The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, June 24, 1915, Image 3
DEMANDS RELIEF FROM THE CRAZE Would Arouse People to Ac tion Against New County Schemes. Editor Constitution: Will the desire for new counties in Geor gia never be satisfied? It looks as if some men who want to be supported at public expense find employment in taking a map of their own and adjoining counties and with a compass and rule lay out a territory over which they would like to preside and draw fees from, and up to date they have got everything they have asked for. The “dear people” are always a long time realizing what the politicians are doing to them, but when they do get waked up they “do things.” Mr. Editor, can’t the people of Georgia be aroused to this great wrong that is being done them? The state at large is the sufferer —our expenses are being con stantly increased. The legisla ture is being made cumbersome and more expensiye. The more members, the longer the time re quired to produce legislation that is necessary to the conduct of state officials. All this at the expense of the state. I cannot understand the influence that is being brought to bear on legisla tors to get their consent and co operation to this collossaf wrong to the tax payers of Georgia. If the people will ever stop long enough to think on this they will realize its absurdity, put their feet down on it and then wonder why they ever permitted it. • The intelligent editors of Geor gia newspapers know all this and if only they will speak out, may be this long division can be throttled. You have done your part; you have pointed out the absurdity of the work. Let us hope that other Georgia editors will do some like good work. Very respectfully, John H. Reynolds. Rome, Ga., June 14, 1915. What the War Has Done for Laurens. A trip around Laurens county will soon convince the pessimist that it requires more than one European war to put our people out of business. The fields are literally laughing in their green garments of corn, wheat and oats, while on every side are seen more hogs and cows and chickens and fruits and vegeta bles than have ever been seen in one year since Laurens has been a county. Old King Cotton is not completely abandoned, but he does not hold the relentless sway that characterized his rule at this time last year. Another picture: Teams by the dozen loaded with v, heat were standing around Pope’s mill Saturday waiting their turn, and it reminded one of an October day at one of the big gins when the farmers wait to have their cotton ginned. Hundreds of tons of wheat straw have been baled and hundreds of bushels of flour have been ground for the farmers of the county at Pope’s mill in the past few days. Such a sight in Dublin would not have been dreamed of a year ago.—-Laurens Citizen. Sharpening His Teeth. A commercial traveler, putting up for the night at his hotel in a small town, ordered breakfast for an early hour next morning. The landlady, preparing the meal not wishing her guest to be late, sent a servant girl upstairs to see if the gentleman was up. Peering through the keyhole, the servant, a raw country girl, espied the traveler at the dress ing table using his toothbrush. Coming downstairs, she surprised her mistress by reporting: “It’s all right, mum; he’ll be down directly. He’s sharpening his teeth.!” I Alston. Special Correspondence* Intended for last week. We are all glad to see these copious showers. Crops show the result of the reduction in guano this year. We note wish pride the exten sive crop of corn this year over former years of this food crop. Mrs. J. A. J. Walker of near Alston is visiting relatives and friends in Washington County, stopping at the home of her father. Mr. Jas. Vickers. Mrs. J. E. Harrell has return ed from a visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Todd, of Vidalia. Mrs. W. T. Mcßride has re turned from an extended visit to Atlanta where she visited at the home of her parents. Little Miss Shellie Tood is visiting at the home of her sis ter, Mrs. J. E. Harrell of Alston. Mrs. J. M. Walker of Alston is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Lamb of Swainsboro. Mrs. Roscoe Smith of Coffee County was visiting in Alston Sunday last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Matthews. We have a let up in the swelt ering weather after a shower, but