The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, March 18, 1915, Image 4

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Mrs. R. L. Atkinson of Way
cross arrived Tuesday evening,
to visit the families of Mrs. W.
H. McQueen and I). W. and H.
B. Folsom.
Judge J. B. Geiger returned
Tuesday evening from a few
days’ business trip to Savannah.
Millinery now ready. We so
licit your business on a style, ser
vice and price basis, and want'
you to put us to the test.
J. H. Hudson, Ailey.
Messrs, R. W. Cone, Tom;
Spivey and Dock Davis and Mas
t r Aubrey Davis of the Orland
section were among Mt. Vernon
visitors Saturday.
A nice line of Spring Dress
Goods just in. Also special bar
gains in Ladies’ Spring Under
wear. J. H. Hudson, Ailey.
Talks up the Town.
Editor Monitor:
1 appreciate the honor of call
ing Mt. Vernon my home. I was
on a train a few days ago and j
overheard this remark: "Mt. Ver
non is one of the best towns I ev- !
er-knew. You can go thereat
any time and every one seems to I
1)0 attending to his own affairs.”'
Every one that has ever had a
compliment fully realizes how I
felt so proud of my town.
Yes, he was right, this is a
good town, and every one attends
strictly to his own affairs, and
then, too, we have so many ad
vantages here to be proud of.
We have the best preparatory
school in the South. Three nice
churches, large, well behaved
and very attentive congregations.
Another and the best of all is the
people. You know the church,
town and everything else depend
on the people; and we sure can
boast on our local people.
We must always bear in mind
what it takes to make a good
town. It is education, refinement,
culture, religion, and law-abiding
citizens, and we sure have that
mixture here; and there is noth
ing to keep it from living up to
the reputation it bears far and
near, and that is "Mt. Vernon is
tar above the average town.”
We so often hear this remark and
we certainly must appreciate it.
They are not a people to make a
great demonstration over any
thing, being of Scotch descent,
that is not their way, but when
you sound them they are true
blue to the core. They have been
tried and are not found wanting.
In time of need and distress their
sympathy and help tire freely
given. We hope to accomplish
some good while here, and live
not our lives in vain, but
leave our footprints on the sands
of Mt. Vernon, and may the sweet
fragrance of a Christian life, full
of loving deeds for the Master,
cling close to the hearts of Mt.
Vernon people, and when our
work on earth is done, and we
reach the home not made with
hands, may we bo able to say,
"Lord. I am glad you let me
live, work and die among those
good people in dear old Mt. Ver
non." Resident.
In the District Court of the Unit
ed States for the Southern Dis
trict of G ■ rgta, Eastern Divis
In the mat Dr * f K F. Findley,
Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy.
To the creditors of K F. Fiud
-1«-v, a farmer, of Lyons, Ga., in
1 lie County of Toombs and dist
net aforesaid. bankrupt:
Notice is hereby given that on
th** Sth day ot Slur., A. D. 1915,
tli >&! vc named party was duly
adjudicat'd a bankrupt, and that!
1 1>- first meeting of his creditors I
will b*‘ held at the office of th*
IP f. iv> iii Bankruptcy, K**al Es
ta'< Building, Savannah, Ga , on |
th * 27th day ol Mar., 1915. at li-J
o’clock, noon, city time, at w hich |
tiui** the said creditors may at- 1
tend, prov** tlnur claims, appoint j
it trustee, * xamin« tin* bankrupt
an i Iran.-.i l such other business
a- may pi p* rly come before said
Savannah, Ga., Mar. 11, 1915.
Referee in Bankruptcy.;
L. J. Cowart, attorney tor tank-,
Children’s School Dresses and
Boys’ Rompers at bargain prices.
See J. H. Hudson, Ailey.
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Wood and
children of Macon are here visit
ing relatives for a week.
Rev. R. D. Gentry of Eastman
will preach here at the Methodist
church on the fourth Sunday,
March 28th.
