Newspaper Page Text
Great Eastern Lum
ber Company.
Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue
of a decree rendered in the United States District
Court for the Southern District of Georgia. Kast
ern division, in the cause of Union Trust Company
vs Great Eastern Lumber Company, therein
pending:. Gordon Saussy and Neyle Colquitt as
commissioners appointed in said decree will, be
fore the court house door of Chatham county,
Georgia, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and
4 o’clock p. m. on the lath day of September. A.
D. 1915, offer for sale and sell subject to the con
firmation and order of the court, all of the proper
ties, franchises, priviliges. rights ami assets of
the Great Eastern Lumber Company described in
the bill of complaint in said cause and in the
amendment thereto and in the decree aforesaid,
and which may be described in general terms as
follows, to wit:
In Barnwell County, S. C.
The following land in Barnwell county, S. C„
described in the original mortgage or deed of
trust from the Great Eastern Lumber Company
to the Union Trust Comsany, dated June 1, 1911,
and attached to the bill of complaint as Exhibit A,
to wit:
1,700 acres of land in Bull Pond township, Barn
well county, S. C., known as the A. M. Erwin :
9UO acres of land in Four Mile township, Barn
well county, S. C., known as the D. C. Foreman
tract. All of the timber, timber i ights and privi- j
leges of the Great Eastern Lumber Company in ;
Barnwell county, S. C., on the tracts of land de
cribed in said mortgage of June Ist, 1911, attached
to the bill of complaint as Exhibit A and the sup
plemental mortgages attached thereto as Exhibit
B. dated March 20, 1912; Exhibit H, dated Oct. 3,
1912; Exhibit J.. dated Jan. 28, 1913; Exhibit K.,
dated May 14, 1913, and Exhibit M, dated July 24,
1913, respectively, and known now' or formerly as
190 acres, Thos. R. Erwin tract.
2.500 acres, T. Gertrude. All tract.
475 acres, Nina Flowers tract.
825 acres, Margaret A. Kirkland tract.
30 acres, J. O. Brunson tract.
205 acres, Bessie J. Brunson tract.
500 acres. Julia A. Rhodes tract.
4,000 acres, Pope & Alexander tract.
1.500 acres, Sallie Morrall tract.
502 acres. Henry Black tract.
175 acres, Moses W. Bush et al tract.
435 acres, Stephen Tutt tract.
380 acres, Julia A. Bush tract.
440 acres, Mary E. Davis tract.
1,212 acres, Sarah M. Dicks tract.
385 acres, Martha Boyd et al tract.
385 acres, Julia A. Bush et al tract.
130 acres, Annie L. Chance tract.
145 acres, Newman & Henderson tract.
135 acres, H. L. Googe et al, trustees, tract.
145 acres, E. Daniels tract.
826 acres, Harriet B, Lawton home place.
2,040 acres, Harriet B. Lawton Brooks place.
125 acres, Anna Baker Lamar tract.
637 acres, Josie E. Best Smyrna plantation
119 acres, C. M. Hiers’ part of the E. C. Wil
lingham place.
190 acres, acres, Rebecca S. Keil Big Bay and
Richland Pond tract.
54 acres, C. B. Farmer tract.
285 acres, A. W\ Owens homestead tract.
200 acres, western portion of the A. W. Owens
Ashe lands.
190 acres, Jennie R. Calhoun tract.
All of the timber, timber rights and privileges
of the Great Eastern Lumber Company in Barn
well county, South Carolina, on the tracts of land
described in supplemental mortgages attached to
the bill of complaint as Exhibit H, dated Oct. 3,
1912, Exhibit J, dated Jan. 28, 1913, Exhibit K.
dated May 14, 1913 and Exhibit M, dated July 24,
1913, respectively and now or formerly known as
80 acres, W. B. Turner tract.
60 acres, Richard Henry Brinkley tract.
199 acres, H. W. Richardson tract.
73 acres, A. R. Hiers estate place.
In Aiken County, S. C.
The following land in Aiken county, South Car
olina, described in the original mortgage or deed
of trust from the Great Eastern Lumber Company
to the Union Trust Company dated June 1, 1911,
and attached to the bill of complaint as Exhibit A,
800 acres of land in Silverton township, Aiken
county, South Carolina, known as the Sarah M.
