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Mr. B. Ltuison of Dublin, rais-j
ed in this county, was down last
week visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. I. L. Lad son near here.
Mr. ('. A. SumnGr of Soperton
was a vi«itor here last Friday.
Mr. M. K. Fountain spent
Thursday last in .Savannah.
Miss Helen Dray is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Willie Jones.
Rev. 11. C. Fentress came over
Saturday and preached Sunday
morning and evening in Ailey.
returning on Monday.
Mr. A. M. N. Peterson of Ailey,
route 2, was here Monday. Mr.
Peterson fears he will not t>e
able to stand the fatigue of the
trip to the Confederate reunion
in Richmond.
I lon. J. Clayton Clements of
Telfair has been in attendance on
superior court here this week.
Judge Ira T. McLemore is
foreman of the grand jury.
Col. Simon Gazan, one of the
prominent attorneys of Savan
nah, was here at court.
Mr. W. T. Jenkins a well
known business man of Vidalia,
was in attendance at court here
this week.
Whether attributable to war
times or a general improvement
we do not know, but the gang of
fakirs that usually attend court
here was quite small in numbers.
A good rain, accompanied by
hail, visited the Charlotte section
Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. F. M. Rackley and daugh
ter, Miss Lessio Mae, returned
Monday evening from a visit to
relatives in Vidalia.
Mrs. John 1). McLeod of Lum
ber City was here Tuesday visit
ing Mrs. Howell McLemore and
other relatives.
Mr. W. F. Fountain of Coffee
county, is over attending court.
Judge W. W. Larsen of Dublin
presided awhile on Monday for
Judge Graham, in cases where
Judge Graham was disqualified.
Miss Fthleen Folsom has re
turned from a visit to Belleville,
and a trip to Midway.
Important Decision
By Supreme Court.
A decision of state-wide inter
est and importance was handed
d >wn I>\ the supreme court of
Georgia Tuesday in the case of
the Dtganville Banking Company
against !v N. Forrester.
is, N. Forrester and R. A. For
rester A: Company, of Walnut
grove, a few years ago gave the
Logan viile Banking Company
promissory notes for loans total
ing $7,000, from which interest
at S per cent had been deducted,
the notes being secured by a deed
to 277> acres of land. In March,
1011, the Messrs. Forrester and
R. A. Forrester & Co. filed a
voluntary petition in bankruptcy,
a homestead was set aside, and
tlie claim was made that the deed
given the. banking company was
void, in that usry was practiced
in the collection of S per cent in
terest in advance.
In other words, the Messrs.
Forrester claimed that they had
not received $7,000 from the
bank, the amount called for, but
that 0,440 was the actual amount
obtained sol>o being deducted
from me tT.u»O for advance in
teivst. This, tiie Messrs. For
i\ stei coi.triiued was usury, and
this is the p< ii t just decided by
the su; renu court. It was con
tended that the legal rate of in
terest would have been $515, s47>
loss than the sum collected, and
that inasmuch as the rate charged
was us iri the deed to the land
vas void.
Fine l*igs for Sale*.
1 1 avo for sale some fine pigs.
SIO.OO per pair. See me at once.
Jas. W. Adams,
•llotf Rt. 1, Mt. Vernon.
Mr. John C. Adams of Vidalia
was among his friends here Tues
Messrs. F. C. Adams and J.
M. Davis represented the Char
lotte section here Tuesday.
No crowd ever watched the
clouds more anxiously than the
farmers who gathered here at
court this week. Rain is very
much needed in every section.
Messrs. John S. Sharpe and
Jim W. Sharpe, two substantial
farmers of Alston, were here at
court this week.
Mrs. H. C. Ewing and Misses
Anna Morrison and Inez Mcßride
went to Glenwood Monday to at
tend the Sunday School Institute.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Moses are
spending a few days with the
family of Mr. J. C. McAllister
this week.
The Brewton-Parker Institute
ball team got back Tuesday night
from a tour of Savannah and
Statesboro, in which they won
three games out of four.
Mr. C. L. Battle and Mr F. M.
