Newspaper Page Text
j i, it Hu' I'onfofllfi In Mt. Vernon. Ga. m Hecond-G’laiw Mail Matter.
H. H. i 01. SOM, Editor and Owner. $i a Year, in Advance.
• « 1,. . , . :v»i;i" mi uti* mint! Invariably bapaid in advance, at the lfctral rate, and aa the law
■ .. , • n.t In- in hand nut later than Wtdneaday mornlriK of the Aral week of inaertion
Modnt Vernon, Ga.. Thursday Morning, March, 18, 1915.
dive the European war credit
f >r being the greatest of all farm
It is to be regretted that every
teacher in Montgomery county
cannot attend every meeting of
tl. • monthly meetings held here.
A tociafion for mutual benefit is
a great uplift.
With 200 hoys in the corn club
and a packing plant that is at
tracting ..ttention all over the
South, Colquitt county is putting
on some airs, and getting the
biggest slice of advertising now
An eloquent Savannah minister
took for his subject Sunday night
“From the Hog Pen to the Man
sion.” Hundreds of Georgia
people are busy getting the hog
ready to take the trip next winter
at about fifteen cents per pound.
Lincoln Heat-hoy, aviator, giv
ing an exhibition flight at the
Panama-Pacific exposition on
Sunday, fell 7,000 feet to his
death in San Francisco Hay. He
had boasted before that twenty
million people had seen him (ly.
Such is fame.
In the past few weeks the pa
pers have chronicled the death
of many of Georgia’s saintly old
women, ranging in age from 70
to 90 years. The records do not
show that a single one of them
ever shufik-d a deck of cards or
kicked up her heels in a tango or
Governor-elect Harris will at
tend the Confederate reunion in
Richmond, Va., in June and sev
eral veterans will go along with
his party. The old boys will
doubtless have a grand time, and
the old s'tigan of the troublous
days, “On to Richmond,” will be
brought vividly back to memory.
When Congress and the Geor
gia legislature do their best for
the farmer be will still find that
he must depend upon his own
Lain and muscle for paying re
sults. There are thousands of
men in this country who do not
succeed because they spend more
thought on avocations not their
A Chinese maid named Yooh
N’goo Tsoheng Wu, known in
plain English as "Lady of the
Moon,” and Timothy Ting Fang
Lew. probably meaning the
“Gentleman from Mars,” both
having originally resided in and
around Atlanta, were married in
New York recently. It is but
reasonable to suppose that the
sun ami seven stars will be rep
resented I ‘er in the family.
We publish from time to time
suggestions as to saving meat,
because we know this is a matter]
of great importance. With all
the cold weather of the past win
ter. considerable meat spoiled in;
this section. When a few dollars!
spent for material to construct a
farm refrigerator and buy a block j
or two of ice would prevent this >
great loss, it really looks like our
people would see the economy of 1
being independent of changes in
the temperature.
A far greater amount of vege
tables. that annually go to waste
in this country, would be put up
for home use if it were not for
the idea that eur people have that
the process is one of mystery and
very expensive. As a matter of
fact the canning process is a very
simple one, and canning outfits
may bo had for almost nothing.
You should write the state de
partment of Agriculture. Atlanta,
or the federal department at
Washington for free bulletins on
canning. i
► Gleanings From 3
£ Wisdom’s Field. 3
Hrunswick lianner: —Needn’t
be chuckling just because Con
gress has adjourned. We will
soon have the state legislature.
Lyons Progress:—We have of
ten wondered why some fertilizer
factory in Georgia has not bought
that stretch of sand ridge on the
least side of the Ohoopee river.
There’s enough sand there to run
any featilizer factory in Georgia
until Gabriel blows his horn.
Atlanta Journal:—Even the
Republicans have to admit that
the present administration is the
best that could be on the iob just
Pembroke Enterprise:— See
here, Mr. Farmer, keep cotton
out of the ground this year.
Plant something you can eat and
he sure to have hogs to make
your meat and lard. This is on
ly advice, but sometimes it pays
to take advice.
Valdosta Times: —There will
come a time when the nation that
goes to war will be arrested for
disorderly conduct by the inter
national police.
Adel News:—Today it is said
the allies are winning “on land
and sea.” But tomorrow the
dispatches may say that Germany
and Austria are winning on
“earth and in the sky.”
