The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, July 22, 1915, Image 4

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Col. C. W. Atwill and Mr. i
Walter Sauls of Eastman were
here Monday afternoon.
Misses Jennie and Floy Usher
of Sylvania have returned home
after a visit here to relatives, the
families of Mr. Clerin Thompson
and Mr. T. J. Thompson.
Mr. Ben M. Fussell of Ocilla
came over Saturday afternoon to
visit his family, stopping with
relatives here, and returnod Mon- 1
Mr. H. H. Adams of Tarry
town was transacting business
here Tuesday.
Mr. I). C. I’atillo, of the law
firm of I’atillo & Jackson, of Vi
dalia, was attending to business
here Monday.
Dr. J. M. C. McAllister and
family came over from Rochelle
Saturday to spend a few days
with relatives here.
Col. Alex McQueen, of Vidalia,
who has recently opened a law
office in Soperton, was among
friends and relatives here Mon
Mrs. Thos. J. Mcßae came ov
er from Mcßae a few days ago to,
visit relatives.
Misses Ada and Maggie Lang- 1
ford of Uvalda, popular young
ladies who formerly resided here, j
came up Monday afternoon to
spend a few days with Mrs. L.
C. Underwood and others of
their numerous friends.
Junior Sewing Club.
On last Tuesday afternoon the
Junior Sewing Club was delight
fully entertained by Misses Alice
and Ethel Thompson. By five
o’clock the Juniors began to ar
rive, and soon the porch resound
ed with merry voices and light
hearted laughter.
The needles and tongues kept
up a lively race the entire after
noon. Miss Jennie Thompson |
added much to the afternoon
pleasure hy her reading “Polly
Anna,” who is an ever welcome
visitor to thi 1 sewing club.
After the work was over, de
licious refreshments were served.
As dusk came on, the guests left,
each one voting the afternoon an
entire success, and the Misses
Thompson splendid hostesses.
ih m
Savannah, Ga. I
Vs g
| Tybee, Ga. I
| VIA 1
| £
| Tickets on sale eommencini*- Sunday, |
I Ma\ MOtli and each Sunday thereafter %
| until Sept. l\Mh, limited to date of sale. |
Kate from Mt. Vernon:
| To Savannah - SESO |
ITo Tybee - - - $1.751
i J. H. MURPHY, TP A., C. W. SMALL, DPA.. |
Savannah. Ga. %
] l,<mn* of any amount from SBOO to $.">0,000 on farms in Mont
i gouiory and adjoining count ios. No delays for inspection.
Have lands examined *»v a man living near you.
] LOANS UN FIVE YEARS TIME, livable in easy installments to
I suit borrower.
Merchants Rank Building McHlie, hil,
■icw ttWW>r«ww«wiinMft* wwwv. wfww.i
Mrs. W. H. McQueen spent
Tuesday in Vidalia.
Master Bert Wood of Macon
rolled in Tuesday night to spend
some time with his cousins, Ran
dal and Folsom McQueen.
Lost Coat. On Wednesday
of last week, between Alston and
Mt. Vernon, man’s brown coat,
size 38, Masonic pin attached.
Bring to Monitor office, reward.
L. E. Stanford, liockledge, Ga.
Mrs. J. C. Calhoun has return
ed from an extender! trip to At
lanta, where she went for treat
ment. Her many friends are
glad to note the improved condi
tion of her health.
Cashier W. A. Peterson of The
Mount Vernon Bank made a
business trip to Savannah Tues
day. He was accompanied by
the boys, Masters William and
John Powell.
Col. E. J. Cowart of Lyons was
a business visitor here yesterday.
A number of our citizens went
over to Mcßae Monday by auto
mobiles to a hearing of a bill of
injunction brought by citizens of
Ailey on road work here.
! Messrs. H. L. Wilt and W. A.
McQueen returned Saturday
evening from a week’s trip to
Liberty county and Brunswick.
Mr. W. L. D. Rackley has re
turned from Atlanta, where he
went to have a slight operation
on one of his eyes.
The Kil Kair Club
Kills Care, Eats Cream.
The Kil Kair Club was delight
fully entertained at the home of
Mrs. C. W. Wright on last Thurs
day afternooon. Fourteen mem
bers were present. While the
girls were busily engaged with
their sewing, music was rendered
by Misses Marie McQueen and
Inez Mcßride, which was enjoyed
very much.
During the evening delicious
cream and cake was served. Mrs.
Wright was assisted in enter
taining her guests by her moth
er, Mrs. J. 0. Mcßae.
Miss Dorcas Mcßae will enter
tain the club this afternoon.
1 have bought tin* Ice business
of Hicks Bros., and solicit your
patronage. H. Cockfield.
Funeral of Mrs. Simmons.
Brunswick, Ga., July 15. — The
funeral of the late Mrs. Mary
Ola Simmons, who died at the
Brunswick Hospital late Tuesday
night, was held this morning
from the First Methodist Church.
Many attended.
Mrs. Simmons was the widow
of the late Rev. John Wesley
Simmons, until his death a few
years ago, one of the best known
ministers of the South Georgia
Conference. With her husband
she had made her home in prac
tically every city in South Geor
gia. While Mrs. Simmons con
sidered Cordele her home, she
had been residing here for some
time with her son. Dr. J. W.
Simmons. The latter left only a
few days ago for St. Paul, Minn.,
to attend the meeting of the
Woodmen of the World, he being
consul commander of the Geor
gia organization.
Besides Dr. Simmons, the de
ceased is survived by three other
children, Mrs. Goodwyn Willing
ham of of Nashville, Tenn., Jas.
Simmons of Cordele, and William
Simmons of Columbus. Mrs.
Simmons was 50 years old.
Robbers Get Satchel
Containing $4,400 Cash.