Sharpe, of Sharpe’s Spur, were
visitors here this week.
Mrs. J. D. McGregor, of Lum
ber City, formerly residing here,
is over this week visiting Mr.
and Mrs. E. W. Armfield.
Mr. J. M. Dees and son. Dr. J.
IH. Dees, were up from Alston
Tuesday attending court.
Hr. M. L. Currie, Mr. Bob
Sharpe, Mr. Joe W. Sharpe and
Mr. Jas. McNatt came up from
Vidalia yesterday to attend court
Mrs. H. A. Simpson, Mrs. H.
J. Wright and Mr. John C.
Adams went to Towns Tuesday
ito visit their sister, Mrs. J. A.
| Powell, who is very ill.
Hon. Geo. W. Mathews of Vi
dalia was at court here Tuesday.
Mrs. W. C. McAllister, and
Miss Mary E. Martin of Mcßae
came over Tuesday to join Mr.
McAllister here and spend the
Mr. I). N. McLemore of Clax
ton spent yesterday here with
relatives and friends.
i Installing Waterworks.
Mr. Herbert J. Wright is put
ting in a water and light plant
on his farm near Mt. Vernon.
Thousands of farmers in this
country might enjoy such con
veniences if they only knew how
cheaply they can be installed in
this day of gasoline and elec
tricity. Water for his stock is
Mr. Wright’s main object in rig
ging up his plant.
A Chicago youth not long ago
received the following note from
an ex-fiance:
“Dear Tom: As you know. I
shall marry Mr. Blank during the
present month. I shall there
fore be glad to have yoou burn
all the little notes I sent you as
suring you of reciprocity with
reference to those you sent me.”
To this missive the young man
had the pleasure of returning
this reply:
“Dear Marie: I shall at once
comply with your request. And,
incidentally, as your new fiance
also holds a few little notes of
mine, 1 should count it a great
favor should you be able to in
duce him to burn them with the
rest,” j
The First Principle
of Good Health
One tercet medical authority de
clares that sluKKlsh bowels are the
cause of more than half the ills that
afflict mankind. A constipated con
dition quickly affects the liver and
other organs, ao that indigestion and
constipation arc soon followed by bil
iousness, headaches. chronic bad
breath and a generally disarranged
condition of ths system.
Foley Cathartic Tablets are an
Ideal physic, for their action Is whole
some and thoroughly cleansing, with
cut griping, nausea or inconvenience.
They invigorate and strengthen the
bowel action and have a good effect
on the stomach and liver.
I- L» Levey, Green Bay, Wie.,
writes: "For a long time 1 suffered
from constipation and liver trouble.
Nothing seemed to help me. I finally
secured Foley Cathartic Tablets and
am pleased to state they have cured
me. They are the finest cathartic to
take 1 have ever used a&d thait ail act
to quick and aura,"
Gov.-Elect Harris Says
Be Ready for War.
The United States can take a ,
wholesome lesson from Europe 1
on the importance of being pre
pared for war, according to Gov.-
elect Nat E. Harris, who sound
ed a warning Saturday in Atlan a
in an appeal for the annual en
campment of the National Guard
of Georgia, which looked for a
time to be in jeopardy because of
the lack of $3,500.
“Never before has thiscountrv
had impressed on it the impor
tance of preparedness than since
; the outbreak of the European
war.” declared Judge Harris,
himself a veteran of the War Be
tween the States. “I believe
that every encouragement should
he given the boys in the military
companies to remain in the ser
vice of the State, and if there is
any proper way of providing the
funds, I shall favor it.
“I expect to hold a conference
j Saturday with Governor Slaton
and Adjutant Genera! Nash, but
I am not yet in office and can
make no definite recommenda
tions. —Atlanta Georgian.
Ship Agents Vote to
Penalize Big Bales,
Savannah, May 4.—The South
Atlantic and Gulf Steamship
Conference meeting in Savannah
to-day decided to j: enalize every
hale of cotton $1 when the di
mensions of the hale were great
er than 33 bv 02 inches.
