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* %
w®®m®M®w&®?@w. "©M'sw ipiiww SALE—-—--—!
I The Great War and Panic Sale of I
i t
\ Begins MARCH 12 j
f - £
# # *■
Spring is nearing, but we still have on hand a large supply of Clothing, Shoes, Dry Goods and Notions, which WE £
% MUST SELL. We are overstocked. The war and the uncertainty of the times have been the cause of our failure to &
* calculate our demand and supply. We must get out of this difficulty, and can do so only by placing our enormous stock *
| Slaughter Reduction of 25 to 50 per |
1 Cent, on the Dollar |
* 1
* We must help YOU, in order to help ourselves. Can we offer you a more convincing argument than the fabulous £
% slaughter prices you sec below?
jjj wr
5 Large assortment of Calicos sc. Forty per cent Reduction on Ready- Our Dry Goods at great Sacrifice. *
•5* Choice Checked Homespuns to go at sc. to-Wear Ladies’ Furnishings, Skirts and Placed at the mercy of the public. J
J SI.OO Overalls to go in this sale at 78c. Petticoats-—Splendid Line. j v e}| j s j. m( | KO id f or . . ~ )C 4t
Handkerchiefs will he offered at »>C. . 10c Sheeting will be handed to you for only 71-2 cents.
% Paper of I trass Dross Pins for only .‘to. , Kegardlwsof the {Treat mcrease ... . , r
5 1 J the wholesale cost of Shoes, we will sell 1 ( Bitacnmg at tm sa\ mg pi ice m, #
* Clothing, latest Styles. out our large supply at much below the t
j* Easter Supply already in. cost. S,i\e 111 )11( y Oil til St p * 12 l-2c Ticking will be slaughtered in this sale at 8 l-2c.* £
- $.‘1.78. /.• , r
Mens Suits for- 12.50. 3.50 Shoes and Oxfords for-- - 2.78. L „ lfl £
* Men 8 § mts l or ' 3.00 Shoes and Oxfords for-- - 2.38. 0c Ginghams for .... 7 l-2c. #-
j* 1 ?‘? ( H en , s § u ! ts l or - * - ’ £.50. 2.50 Shoes and Oxfords for-- - 1.98. 12 l-2c Ginghams at - - - 8 l-2c.
T 8.00 Men s Suits for .... 5.50. 000 and Oxfords for-- - 148 10c Outing has been cut down to only - - Be. ,v
i . f r: *,o«ti„g toy « uin a*«u t *,■«« t ««. t
* finest Assostinent of Ladies Coat Our line of Shoes is extensive. All „ r , , _ . £
$ Suits and Cloaks. makes and leathers in Men's, La,lies' We wl " «'«« o" 1 ,mr m,,st ,ilsl '- %
* $15.00 Coat Suits now selling for-- $7.50. and Children’s Shoes and Oxfords. ionable Dress Goods at these prices: *
12.50 Coat Suits.selhng for oniy - - 6.50. #1.25 Dress Goods at .... 85c. *
* 12.50 Ladies C oaks are to be sacrificed at only 6.50. Men’s Hats and Caps. 1.00 Dress Goods at .... 73c. £
* 10-00 Ladies Coaks for the extremely low price of 5.50. A 1 75 c Dress Goods at .... 43c. £
* 8.00 Ladies C oaks will be closed out at on.y 4.50. , , /11 L\ |Sifpl , O imT| l v 50c Dress Goods at .... 37c. £
7.00 Ladies Cloaks are yours for the small sum of 3.70. JjaiCsl oiyiCS tllKl DOIOI 8. IjUSMI nuppiy. 35c and 25c Dress Goods at - -23 c and 19c **’
, , T , .. .. $3.50 and $3.00 Ws for particular purchasers at *2.38-$1.98 15c Dress Goods at extreme bargain price of 9c. £
-* Same Extraordinary Bargains in s2.soand #2OO Hats for-- -si.7B-si4B. ~ r . m ,i r lol . \\ o u\ Sim-K <,t 4‘V * Tk- t
Overcoats, Men’s Punts, Boys’ Suits and «-50and51.25 Hat.for - - - «*»dw* ok. and •»()<, Men s Shuts at 4.0. & d.k.. *
% Knee Pants. Men’s, Boys’ and Children’s Caps 81.25 and 81 Dress Shirts, 80c and 79c.
Worth 50c, 25c to be sold at 39c and 19c. 50c, 35c and 25c 50c Men’s Underwear for your economical buyers at 39c.
TA/. Tti'siaoswa Ew QQ Suspenders and Belts, at 39c, 23c and 19c. Ties worth 50c, 25c, 15c 10c Socks and Stockings for 19c, 9c, and 7c. 10c Jl.
J /t>e umiclren SU I esses lor only c. 35c and 25c, now going at 39c, 23c and 19c. Towels for 7c. J
Our policy is mutual assistance. In these times of war the whole country stands in doubtful ignorance of w hat to ox- #
i peet tomorrow. The export markets are closed. Cotton is at its lowest. But the necessities of life we must have. Will j
you still hesitate to come over and take advantage of the limitless opportunities we are offering you now, to provide your- £
self with what you must have in our line, at slaughter prices that have no equal in the history of merchandise.-' j
t £
f A. SEGALL, Mt. Vernon, Ga. j
* * ♦