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JMontgornery /Monitor.
I,hi. ii .1 at ili- I’ostoflir. in Mt. Vernon, (in. as Second-Class Mail Matter.
H. B. FOLSOM, Editor and Itw ncr. $* a Vear, in Advance.
tm 1,. ».lv<!ill»< nicnlH must invariably be paid in advance, at the legs! rate, and an the law
dn-.-i-: an. I inn-.! b< m hand not later than Wednesday morning of the flrat week of Insertion
Mount Vi rnon, Ga,. Thursday Morning, June 24, 1915.
There are some good men in
the Georgia legislature. In fact,
several of them.
The courts of Georgia, the su
preme court of the state and the
supreme court of the United
States have all been tested by
the Frank case, and have all
fallen before sentiment.
The genius who could spring
something that would end discus
sion in the Frank case would be
a benefactor to his race. That
no argument will ever bring out
the truth about the murder of
Mary I’hagan ought to begin to
dawn on rabid argufiers.
Another young life went out
in Tybee’s waves last Sunday.
For a regular thing, no water
in or around Georgia is more sure
to produce death when taken in
to the lungs than that of the At
lantic ocean, unless it is the Sa
tilla river at “the old swimin’
hole" near Wayeross.
The shock in the Frank case
would have been great regardless
of what Governor Slaton’s decis
ion was, but the scoop the "old
reliable” Savannah News made
while Macon and Atlanta dailies
were snoozing' was something to
jar the ground in the 1 present and
future state capitals.
At the California state hospital
baseball is t<> be tried as a possi
ble cure for insanity. From the
antics of bleacher fans when the
home team puts over the win
ning run in an extra inning game
it might he suspected that base
ball is sometimes a cause of in
sanity On the theory that the
hair of the dog cures the bite it
may bring back wandering minds.
- Savannah News.
We are grateful to the Butler
Herald for the following kind
"lake finding a long lost friend,
the Montgomery Monitor found
its way to our exchange table last
week for the first time in many
months, and measures up to the
full standard of high-class news
paper efficiency. Folsom is a gif
ted editor and he wields a great
influence politically and otherwise
in his section of the state, being
always on the right side of every
public question. ”
Tike effort to burden the tax
payers of Montgomery county
and finally wipe it off the map is
attracting attention all over the
state. This is plainly because no
other set of people in the state
have been so imposed on by the
new county mania. The Pike
County Journal gets this one off
on us:
“i>id you over look at Mont
gomery county on the map? If so j
it is shaped like a Smith A: Wes
son automatic pistol. This is one j
poor little cou ly that needs let-1
ting severely alone by our law- j
makers, and no more of her ter- i
ritory taken awav.”
Wditor Grubb of the Darien 1
Gazette, whose editorials always
have the ring of good common
sense, has this to say of the latest
attempt to disrupt Montgomery
“We understand that an effort
is to lie made to slice off another
piece from Montgomery county
for the purpose of making a new
Georgia county, but we hope the
effort \viU not succeed. This
grand old county lias been cut
three times in ten years and we
hope she will not be reduced any
more. The voters have decided j
against it by a majority vote and
that should settle the matter. Ed
itor I oUom is making a winning j
light against the proposition.” i
Gleanings From j
t Wisdom’s Field. 3
►Savannah Press:—Representa
tive Elders from Tattnall county
says his county is “courted to
death and taxed to death” and
he is going to find some relief
for this condition in Atlanta.
Laurens Citizen:—Do we real
ly owe Europe anything? Is a
question asked by some of our
exchanges. If we do, it won’t
be for a great while, if Europe
continues to fight and depend up
on us for arms, ammunition and
Cedartown Standard: - Bryan
performed a great service for the
country when he swung the Bal
timore convention into line for
Wilson. Aside from that his
principal public service has been
as a Chautauqua lecturer at sev
eral hundred dollars per Chau.
Pike County Journal: —Gover
nor-Elect N. E. Harris is now
quartered at the Ansley in At
lanta, awaiting the day of his in
auguration. Let Georgia send
| one of the biggest crowds to At
lanta on that date that ever as
sembled there on such an occas
ion, because it is more than like
ly that Gov. Harris will be the
last old Confederate Veteran ev
er to occupy the Gubernatorial
Macon Telegraph:—Speaking
of the horrors of war, what’s the
matter with this, from the Phil
adelphia Record: “liooks as
though the German boil were
ripe for a Lansing.”