Dicks tract.
All of the timber, timber rights and privileges
of the Great Eastern Lumber Company in Aiken
county, South Carolina, on the tracts of land de- i
scribed in said mortgage of June 1 attached to the j
bill of complaint as Exhibit A and the supple- j
mental mortgages attached thereto as Exhibit H,
dated Oct. 3, 1912; Exhibit J., dated Jan. 28, 1913,
and Exhibit K, dated May 14, 1913, respectively,
and now or formerly known as
390 acres, H. D. Bush tract.
300 acres, Moses Hollomon tract.
350 acres, Dunbar Brothers' tract.
100 acres, C. C. F. Hammond tract.
83 acres, E. S. Simpkins tract.
350 acres, Sabrina A. Ramsey tract,
300 acres, J. C. Hankinson tract.
339 acres, J. H. Skinner tract.
695 acres, Prentiss and Fogle tract.
Also all of the timber, timber rights and privi
leges of. the Goeat Eastern Lumber Company in
Aiken county, South Carolina, on the tract of land
described in the amendment to the bill of com
plaint and known now or formerly as
57 acres, Julia A. Bush tract.
In Hampton County, S. C.
All of the timber, timber rights and privileges
of the Great Eastern Lumber Company in Hamp
ton county, South Carolina, on the tracts of land
described in supplemental mortgages attached to
the bill of complaint as Exhibit J, dated January
28. 1913, and now or formerly known as
350 acres, Jennie M. Jones tract.
In Jasper County, S. C.
All the timber, timber rights and privileges of
the Great Eastern Lumber Company in Jasper
county. South Carolina, on the tracts of land de
scribed in the supplemental mortgages attached
to the bill of .complaint as Exhibit J, dated Janu
ary 28, 1913, and Exhibit K, dated May 14, 1913,
respectively, and now or formerly known as
387 acres, C. E. Perry tract.
371 acres, C. E. Perry tract.
274 acres, M. A. Beinkampen tract.
508 acres, M. A. Beinkampen tract.
The last two tracts of land were originally in i
Hampton county. South Carolina.
Also all of the timber, timber rights and privi- {
leges of the Great Eastern Lumber Company in
Jasper county. South Carolina, on the three fol
lowing tracts of land described in said decree, par- j
agraph 27 (L), (Parcel 12) thereof, thereof to wit:
21 acres, Jasper county, South Carolina, bound
ed north and west by lands of Great Eastern Lum
ber Company, east by lands of Oketee Club, south
by lands now or formerly owned by George Vaig
45 acres, Jasper county. South Carolina, bound
ed north and west by lands of Great Eastern j
Lumber Company, ea9t by lands of Oketee Club,
and »oulh by lands of Daniel Mitchell/"
57 acres, Jasper county, South Carolina, bounded ;
north by lands of John McKenzie, east by lands
of Oketee Club, south by lands of Oketee Club, 1
Robert Marlow and Ned Mitchell and west by j
lands of Frank Simmons.
la Burke County, Cia.
All of the timber, timber rights and privileges j
of the Great Eastern Lumber Company in Burke
county, Georgia, on the tracts of land described in
said mortgage of June 1, 1911, attached to the bill
of complaint as Exhibit A and the supplemental
mortgage?, attached thereto as Exhibit G, dated
August 5. 1912, and Exhibit I, dated January 28, I
1913. respectively, and known now or formerly aa ,
175 acres, M. F. God bee tract.
269 acres, L. W. Mallard tract.
103 acres, Ella C. Brewer tract.
409 acres, Emma L. Jones tract,
279 acres, Frank W. God bee tract.
206 acres, K. J. God bee tract.
142 acres, W. M. Mobley tract.
287 acres, W. H. Mallard tract.
168 acres, W. H. Mallard tract.
84 acres, John W. Hickman tract.
32 acres, A. B. Smith tract.
31 acres, Mrs. M. A. God bee tract.
170 acres, Mrs. F. H. Buxton tract.
368 acres, N. L. God bee tract.
406 acres. C. J. God bee tract.
81 acres. L. S. Bargeron tract.
82 acres, T. W. Bargeron tract.
