Newspaper Page Text
Grand Jury Presentments
February Superior Court.
We, the Grand Jury, chosen
and sworn to serve at the Febru
ary Term, 1915, of -Montgomery
Superior Court, beg leave to sub
mit the following General Pre
We have through a proper
committee examined the court
house and jail, and find the jail
in a neat and sanitary condition,
but find that the court house and
grounds are not kept in as clean
and sanitary condition as they
should be; and recommend that
they be kept in better condition.
We recommend that the court
house outer doors be left unlock
ed, but that the doors to the va
rious rooms and offices be locked
when not in use.
A committee from this body
has examined the county farm,
and report that same was found
in good condition, with the fol
lowing live stock, wagons, imple
ments and feed stuff on same:
Three mules, 39 head of hogs,
4 head of cattle, one 1-horse wag
on, one 2-horse wagon and har
ness, 1 reaper and binder, 1 rake,
1 mower, 1 stalk cutter, 1 hay
press, 1 Acme harrow, 375 bush
els of corn, 25 bales of hay, 50
bushels of peas, 2,5000 bundles
of fodder, 85 bushels of oats.
We have examined the dockets
of the Justices and Notaries
Public of the Tarrytown, Long
pond, Mt. Vernon, Kibbee, Ti
ger, Soperton and Higgston dis
tricts, and find them correct. The
dockets of the Lcthair and Or
land districts were not presented
for examination.
The report of D. M. Currie,
tax collector, of special taxes col
lected, is appended a3 a part of
these general presentments.
We recommend that the law
be changed in reference to the
terms of our superior court, and
that two terms per year be held
instead of four, two weeks each
term, the terms to convene on
the fourth Monday in April and
the fourth Monday in October of
each year.
We have the report of Auditor
F. F. Goddard of the audit made
of the county’s books, and accept
the same. We recommend that
F. F. Goddard be paid balance
due him for his complete and ex
haustive work.
We recommend that the report
made to the County Commission
ers by Mr. Goddard, public ac
countant, being a complete audit
of the county’s affairs, be pub
lished as contracted for by the
retiring board of County Com
missioners, in the Montgomery
Monitor, at one-half of the rate
for legal advertising, same to be
in full, but in no case to exceed
the sum of S3OO.
We recommend that any illegal
fees or commissions collected by
any official, or former official, or
any balance of any kind due by
said officials, be immediately col
lected by the proper authorities.
We recommend that A. I).
Hughes be appointed Notary
Public and ex-officio Justice of
the Peace of the 275th G. M.
We recommend that Annie
White, alias Holton, and children
be allowed to remain at the coun
ty farm, and that they be cared
for until some other disposition
is made of the children.
We recommend that Calsie
Spivey, pauper, be paid the sum
of $8 per month.
We recommend that Milligan's
Creek on the Vidalia and Nail’s
Ferry road be bridged.
We ask that these general
presentments be published in the
Montgomery Monitor, and that
the editor be paid $lO for the
In taking leave of His Honor,
Judge E. D. Graham, we wish to
express our thanks for his courte
sy and explicit directions as to
our work, and hope that his ad
ministration of the judicial affairs
of our county may continue as
heretofore to advance the moral
and material interests of our
To our worthy Solicitor Gener
al, Hon. W. A. Wooten, we ten
der our thanks for his uniform
courtesy to our body, and for his
assistance in our labors at this
term. _
Report Tax Collector.
(Report of D. M. Currie, tax
■collector of Montgomery county,
■to the grand jury, Feb. term,
1915, Special taxes collected to
| date as follows, since last report:
Bank of Alston, corp. SIO.OO
J. B. Brevvton, Insur. ag’t 10.00
Mcßae Bros. & McLemore,
corporation, 10.00
W. A. Peterson, Insur. ag't 10.00
J. W. Hutcheson, Bot. wrks 25.00
One Vaudeville show, name
unknown, 10.00
Total $75.00
Respectfully submitted,
D. M. Currie, T. C.
J. A. Hughes, S. A. Johnson,
Austin Morris, J. E. Fowler,
F. M. Sharpe, J. C. Calhoun,
S. Z. Salter, C. M. Jeans,
W. 11. Moxley.Jr. W. E. Moseley,
E. F. Allmond, H. E. Mathias,
G. W. Sammons, J. T. Walker,
J. J. Moses, H. J. Right,
H. M. Godwin, R. B. Thigpen,
Wm. Calhoun, D. N. Hughes,
G. V. Mason, J. E. Smith,
J. E. Hall, Foreman.
It is ordered by the court that,
the within general presentments
be received and spread upon the
minutes, and that the same be
published and paid for as recom
In open court, Feb. 5, 1915.
E. D. Graham,
Our hearts were made sad on
February 2, 1915, when Mrs.
Alice Calhoun McGahee left us
to join her loved ones in that bet
ter land. We are bowed in sor
row, but not as those who have
no hope. She loved her husband
and in her home all friends ever
found a kindly welcome. We
believe she was the most patient,
uncomplaining sufferer we have
ever seen.
We loved her, and the memory
of her beautiful life will be an
inspiration to us and a blessing
to her loved ones. We thank
God for her life, while we feel
sad because she is not here. We
rejoice because she is “a child of
the King.”
We extend to her loved ones
our heart-felt sympathy. May
the vacancy made their hearts by
her death be filled by the spirit
of God’s love. May they realize
that God doeth all things well.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Mon tgom cry County.
Will be sold before the court lioubc door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Mar , 1916, between
the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for
cash, certain property, of which the following is a
complete description:
All that certain stock of drugs, patent medi
cines, toilet articles, sundries, notions, fixtures
and every other article of merchandise located in
the Rountree building in the City of Uvalda, in
said county and state and in the drug: store stand
of the Moses Drug (k>. Said stock will not !>e ex
posed before the court house, but may I>e inspected
by prospective bidders before sale day at said lo
cation. Levied on and will be sold as the property
of S. L. Moye to satisfy a mortgage; execution
issued from the superior court of said county in
favor of Maude Birch vs S, L. Moye. Property in
possession of defendant. Levy made and returned
to me by A. B. Hester, deputy sheriff, and writ
ten notice of levy given in terms of the law. This
the 2d day of Feb., 1915.
James Hester, Sheriff.
M. B. Calhoun, Atty. for Plff.
Mortgage Sale.
Georgia— Montgomery County.
Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained
in the mortgage executed by Charles Allen to The
Mt. Vernon Bank on the 19th day of April 191.3,
and recorded in the office of the clerk of the Su
perior Conrt of Montgomery eoOnty, in book 34 in
folio 357, the undersigned will sell at public sale,
on the first Tuesday in March, 1915, at the court
house in said county, during the legal hours of
! sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following
j property torwit: All that certain tract or parcel
of land situate, lying and being in the 1567th.
Dist. G. M., said state and county, and bounded as
follows: On the north by lands of Walden; on the
east by lands of J. W. Linder; on the south by
lands of J. W\ Linder and on the west by lands of
T. O. Knrnegay. and containing two (2) acres,
more or less; for the purpose of paying two cer
tain promissory note- bearing date the Ist. day of
February. 1913 and payable on the Ist. day of Nov.
1911, and made and executed by the said Charles
Allen; said notes being for $53.41, principal, each,
, stipulating for interest from maturity at the rate
of h per cent per annum, the total amount due on
said notes boing $106.82, principal, and $11.42, in
terest, together with the cost of this proceeding
as provided in such mortgage.
A conveyance will be executed to the purchaser
by the undersigned, as authorized in the said
mortgage. This the .3rd. day of Feb. 1915.
The Mt. Vernon Bank.
By W, A. Peterson, Cashier.
Oi l A I ION.
Georgia Montgomery County.
The appraisers appointed upon
the application of Henrietta Con
ner, widow of John R. Conner,
deceased, for a 12 months support
for herself and one minor child,
having tiled their return, all
! persons concerned are hereby cited
to show cause, is any thev have,
at the next regular Mar term ol
this court whv said application
should not tie granted.