Clinch County News: Georgia
Assembly begins its grind next
week. Some good and some fool
laws will be made; politicians will
sprout up anil be cut down in a
day, and future campaigning will
be pre-arranged by the bosses.
But we go on in our daily strug
gle for coin just the same. After
all, what’s the use?
Valdosta Times:—Even the
German newspapers seem to
recognize the merits of our presi
dent at least, all of them except
the Fatherland, which happens to
he printed in this country by the
grace and patience of American
Hartwell Sun: Might mention
that this is Hartwell’s fourth or
fifth Chautauqua—nothing new
to Hartwell and Hart county ex
cept the program, which is said
to be a good one.
Macon News: Mr. Bryan said
he wanted “a verdict from the
American people,” and the ver
dict has been rendered. Stand
up, Mr. Attorney, and read it!
He does so—and it reads, “We
find the prisoner guilty, without
recommendation. ”
Pembroke Enterprise:—Broth
er Jim Miller, of the Ludowici
Times, was whipped out in his
effort to divide Liberty county.
The election went against him by
a big majority and we are won
dering now what Jim will get up
Hawkinsville Dispatch-News:
Mr. Bryan’s earning capacity
as a lecturer is said to be over
$d7,000 a year. Now watch some
fellow rise up and say this was
the cause of his quitting the cab
Perry Home Journal: There is
no doubt that peavine hay is a
great crop in Houston county,
but it is also true that peas for
sale would boa profitable asset.
Peas are scarce now, and the
price is high.
One Born Every Minute.
Jess Willard himself is respon
sible for the statement that in
the first three days of his tri
umphal march north along the
Atlantic seaboard he garnered
SB,OOO from persons who paid
their good money just for the
privilege of seeing the conquer
ing hero come. We have had an
unseemly exhibition lately of the
sordiness of professional baseball
players, who we fondly believed
were in the game primarily for
the love of the thing, but Willard
and others of his fellows give
ample proof that professional
fighters are not in the business
for their health, either.
Willard’s frank cupidity is,
however, more than matched by
the hero-worshiping curiosity of
the sporting fraternity. One
could understand it if the crowd
were paying for the privilege of
seeing the new champion box,
though from all reports he is no
great shakes at that, but for men
to dig down in their jeans for a
quarter or a half dollar merely
that they may gaze on a great,
raw-honed fellow who whipped
Jack Johnson by main strength
and awkwardness—this is too
much. The fool-killer has a lot
of work ahead of him yet. —St.
Paul Pioneer Press.
The Mount Vernon
Abstract Co.
This company has opened offices
in Mount Vernon for the purpose
of making abstracts of titles to
lands, and will appreciate the
patronage of all parties wanting
abstracts of titles to their prop
erty. The firm is composed of
A. B. Hutcheson, attorney, who
has had several years practical
experience in abstracting, and
William Jones, who has had a
number of years experience in
general office work, together with
practical abstracting experience.
They are in position to render
prompt and satisfactory service.
5204 t-ad.
Saw Mill For Sale.
I offer for sale one No. 1 Mal
lory & Taylor Saw Mill and one|
15-horse power engine and boiler, ;
Peerless make; also a portable
engine and boiler on wheels, as
good as can be made. Now run
ning at Nails Ferry on the Alta
maha river, where buyer may see
it tested before buying. Will be
sold at a bargain, as I wish to re
tire from the saw mill business.
Grove Sharpe,
513tf Alston, Ga.
Notice Local Legislation.
Notice is hereby given that at
the approaching session of the
Legislature of Georgia a bill will j
be introduced amending the pres
ent act creating and governing
the Board of Commissioners of
Roads and Revenues of Montgom
ery County. May 25, 1915.
Send in the dollar you owe on
subscription. Will be appreciated
After Four Yean of Discouraging
Conditions, Mrs. Bollock Gave
Up in Despair. Husband
Came to Rescue.
Catron, Ky.—ln an interesting letter
from this place, Mrs. Bettie Bullock
writes as follows: "l suftered tor four
years, with womanly troubles, and during
this time, I could only sit up for a little
while, and could not walk anywhere at
all. At times, 1 would have severe pains
in my left side.
