The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, July 08, 1915, Image 2

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    Th\e T-'iontgornery Monitor.
bvhh tmhway. official okoan mmumm comm.
Knt**i j.i tin l -if.f'llTlc* in Mr. Vernon. Ga. iih Second-Class Mail Matter.
h. B. POL SOM Editor as 4 Omt. a ear ' * n Advance*.
• ,'*! Iv. in„« nil-. <* must invariably be paid in advance, at the legal rate, and as the law
d>.. , 1 , and must l.e in band u»t later than Wednesday morning of the first week of insertion
Mount Vernon, Ga.. Thursday Morning, July 8, 1016.
Gov. Harris says we must keep
sober. And we must.
From the trenches the cry goes
up, “On to Eastman!”
The peavine hay season is al
most upon us. Don’t neglect the
South’s great forage crop.
The submarine part of the Eu
ropean war seems to be the only
real live proposition about it.
Some good measures have been
proposed in the legislature, hut
Ihe annual choking of foolish
thorns and thistles will prevent
the passage of many of them.
The grandest sight in Georgia
today is that of thousands of
acres of green cornfields waving
in the sunlight, a harbinger of
better times arid agricultural in
We think the <leneral Assembly
now in session is made up of a
lot of good fellows. But the old
game of “you tickle me and I’ll
tickle you” will he just ns popu
lar as in preceding sessions.
That is a good one Editor
Moore of the Pembroke Enter
prise gets olf on old Montgomery
as the “shoe string county.” We
propose to bo tied in a double
how knot before any more cut
ting is done.
The most remarkable food
, plant grown on Georgia soil is
the sweet potato. An armful of
vini s, a three foot stick and a
little patch of ground will pro
duce a life sustaining crop at less
expense than any combination
known to agriculture.
Already the belligerent nations
of Europe are figuring on the
next winter campaign. Our peo
ple had just as well get ready
lor living at home on this side
the water. More wheat, less cot
ton; more feed, more cattle and
more prosperous farmers.
We look forward to the meet
ing of the Georgia Weekly Press
Association at Eastman on Mon
day evening next with the
brightest anticipations of meet
ingold friends again. Eastman
and Mcßae (side trip) will be on
their p’s and q’s, and everybody
will be happy.
The attempt lust Saturday to
assassinate ,1. P. Morgan, Jr., of
New York, calls to mind the fact
that anarchistic maniacs always
make their attempts on the rich
or those high up in office. Along
with their insanity the fact shows
up that envy and greed are at the
bottom of their madness.
We hope tin agitation of the
jury commissioners matter in the
General Assembly will result in
some needed reform along that
line. If the amount of trickery
and political scheming practiced
along that line in Georgia could
be brought out into the light of
day it would surprise old Diogenes
sti he would singe his hair and
beard both off in his excitement.
The people of old Montgomery
county have certainly hail to
fight for the life of the county.
First Toombs took a big slice,
then Wheeler county was made
out of the western side. These
two counties left Montgomery
but a narrow strip almost like a
shoestring. Now a proposition
is up to cut off the north end. If
ibis goes through, Montgomery
county might as well be wiped
off the map. Wo hardly think,
however, that the legislature will
consent to this move. —Pembroke
Gleanings From 3
t Wisdom’s Field. 3
£ <
Darien Gazette: The solons
are going to knock out the near
beer saloons in Georgia. There is
no such thing as near beer. It’s
the real stuff whiskey and beer
that is sold in Georgia. Let’s
1 cull things by their right names.
Hazlehurst Enterprise: If we
I were a great manufacturing cen
ter and had innumerable enter
prises we could boast and brag of
! what we had, (then we’d need
more) hut, as it is, we haven’t
1 so much to brag or tell the world
that we have, except a delightful
climate, good water and a heal
thy town; and our experience
alone is that we subsist, but that
we must have some of the sub
stantial things of life along with
Clinch County News: On the
first working day of the Legisla
ture, Thursday, 87 bills were in
troduced. If this rate was con
tinued for the fifty days there
would be 4,850 bills. It is to be
hoped that not more than 1 per
cent will pass.