This the Ist day of Feb , 1915.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary.
Sheriff Sale.
■ Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be Bold lief ore the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Mar., 1915 be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
One certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying
ami being in the 12215 t District G. M. of said
county and stale, containing 50 acres more or loss
ami being carved from the north-east corner of
the Edward Hlackstone grant and bounded as
follws: On the north and enat by lamia of Hers
chel anti Bob Williams and C. L. Waters, on the
south by lands of Aaron Baker, anti on the west
by lands of W. C. McCrimmon. Levied on and
will Ik* sold as the property of C. H. Peterson to
satisfy an execution issued from the superior
court of said county in favor of Aug Wrignt vs C.
H. Peterson. Pointed out by defendant and
written notice of lew given in terms of the law.
This the 2d day of Feb., 1915.
James Hester, Sheriff.
J. B. Geiger, Atty. for Plff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia— Montgomery County.
Will be sold Ik*tore the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Mar., 1915. be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
One certain tract or parcel of land situtte, lying
and being in the 12215 t G M. Dist. of said county
and state, containing 40 acres more or less, and
boumbsl as follows: On the north by lands of 1).
T. Ricks, cast by lands of J. E. B. Hutcheson, on
the south by lands of Mrs. Leona Denso and west i
by lands of Mrs. J. E. B Hutcheson. In the pos
session of Mrs. Leona Dei iso and levied on and i
will be soli! as her property to satisfy an execution
issues! from the superior court of said county in
favor of James Mercantile Co. vs Leona Deri so. ,
Written notice of levy given in terms of the law.
This the 2d day of Feb., 1915.
J lines Hester, Sheriff.
L. C. Underwood, Atty. for Plff.
For Leave to Soil.
Georgia— Montgomery County.
Jerry Phillips, administrator of
the estate of Balaam Phillips, has
in proper form applied to I ln> un
dersigned for leave to sell all
lands belonging to said estate,;
this is therefore to cite all and
singular that said application will
be heard at my office on the first j
Monday m Mar.. 1915. Tins the
Ist day of Feb , 1915.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary.
Dental INotiee.
I have opened a dental office in
Alamo, and am at that point on
Wednesdays and Thursdays of
each week to wait on patrons of
that section.
Dr. E. M. Rackley,
ad Mt. Vernon. Ga.
{;| <:,
\ Annual Bargain Sale Dec. 15th |
Until my stock is exhausted. I
will sell Trimmed Hats, Ready- I
I to-Wear llats and Untrimmed Shapes I
at Actual Cost. Nothing charged '
TSlTear Best Otter $|
|| These Four Firtt'Clais Magazines and Our ■ ■—■——
■ Paper, ALL FIVE ONE YEAR, Only ■
I Woman'. World, 35c yr. Green’. Fruit Grower, 50c yr. Farm Life, 25c yr. Home Life, 25c jrr
111 Five for Abut the Price of
4k #j 0 This is the biggest bargain in the best reading
USIfS Alof§& marter ever (,^rtd *° “ ur subscribers. Itin
w mm 'uf t | U( j eß our paper —the best weekly published
in this part of the state —and the Four Magazines of national prominence
shown above, sample copies of which may be seen at our office.
We have never sold our paper alone at less than a dollar a year.
But on account of the splendid contract we have made with these big
publications we are able to give our readers the four magazines with our
paper, all one year for only $1.25 -just 25 cents more than the
regular price of pur paper alone. •
1 Send us your orders right away, give them to our representative or call
and see us when you are in town. As soon as you see these clean,
beautiful, interesting magazines you will want them sent to your own
home for a year. •
Q-s nr, JUST WHAT IT MMS! 0 4 OR
y | ««-*i &iir ra ; icr arid Thes:Four Standard Macazmes Vg ■
—fiwrirTTii —Tr***- tii-aariiaemaMK
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia-■ Montgomery County.
I Will be told before the court house door in Mount
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Mar.. t 915, Ih»- I
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
: is a full and complete description:
i That tract or parcel of land lying: and lH*ing in
| the Town of Soperton, Montßoinery county, lla.,
and bounded as follows: North by lands of W.