Savannah Press:—The chief of
stall' of the army has left Wash
ington to go to Utah to talk to
the unfriendly Indians. He leaves
the headquarters of the pie hun
ters to talk to the head of the
Darien Gazette:—An effort is
being made in the legislature to
bring on the inauguration of the
governor soon after his election.
This matter, of course, will have
to be endorsed by the small poli
Laurens Citizen:-The demo
crats are only following a pre
cident inaugurated by the re
publicans in appropriating a
billion dollars each year. It is
therefore unbecoming the repub
licans to kick about it.
Claxton Enterprise:—Now that
the farmers of the county have
organized a farmers’ club, let us
folks of Claxton get together and
organize a board of trade.
Atlanta Constitution:—Mr. Mc-
Adoo’s appendix has been re
moved. Some of his admirers
claim he performed the same op
eration on Wall street when he
engineered the new currency
Swainsboro Forest-B 1a d e:—
More politics are being talked
around town than you can shake
a stick at. If all run who are
talking about it there will be a
crowd in the running. Let the
good work go on.
Tattnall Journal:—There are
more members in the pig club of
Tattnall county this year than
ever before. All are buying reg
istered stock and it would ap
pear that an era of live-stock
raising is about to dawn for our
Savannah News;—Some per
sons are in the habit of seeing
politics in everything Secretary
McAdoo does. Will they think '
he had his appendix removed;
merely to catch the vote of that
big army of Americans who have
lost their appendices?
Greensboro Herald-Journal:—;
Love thy neighbor as thy self,
but pick your neighbor—and be
isure she isn’t a widow.
T. It. Rounds.
I will be at the following places
on the dates named below for the
purpose of receiving state and
county tax returns for the year
Alston, March 15, 8 to 11 a m
Sharpe Spur, “ 15, 2to 4pm
Geo. W. Mclntyre’s at night.
McGregor, March 16, 9 to 11 a m
Higgston ” 16, 2t04 pm
Arch Jackson’s at night.
Pigeon Springs, Mar. 17, 9 to 11 a
Kibbee, March 17, 2 to 4pm
Tarry town, “ 18. Btoll a m
Zaidee, “ 18, 2t04 p m
Soperton, ” 19, Bato 4p m
M. L. O’Brien’s at night.
Orland, March 20, 9 to 12 a m
Barnhill’s store ” 22, 9 to 11 am
Lothair, ”22, 1 to 3, pm
Jas. W. Adams’ at night.
Mt. Vernon, March 23, 8 to 12am
Ailey, “ 23, 2to 4pm
F. B. Mcßride’s at night.
Ivongpond, March 24, 9 to 11 a m
Uvalda, “ 21, 2to 4 pm
Charlotte, ” 25, Btolo a m
John G. Morris,
Tax Receiver,
For Long Term Farm
I am negotiating some very
attractive Long Term Farm Loans
for the best companies doing bus
iness in Georgia, with lowest rates
of interest and the most liberal
terms of payments
I have several years experience
in the loan business, am located
at the county site and believe that
I am in position to give you the
best terms and as prompt services
as any one.
If vou need a loan see me before
A. B. Hutcheson,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
If your Piano is worth anything,
it is worth EXPERT TUNING.
Any other kind will ruin it. I
have a diploma, and guarantee
all work. Write, and I will call.
Charles L. Hamilton,
Blacksmith & Repair
All Classes of Repair Work Work
Quickly and Correctly Done.
Bring Me Your Work.
j Loans of any amount from S3OO to $50,000 on farms in Mont-
i gomery and adjoining counties. No delays for inspection, i
Have lands examined by a man living near you.
| LOANS ON FIVE YEARS TIME, payable in easy installments to jjj
| - &
j suit borrower.
j a
Merchants Bank Building M ellae, Ga. 1
■ §
Majority of Friends Thought Mr.
Hughes Would Die, But
One Helped Him to
Pomeroyton, Ky.—ln Interesting ad
vices from this place, Mr. A. J. Hughes
writes as follows: “1 was down with
stomach trouble for five (5) years, and
would have sick headache so bad, at
times, that I thought surely 1 would die.
1 tried different treatments, but they
did not seem to do me any good.
I got so bad, I could not eat or sleep,
and all my friends, except one, thought I
would die. He advised me to try
Tbediord's Black-Draught, and quit
(» Per Cent. Money.