Valdosta Times:—State School
Superintendent M. L. Brittain
declines to accept the position at
the head of Atlanta’s schools. If
that means he is to retain his
present position the state isto be
Savannah News: Three more
Norwegian ships have been sent
to the bottom by German subma
rines. Norway is not at. war
with Germany, but she is being
treated on the seas pretty much
as if she were. Her patience is
Lyons Progress:—The Walton
Tribune and other North Georgia
papers are just now reporting the
arrival of the “first cotton bloom”
of the season. This seems strange
to a fellow down here in God’s
country where the cotton bolls
are half grown.
Claxton Enterprise:—From ru
mors that are circulating about,
it seems that Congressman Chas.
G. Edwards will have some oppo
sition in his next race. If we re
member correctly, he has had
spposition before, but he is still
our congressman.
Brunswick Banner: A rural
exchange records the interesting
fact two of its young people were
“joined in holy deadlock.” Was
it a tie or a draw?
Atlanta Journal: Tho Georgia
farmer intends this year to eat
two grains of home-raised wheat
where last year he ate but one
; or none at all.
Greensboro Herald-Journal: -
If Old Man Prosperity don’t hur
ry up and come hopping along
we’ll In-gin to think somebody
has lied.
Savannah Press: —lt is now
said Germany is to send us a
counter proposal. We hope it will
not Ik* in the nature of a bargain
(counterproposal. We are in no
mood for bargaining.
Telfair Enterprise: We trust
the local merchants will have
their places of business decorated
for the reception of the state
weekly press editors. A little
bunting will not cost much and
will add greatly to the appear
ance of things.
Nashville Herald:—Represen
tative Jno. P. Knight has already
let ’em all know ho is there. He
has introduced several local hills.
| Speaker Burwell assigned him to
the following important commit
tees: General Judiciary. Appro
i priations and Privileges and Klee
1 lions.
Convict Wardens to
Meet at Capitol.
Atlanta, Ga., July 3.- Prepa
rations have been completed for
the convention of county convict
wardens of the State, to be held
in the State Capitol July 13-14.
A large number of wardens
have signified their intention of
attending and many ideas of a
helpful nature in the matter of
handling and caring for convicts
are expected to be developed.
Six Per Cent
Money to Loan.
The long term loan company
that I represent has about Seven
ty-five Thousand Dollars that
they are willing to loan in Mont
gomery County during the sum
mer months on improved farm
lands at 0 per cent interest. Now
is the time to make your applica
tion for money, if you need it,
while the company is not rushed
with business, and the agent has
plenty of time to get your papers
m proper shape. My company
gives the borrower the privilege
of (laying back a part of the prin
cipal each year and stopping the
interest on the amount paid if
desired. If you are going to need
any money next fall, make appli
cation now and have the loan ap
proved, and if you find later that
you do not need so much, amount
can be reduced without trouble or
expense. Address
L. C. UNOKitwoon,
(>-3-8m Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Thu Mount Vernon
Abstract Co.
This company has opened offices
in Mount Vernon for the purpose
of making abstracts of titles to
lands, and will appreciate the
patronage of all parties wanting
abstracts of titles to their prop
erty. The firm is composed of
A. B. Hutcheson, attorney, who
has had several years practical
experience in abstracting, and
William Jones, who has had a
number of years experience in
general office work, together with
| practical abstracting experience.
They are in position to render
prompt and satisfactory service.
5204 t-ad.
Saw Mill For Sale.
I offer for sale one No. 1 Mal
lory & Taylor Saw Mill and one
15-horse power engine and boiler,
Peerless make: also a portable
engine and boiler on wheels, as
good as can be made. Now run
ning at Nails Ferry on the Alta
maha river, where buyer may see
it tested before buying. Will be
sold at a bargain, as I wish to re
tire from the saw mill business.
Gkove Sharpe,
513tf Alston, Ga.
Notice Local Legislation.
Notice is hereby given that at
the approaching session of the
Legislature of Georgia a bill will
be introduced amending the pres
ent act creating and governing
the Board of Commissioners of
Roads and Revenues of Montgom
ery County. May 25, 1915.