K. Moseley and Georgia street, on the east by
Georgia street and lands of H. E. Ward, on the
, south by lands of R. E. Ward and Mary Jane
, Gillis, and on the west by lands of W. R. Mosley
and Mary Jane Gillis. containing 100 feet fronting
on Georgia street and running back to M. J. Gil
j lis’s line, known as the old Ml. Vernon and Black- 1
ville road a distance of 274 feet on the south-east
! side; thence the Mt. Vernon and Black ville road
j to the W. R. Mosley line, thence the Mosley line
Ito Georgia street. Levied on and will Ik* sold as
the i>roperty of W Mishoe to to satisfy an execu
{ tion issued from the superior court of said county
, in favor of Taylor-Canady Buggy Co. vs W.
Mishoe. Property in the possession of said de
fendant., and written notice of levy given ns re
quired by law. This the 2d day of Feb., 11*15.
James Hester, Sheriff.
J. B. Geiger. Atty. for PlfTs.
Sheriff Stile.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Mar., 11*15, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
The entire nudivided interests in that certain (
tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in j
the 1507th G. M District of said county and state,
containing 200 acres more or less, and bounded a» !
follows: On the north by lands of Marion Phil
lips, on the east by lands ofH. L). Mosley and
Toney Mosley, south bv lands of A. J. Williamson
and on the west by lands of A. J. Williamson, said \
land being in the Tiger District. Levied on and !
will be sold as the property of J. 11. Mosley, Law- i
son Mosley. G. W. Mosley and Rosier Mosley to ,
satisfy an execution issued from the superior |
■ court of said county in favor of C. B. McLeod,
again* said defendants. Written notice of levy j
I given hm required by law. except to J. A. Mosley,
who is dead. This the Srd day of Feb. P*ls.
James Hester, Sheriff. i
j W. L. Wilson. Atty. for Plff.
T. R. Rounds.
I will beat the following places
on the dates named below for the i
purpose of receiving state and
county tax returns for the year
Alston, Feb. 16, 9 to 11 a. m.!
Sharpe’s Spur, “ 15, 2to 4 pnrjj
Higgston, “ 16, Bto llamjj
Pigeon Spring “ 16, 2to 4 p m |
Kibbee, “ 17, Bto 11 a m !
Tarrytown, “ 17, 2to 4 pni j
Soperton, “ 18, Bto 11am j
Orland, “ 18, 2to 4p in j
Lothair, “ 19, Bto 12 am !
Mt. Vernon, “ 20, Bato2 prn j
Longpond, “ 22, Bto 10 amjj
Uvalda, “ 22, 2to 4 pm[j
John G. Morris,
Tax Receiver, j
Atty at laiw,
Mt Vernon, Georgia
A Check Book
I is easier to carry than a wallet tilled j
with currency, silver or gold. It adds
dignity to your transaction and always j;
gives you satisfaction. Checks fire of
no value except to the person in whose
I favor they are drawn. Can you afford |j
to keep your money at home or in your
pocket, when you can have, without ,
expense, a check hook on this bank?
! | CAPITAL, $15,000.00 SURPLUS, $.10,00(100 RESOURCES, $U5,008.00
' Willie T. McArthur, President W. A Peterson, Cashier
; Alux McArthur. Vice-President H. L. Wilt, Assistant Cashier i
f SEciiiiifiL'iiiiß Miufy and!
► J
► ||| tV" |
t These <|iialitics all summed up in the <
X AMERICAN FENCE. See us for \
J prices and place your order at once. .
v *
I Better Able Than jj
I • Ever! |
<1 Our facilities for banking service j|
during the new year cannot be
excelled. A close investigation
invited. Ample means, and the
best service to the public. 9
wywviryyvwvwwwv •as *y V'
President Cashier Vice-Free. y
T. A. Clifton Dr. J. H. Decs A. T. Johnson ? (
John Jay McArthur W. T. Mcßride F. B. Mcßride
J. S. Sharpe Joe W. Sharpe D. S. Williamson
read The monitor