The conference represents
every agency in the South which
ships cotton to foreign ports, and
will be of far-reaching effect to
the farmers.
Waste Basket Advertiser.
Waste basket! The merchant
who wishes to reach 10 000 waste
baskets into which his advertisiiiv
circulars fall must pay some one
. for their writing, printing ai d
posting, and as the New York
Herald—one of the ablest ex
ponents of business principles in
the country- says: “The waste
basket cannot read circulars and
is unable to buy any of the things
that they seem to exploit.” Our
esteemed contemporary is sur
prised to know that men of sup
posed commercial acumen spend
large sums each year in the fu
tile effort to convert the waste
baskets of the country into cus
tomers, while neglecting the ad
vertising columns of publications j
that are not thrown into the
waste baskets. —Leslie’s.
Notice to the Public.
This is to forewarn the public
against selling goods of any de
scription to Almedia Roberson,
lately my lawful wife, but who
has left my home and board
without cause. Those extending
credit to her will do so at their
own expense, as I will not in any
manner he responsible for debts
contracted by her. This the 4th
day of May, 1915.
Clifton Phillips.
Hee Haw
A lecturer was annoyed by a
man in the audience who insisted!
on rising and asking questions.
“Sit down, you ass!" said a
second man jumping up.
“Sit down you, too. ” cried a
! third man, “you are both asses.”
“There seems to be plenty of
lasses about tonight,” put in the
lecturer calmly, “but for hea
ven’s sake let us hear one at a
time. ”
“Well, you goon then,” said
the first man, resuming his seat.
Seed Fur >n!e.
I have Vandiver’s heavy Fruit
er Cotton, Broadwt 1! s Double
Jointed Cotton, Sununerour’s
Half-and-half Cotton seed for
sale, SI.OO per bushel. Early-
Speckled Velvet Beans $5.00 per’
bushel. Address,
D. S. Williamson,
Uvalda, Ga. R. F. D. j
Ice Cream This Evening. ;
The young people of the Mt. f
Vernon Epworth League will j
give an ice cream supper this ev- |
ening on the lawn at the home |
of Col. L. C. Underwood, begin- \
ning at 5:00 o’clock. Os course 5
you are invited. ?
1- i 1
Far in Loans.
I am in position to dose some >
good farm loans, from SIOOO up, !
at once. If you need money,
see A. B. Hutcheson, <
415tf Mt. Vernon, Ga. ?
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia— Montgomery County.
Will be Bold before the court house door in Mt. £
Vernon on the first Tuesday in June 1910 between c
the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for >
cash, certain property, of which the following is a l
complete description:
One certain tract or parcel of land situate, Iviug ?
and being: in the town of Soperton, in !. • 1 . h $
G. M. District of said county and s'.atean •oun< - c
ed as follows: On the not h by lan is of K. J. S
Williams, on the east by lands of Ml 7-,'cll.e >
! Roach, on the *-outh by Oak H'n-ft and <>n. the
! v.est by lands of C. H. Jones, containing 9» i< ct <
front on Oak street, and extending: back in 1 7
I northerly direction 286 feet. Levied on and will <,
jbe sold as the property of C. H. Peter.-on to satis- ’
ify an execution issued by D. M. Currie, tax code* - \
tor, for state and c< unty taxes for the yr-ai l9i 1, 5
Levy made an i re urneo o n.; by < A \
constable, and written notice of levy giv< n in 1 5
terms of the law. This the 4th day of May '.Mo. j j
James Hester, Sheriff. : \
Sheriff Sale.
Geortria— Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt. , <
Vernon on the first Tuesday in June i9!5, ft- . ;
tween the legal hours of sale, to the higin.-.-T b doer .
i for cash, certain property, of which the follow ing ) •
is a complete description: j <
One certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying ! *
and being in the lfihTth G. M. district of said cuun- j (
ty and state, containing 190 acres,-bounded n r th } i
by lands of T. J. James’ estate, on u<* ea.-t b_ j
lands of John Greenway andJ.L. Ricks, on i
south by lands of M. M. Ricks and on the west i\v
lands of J. D. Wilson and Henry Toler, being
pointed out by defendant. Levied on and \. ib<
sold as the property of M. M. Hicks to sati Ty an
execution issued by D. M. Currie, tax cc ;• dor, ioi ;
state ond county taxes ft <c the y ar iMI. Levy
made and returned tome by Geo. M. Taj Icy, o»n- j
stable, and written notice of levy .riven interims
of the law. This the 4th day ol May, 191 >
Jas. Heater, Sheriff.