there seems to be no let up to the Frank case and the war news. We would like to have a rest from the Frank case, but as to the war we will have to wait and sweat as they fight and bleed. We would be glad if the Legis lature would freeze out the new county movement this time and give us some more needed legis lation. For instance arrange to pay the teachers promptly, and adjust the chafing yoke of the Tax Equalization, which has failed to bring the results the supporters of it claimed Ready Money to pay the State’s obliga tions. Auto Strikes Hog; One Man Killed. Birmingham, Ala., June 19. James Collins, Jr., merchant, of Calera, was killed and his father, James Collins, Sr., fatally in jured, one mile south of Pelham, Ala., when their automobile struck a big hog in the road and turned over, pinning them under neath. Six Per Cent Money to Loan. The long term loan company that I represent has about Seven ty-five Thousand Dollars that they are willing to loan in Mont gomery County during the sum mer months on improved farm lands at (J per cent interest. Now is the time to make your applica tion for money, if you need it, while the company is not rushed with business, and the agent has plenty of time to get your papers in proper shape. My company gives the borrower the privilege of paying back a part of the prin cipal each year and stopping the interest on the amount paid if desired If yon are going to need any money next fall, make uppli cation now and have the loan ap proved, and if you find later that you do not need so much, amount can be reduced without trouble or expense. Address L. C. Underwood, 0 g-Bm Mt. Vernon, Ga. He Removed the Danger Signal “l suffered a long time with ave 'y weak back,” writes Fred Smith, 325 Main St., Green Bay, Wis. “A few boxes of Foley Kidney Pills completely relieved me of all soreness and pain In the back, and now X am as strong and well as ever." One cannot belp becoming nervous and feeling tired and worn out when the kidneys fail to filter and throw out of the system the poisonous waste matter that causes kidney troubles and bladder ailments. Backache la one of Nature's danger signals that the kidneys are clogged up and inactive. It is often followed by rheumatism, annoying bladder or urinary disorders, puffy swellings under the eyes, swollen ankles and painful joints. Foley Kidney Pills get right at the source of trouble. They Invigorate the kidneys to healthy action and when the kidneys properly perform their functions the poisonous waste matter is eliminated from the system. bold Everywhere. ad THE MONTGOMERY MONITOR-THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1910 Citutiou. Georgia—Montgomery County. Jerry Phillips, adminstrator of the estate of Balaam Phillips, represents to the court, in his pe tition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully adminis tered said estate; this is therefore to cite all parties at interest that said application will be granted on the first. Monday in July, 1915, if uo valid cause be shown to the contrary. This the 2d day of June, 1915. Alex McArthur, Ordinary. Citation. Georgia— Montgomery County. The appraisers appointed upon the application of Dither Ruth, widow of Bry Ruth, setting apart a year’s support, for herself and five minor children out of said estate, having filed their return, notice is hereby given that said application will be beard at my office on the first Monday in July, next. This the 2d day of June, 1915. Alex McArthur, Ordinary. Sheriff Sale. Georgia—Montgomery County. Will be sold before the court, bouse door m Mt. Vernon on the first Tues day in July, 1916, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, certain property, of which the following is a complete descrip tion : All that, tract or parcel of land sit uate, lying and being in the 1343rd district <l. M. of said county and state, and bounded as follows: On I the north by lands of M. If. Dailey, et al, outlie east, by ttn alley, south '< by an alley and on the west by Broad street, containing about two acres, located in the town of Aile.v, and known as the Allcorn home place in said town. Levied on ai.d will be sold as the pioperty of G. B. Allconi to satisfy a II fa issued by I). M. Cm -1 lie, tax collector, vs G. B. Allcorn,, for state and county taxes tor the year 1914. Written notice of levy, given in terms of the