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Misses Ruth Thornburg and!
Gladys Johnson of Higgston were
in Mt. Vernon Monday after
Mr. Max Segal 1 is at home,
from the University of Georgia, j
In the 115th commencement ex
erns > of the University on Wed
n< sday last. Mr. Segal I was
a v ni“<] the P.ert Michael schol- :
ar hip, worth S6O. We are all j
proud of Max.
finest Canned Tripe for only
ope. A specialty this week by
ad The Cash Grocery Co.
Fresh Dried Apples and Peach-
Mrs. Richard Wilson of Augus
ta is here visiting her niece, Mrs.
G. V. Mason, on Railroad Ave
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Lynn and
little daughter, Margarett, of
IJvalda, visited relatives here
Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Neva Garrettson, one of
the popular teachers of the 8.-
P. I. last term, whose home is in
Russellville, Ky., is visiting the
family of Mrs. .1. L. Adams this
Mrs. S. 15. Rodgers and son,
Roland, of Lake City, S. C., are
here visiting Mrs. Rodgers’ sis
ter, Mrs. ,1. E. Cockfield.
Mr. Claud Wright is going
around with several grown cot
ton bolls in his pocket, but Claud
will not exactly come out and say
whether he got them out of his
field or not.
Mr. Bartow Hinson of Erick
was over last week visiting the
family of Mr. J. E. Cockfield.
The Little Girls’ Embroidery
Club met at the residence of Mrs.
.1. F. Currie Tuesday evening.
There’s going to be scads of
trimming in this town before
you know it.
Little Miss Marie Cockfield is
visiting friends at Erick, Scot
land and Mcßae.
Rev. H. C. Ewing is in Lyons
attending the District Conference
of the Mcßae District which con
vened there yesterday.
Mrs. C. J. Thompson and son,
Mr. C. G. Thompson, are visiting
relatives in Screven county this
Mr. Duncan J. Mcßae of Mc
lta<- was among his friends here
M.. Walter Lee, who has been
taking a course in telegraphy at
N w nan, is at home again on
Institute Heights.
Mrs. H. C. Ewing attended
preaching at Glenn wood on Sun
day last.
Mrs. Willie Jones is spending
some time with relatives in Uval
The South Will Feed Herself
C*ROM this year on, the South will
* plant an increased acreage of small
grains. Planting, of course, means grain harvest
ing. Even though the field is small not more
than ten acres the binder will save enough of
the grain ordinarily wasted with the cradle to
make it pay.
If you have grain in. now is the time to con
sider buying a McCormick binder, the oldest
and in many ways the best of the lot.
Come in and talk it over with us.
C. A. MASON, Agt., Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Miss Alma Morrison went to
Soperton Saturday to visit her
friend, Miss Mamie O’Brien,
Col. M. B. Calhoun spent Sun
day with friends in Mcßae.
Teachers’ Exam.
The next regular teachers’ ex
amination will be held in the
court house at Mt. Vernon on
Friday and Saturday, July 30th
and 31st. The following books
have been selected for the read
ing course:
Primary and Gen. Elementary.
Manual of Methods, County Su
perintendent Free,
Allen’s Civics and Health, Ginn
& Co., Commerce Hall, Atlan
ta, Ga. ... SI.OO
Colgrove’s The Teacher and the
School, Chas. Scribner’s Sons,
Temple Court Building, Atlan
ta, Ga., - - - SI.OO
High School and Supervisory,
Manual of Methods, County Su
perintendent Free.
Allen’s Civics and Health, Ginn
& Co., Commerce Hall, Atlan
ta, Ga. ... SI.OO
Hollister’s High School Adminis
tration, Southern School Book
Depository, 121 Auburn Ave.,
Atlanta, Ga. - - $1.35
This June 22, 1915.
A. B. Hutcheson,
C. S. S. M. C.
The Wrong Spirit.
Charles M. Schwab was talk
ing about the wrong kind of
business spirit, relates the Wash
ington Star.
