Newspaper Page Text
ItJf»’ .1. -l -W W>-V ♦
Board Refuses to Pay Salary
of Mr. T. J. Parker For
Two Months.
Developments in the contro
versry between the Board of
Commissioners of Roads and Rev
enues of Montgomery county be
tween Mr. C. F. Ferrell, county
convict warden, afid Mr. T. J.
Parker, also employed by the
board as warden, has assumed a;
sensational status.
In a recent hearing before the
State Prison Commission, both
Mr. Ferrell and Mr. Parker being 1
contestants for the place, the!
former won the decision, and will j
continue to serve as warden, a
position filled by him for a num
ber of years. Mr. Parker having
been employed by the Board at
the Jauuary meeting, and being
under contract, removed his fam
ily here, prepared to asume his
Since the first of the year —
and in fact, prior to that time —
the matter has been agitated by
friends of both parties, M. Fer
rell continuing his duties as war
den and Mr. Parker relying on
his contract with the Board and
awaiting developments. Charges
against Mr. Ferrell were not sus
tained by the Prison Commission,
and the hearing before that body
has brought very clearly to the !
public mind the fact that a county
convict warden is amenable to
the state, as well as the county,
for his official acts; and that local
laws cannot supercede general
state laws governing any subject.
Mr. Parker, under his contract
with the County Commissioners,
on Tuesday presented a bill for
his salary for the months of Jan
uary and February. This, it is
understood, was flatly refused
by the Commissioners. Just
what action will now be taken
by Mr. Parker cannot be said at
this time; however, it is under
stood that he will, by legal pro
cess seek redress from the coun
ty, either a suit for his salary or
damages sustained. Mr. Parker
formerly worked for Toombs
Thus, as has been pointed out
by The Monitor from time to
time, the prolongation of politi
cal controversies is expensive to
the county. The tax payers pay
the bills.
Times Will
Get Better
If you will buy your Turn Plows jj
from us.
We handle the Syracuse Line.
They are from 5 cents to SI.OO jj
cheaper on repairs.
See us for seed peanuts, flat or j:
Spanish. Seed Irish Potatoes.
IH. V. Thompson & Bros.
Dr. Mcßae Recovering.
The many friends of Dr. Chas.
D. Mcßae, of Rochelle, represen
tative in the legislature from
Wilcox county, will be pleased to
learn that he is rapidly con
valescing from his recent serious
illness. Several weeks ago,
while attending a patient in Wil
cox county, Dr. Mcßae was
stricken with temporary paraly
sis. He has been a patient at
the Piedmont Sanitarium in At
lanta several days. —Atlanta
In the Federal Court.
Savannah, Ga., Mar. 1. —Ow-
ing to the illness of Mr. Dan E.
Mcßae, of Mt. Vernon, one of
the jurors in the case of the gov
ernment against Mi - . R. W. Dur
den and others, officials of the
defunct Fire Insurance Company
of Brunswick, a mistrial was de
clared. Mr. Mcßae was ill at
the De Soto Hotel with an attack
of la grippe.
Because a settlement has been
agreed upon in the case of Mrs.
Savannah P. Edwards, now a
resident of Alabama, against W.
C. McCrimmon of Montgomery
county, to recover damages for
killing her husband, Judge Speer
passed the case for settlement.
Messrs. Adams & Adams of Sa
vannah are attorneys for Mrs.
Adams, and Mr. W. L. Wilson of
Mt. Vernon represents Mr. Mc-
Colored Teachers’ Institute.
An institute for the Colored
teachers of Montgomery and
Toombs counties will be held at
Vidalia during the wepk begin
ning Monday, March 8, 1915. On
Thursday of the same week, a
conference for the trustees of the
colored schools and the colored
i farmers of the two counties will
be held at Vidalia. The institute
and conference will be under the
supervision of Hon. Geo. D. God
ard, Special Rural School Super
visor for Georgia. All the colored
teachers of Montgomery county
will be expected to attend the in
stitue the full week, and the
trustees and farmers are urged
to attend the . conference on
Thursday, March 11th.
A. B. Hutcheson, C. S. C.
Dental Notice.
I have opened a dental office in
Alamo, and am at that point on
j Wednesdays and Thursdays of
each week to wait on patrons of
| that section.
Dr. E. M. Rack ley,
| ad Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Mr. A. M. Anderson.
Andrew Marcus Anderson was
born Dec. 13, 1855, in Jefferson
county, Ga., near Wrens, and
there he continued to live till the
latter part of Dec., 1902, when
he moved to Montgomery county,
to that part which is now Wheel
er, where he made his home till
the time of his death, which oc
curred Feb. 10, 1915.
He was married t > Miss Lantie
Perdue Jan. 10, 187(5. To this
union were born four children all
of whom are living and married
—Mrs. W. H. Perdue, Alamo;
Alvin Anderson, Laurens county;
Lindsay Anderson and Harvie
Anderson, Wheeler county.