Mr. H. J. Wright has been
hauling quite a lot of cotton from
his farm to the depot this week.
Messrs. L. C. Underwood, R.
S. McLendon and G. V. Mason
left yesterday for Adrian, where
they attended the district Odd
Fellows convention.
For Sale Some good young
mules. A. B. Hutcheson, Mt.
Vernon, Ga. 2-16tf
Resolutions of Respect
On Death of Prof. Bacon.
(Passed by Orianna High
School Board and forwarded by
L. 0. Moseley.)
In a recent meeting of the
Board of Education of the Ori
anna High School, the following
resolutions were passed upon the
death of Prof. E. D. Bacon,
principal of the school:
Inasmuch as that grim monster,
death, has taken from our midst,
our dear friend and co-worker in
the interest of education, in the
person of Edmund David Bacon,
whose devotion to his duty, and
his friends endeared him to all,
be it therefore resolved:
Ist, That we bow in humble
i submission to the dispensation of
Divine Providence, and say as a
I school board of the Orianna High
School, of which he was our be
loved Principal.
"Lord thy will be done.”
2d, That we as a school board
and as individuals, ever cherish
his memory, and imitate his ex
ample of untiring energy and love
of all educational, and Christian
works, always lending a helping
hand and preferring others to
Jd. That we extend to his be
reaved family our most heartfelt
sympathy in this their great
sorrow, and pray God to lighten
their heavy burden, and impress
upon the Biblical truth: "He
doeth all things well for them
that love Him.”
4th, That a copy of this be re
corded in the minutes, sent to
the Dublin Courier-Herald, Mont
gomery Monitor and Americus
Times-Recorder, with a request
that they be published, also that
a copy be sent to the bereaved
family of the deceased.
J. E. Page
J. A. Youngblood
E. A. Avery
Arnold Thigpen
W. J. Dent, Jr.
J. A. Curry
Board of Education of Orianna
High School, Orianna, Ga.
Orianna, Ga., March 4, 1915.
It Paid Him to Marry.
The superintendent of a big
plant at Chatham, N. Y., had
been told to lay off all unmarried
men in order to reduce expenses.
Fred S. Wilber was not married,
but he intended to be very soon.
The date had been set, but it was
later than the date set for the
unmarried employes at the plant
to lose their jobs. So Wilber hun
ted up his bride-to-be and they
hunted up a parson and were wed.
Mrs. Wilbur presumably is a
"peace bride” whose wedding
at short notice may lie compart'd
to those of the "war brides” of
EuVope.—Savannah News.
Sued For Sale.
I have Vandiver’s Heavy Fruit
er Cotton, Broad well’s Double
Jointed Cotton, Summerour’s
Half-and-half Cotton seed for
sale, SI.OO per bushel. Early-
Speckled Velvet Beans $5.00 per
bushel. Address.
D. S. Williamson,
Uvalda, Ga. R. F. D.
Sheriff Sale.
*Montgomery County.
Will he aold before the court house door in Mount
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Apr., 1915, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain properly, of which the following
is a full and complete description;
I One 40 H. P. Schofield Boiler, one 30 H. P. Frick
Engine, one 15 H. P. Woodbwry engin*.-, one cut.-
! off-saw outfit, and one Mallory Taylor sawmill.
Said property levied on as the property of H. J.