585 acres, Sapp-Gray place.
48 acres, G. W. God bee place.
29 acres, Mrs. M. S. Bargeron tract.
256 acres, Mary C. McElmurray tract.
206 acres. G. W. Bargeron et al tract.
439 acres, Mrs. M. E. Brinson tract.
124 acres, Henderson Jones tract.
4o acres, Cora L. Perkins tract.
164 acres. D E McMaeter tract.
69 acres, Mrs. M. J. Reddick tract.
99 acres, L. H. and Bessie Reddick tract.
! 67 acres. F. B. Dixon tract.
361 acres, W. B. Bargeron tract.
11 acres, Wilson Noland tract,
i 80 acres. Edwin Fulcher tract.
172 acres, Edwin Fulcher tract,
464 acres Minus McElmurray tract.
89 acres, James Lawson tract.
155 acres, Esther Norton tract.
43 acres. Esther Norton second tract.
146 acres. Mrs. C. L. Sapp tract.
75 acres. Walker McCathern tract.
77 acres, R. O. Lovett tract.
29 acres, C. J. Godbee place.
97 acres. T. W. or J. G. Bargeron tract.
148 acres, W. B. Zei trier tract.
64 acres, J. Mack place.
165 acres, E. Chance tract.
182 acres. Dave Fulcher tract.
121 acres, J. F. Herrington tract.
162 acres, N. Freeman tract.
238 acres, Sim Bell tract.
1,160 acres. J. F. Odom place.
323 acres, J. B. and W\ R. Buxton place.
397 acres. E. O. Mays tract in Burke and Jenk- j
ins counties.
73 acres, Lucy A. E. Lovett tract.
91 acres, Mrs. Elnora Sasser tract.
56 acres, J. D. and R. E. Forehand tract.
214 acres, J. E. Sasser tract.
322 acres, Buxton and Mears tract.
In Screven County, (la.
All of the timber, timber rights and privileges j
of the Great Eastern Lumber Company in Screven
! county. Georgia, on the tracts of land described
> in said mortgage of June 1. 1911, attached to the
! bill of complaint as Exhibit A and the supplement
al mortgages attached thereto as Exhibit D, dated
j April 1, 1912; Exhibit F, dated June 28. 1912; Ex
: hibit H. dated Oct. 3, 1912; and Exhibit I, dated
Jan. 28, 1913, respectively, and known now or
formerly as
144 acres, part of W. K. Harrison tract.
acres, I T . H. Hill tract.
771 acres, W. A. Herrington tract.
933 acres. Daniel Sons and Palmer tract.
142 acres, W. H. Bragg place.
416 acres, A. C. Cabiniss place.
473 acres, J. E. Davis tract.
473 acres, T. E. Davis tract.
420 acres, Albert Reason et al tract.
121 acres, Mrs. Mattie Pond tract.
238 acres, Mrs. L. A. Mallard tract.
36 acres. Mrs. E. Mathews tract.
89 acres, Virginia Rushing tract.
226 acres, Mercer tract.
383 acres, J. C. Hollingsworth tract.
216 acres, Joseph Griner, trustee, tract.
45 acres, George W. Jenkins tract.
55 acres, W. J. Jenkins tract.
233 acres, S. L. Greiner tract.
150 acres, W. R. Lovett tract.
36 acres, L. C. Lynch tract.
118 acres, Mrs. Rose Lovett tract.
59 acres, W\ H. Lovett tract.
85 acres, G. M. Baughman tract.
61 acres, Charles Bringham tract.
107 acres, W. H. Bragg place,
186 acres, W. B. Rackley place.
100 acres, T. J. Rackley tract.
114 acres, G. H. Nixon tract.
365 acres, Lambert trustee and Forehand.
441 acres. Edward Lambert, trustee, et al.
151 acres, S. L. Lewis tract.
231 acres, Julius A. Murry tract.
18 acres, Erwin V. Jenkins tract.
50 acres, Sallie E. Meades tract.
122 acres. Mrs. Ada J. Oliver tract.
284 acres, Kizzie Davis tract.
33 acres, Jimsey Joyner et al place.
42 acres, J. H. Griner tract.
187 acres. Peter Goelzinger tract.