Mr. Anderson was a quiet, so
ber, industrious, honest gentle
man. He was an affectionate 1
husband and father, providing
out of his honest labor for the
support and comfort of his fami
ly, a useful citizen, and a good
neighbor, never interfering with
the business of those in whose
alfairs he had no concern, and
never saying anything about his
neighbors unless it was some
thing good. Such excellent traits
of character and habits of life
made for him many friends and
no enemies.
Besides his wife and four chil
dren, he leaves to mourn his loss
seventeen grand children, a moth
er 87 years old, one brother, Mr.
Merritt, Anderson, and four sis
ters, Miss Lon a Anderson, Mrs.
James Russell, Mrs. Joseph Stap
leton and Mrs. Will Gay.
J. D. Rabun.
Locals To Play Fast Team
From Savannah
The basket-ball team repre
senting the Savannah High
School will journey over to Mt.
Vernon next Saturday for a game
with Brewton-Parker Institute.
The visitor- lay claim to a long
string of victories and few de
feats and Brewton-Parker to a
longer string of victories and
fewer defeats, therefore it is a
foregone conclusion that the
game to be seen here next Satur
day will be a game worth seeing.
The local quintet was never in
better shape and although they
realize the size of the task ahead
of them, they have every expec
tation of placing the big end of
i the score on the 8.-P. f. side of
| the ledger. Brewton-Parker has
lost only one game during tie
! season and with just reason, lay.
claim to the Open Door Cham
pionship of the state. The one
lost game was with Dublin, (17-
15) on their court while in the
return game at Mt. Vernon the
locals were victorius by the tune
of 54-14. In match games the
locals have thrown a total of 123
field goals while their opponents
have made only 29 successful
passes at the basket.
On Thursday afternoon next
the fast team from Losust Grove
will play the Brewton-Parker
team here for the Championship
of Open-Door Court of the state.
This will close the season for
Brewton-Parker. Admission, 25
The Brewton-Parker
I list it ute
and Grammar School
At Home
Saturday, April ‘2 Ith.
The Second Animal
Montgomery (’minty
School Contest
and Fair.
To Fertilizer Buyers.
The Soperton Guano Company
announces that they are prepared
to sell a limited amount of their
well known fertilizers this season
and suggest that their customers
call and get prices, etc., at an
early date. No salesmen or
agents will be employed this
season. ad
To the Patrons of
The Grammar School.
Does the teacher owe your
child more than she is giving
hsrri? Go to see her about it.
Do you owe her for what she has
given him? Don’t wait for her
to come to see you see that it
is paid. X.
T. It. Rounds.
I will beat the following places
on the dates named below for the
purpose of receiving state and
county tax returns for the year
Alston, March 15, 8 to 11 a m
Sharpe Spur, “ 15, 2to 4pm
Geo. W. Mclntyre’s at night.
McGregor, March l(i, 9 to 11 a m
Higgston “ 16,'2t0 4pm
Arch Jackson’s at night.
Pigeon Springs,Mar. 17, 9 to 11 a
Kibbee, March 17, 2 to 4 p m
Tarrytown, “ 18, Btoll a m
Zaidee, “ J ts, 2 to 4 p m
Soperton, “ 19, 8a to 4pm
M. L. O’Brien’s at night.
Orland, March 20, 9 to 12 am
Barnhill’s store “ 22, 9 to 11 am
Lothair, “ 22, 1 to 8, pm
Jas. VV. Adams’ at night.
Mt. Vernon, March 24, 8 to 12a rn
Ailey, “ 2d, 2to 4 p m
F. B. Mcßride’s at night.
Longpond, March 24, 9to 11 arn
Uvalda, “ 24, 2to 4 p m
Charlotte, “ 25, Btolo a m
• John G. Morris,
Tax Receiver,
No Necessity for Butchering
Any Commonwealth
Into Giblets.
Them is very little uniformity
in the size or other characteris
tics of the American county. l!
! means something entirely diflV-r
--ent from the English county
! which will average 1,000 square
miles and a population of 300,000.
The smallest county in the lim
ited States is Bristol county,
Rhode Island, which covers 25
square miles. The largest is Gus
ter county, Montana, which em
braces 20,490 square miles. The
smallest in population is, or was
ten years ago, Brown county.
Texas, which had four inhabit
ants. The largest is New York
county, which contains between
two and three millions. Bcfor'-
Nevada was made a state it was
Nevada county of the Utah ter
ritory, covering over 100,000
square miles.
There is no question that in a
number of states counties might
be much fewer than they are
with advantage to everybody
concerned, unless, perhaps, the
office holders. We can make
this statement because in pro
portion to population Massachu
setts has a less number than any
other state, and except for topo
rgapical conditions they would
be fewer still. Boston Tran
Miss Edna Lee Brewton a stu
dent of B. P. I. at Mt. Vernon
spent Sunday and Monday at
home with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, J. B. Brewton. Claxton
Col. J. B. Geiger was attend
ing to legal matters in Alamo
jon .Monday.