A few applications for loans
on choice city or country property
in Montgomery county desired at
once. Interest at 6 per cent.,
payable annually or semi-annual
ly. Five year loans. See me at
Ailey, Ga.
Free Flower Seed.
Hastings’ Catalogue
Tel’s You About It
If you are engaged in farming, or
If you plant only vegetables or flow
ers, you cannot afford to be without
the big catalogue published fresh and
new every year by the great South
ern seed house, H. G. Hastings &
Company, of Atlanta. Ga, and sent ab
solutely free, postage paid, to all who
write for it, mentioning the name of
this newspaper.
In this catalogue we tell you of a
splendid offer of free flower seed to
all our customers, five magnificent
varieties that mean beauty about your
home and a pleasura to wives and
daughters that nothing else can give.
This catalogue tells you, too,- about
our big cash prize offer to the Corn
Club boys of your state. It tells all
about our fine yielding varieties of
corn and cotton —the kind we grow on
our own 3,200 acre farm. It tells
about the best seeds of all kinds for
planting in the South. It should be
In every Southern home. Write to
day and let us send it to you. —H. G.
HASTINGS & CO., Atlanta, Ga.—Advt.
L . W. BUSH,
Dental Surgeon,
Offices 2d Floor Bank of Soperton Building
Sopertor, via
The Barrels Y
and Lugs cf |
Steves 1
Double and Single Earre' 1
are •op-forgtd in Cl
one piece, fdaue of ■
AKtST. Compare R
iy where near the B
ALI i Y throughout.
' F
famous lit* . ... B
tfh* If you cannot obtain STEVENS from your. B
dealer-let us know, anil we will hip direc . e. v .* B
press prepaid, upon receipt of Catalog Brice.
; P. O. Bo.SOOS,
taking other medicines. I decided to
take his advice, although I did not have
any confidence in it.
I have now been taking Black-Draught
for three months, and it has cured me—
haven't had those awful sick headaches
since I began using it.
I am so thankful for what Black-
Draught has done for me.’’
Thedford’s Black-Draught has been
found a very valuable medicine for de
rangements of the stomach and liver. It
is composed of pure, vegetable herbs,
contains no dangerous ingredients, and
acts gently, yet surely. It can be freely
used by young and old, and should be
kept in every family chest
Get a package today.
Only a quarter.
. nmm» ttttttttttttttttttttttttt •
l <
[ Your Farm Lands i
l~ i !
► Will iav vou more turned into cash.
» 1 # <
► This vc can do for you. last your *
► property wtih us for sale—we will find «
* a buyer for you. Whether you want •
► to buy or sell, we can handle the deal 4
>• 4
l to your advantage and get results, on <
► farm or city property in this county 2
i> 4
► O' *in to ;fh with us. We are in position to supply it on *
► s > ct n *><., ... on very agreeable terms. We have good 4
► meet inns wi: the big firms that want to lend money to 4
z t : 1 armors of M eitgornery county. Drop in and talk the *
* rum; r ovi r with us. We can do the business to suit you. 4
l 1
t :
E :
* auiuii aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa* «
| Better Able Than |
I ' Ever! |
M Our facilities for banking service ®
| during the new year cannot be
excelled. A close investigation
| invited. Ample means, and the
|j best service to the public.
X vwyvv vvvvyvTvvvvvvvvv
PiwMent Cashier Vice-Pres. d|S^
T. A. C'iifton - Dr. J. H. Dees A. T. Johnson
John Ja\ McArthur W. T. Mcßride F. B. Mcßride
J. S. Sharpe Joe W. Sharpe D. S. Williamson
j! A Check Book
ir> easier to carry than a wallet filled ||
with ( urrciicy, silver or gold. It adds jj
dignity to your transaction and always j!
ij gives you satisfaction. Checks are of jj
ino yaiue except to the person in whose | ;
Ifavor they are drawn. Can you afford ij
!to keep your money at home or in your |j
pocket, when you can have, without *
<! expense, a check book on this bank? jj
IK' rwr: w wvv vw vv vvvw vj!
ft. ; io! :.:m, mt. vernon, ga. jj
; C M’H .5 SIR I LL’S, 530.000.00 RESOURCES, $145,006.00 j I
Pr- '• ir?nt W. A. Peterson, Cashier j !
! 1 ' v ’ ’ . . V•, •-{*. -it r.t H. L. Wilt, Assistant Cashier j!
4 w» »»■ VM.>- I I