax payers of
Montgomery county, as usual,
j will pay for the fiddling.
The result of the hearing did
not reach The Monitor before
press hour, hut will be awaited
with interest.
Mrs. Cone Smith
Os Glenwood Dead.
The Glenwood community was
made extremely sad on Friday
last at the death of Mrs. Ada
Smith, wife of Dr. Cone Smith
of Glenwood. Mrs. Smith was
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Galbraith, and a lady be
loved by a large circle of friends
arid acquaintances. Her life was
full of good deeds, and the church
and Sunday school will miss her
labors of love and piety.
The funeral held at the Metho
dist tabernacle was one of the
1 largest in attendance ever seen
lin the community, and the ser
vice was conducted by her pastor,
Rev. H. C. Ewing of the Metho
dist church. The interment took
place in the Glenwood cemetery
on Saturday afternoon.
NO. 44