A Pleasant AIT, r.
Quite an interesting event
the atTair given on Friday (•
ing last at the Mi thouist pin -
age by members of iiu ,
League. There was a l.ny,
sembly of young p r \ n, .
coming from out <>i’ P • , o.
'An impromtu n v
rendered, some ch.u • r
ings being given by M ■
pier and Willis of tin
Parker Institute, and b !
music was rendered <!
evening by Misses
risen and McQueen.
Morrison also gave -.ome clu.
ing solos.
Later in the evening tl >
cions lunches prepared ! v
girls were sold. Mrs. ivmg
assisted in disposing of the 1 <>■
and in entertaining by All .
B. Hutcheson and Mr . C
Wright. Quite a ; - ; ,igi v
was realized, which will be n
for church purposes.
Mr. C. F. Ferrell
Writes a Ca ...
To the State Prison Oommi
and the Citizens of Men
ery County:
1 wish to express my thunk?
the gentlemen compos >g
State* Prison Board I* r i
prompt act ion compleU ly i
ating me in the recent ‘ui I
to secure my*distni? al
warden of Montgnua i■. V
by brining charm say -e r
I appreciate al! the mor>-
action they have taken n r
ing the charges and retain
in view of the I :.ct. I ini '
has had authority m d ■
to review my acts and work
twenty years past..
To the citizens oi i'dont oi
county, repaid!y of y
factions, I wish to e>.|
thanks for your Uindne .-, to ,
and to rny fri* nds for uphol
the justness of my cau '<
gret that a mere polk w d co
should have l> ; ■•o
me, forcing me to ■ d
and money in del'* tun of i
name and r<- : . o
plam letter of the state
But, assuring the :
and those directly r ! ,, (
that ! am still servin'' me
an honest purpi to do t
and to give you tin I i
possible, and wishing i n
and real progn .s to iMor i; or.
county, I remain
Yours t*< spec* f 'll”,
C. F. F'
County War-'
H Roadster Touring w
| $765 1 S7BO |
g? Delivered * Delivered
*2 f- ■
b'J .
U S-J' -■ i f t
; 1 . j
1/ i
1 Maswt.ll 1 . Fully tj
<4 n 1 ' S 3
ti s-' *-r
£4 JLy - -t> wOl x*
g? ~ ' K‘
l’i<* loin, VenCuded Windshield j§J
$ k 2 I'll it ( ' I’dy w Slk Mohair Top
H I )a\'is Sr! •( , APy J.-Vik: Front Scat
pf Electric 1/ IvU Crown Moulded
& with Dimmer Fenders M,
$ Attachments Tire Holder |
A Car Built for Ii„ Power, Com- j|
fort, Durability. f ■ ration see
| HcR : Hicks * J
|| Distributors -J GA.
i ,::s crossed
/ loth: r Citizen Demanding
i. of on Important
'!’ tb :Mi tor of The Montgomery
.Monitor: —
\ would like to take permis
on to ask you why you have
n i c:o- d out, your contract
the ex-commissioners of
ry county? The min
u i hat burly will doubtless
if. t the old board con
d with you to pul lish the
-.ii'or' report in full. Wo would
f r \ u to state to the public
v. !v "ii do not publish this mat
ter, ns the public has been wait
in for it. A knowledge of the
it \s a Hairs will relieve the
ods of the people. Let th»in
,\ i.iiough the columns of
: r why the report is not
J.iisbo 1. —Citizen.
['he Mo itor stated in a recent
■ ■ili the report had not been
, s cent racted for, on
•oili : of till having received
•p for- me, A contract
Me jointly with old and
i rd ■ [or this work, in
• a f ith, and opposition
a' !v developed to
, 'ln' Monitor has
i v *ry honorable and
k ■ < f ri to secure an
• '..;h i! • Board, that a
h.; viug t ! eir official
M I n (Titi .‘d into, but
o ii i ,i'.all. I d matter was
thoroi! lily thrashed
■hi oar grand jury,
• a.i "mintion from that
<■> d its publication, the
lo exceed S2OO. This
. oby the paper, and
i. p i , .oe the brazen-face
; in which The Monitor was
as having charged
SIOOO for the work,
■.«.!< Jed, and some of the
ii. The source of the
a is too clear for fur
ion, and the cause
1 for concealment.
,t a , i ' utnot publish this
"toil it is; regularly
v Oil the copy, with a
■ t v'ilhout strings and side
Tin Goirmii.l. loners can
1■ 1 1 o a cord race for this
d they g'-t new orders.
■ cr< sed and trallic
-for the present. In
, the allies have
1 i c .»cements, with vic
t.or.y oi sight.
NO. 4 7