200 acres, Peter Goetzinger tract.
301 acres, Peter Goetzinger tract.
109 acres, John D. Forehand tract.
125 acres, Alice M. Forehand et al tract.
102 acres, Mrs. Clara Hughes tract.
278 acres, Freddie V. Rackley tract.
41 acres, Bush N. Jenkins tract.
121 acres, Mrs. Alice R. Baughman tract.
77 acres, W. K. Harrison tract.
32 acres, Calvin Gridin tract.
Also all of the timber, timber rights and privi
leges of the Groat Eastern Lumber Company in
Screven county, Ga., on the tracts of land describ
ed in the amendment to the bill of complaint and
known now or formerly as
173 acres, John W. Thompson tract.
70 acres, Emma L. Newton tiMct.
21 acres, Mary F. Kimball tract.
79 acres, Sam Brown tract.
123 acres. Tasso Hopkins tract.
20 acres, C. S. Murray tract.
In Laurens County, (ia.
All nf the timber, timber rights and privi
lege* nf tlie Great Eastern Lumber Company,
iu Laurens enmity, Georgia, on the tracts of
land described in tbe supplemental mortgages
I attached to the hill of eomplai"t as Exhibit, ft.
I dated April 1. 1912, Exhibit 1, dated Jan. 28.
11)13; Exhibit L, dated May 11, 1913 and Ex
hibit M, dated July 24. 1913, respectively, and
known now or formerly as
in exhibit o.
7 acres, Thomas It. Hicks tract.
028 acres. Hardy Smith tract.
132 acres, Mrs. D. J. Hark "act.
234 acres, Hicks and Clark tract.
366 acres, 1). A. Sniiilr Oconee Itiver Swamp
tract. •
324 acres, the Wilcher tract of Tlios. B. Hicks.
952 acri s. Hicks Turkey Crook tract.
14 acres, Clark lot of Pritchett and Hooks.
IN exhibit i.
328 acres, Mrs. E. A. .McLendon tract.
225 acres, Mary King tract.
1!3 acres. Lincy Moore tract.
414 acres, Janos C. Wilkes tract.
1,117 acres, J. It. Broadhurst tract.
IHI acres, 0. B. Smith, guardian tract.
470 acres, the Guyton place.
724 acres, the J. 11. Beaeham tract.
212 acres, the Old 1 obinson place, being lots
307, 311, 312, 328 aiol 329 of the 171li land Uis-
I triet.
Also all of the timber, timber lights and
privileges of the Great Eastern Lumber Com
pany in Laurens county, Ga., on the tracts of
land described in Hie amendment to the bill
ot complaint and known now or formerly as
r 72 acres, Freeman Wilkes tract.
In Chatham County, (ia.
The following land in Chatham county, oa ,
d»scribed in the supplemental mortgage or
deed of trust of April 18, Al). 1912. and at
tached to the bill of complaint as Exhibit “E”
to- w it:
Those certain tracts of land on or near the
■Savannah liver and Augustine creek, in Chat
ham comity, Ga., about six miles above the
1 city of Savannah, described as follows;
Onnslow Island tiueln dug a small island
ealle 1 Hog Island adjacent thereto) contain
ing 7'X) aori s more or less; a portion ot Argvle
! Island, containing 50rt acres more or less, and
I two thousand two hundred ami twenty acres
more or less on the mainland of the west side
of the Savanna!) river, situated as follows: 275
acres lying between seaboard and Atlantic
Coast Line railroads, twenty-live acres lying
between Atlantic Coast Line Railroad and pub
j lie road leading from Savannah to Augusta,
j Ga., known as *be Augusta road, and 1,920
aeres between said Augusta road and the Sa
| vannali river, said islands being sitnated in
j the Savannah river, and the 2,220 acres of
| mainland being bounded north by lands of
| Godh y, Ulmer and waters of Augustine ereek,
, east by wsta rs ol tin- .Savannah l iver, south by
lands known as “The Grange,” and west by
lands of Dotson, Godlev ami right of way of
Seals.ard Air Line Railroad.
In Jenkins County, (ia.