Milwaukee, Wis., July 20. —
Edward Laase, cashier for a local
branch of the Cudahy Packing
company, was robbed of a satchel
containing $4,400 today while on
his way to a bank. The rob
bers pounced on him three blocks
from his office, seized the bag
and escaped.
Play Vidalia Monday.
< t
Cuts Throat Rather
Than Go to Prison.
Macon. Ga.. July 20.-I. C.
Davis, a well known Macon young
man, who entered a plea of guil
ty to the charge of forging the
names of his aunt and uncle to
checks that netted him $125,
slashied his throat with the blade
of a safety razor when Judge
, Matthews sentenced him to fif
| teen months at the state farm, a
1 few minutes after the plea was
l .
entered. Seven stitches were
I required to close the wotted.
Davis it is said, will recover.
Milk Cow For Sale.
One Jersey cow and calf, cheap
for cash. W. A. Peterson,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Farm Loans.
I am in position to close some
good farm loans, from SIOOO up,
at once. If you need money,
see A. B. Hutcheson.
415tf Mt. Vernon, Ga.
For Leave to Sell.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
J. B. Geiger, administrator of
the estate of M. T. Moses, has in
proper form applied to the under
signed tor leave to sell all the
real estate of said estate; this is
therefore to cite a!l parties at in
terest that said application will
he heard at the next regular term
i of the Court of Ordinary, on the
\ first Monday in August. 1915.
! This the sth day of July. 1915.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary.
I Commercial |
Printing j
This printing business is an every-day tiling with us.
For nearly twenty-five years we have made a specialty of |g
that department of the art known as “job printing”— g
I Letter Heads, Envelopes 1
| Note Heads, Circulars |
I 5 Cards, Pay Checks j|
Programs, Ets. $
The Montgomery |
J Monitor
I MT. VERNON, GA. Telephone No. 40 1
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, as
permanent receiver of the Uvalda Bank, will on |
the first Tuesday in August next, 1915, sell at
public outcry to the highest bidder foreash before
the court house door at Mount Verijon, Georgia,
the following described property, to-wit:
A certain ono-Btory brick building located on a
corner lot in the town of Uvalda. Montgomery
County, Georgia, in Block number Ten (10) at the
intersection of Myrtel Street and Railroad A venue
West,, fronting east on said Railroad Avenue
West, (or the right of way of the Georgia & Flor- ,
ida Railway) twenty-five (25) feet and extending
back west a distance of forty-five (15) feet on lot ;
number Two in said Block number Ten (lb) as (
originally laid off in said town, as fully shown by j
a warranty deed made by J. J. Moses to the Uvo 1 -
da Bank l»enring date the27th day of April. 1111
and which is recorded in Book No. 16, folio No. t*.».
of the Records of Deeds in the office of the Clerk ,
of the superior court, of Montgomery County,
Georgia, in which said deed the said J. J. Moses
reserves the right in himself and in his heirs, ex
ecutors, administrators or assigns to join on to the
back or rear wall of said bank building; said build
ing containing necessary vault for banking pur
poses; and also included in said sale and sold along
with said bank building will be sold one iron safe
and all other necessary furniture and fixtures for
a banking business, such as cabinets, cheek files,
one typewriter, one adding machine, tables and
chairs, etc.
Said property will be sold under and by virtue H
of an order granted by the Honorable E. D. Gra
ham, Judge of the Superior Courts of the Oconee
Judicial Circuit, on the Bth day of July, 1915, au
thorizing and empowering the undersigned as Re
ceiver to sell all of the above described property.
The successful bidder or bidders at such sale will
be required to deposit 10 per cent, of the amount
of their said bid as o guarntee that said success
ful bidder or bidders will comply with the terms
|of his said bid if the same is confirmed by the
j mart.
Upon said sale being consumated the under
i signed will make immediate report to the court of
• the same, and if said sale is confirmed by the
! court, then the undersigned as Receiver will im
| mediately execute title deeds to the real estate
i above described and place the purchaser in pos
’ session of said real estate as well as in possession
of the persnal propeAy above described.
* W. A. I’KTrn on.
Receiver-of the Uvalda Bank.
Libel For Divorce.
IM. A. Love vs R. L. Love. Libel
for Divorce m Montgomery Su
perior Court, Aug. Term. 1915
The defendant, R. L. Love, is
i hereby required personally or by
I attorney to be and appear at the
| Superior Court of Montgomery
County, On., to be held in ami
j for said county on the first Mon
day in August, next, then ami
thereto answer the I’liiintilf's de
mand in an action of complaint.
| or in default thereof the Court
will proceed as to justice shall ap
pertain. Witness tin- Honorable
E. D. Graham, Judge of said
Court, this the tith day of Janu
ary. 1915 O. 14. Tvler, Clerk.
P. C. Ht •rringt-ou, Atty. for I‘ltT.
A. L. Lanier,
Attorney at Law,
Will Practice in all the Courts of
the State.
l Last ]
t 3
[ Excursion I
!► 5
► 1
r. Os the Season 3
e Friday, July 30th. j
\ iit Seaboard Air Line Railway.
E Tickets on sale July 30th, 1915, limited 3
t for return six days from date ol sale. 3
► Rate from Mt. Vernon $2.25 :
> *
► A last opportunity to visit Savannah and Tybee this season *
l Ocean Bathing , Boating , Fishing <
For full information, see nearest Seaboard Agent, or *
► write J. H. Murphey, T. P. A., or C. VV. Small, D. P. A., <
► Savannah, - Georgia. <
l :
« * §
; Notice to Wheat Growers |
| L have 5-straiul mill, 75-barrel capacity.
| All wheat shipped 11s will have prompt t
attention, be ground and returned
pJ. T. POPE, - - Proprietor I
| DUBLIN, GA. |i