I It Always Helps M
says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., fn £2l
writing of her experience with Cardui, the woman’s
tonic. She says further: “Before I began to use
Cardui, my back and head would hurt so bad, I
thought the pain would kill me. I was hardly able kg*
to do any of iny housework. After taking three bottles
of Cardui, l began to feel like a new woman. I soon ET,
gained 35 pounds, and now, Ido all my housework, |§S
as well as run a big water mill.
1 wish every suffering woman would give
The Woman’s Tonic b
a trial. I still use Cardui when I feel a little bad,
and it always does me good.” kCM
Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness, p
tired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs of woman
ly trouble. Signs that you need Cardui, the woman’s pHi
tonic. You cannot make a mistake in trying Cardui
for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing
women for more than fifty years.
Get a Bottle Toda y! ,|jS
Cut This Out—
It Is Worth Money
Cut out this advertisement, enclose
C cents to Foley & Co.. 2835 Sheffield
Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name
and address clearly. you will re
ceive In return a trial package con
(1) Foley's Honey and Tar Com
pound. the standard family remedy
for coughs, colds, croup, whooping
cough, tightness and soreness In
cheat, grippe and bronchial coughs.
(2) Foley Kidney Pills, for over
worked and disordered kidneys and
bladder ailments, pain in sides and
back due to Kidney Trouble, sore
muscles, stiff Joints, backache and
(3) Foley Cathartic Tablets, a
wholesome and thoroughly cleansing
cathartic. Especially comforting to
stout persons, ami a purgative needed
by everybody with sluggish bowels
and torpid liver. You ran trv these
three family remedies for only se.
Sold Everywhere. ad
For Long Term Farm
I am negotiating some ver}*
attractive Long Term Farm Loans
for the best companies doing bus
iness in Georgia, with lowest rates
of interest and the most lib* rul
terms of payments
I have several years experience
in the loan business, am located
at the county site and believe that
I am in position to give you the
best terms and as prompt, services
as any one.
If vou need a loan see me he fort
A. B. Hutcheson,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
If your Piano is worth anything,
it is worth EXPERT TUNING.
Anv other kind will ruin it. I
have a diploma, and guarantee
all work. Write, and I will call.
Charles L. Hamilton,
Blacksmith & Repair
All Classes of Repair Work Work
Quickly and Correctly Done
Bring Me Your Work
6 Per Cent. Money.
A few applications for loans
on choice city or country property
in Montgomery county desired at
once. Interest at 6 per cent.,
payable annually or semi-annual
ly. Five year loans. See me at
Ailey, Ga.
|| A Check Book
i; is easier to carry than a wallet filled ;
|| with currency, silver or gold. It adds ;j
j: dignity to your transaction and always 1
|| ghes you satisfaction. Checks are of j
; no value except to the person in whose j
I favor they are drawn. Can you afford j
to keep your money at home or in your j
pocket, when you can have, without
expense, a check book on this bank?
y y yyyy-yy-yyy yyy yyyr-yy yyyy
i; |;
(CAPITAL, 515.000.00 SURPLUS, $30,000.00 RESOURCES, $145,000.00 jl
Willie T. McArthur, President W. A. Peterson, Cashier J
Alex McArthur, Vice-President H. L. Wilt, Assistant Cashier ]
This Industry, Economy and Enterprise I;
is one no housewife can afford to
neglect, but its success will |j
depend largely upon the
| used iu the process. They must be the ij
I Best. We have Nothing but the Best. |j
The E-Z Seal and Hason’s I
Rubbers and Caps for Each Kind j
f H. V. Thompson & Bros.
|-Better Able Than |
Is Ever! p
Our faeiliteis for banking service ||
during the new year cannot be §
excelled. A close investigation
invited. Ample means, and the ®
T best service to the public.
President Cashier Vies-Pres.
T. A. Clifton Dr. J. H. Dees A. T. Johnson
John Jay McArthur W. T. Mcßride F. B. Mcßride
J: S. Sharpe Joe W. Sharpe D. S. Williamson