Alt of the timber, timber righta arid privi
leges of the Gi eat Eaaterii Lumber Company
, in Jenkins comity. Ga., on the tracts of land
i described in said mortgage of Jure 1. 1911, at
tached to the bill of complaint aa Exhibit A
and the supplemental mortgages attached
thereto as Exhibit G, dated Aug. 5, 1912, re
spectively, and known now or formerly as
29 acres, J. T. Bell tract.
76 aeres, Mrs. Anna H Herrington tract.
334 ac*es, Y Bartow Godbee tract.
371 acres, It. C, Chance tract
251 t acres, Jessie L Bargeron tract,
100 acres, Khoo-Fly tract,
In Washington County, Ga.
all ol the timber, timber rights and privi
leges of the Great Eastern Lumber Company
in Washington county, Ga., on the tracts of
land described in the’ supplemental mortgage
aitachcd to the bill of complaint as Exhibit H,
dated Oct. 3, 1912. and known now or formeily
113 acres, I , A Orarbill "act. %
340 acres, Mrs. Mary Colson tract.
320 acres, J. T. Anderson tract.
In Montgomery County, (ia.
All ot tliii timber timber right* aud privi- |
leges of the Great Eastern Lumber Company j
iu Montgomery county, (ia , on the tract* of
land described in the supplemental mortgage*
attached to the lull complaint a* F.xhibit I,
dated Jan 28, 1913, and Exhibit L, dated May
14, 1918. respectively, and known now or for- |
Uacrly as
4,509 aens, Thomas B. Hicksflorsoshoe plan- j
tat ion, timber acreage being 1,131 acre*.
144 acres, Lizzie Graham tract.
338 acre*, Lizzie Graham tract.
649 acres, Laura A. A/iller tract.
683 acres, Amanda Adams tract.
109 acre*, Ma r v M . Hige* tract.
230 aen s, A. l s ». and G. T. Johnson tract.
In Effingham County, Ga.
All of the timber, timber right* and privi
lege* of the Great Eastern Lumber Company
in Effingham county, Ga., on the tract* of land j
described in tlm supplemental mortgage* at
tached to the bill of complaint a* Exhibit I,
dated an. *2B, 1813, and Exhibit Is, dated .May
14, 1913, respectively, and known now or for
merly a*
94 acre*. H. 1. Edward* tract.
‘2lO acre*, Mr*. Etta L. Edward* tract.
‘2OO acres, H. J. Edward* et al tract.
In Wilkinson County, Ga.
All of the timber, timber right* and privi
lege* of the Great Eastern Lumber Company
in Wilkinson county, Ga., on the tract of land
described in the supplemental mortgage at
tached to the bill of complaint a* Exhibit M,
dated July 24 1918. and known now or former
ly hh
1,775 acre*, James 8. Simons, Jr., tract.
In Screven And Jenkins Counties, Ga.
AH of the timber, limber light* and privi
lege* of tin-Great Eastern Lumber Uompany
on a tmet of lai d lying partly in .s’ereven comi
ty and partly in Jenkins county. Ga , describ
ed iu the supplemental mortgage attached to
the hill of complaint as Exhibit H, dated Oct.
3, 1812, and known now or formerly a*
2l2acre*, Hill and Nike* tiact.
In Johnson And Laurens Counties Ga.
All of the timber, timber right* and privi
lege* of the (H eat Eastern Lumber Company
on two tracts of land partly in Join.*oll county
and partly in Laurens county, Geoigia, de
scribed in the supplemental moitgftge attach
ed to the bill of complaint as Exhibit M, dated
July 24, 1913, and known now or form« riy as
6*506 acres, Provident Trust and Security
Co., tract, timber acreage being 2,306 acre*
We will at the same time otter for sale and
*ell the railroad of the Great Eastern Lum
ber Company extending from New»onville,
Chatham countv, Ga , on the main line of the
Savannah and Northwestern Railway in Chat
ham county, Ga., to the mill site of tlie Great
Eastern Lumber Company at Port "'cut worth
on the Savannah river. i hatiiam county, Ga.