Sheriff Siile.
Georgia— Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the coui t house door in Mount
Vernon on the first Tuesday in June. 1915. be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which tin following
is a full and complete de ripticn:
Fifty acres of land situate, lying and being in
the lF»B7th G. M. district of said county and s ate
and carved from a tract cont fining one hundred
and eighty (180) aeris, and being houndc : as
follows: On the north by lands <»; John Odom,
on the west by lands of Dr. Mftye. on the south b>
lands of Richard Page and n the east by lands
of Kelley Gillis. Pointed out for levy by defen
dant. Levied on and will be sold as the property
ofJ.D. Wilson to satisfy an execution* issued by
D. M. Currie, tax collector, for state and county
taxes for the year 1914. Levy made anil returned
to me by Geo. M. Tapley, constable, and written
notice of lev.\ given as requried by law. This Lin
4th day of May, 1915. Jas Hester, Sheriff.
Sheriff - ale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold beiore the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in June. 1915, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
'' »r cash, certain property, of which the following
i \ complete description:
One certain tract or parcel of land, located in
the 12215 t G. M. district of said e< unty ami s'ate,
containing 200 acres, to be cut from the northern
portion of a tract containing 425 acre.. originally,
and known as the T. F. Williams survey. Levied
on and will be sold as the property of W. C. M-
Crimmon to satisfy an execution issued by D. M.
Currie, tax collector, vs VV. C. McCrimmon, foi
state and county taxes for the yearM. 1. Said
property pointed out for levy by defendant, and
written notice given as required by law. l,ev\
made and returned to me byJ. S. Higgs, con
stable. This the 4th day of May, 1915.
Jas. Hester, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia - Montgomery County.
Will lie sold before the court house door in R’»t.
Vernon on the fir-! Tip- day -a J < 1. 1 1... be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest C.lii.
for cash, certain property, of whuti the folio win;
is a complete descrip non:
Fifty acres of land more or less, situate, lying
and being in 1 ho 12215 t district. G. M. of said coun
ty and state, and bounded as follows: On the
east and south by lands of Walter McCrimmon ami
on the nortn and west by lands . f Mrs. J. A.
Crumley. Levied on and will be sold as the prop-
I erty of Ml.-* J A. Crumley iosatisiA anexucuti i
issued by D. M. Currie, tax collector, vs Airs. J.
A. Crumley, for stale and county ;;«\os for the
year 1911. Levy made and returned to me hy.i.
S. Higgs, constable, and written hoticc given de
fendant as required by law. This the 4th day. of
May, 1915. Jas. Hester, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia— Montgomery County.
Will be sold be lot e I lie court lions,
door in Mt. Vernon on the fir.-t Tiles
day in June, llMo. I ."tween lie le«"d
hours of sale, to the llklies! bidde
for cash, certain property of wliico i
the following is ciopli . il. -ci p 1
t ion:
That c i tain true or pare. 1 of !.u d ,
sit mi; e, lyinjr and I" . ain l lie P_ / 1
Idis riet vi. M. of said comity mid 1
stato, containing 140 acres, n; , , or;
j less, ai'(l bounded its t. 110 's: O' t!u
j south h\ lauds of \Y. t). Marti an.
on tile north and ms, b.. land- <n ...
j .1. (‘ope la lid and on ;:i< • •as l lanc
et' Mill y Ilk ;> io t
jabelli laiytan.losaiisl* aa < \"'oi;i.
' issued bv P M Curio til\ col h -to
!vs Mrs. ‘EI . ib ill L am. foi
j and count \ taxes for- t !;e \o ai Ini
Lev v made a .id ret arm d to ini' I>.