“This spirit is against every
body but itself,” he said. ‘‘Hence
it harms trade. It lowers condi
tions. It’s like those spiteful
women who can’t ever have any
“A lady said to a woman of
this kind:
“ ‘l’ve got such an indulgent
” ‘Yes, so I understand,” the
other woman answered. ‘Some
times indulges a little too much,
from all accounts, hey?’ ”
Notice of Local Legislation.
Notice is hereby given that at
the approaching session of the
General Assembly of the State of
Georgia an Act will Ire introduced
to alter, change and abolish the
present charter of the City of
Mount Vernon, in the county of
i Montgomery: and to create anew
charter for said City of Mount
Vernon, in the county of Mont
gomery, whereby the powers,
duties and authority of said mu
nicipal corporation will be ex
tended and enlarged.
June 14, 1915. ad
Special Correspondence.
Mr. and Mrs Thigpen of Or
land and Mr. and Mrs. Joe White
of Vidalia were in our town [Sun
day afternoon.
Mrs. E. P. Woodward of Ai
ken, S. C., is visiting Mrs. J. C.
Master Dessie Johnson spent a
few hours in Vidalia Monday af
Miss Josie Thompson returned
home Saturday from Macon
where she has been attending
Messrs. George Morris and
Harry Collins of Vidalia were in
Higgston Monday.
Mr. L. D. Morris and family,
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Thornburg,
Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Morris at
tended the new county rally at
Soperton Saturday and report a
nice time
Mr. Ethan Fulghum of Blun
dale, Ga., is visiting relatives
and friends here.
Mr. Rex Rountree of Savannah
spent several days with friends
here last week.
Mrs. R. E. Addison returned
to her home in Millen Wednes
day, after a pleasant visit to her
parents here, Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
On last Thursday evening Miss
Lillian Linder entertained a num
ber of her friends.
Miss Callie Allmond left Thurs
day for White Springs, Fla. where
she will spend several weeks be
fore returning.
A large crowd attended the
Literary Society last Friday
night to hear the “Mock Trial,”
of which Mr. Ethridge Jackson
was the victim. According to the
evidence, the jury found him not
Messrs. Duncan Currie and
Abbie Vann of Vidalia were in
our town Friday evening.
Mr. J. C. Thornburg went to
Mt. Vernon Monday.
Joe and John Redmond from
Mcßae are here visiting their
grand father, Mr. W. M. Thomp
Miss Gladys Thompson and her
Sunday school class will entertain
at the school house next Friday
night, June 25. Hiawatha.
Increased Rural Mail
Facilities by Uncle Sam.
The time is not distant when
we shall be asking, “Where is
the old-fashioned country mail
carrier who rode a umll-eyed pony
or drove a grandmotherly mare?”
Beginning August the first, the
Postotfice Department will in
augurate automobile service on a
number of rural delivery routes.
Trips that now take half a day
can be made in an hour or two,
and through the saving thus ef
fected the routes can be extend
ed and the quality of the accom
modations improved. This plan
when duly developed should be
especially useful in facilitating
trade between cities and farm
steads. Already the parcel post
has brought the growers and con
sumers of truck products into
closer relations: the motor de
liveries will afford new opportu
nities and inducements for this
important field of exchange.
Under the present administra
tion, the postotfice has grown con
tinually more serviceable and ef
ficient. There is not a trace of
the surly incompetence that
marked the Hitchcock regime.
The Department’s controlling
purpose, through all its branches,
is evidently to meet the public’s
needs. It is not content with
discharging ordinary duties from
day to day. Its policy is con
structive and looks ahead to new
I means of helpfulness. Particu
larly is this true of the rural free
delivery in which the country’s
educational and social progress is
so broadly concerned. That ser
vice has recently been extended
to more than ninety thousand ad
ditional families, and now it is to
be improved still further by the
introduction of automobile de
liveries.—Atlanta Journal.
Married Monday.
Tuesday morning in" the ordi
nary’s office Miss Esther Bennet
and Mr. Willie Sharpe w'ere mar
ried by Judge McArthur.
The groom is a son of Mr.
Crockett Sharpe and the bride is
a daughter of Mr. K. H. Bennet,
all citizens of the lower part of
the county.