The doctor was called in, and his treat
ment relieved me for a while, but 1 was
soon confined to my bed again. After
H. nothing seemed to do me any good.
Cut This Out —
It Is Worth Money
Cut out tills advertisement, enclose
5 cents to Foley & Co., -835 Sheffield
Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name
and address clearly. You will re
ceive in return a trial package con
II) Foley's Honey and Tar Com
pound, the standard family remedy
for coughs, colds, croup, whooping
cough, tightness and soreness in
chest, grippe and bronchial coughs.
(j) Foley Kidney Pills, for over
worked and disordered kidneys and
bladder ailments, pain in sides and
back due to Kidney Trouble, sore
muscles, stiff Joints, backache and
(3) Foley Cathartic Tablets, a
wholesome and thoroughly cleansing
cathartic. especially comforting to
stout persons, and a purgative need- 1
by everybody with slugg'sh bowels
and torpid liver. You eon try these
three family remedies for only sc.
Sold Everywhere. ad
For Long Term Farm
I am negotiating some very
attractive Long Term Farm Loans
for the Lest companies doing bus
iness in Georgia, with lowest rates
of interest and the most liberal
terms of payments
I have several years experience
in the loan business, am located
at the county site and believe that
I am In position to give you the
best terms and as prompt services
as any one.
If vou need a loan see me before
A. B. Hutcheson,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
If your Piano is worth anything,
it is worth EXPERT TUNING.
Any other kind will ruin it. I
have a diploma, and guarantee
all work. Write, and I will call.
Charles L. Hamilton,
Blacksmith A Repair
All Classes of Repair Work Work
Quickly and Correctly Done.
Bring Me Your Work.
6 Per Cent. Money.
. *
A few applications for loans
on choice city or country property
in Montgomery county desired at
once. Interest at 6 per cent.,
payable annually or semi-annual
ly. Five year loans. See me at
Ailey, Ga.
1 had gotten so weak I could not stand,
and I gave up in despair.
At last, my husband got me a bottle of
Cardui, the woman’s tonic, and 1 com
menced taking it. From the very first
dose, I could tell it was helping me. 1
can now walk two miles without its
tiring me, and am doing all my work.”
If you are all run down from womanly
troubles, don’t give up in despair. Try
Cardui, the w oman’s tonic. It has helped
more than a million women, in its 50
years of continuous success, and should
surely help you, too. Your druggist has
sold Cardui for years. He knows what
it will do. Ask him. He will recom
mend it Begin taking Cardui today.
Write to: Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Ladiw*
Advisory LVpt.. Chattanooga. Ttnn.. for £iwvaj
/njfni<-ttons «n your .as* andbt pas* book. Horn* f Wmn." aaal la wraptwr. J-oa
A Check Book
is easier to carry than a wallet filled
with currency, silver or gold. It adds j
dignity to your transaction and always jj
gives you satisfaction. Checks are of ;i
no value except to the person in whose
favor they are drawn. Can you afford ;i
to keep your money at home or in your I
pocket, when you can have, without
expense, a check hook on this bank?
CAPITAL, $15,000.00 SURPLUS, $30,000.00 RESOURCES, $145,000.00 |
Willie T. McArthur, President W. A. Peterson, Cashier
Alex McArthur, Vice-President H. L. Wilt, Assistant Cashier
: «3»«#esw!«;
Annual Excursion j
JUNE 18, 1915 j
! via i!
| Tickets on sale June 18, 1815, and 1
: limited to return Six Days from date 1
| of sale.
Rate from Mt. Vernon $2.25 |
: Full information from nearest Seaboard §
; agent or write
J. 11. MURPHEY, T. P. A. 1
C. \Y. SMALL, D. P. A. j
Savannah, Ga. 1
| Better Able Than |
| Ever! |
i Our faciliteis for banking service *
| during the new year cannot be ||
excelled. A close investigation
$ invited. Ample means, and the
best service to the public. jjj
v w v v^ r vv 3^
President Cashier Vice-Pre.. J
T. A. Clifton Dr. J. H. Dees A. T. Johnson < >
; |j John Jay McArthur W. T. Mcßride F. B. Mcßride
*? J. S. Sharpe Joe W. Sharpe D. S. Williamson $ )