, S 11ie os. Constable and v i' t• *■ m
j title of levy >ri'.o rt defendant }|s re
! ipdred by law. IV 'pero pointed
lor levy by defendant 'I ri< tin ' •
da* of May, lido. .las lit
M. B. CA !. I
Allv at Law,
Mt Verron, Geor i
E. M. liAl KLi 1
Office over Mt. Vernon 1’ st i!:
* A. L. Lanitr,
Attorney at Law,
Will Practice -of
the Mai--.
Independent Trips J
| Tours One Way Through the Panama 1
Canal and Special Train Overland
I T 0 TH E |
' DURING ||i
(June. July and August 1
Seaboard Air Line Railway
The Tours will consume 26 ta 50 days, including ALL j'
EXPENSES, such as Railroad and Steamship fares; Pull- j j
ft tnau and stateroom berths; dining car and steamship meals; jo
« the highest i;lass hotels on American plan ex--"pt ieg L>.s ;j;
ft Ange 1 - and San Francisco, w here rooms only are furnished; jjl
ft attractive sightseeing anil side trips.
| Diverse Routes I
i nchiding Denver, Colorado Springs, Cripple Creek, ft
Pike’s Pnak, Royal Gorge, Suit I »ku City, Yellow- »
ft stone National Park, Grand Canyon of Arizona, ft
Orange Groves of Southern California, San Diego, ft
Los Angeles, Coast ot California, San Francisco, «
Cortland. Seattle, Puget Sound, Victoria, Vancoit- g
ver. the Canadian Rocky Mountains, St. Iftiul and g
ft Chicago «
_> Ail trains equipped with ALL STEEL Pullman drawing $
ft room, stuleroom compartment, and observation ears and ft
ft diners for the exclusive use ot our parties for the entire trip. a
ft Personally conducted and satisfactorily chaperoned Ladies ft
I unescorted assured of every attention. a
EVERYWHERE. Write for booklet and detailed information. ft
"The Seaboard Pur Dirye,
‘‘Progressive Railway of the South.”
Current schedule, 90th meridian time, effective January 3rd, 1915.
Given as information, and not guaranteed.
Noni N67TJ NOTIS NOTH NO. I? ~N07i6
A. M. P. M. A. M. Schedule A . p M ~ M
700 -1 00 Ev Savananh Ar 10 00 8 155
740 139 Meldrim 921 750
8 lf> 520 Pembroke 848 716
,s 50 6Od Olaxton 804 640
920 022 Collins 740 6 10
950 659 Lyons 709 5 40.
10 06 7 Dl Vidalia. 655 525
10 80 789 Ml. Vernon 622 457
10 59 804 Alamo 556 482
11 80 825 645 Helena 585 410 850
12 25 920 742 Abbevdie 440 8 10 755
12 45 940 802 Rochelle 4 16 2 18 7 8-i
200 10 25 845 Cunkde 835 205 647
8 10 11 25 10 05 Americus 2 80 12 81 5 15
1 111 11 10 Richland 11 35 4 05
5 80 i*.\i 1 00 Columbus 9 50am 2 25pm
1 30 Albany 1 55
431 Lumpkin 11 06
S U) Ar Montgomery Lv 7 20
p. M. A. M
N s. 13 and 14 carry Seaboard Buffet Parlor and Sleeping Cars,
serving meats en route.
No*. 11 and 12 carry standard coaches, baggage and express
cars, making connection at Savannah and Montgomery with trains
north and South.
J. H. M URI'HKV, T. P. A.. C. W. SMALL, D. P. A ,
Savannah, Ga.
The South Will Feed Herself
U’ROM this year on, the South will
* plant an increased acreage of small
grains. Planting, of course, means grain harvest
ing. Even though the field is small not more
than ten acres the binder will save enough of
the grain ordinarily wasted wdth the cradle to
make it pay.
If you have grain in, now is the time to con
sider buying a McCormick binder, the oldest
and in many ways the best of the lot.
Come in and talk it over with us.
C. A. MASON, Agt., Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Come, Dollar