and J. L. Gibbs, to satisfy two mortgage fi fa
j issued from the Superior court of said Co. one in
favor of the Citizens and Southern Bank of Au
j gusta. Ga., and the other in favor of W. A. Peter
son. Receiver of The Uvaida Bank, against the
said H. J & J L. Gibbs
Said property being expensive to move* it will
r.o’ b a a the courthouse ground, but will be de
livered at the sawmill location of the said defen
dants, and all would be purchasers can obtain full
information regarding said sawmill property by
| applying to the undersigned, a delivery o; said
j property will be marie to to the purchaser after
the said sale. Levy made and returned to me by
; A. B. Hester, deputy sheriff, and written notice
given in terms of the law. This the 2nd day of
March 1915. James Hester, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Apr., 1915, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
All that undivided one-twelfth undivided in
terest to that certain tract or parcel of lanp situ
ate. lying and being in the 1567th G. M. district of
said county and state and bounded as follows: On
the north by lands of Marion Phillips’ estate, east
by lands of H. D. Mosley and estate of Tony Mos
ley, south by lands of the estate of A. J. William
son and west by lands of said estate, containing
200 acres more or less. Levied on and will be sold
as the property of G. W. Mosley to satisfy an ex
ecution issued from the superior court of said
county in favor of Leader & Kosansky vs G. W.
Mosley and E. Willis, principals, W. H. Phillips,
indorser. Pointed out for levy by attorney for
plaintiffs, and written notice given in terms of
the law. This the 9th day of Mar., 1915
James Hester, Sheriff.
W. L. Wilson, A tty. for Plff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Apr., 1915, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
All that tract or parcel of swamp land located
in the 1343 d district G. M. of said county and state
and bounded as follows: On the north and east
by luni'.a of the estate of John McLeod, south by
the same and on the west by the Oconee river,
and said to contain 232 acres more or less. Said
property in possession of the Brewton-Parker
Institute. Levied on and will lie sold as the prop
erty of the Brewton-Parker Institute to satisfy
an execution issued from the superior conrt of said
county in favor of The Mt Vernon Bank vs Brew
ton-Parker Institute. W. A. Rivers, B. S. Calhoun
and J. W. Palmer. Written notice given defend
ants as required by law. This the 9th day of
March, 1916.
James Hester, Sheriff.
W. L. Wilson, Atty. for Plffs.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Apr.. 1915, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
Seven hundred and ten acres ofland more or less,
located in the Higgston District G. M. (now in the
1668th and 16915 t Districts) of said county and
state, and bouuded as follows: On the north bi
lands of J. A. Memory ami A. J. Williamson, on
I he east by lands of A. J. Williamson, on the south
by lands of Heckam, Wm. Hightower and others
and on the west by lands of Mrs. Mason and C. S.
Hamilton, the same being known as the James
Council Kibbee Place. Levied on and will be sold
as the property of James Council to satisfy an
execution issued from the City Court of Mcßae it.
favor of Carson Naval Stores Co. vs James Coun
cil. Property in possession of defendant and
written notice of levy given in terms of the law.
This the 9th day of March, 1915.
James Hester, Sheriff.
E, Graham, Atty. for Plffs.
Sheriff Suie.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Apr.. 1915. between
the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for
cash, certain property, of which the following is u
complete description:
All of that town lot situate, lying and being in
the City of Mt. Vernon, Montgomery county, and
bounded as follows: On the north by Spring Street,
east by Railroad Avenue, south by lands of I). A.
Mcßae and west by lands of W. F. McAllister,
and said to contain one acre more or less, and
known as the Wm. B. Kent home place. In
possession of said defendant. Levied on ami will
i»e sold as the property of Win. B. Kent to satisfy
an execution issued from the superior court of
Wheeler county in favor of the Altanmha Fertil
izer Co. vs Wm. B. KentandJ. H. Kent. Written
notice given Wm. B. Kent in terms of the law.
This the 9th day of March. 1916.
James Hester, Sheriff.
W. L. Wilson, Atty. for Plffs.
Sheriff Suie.
Georgia-Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Apr., 1915, U*-
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
All that certain lot of land situate, lying and
being in the City of Mt. Vernon, said county, and
Lmnded as follows: On the north by Spring
Street, on the east by street separating same from
said lot with W. F. McAllister's lot, on the south
by lands of Mcßae Bros, and the old Parsonage
and on the west by the old public rued. and
said to contain about one acre more oHess. Said
lot levied on ami will be sold as the property of
Wm. B. Kent to satisfy an execution issued from
the superior court of Wheeler county in favor of
Hank of Spread vs Wm. B. Kent, principal. Thos.