law. This the. 9th day of June, 11)16. Jas. Hester, Sheriff. Sheriff Sule. Georgia—Montgomery t ounty. Will be sold befote the court house door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues- j day in J ply, 1916, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder | for cash, certain property of which the following is a complete descrip tion : One tract, or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the 1087th G. M. District of said county and state, in Hie town of Orland. hounded as fol lows; On the north by lands of P. J. Davis, east by lands of M D. Davis, south by lands of K. L. Gillis and west by lands of W. B. Snow, containing.*soo x 313 1-2 feet. Levied on and will be sold as the property j of W. T. Lord to satisfy an execut ion J issued by D. M. Currie, tax collector, vs W. T. Lord, for slate and county taxes for the year 1914. Written no tice of levy given according to law. This the Bth day of June. 1916. James Hester, Sheriff Six*-riIT Sule. Georgia— Montgomery County. Will be sold before the court hou»e door In Mt. Vernon on the first Tucuday in July, 1915, between j the l«‘Ka) hours of sale, to the hitfheat bidder for ' eubh, certain property, of which the following in a complete description: One hundred acres of land more or less situate, lyinK and beitiK in the 12215 t district G. M. of said county and slate and bounded as follows: On the north by the Troup's Kerry public road, on the east by the Mt. Vernon and Lothair public road, on the south by lands of Mrs. Cora E. Conner and west by Bift Red Bluff Creek. Levied on and will be sold as the property of Cora E. Conner to satis* fy an execution issued from the superior court of said county in favor of L. Mohr tk Sons vs Mrs. A. B. Conner. Pointed out for levy by plaintiff s attorney, in possession of defendant, and written notice of levy given in terms of the law. This the Ist day of June 1915. James Hester, Sheriff. J. B. Geiifer, Atty. for Plffs. OUR PUBLIC FORUM Through the Press Service of Agri culture and Commerce, the master minds of this nation will be invited to the public foruf.l and asked to de liver a message to civilisation. Men who achieve seldom talk, and men who talk seldom achieve. There is no such thing as a noisy thinker, and brevity is always a close companion to truth. It will be a great privilege to stand by the side of men who can roll in place the cornerstone of industry; to associate with men who can look at the world and see to the bottom of It; to commune with rnen who can hear the roar of civilization a few centuries away. Too often we listen to the rabble element of our day that cries out against every man who achieves, "Crucify him.” Mankind uever has and probably never will produce a generation that appreciates the genius of Its day. There never will be a crown without a cross, progress with out sacrifice or an achievement with out a challenge. This Is an age of service, and that man is greatest who serves the larg est number. The present generation has done more to improve the con dition of mankind than any civiliza tion since human motives began their upward Sight. The Greeks gave human life inspiration, but while her orators were speaking with the tongues of angels, her farmers were plowing with forked sticks; while her phil osophers were emancipating human thought from bondage, her traffic Sheriff Sale. Georgia— Montgomery County. Will be sold before the court house door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tuesday in July, 1915. be tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, certain property, of which the following is a complete description: Twenty-five acres of land situate, lying and he | in? in the Town of Soperton, said county and state, and bounded as follows: On the north by ; lands of W. 1,. Sessions, east by lands of John Fisher, south by lands of W. T. McCrimmon, anti west by public road leading from Soperton to Mi. Vernon. levied on and will bo sold as the proper ty of C«. H. Williams to satisfy an execution issued from the superior court of suid county in favor of Usher, Lowrey & Fisher vs (5. H. Williams, H. C. Joyce and J. C. Williams. In the possesion of G. H. Williams and written notice of levy given inteimsofthe law. This the Bth day of June, 1815. Jas. Hester, SheiilT. Sheriff Sale. Georgia—Montgomery County. Will be sold before the