and all spur track* and extensions, branches,
rails, ties, fastenings, crossings and equipment
belonging or pertaining thereto, and ull tram
road*, car*, engines, locomotives, railway and
logging equipment, machinery and appliances;
and all of tin* personal property and all build
ing*, mill*, sawmill*, engine*, boilers, planer*,
odgers, timber machines, wells* tanks, refuse
burners, dock*, truck*, office buildings and
tixtuies, and all machinery of evmy character
and kind and all tow bout* both steam and
gasoline with equipment including building
chain* and cable*, mid all skidder*, locomo
tives, improvt ments, log*, trucks, steel rail,
log carts, wagons hurtles t. logging equipment,
and animal* belonging to the Great Eastern
Lumber Company, including that which is
described in tuosaid mortgages attached to
the bill of complaint and any and all property,
real or personal., not desmoid therein but
owned by the Great Eastern Lumber Company
on June i, 1911, or acquired by it at any lime
subsequent thereto, including personal prop
erty sold to the Great Eastern Lumber Com
pany by persons reserving title iu themselves
who have intervened as parties in tlie cause
above stated and to whom the property so sold
ha* not by order of the court in said cause
been returned. The property so sold with
reservation of title and to be sold under this
notice and said decree being chiefly machin
ery, appliance*, articles and material placed
iu, or intended to be used iu connection with,
the mill of the Great Eastern Lumber Com
pany iti Chatham county, (ia., steel rails pur
chased from the Savannah and Northwestern
Railway, one Glover locomotive and Clyde iron
skidder* 111(1 loaders, which articles will be
Hold free from ull claim* of said vendor*, and
any purchaser* of said articles will acquire all
of the rights, title and interest, therein of both
the Great Eastern Lumber Company and of
of said vendor*.
For a more complete and accurate descrip
tion of Hie properties lieu in-above mentioned
all person* are hereby referred to the bill of
complaint in the cause hi st above mentioned
pending in the United .S'tates District Court
for the Southern district of Georgia, Eastern
division, the exhibits thereto, tli* amendment
to said petition an I the decree of sail? in said
cause. Because of the recent creation of new
counties* both in Georgia and iu .'South Caro
lina/ it may be that some of the property
above mentioned de*crib«d in one couuty is
now situated in one of the newly created conn
tie*, but the exact location and description of
the several tract* of land can be ascertained
from said bill of complaint, the amendment
Thereto and deen e, iu said cause. The said
tract* of land, rights and properties are sold
subject to such reservations a* are stated iu
the Gill of complaint and the exhibit* thereto
ait a died, and said decree
The pro city will be exposed and offered
for sale iu different parcel* a* directed in the
degree aforesaid, and particularly in para
graph 27 thereof.
Bidders to whom the properties iu mass and
in pan el* mav be knocked down hIihII prompt
ly deposit with the commissioners ten per
cent. (10 per cent.) of their respective bids,
not to exceed twenty-five thousand dollars
(125,000) in cash or a check payable to the or
der of the commissioners pn some bank in Sa
vannah, (ia., or iu a bank elsewhere situate,
acceptable to said commissioner* duly certi
fied by Much bank to be good, provided that
any person who deposit* the sum of twenty
fiv© tb iirtand dollar* ($25,000) iu the manner
afoiesaid may without further deposit, bid on
all or any of the parcel* aforesaid so offered
for sale.
The moneys or checks * . deposited shall be
on account of tlm pm * price at which the
property may be knocked down to successful
bidders, should any successful bidder fail to
deposit the said amount required of him by
sai l decree within twenty 120) minute* after
propei tv has been knocked down to him, such
propeity may forthwith and without further
advertisement be thereupon offered for sale,
the light being reserved to regard such resale
a* made for the account, a id at the risk ol
hucli defaulting bidder. Property knocked
down mav without further advertisement be
reoffen d lor sale upon default of the success
ful bidd( rin complying with the terms of the
decree as often a* may be necessary until the
successful bidder complies with the provisions
j of the deer* e.
The right is given by said decree to the
commissioners to adjourn the sale as to any or
all of said property to such other time as the
commissioners may declare with like powers
of ndj urnmeiit.
All »aleM aie subject to the confirmation of
the court, which has reserved the right to
withdraw from sale unde* - said decree any
property not situate within the Fifth Judicial
Circuit of the United States, even though the
same may have been knocked down to a suc
cessful bidder or bidders.