Kent and J. H. Kent indorsers. Property in pos
session of defendant, pointed ou£ for levy by at
torney for plaintiffs, and written notice of levy
given in terms of the law. This the 9th day of
Mfltfch, 1915. James Hester, Sheriff.
W. L. Wilson. Atty. for Plffs.
Administrator’s Suie.
Georgiu, Montgomery County.
Agreeably to an order from tin*
Court of Ordinary from Bleckley
County, Georgiu, will bo sold ut
auction at the court house door of
said county of Montgomery on tin
first Tuesday in April, 1915. next,
within the legal hours of sale, tin*
following property to wit: One
town lot situate, lying and being
in the the town of Ailey, Ga..
containing two acres more or less
and known as the A. W. Collins
place and being the place of his
residence at the time of his death,
cold as the property of Mrs. Sarah
K. Collins, late of Blockiy county.
Georgia, deceased. Terms cash.
This March 2, 1915.
A. C. Saffold,
Dental Notice.
I have opened a dental office in
Alamo, and am at that point on
Wednesdays and Thursdays of
each week to wait on patrons of
that section.
Dr. E. M. Raekley.
ad Mt. Vernon, Ga. i
Corporation with Conscience. '
Recently a thing that was
passing strange happened. The •
Electro-Steel Company, of Pitts- j
burg, was handed an order to
make some drop forged steel i
shells for the British government. )
It was a fat job, worth about j
And the company turned it :
"We are looking for business,” .
said Charles E. Bryson, president *
of the company, "but we don’t j
desire to make money from in- j
struments that are designed to j
slaughter people.”
As a practical peacemaker Mr. ;
Bryson sets a good example. War
has always been most encouraged
by the men who could make mon
ey out of it. When there’s enough
men in the world like this Pitts- j
burg steel magnate, war will be :
The Brewton-Parker
and Grammar School
At Home
Saturday, April 2-Ith.
The Second Annual
Montgomery County
School Contest
and Fair.
Geo rgia—Mont go me ry County.
Lula Turner has in proper form J
applied to the undersigned fori
leave to sell 520 acres of land or
such portion as may be deemed
necessary for tin* maintenance ot
her ward, Letie W**s ,! -erry. Said
land being w ild land, located in
Toombs county. This is therefore
to cite all parties concerned that
said application will be heard at
iny office on the first Monday in
April, next. This the Ist day ol
March, 1915.
Alex McArthur,
In the District Court of the Uni
ted States for the Southern
District of Georgia, Eastern
In the matter of H. J. & J. 1
Gibbs, as a firm, and H. .1. and
J L Gibbs, individually,
bankrupts, in bankruptcy.
To the creditors of said firm
and said parties individually, of
Uvalda, Ga , in the County of
Montgomery, and district afore
said', bankrupts: Notice is here
by given that on the Bth day of
March, A. I) 1915, the above
named parties were adjudged
bankrupts, and that the first meet
ing of their creditors will be held
at the office of the Peferee it:
Bankruptcy, Real Estate Build
ing, Savannah, Ga., on the 28th
day of March, 1915. at 12 o’clock,
city time, at which time the ered
itors may attend, prove theii
claims, appoint a trustee, examine
the bankrupt and transact such,
other business as may properly
come before said meeting.
Savannah, Ga., March 11, 1915.
A H. Mai'DoNELL,
Referee in Bankruptcy.
Lankford A* Regers,
Attvs. sos 1 mkrupts.
Attorney at Law
Kent Office Building
Mount Vernon, Georgia
Office over Mt. Vernon l\ st* (fi t*
Atty at Law,
Mt Vernon, Georgia
A. L. Lanier,
Attorney at Law,
Will Practice in all the Courts ot 1
the State.