court house door in Mr. Vernon on the first Tues day in July, 11)16, between the legal Ilnurs of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, certain property, of which the following is a complete descrip tion : All that tract or parcol of land situate, lying and ! being in the Town of Soperton, said state and i county, ami bounded as follows: On the north east by Railroad Avenue, on the southeast by lands of the Bank of Soperton, on the southwest by a street and on the northwest by a street, being about 87 1-2 feet x 800 feet. Levied on and will be sold as the property of J. C. Williams to satisfy a tl fa issued by I). M. Currie, lax collector, vs J. (’. Williams, for state and county taxes for the year 1814. Written notice of levy given in terms of the law. This the Bth day of June, 1815. James Hester. Sheriff. Sheriff Sale. Georgia—Montgomery County. Will Ih? sold before the court house door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tuesday in July, 1815, l»e tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, certain property, of which the following is a complete description: Ail that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the 1681st district G. M. of said county, containing 326 acres more or less and bound«nl as follows: On the north by lands of Mrs. Saliie Youngblood, on the east by Pendleton Creek, on the south by lands of Lizzio Calhoun and on the west by lands of Martin heirs, including a tract of 272 acres granted to Ephraim Phillips Nov. 11, 1865, and tract of 27 acres granted to F. B. Cal houn Dec. 30, 1884. Levied on and to be sold us the property of Anthony E. Phillips to satisfy uii execution issued by D. M. Currie, tax collector, vs Anthony E. Phillips, for state and county taxes for the year JBl4. Written notice of levy given as required by law. This the Bth day of June, 1916. Jas. Hester, Sheri If. Sheriff Sale. Georgia—Montgomery Comity . Will be Hold before the court loiiro door in Mount Vernon on the first Tuesday in July, 1915, between the legal hours of sale. t..» the highest bidder for cash, certain property* of which the following is a complete description: That entire tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the 12215 t distrlcl G. M. of said county and state and bounded as follows: On the north by lands of John Davis, on the west by lands of A. S. Dukes, on the south by lands of W. C. McCrimmon an 1 on the east by lands of Captain Adams, containing 160 acres more or less. Levied on and will he sold as the property of Henry Horne to satisfy an execution by IJ. M. Currie, tax collector, vs Henry Horne, for state and county taxes for the year 1914. Levy math? and returned to hie by J. S. Higgs, constable, and written notice of levy give n as required by law. This the Ist day of June, 1815. Jus. Hester, Sheriff. Sheriff Sale. Georgia - Montgomery County. Will be sold before the court housedoorin Mount Vernon on the first Tuesday in July, 1816, be tween ihe legal hours of sale, lo the highest bidder for cash, certain property, of which the following is a full and complete description: One certain lot of land situate, lying isdng in the Town of Tarrytown, Ga., ami in the 1664th <». M. district of said county, containing one half an acre and bounded as follows: On the north, east and south by lunds of Mury Ann Phillips and on the west by tin* right of way of the M. I.J. A S. Kailway, on which it. fronts 160 feet, extending back 210 feet. Levied on and will bo sold ns the property of W. C. Tho/npkiris to satisfy an exem tion issued by D. \l. Currie, tax collector, vs W. C. Thompkins, for stute and county taxes for the year 1816. Written notice of levy given in terms of the law. This the 9th day of May, 1916 Jas. Hester, Sheriff. Sheriff Sale. Georgia Montgomery County. Will be sold before the court house door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tuesday in July, 1916, i*< - tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, certain property, of which the following is a complete description: Fifty acres of land situate, lying and being in the 12215 t. district G. M. of said county and state, and hounded as follows: On the north by Messrs Creek, on the west by lands of Chap Beacham, on the east by lands of Geo. Miller and on the south by lands of J. J. Miller, the same being carved from the south side of u tract