Manager Wanted
for Montgomery Countv for NEW
Small investment required. Op
portunity for man who wants no
limit on what he can earn. Ad
dress A. S. KEITH,
Dublin, Ga.
Libel For Divorce.
M. A. Love vs R. L. Love. Libel
for Divorce in Montgomery Su
perior Court, Aug. Term, 1915.
The defendant, R. L. Love, is
hereby required personally or by
attorney to be and appear at the
Superior Court of Montgomery
County, Ga., to be held in and
for said county on the first Mon
day in August, next, then and
there to answer the Plaintiff’s de
mand in an action of complaint,
or in default thereof the Court
will proceed as to just ice shall ap
pertain. Witness the Honorable
E. D. Graham, Judge of said
Court, this the 6th day of Janu
ary, 1915. G. R. Tyler, Clerk.
F. C. Herrington, Atty. for PUT.
Farm Loans.
I am in position to close some
good farm loans, from SIOOO up,
at once. If you need money,
see A. B. Hutcheson,
415tf Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Milk Cow For Sale.
One Jersey cow and calf, cheap
for cash. W. A. Peterson,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Peas for Sale.
Mixed Peas, $1.85; Reds and
Clays, $1.90; Irons and Clays,
$1.90. Seven other varieties,
including Irons. Will exchange
limited amount for new crop oats
at fair market price.
J. B. Johns,
5274 t Reidsville, Ga.
Fine Pigs for Sale.
I have for sale some fine pigs,
SIO.OO per pair. See me at once.
Jas. W. Adams,
415tf Rt. 1, Mt. Vernon.
“Finest Cathartic
I Ever Used ”
"They do not gripe and their effect i. quick
and aura" —uy. L. L. Layey.
•'For a long time I suffered from
constipation and liver trouble," says
Mr. L. L. Levey of Green Bay, Wis.
"Nothing seemed to help me. I Anal
ly secured a package of Foley Cathar
tic Tablets and am pleased to state
that they have cured me. They are
the Anest cathartic I have ever used,
as they do not gripe at all, and their
effect is quick and sure.”
If you are at all troubled with
constipation, Foley Cathartic Tablets
will be a blessing to you—they not
only Induce natural, comfortable
movement, but they have a strength
ening and beneficial effect upon the
Intestinal tract.
Foley Cathartic Tablets can safely be
taken by any and every member of
your family. Like all Foley remedies
they are sold In yellow packages. Ae
tVfit iiotUiog but the ecmuav,
Sold ad
A. L. Lanier,
Attorney at Law,
Will Practice in all the Courts ol
the State.
! Office over Mt. Vernon Pustoilice.
L . W. BUSH,
Dental Surgeon,
Offices 2d Floor Bank of Soperton Building
Soperton, Ga.
Atty at Law,
,Mt Vernon, Georgia
! \ \
\ This Industry, Economy and Enterprise jj
is one no housewife can afford to
neglect, but its success will
depend largely upon the
| used in the process. They must be the i
j Best. We have Nothing but the Best. i
| The E=Z Seal and Hason’s !
! Rubbers and Caps for Each Kind
H. V. Thompson & Bros.
» _ _ I
Against Loss
1 0000
| ©© © Q No Matter from What Source it May Come
| 0© © © ~ ~
We are constantly adding new |
accounts, and our business is increasing |
{it a very satisfactory rate. |
Possibly you also might be glad to |
join us. |
’ a
Notice to Wheat Growers
s • 1 S
» i <
1 I have 5-strand mill. 75-barrel capacity.
I All wheat shipped us will have prompt
attention, be ground and returned
1 J. T. POPE, - - Proprietor
•jf i
Savannah, Ga. j
Tybee, Ga. j
t i
| Tickets on sale commencing Sunday, |
I May 30th and each Sunday thereafter 1
| until Sept. 12th, limited to date of sale. 1
Kate from Mt. Vernon: f
| j
| To Savannah - $1.50 ]
|To Tybee - - = $1.75 j
| J. H. MURPHY, TP A., C. W. SMALL. DPA., j
[*• Savannah. Ga. i