Independent Trips ij;
| Touts One Vav rhrough the Panama ij:
Canal aud Special Train Overland
t o th e ij;
| June, July and August
| VIA THE ! j
I seaboard Air Line Railway
T: •■■■-• v. : um<- 20 to 50 days, including ALL
KX PENAK:-. -iicl l ROl road and Steamship fares; Pull- j
mao and >':ii> i-rt!»e; dining car and steamship meals; ! ;
tic li irh i - S, -I- ..ii American plan excepting Los \\
Anii ii Sin, Ki on -<v, vvhere rooms only are furnished; ij;
;i; attraci d side trips. ] j
I Many Diverse Routes M
licln ' ml; Den r, ( dorado Springs, Cripple Creek, :};
l’c-c p.-ik I; ' r ■, Salt Lake City, Yellow- T
stone X tional Park, Grand Canyon of Arizona,
Orange Groves of Soutiiern California, San Diego, T
!. -s Angeles, ('oust ot California, San Francisco, ;j;
i 1 1land. Seattle, Puget Sound, Victoria, Vancon- ;jj
ver. the Canadian Rocky Mountains, St. Paul and I
■> Ali trains equipped with ALL STEEL Pullman drawing
roo ment and observation cars and ii;
» diners l use of our parties for the entire trip. •!•
Persi naily duet, ,l and satisfactorily chaperoned. Ladies ij:
unescorted assured of every attention. ; \
« EVERYWHERE.- Write for l> >oklet and detailed information. I t
Th© Seaboard Air Dir\e,
“Progressive Railway of the South.”
'urreut schedule, huh meridian time, effective January 3rd, 1915.
Given ns iinformation, and not guaranteed.
' No. li ■■■). ..I NO. 14 NO. 12 NoiT<
A. M. P. M. A. M. Schedule A . M p M P M
700 400 Lv Savananh Ar 10 00 885
740 480 Meidrim 921 750
8 15 520 I*■ mbroke 848 7 1(5
850 608 CL xt.on 804 640
920 (5 82 Collins 740 6 10
950 050 Lyons 709 540
10 05 7 18 Vidal in 655 525
10 80 780 Mt. Vernon 622 457
10 59 804 Alamo 556 482
II 80 825 645 Helena 535 410 850
12 25 920 74: Able v ile 440 310 755
12 45 *0 10 8> 2 Rochelle 4 16 248 784
200 10 25 s 15 CV.rdi-'e 835 205 647
310 11 25 10 05 Ame.ricus 280 12 31 515
4 10 1! 10 Richland 11 35 4 05
5 80 cm J ( i Columbus 9 50am 2 25pm
T 80 Aloany 1 55
181 Lumpkin 11 06
8 10 Ar Montgomery Lv 7 20
P M. A.M.
Nos. 18 and 14 i ;i board Buffet Parlor and Sleeping Cars,
serving meais-eii route.
Nos. 11 ~i.d 12 ■ ,rrv standard c< aches, baggage and express
cars, nmku.'g <• nhi-.-l ;ot a t Savannah and Montgomery with trains
north and Sourh
J. H. MUKPHEV, T. I'. A., C. W. SMALL, D. P. A.,
’Savannah. Ga.
it) 5
% Splendid c. ursos in English, History, Mathematics, Home §
Economics, Agriculture and Mechanic Arts.
A strong faculty assures the best instruction. 2
;• Work done in the school is recognized by all Southern col- 2
leges, arid our graduates enter without examination. 2
v? A competent coach lias charge of all athletics. i
X Board $ll.OO per month. TUITION FREE,
vj Fall session begins Sept. 19. For catalogue address
J. W. POWELL, Principal, Douglas, Ga. 8
-- ~,i< iWSSSSSSSS ✓,C
j BRICK! |
Plenty on Hand for Prompt
i Sliipim at. S. inlaid Grades and Low |
v> JI;
3 Prices Prevail. Write for Prices. ;j;
Mt. Vernon, Ga. |
5 jl