Where property in offered in different par
cels, the right is reserved to the court to con
firm the sale of propertied in each parcels as it
deems best, rejecti. g bid* for other parcels.
Within forty-five <45) days after confirma
tion by the court of any bid or sale of arid
preuertv, or anv portion thereof, the seccess
ftil bjdder shall pay the commissioners the
balance of the purchase money due, and noon
i failure *0 d<» so, »ne cash or checks deposited
j by him with the commissioners i-liall l>e for
j feited as a penalty for such failure and applied
towards the payment of the expenses of said
sale and towards making op any deficiency or
1 load in ease the property should be subse
quently sold for le*H than the price bid by
! him and toward* making good any loss oc
casioned by such failure.
should any sale l>e not filially confirmed
without fault on the part of a successful bid
der, the amount deposited by him snail be
returned to him without deduction.
Any mioi't sslul liiiUler ami purchaser of Haul
ploptftii a, or any jiait thereof, shall, after
makitiK the deposit by aaiil decree
and paying in cash to the extent of hia hid
such amount as may be necessary to discharge
all costa ami all print aud equal allowances,
claims or liens, be entitled to appropriate and
apply towards the satisfaction of his bid and
the payment of the purchase paice oßorcd by
him the amount adjudicated by said decree to
In due him and the amount adjudicated to he
due any other person or corporation, if duty
assigned to bidder to the extent and on
the terms and conditions specified iti said
degt re.
For a more ample statement of the terms
upon which said sale wid he made all per
sons art referred to the decree in said cause.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house
door iu Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
day iu Sept., 1916, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which
the following is a complete descrip
tion :
One certain tract or parcel of land
situate, lying and being in the 15(57th
G. M. district of said county and
state, containing 186 acres more or
less and hounded us follows; On the
north by lands of S. I). Morris, on the
east by lands of Angus Morris, Sr.,
on the south by lands of I. J. Morris
and on the west, by lands of Tom
Morris. Levied on and will be sold
as the property ofS. [,. Morris to sat
isfy an execution issued from the
superior court of said county In favor
of Swift Fertilizer Co. vs S. L. Mor
ris. Written notice of levy given de
fendant, iu possession of said land,
this the 10th day of Aug., 1916.
Jas. Hester, Sheriff M. C.
.1 B. Geiger, A tty, for Pitts.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery county.
Will be sold bofoio the court house
door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
day in Sept., 1916, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest, bidder
for cash, certain property of which
the following is it, complete descrip
tion :
All that certain tract or parcel of
land situate, lying and being in the
275th G. M. district of said county
and state and bounded as follows:
On the north by lands of Wiley
Sharpe and B. F. Hart, on tile east,
by lands of J. K. Jones and Lizzie
Geiger, on the south by lands of K.
S. Gibbs and on the west by lands of
B. N. Yeomans and J. C. Clifton,
containing 210 acres. Levied on and
will be sold as the property of K S.
Gilths to satisfy an execution Issued
from I he superior court of said coun
ty in favor of Peruvian Guano Cor
poration vs J. C, Clifton and 10. S.
Gilths. In possession of K. S. Gilths
and written notice of levy given In
terms of the law. This the 9th day
of Aug., 1916.
Jas. Hester. Sheriff.
1). C. Patillo, A tty. for Pllfs.
New Road Notice.
State of Georgia, /
Montgomery County. \ Office of
Commissioners of Hoads and
Revenues of Montgomery County,
Genrgiu, Aug. 8, 1916.
I. C. Mcßae, E. McLeod, Mrs.
E. 1). Adams, Mrs. T. B. Adams
and others Ituving applied for the
opening and establishing of a new
road, beginning at the point in
the 1848dG. M. District, Mont
gomery county, where the lane in
front of L. C Mcßae’s home in
tersects the public road known us
the River Road, and running in a
north-eastern direction through
the lands of L. C. Mcßae, Everett
McLeod, E. D. Adams and Mrs
T. B. Adams, and terminating at
a point where said new road in
tersects the public road leading
from Mt. Vernon to Cvalda, near
E. M. Mcßae’s home. Total pro
posed length of said new road
being about one and a half miles.