owned by said J. J. Miller. Levied on and will be sold as the property of J. J. Miller, to satisfy I'.n execu tion issued by D. M. Currie, tax collector, vs J. J. Miller, for state and county taxes for the year 1914. Levy niude and returned to me by J. H. Higgs, constable, and written notice of levy given as required by law. This the Ist day of June, 1916. JaH. Hester, Sheriff. |—lntroductory moved on two-wheeled carts driven, and ofttlmes drawn, by slaves; while her artists were painting divine dreams on canvas, the streets of proud Athens were lighted by fire brands dipped in tallow. The genius of past ages sought to arouse the Intellect and stir the soul but the master minds of today aro seeking to serve. Civilization has as signed to America the greatest task of the greatest, age, and the greatest men that ever trod the greatest planet are solving It. Their achievements have astounded the whole world and we challenge every age and nation to name men or products that can approach In creative genius or mas terful Bklll In organization, the rnur velous achievements of the tremend ous men of the present day. Edison can press a button and turn a light on multiplied millions of homes; Vail can take down the receiver and talk with fifty millions of people; Mc- Cormick’s reaper can harvest the world's crop, and Fulton's steam en gine moves the commerce of land and sea. The greatest thing a human being can do is to serve his fellow men; Christ did It; Kings decree it, and wise men teach It. It is the glory of this practical age that Edison could find no higher calling than to become the Janitor to civilization; Vail the messenger to mankind; McCormick the hired hand to agriculture, and Fulton the teamster to Industry, and blessed is the age tbat has such masters for Us servants. • TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTf/TTTT• t ; [Just a Word to You? I ► 4 ► 4 ► 4 ► " 4 £ 4 ► There comes a time when you need : ► < t something in Hardware and Furniture. 4 £ It may be a Poeketknife or a Window J £ Shade, or it may be a Hundred Dollar J ► 4 t purchase. Keep this in mind when : ; that time conics. We are here to serve l ► 4 t you with the right goods, with prices 2 I and quality guaranteed. When it is 2 | HARDWARE AND FURNITURE j ► 4 ► come to see 11s. 2 ► 4 ► 4 ► 4 ► 4 | Ailey Hardware Co. j | AILEY, GA. j • AAAAAAAAAA iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii \ Your Farm Lands j : ="— — = : ► 4 ► 4 ► 4 S 4 ► 4 ► Will pay you more turned into cash. 2 ► This we can do for you. List your 2 ► property wtih us for sale—we w ill find 2 £ a buyer for you. Wind her you want 2 ► to buy or sell, wo can handle the deal 2 ► to your advantage and get results, on 2 ► farm or city property in this county 2 [ IF YOU WANT MONEY \ £ ► Get in touch with us. Wo are in position to supply it on £ short, notice, and on very agreeable terms. We have good £ connections with the hi# firms that want to lend money to ► the farmers of Montgomery county. Drop in and talk the £ matter over with us. We can do the business to suit you. • : MONTGOMERY COUNTY REAL ESTATE 1 AND LOAN CO. ► : MOUNT VERNON, GEORGIA ► to •AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAA A At,AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Tfye Seaboard Air L-in©i “Progressive Railway of the South.” Current schedule, 90th meridian time, effective January Brd, 1915. Given uh information, and not guaranteed. no. ii NO. 13 no. is No. u NOT NO. 14 A. M. P. M. A. M. Schedule A . p. M. P. M. 700 400 Lv Snvunanh Ar 10 00 886 740 489 Meidrnn 921 750 8 12 529 Pembroke 848 7 10 850 644 Cluxton 809 040 920 (5 10 Collins 740 0 10 950 0 iff Lyons 709 640 10 05 705 Vidalia 055 525 10 84 782 Mt. Vernon 022 459 II 05 758 Alamo 650 482 11 Jgj 880 046 Helena 585 410 886 12 25 980 742 Ahbevdle 440 810 745 12 45 950 802 Rochelle 4 10 248 720 200 10 85 845 Cordole 885 205 085 8 10 11 25 10 05 Americus 2 80 12 81 5 15 4 10 11 10 Richland 11 85 4 06 5 80 pm J 00 Columbus 9 50am 2 25pm 1 80 Albany 1 55 4 81 Lumpkin 11 00 8 10 Ar Montgomery Lv 7 20 PM. A.M Nos. 18 and 14 carry Seaboard Buffet Parlor and Sleeping Cars, serving meals en route. Nos. 11 and 12 carry standard coaches, baggage and express cars, making connection at Savannah and Montgomery with trains north and Soulh. J. H. MURPUKY.T. P. A., C. W. SMALL, D V P. A., Savannah, Ga.