The reveiwers appointed to lay
out and survey said road having
tiled their return, notice is hereby
given that sutd road will be grunt
ed on the first Tuesday in Sep
tember, 1916, if no good cause be
shown to the contrary.
C. (’. MeAt, lister,
Clk Co. Com’rs.
Mortgage Sale.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Whereas, on the first day of October, 1910, Geo,
M. Tapley executed and delivered to the Canadian
th American Mortgage 4k Trust Company. Limited
his deed, under Sections, No. 1969, 1970, 1971 of tho
(Unle of Georgia, 1882, to the lands hereinafter de
scribed, for the purpose of securing a debt referr
ed to in said deed, which deed is recorded In the
Clerk’s office of Montgomery Superior Court in
book 12 of deeds, page 487.
And, Whereas; the said Canadian 4k American
Mortgage At Trust Co., Limited did on November
80th, 1914, transfer and assign to the undersigned
for a valuable consideration, the notes to secure
the payment of which said deed was executed, and
at the same time transferred and assigned to the
undersigned all of its rights under said deed, and
on the 80th day of November, 1914. executed arid
delivered to the undersigned a deed conveying the
title of said lands into the undersigned together
with all the powers, rights and title of said lUan
pany under th i deed of the said George M. Tapley
including the tower to sell said lands in case of
default in the prompt payment at maturity of in
terest or principal of said notes.
Now, Therefore; by virtue of the power so vest
ed in the undersigned, which is more accurately
shown by reference to said deeds the undersigned,
the Georgia Loan Ac Trust Co., will sell at public
outcry to the highest bidder for cash, on the first
Tuesday in September 191 b. during the legal hours
of sale, before Montgomery county court house
door at Mt. Vernon, Ga., the landn described in the
aforesaid deeds to-wit:
All that tract or parcel of land lying and being
in the 12215 t District, G. Montgomery county,
Ga., containing one hundred aud forty (140) acres,
more or less. Bounded on the north by lands of
Peter Gavin, east by lands of C. V. Tapley; south
by lands of A. J. Copeland and Gillis Brothers and
west by lands of Gillis Brothers.
The said dead first above mentioned was execut
ed and delivered to secure the payment of a cer
i tain promissory note for the sum of SBOO and the
| interest coupons attache#! theieto. all of said not«*s
! dated October Ist 1910, and the principal debt
i hearing interest at the rate of seven and one-half
l>er cent, per annum. Bald principal debt is now
past due by the terms thereof, and so declared to
b* #iue for default In payment of interest coupons
annexed thereto due October Ist 1918 and October
Ist 1914. The total amount of principal. At interest
that will be due on said debt on the first Tuesday
in September 1916 is sl*B.Bo. Fee simple titles will
be ma#Je to the purchaser at said sale and the pro
ceeds of such sale will be applied first, to the pay
ment of said debt with interest and expenses of
this pr#s7#!«iing, and the remainder, if any, wjll
be pakl over to said George M Tapley or his legal
representative. This 2nd day of August 1916.
The Georgia Loan 4k Trust Co.,
A. B. Mutchjrson, Atty.
(Real Estate $ 5,400.00 |
Furniture and Fixtures 2.277.23 S
Rills Receivable 18,824.59
I Overdrafts 52.47 J
Cash on Hand and with Reserve
Agents 6,296.65 j;
832,850.94 $
Capital Stock $15,000.00 $
Individual Deposits 5,684.80 ijj
j Time Deposits 1,931.36
j Cashier’s Checks 24.86 ii
Rills Payable 10,000.00
j Net Earnings for Period 209.92 |
I hereby certity that the above is a true statement
of the condition of the Citizens Bank, Alston, Ga.,
at the close of business August 4th, 1915.
Public Accountant, if
: The Land of the Sky <
: ” :
l The one place where you will most <
► Enjoy a Vacation for Rest «
► or Recreation :
t :
: :
> Are a Few of the Most Noted Resorts *
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[ LOW SUMMER FARES- Through Car j
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t Service from Many Important Points. «
: <
► For information and Literature Address *
£ Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Ga. *
: Th\e Southern Railway <
A Sad Awakening.
The foreman of gang of rail
way men had more than his share
of Irish wit.
The other afternoon he was
walking along his section of the
line when he found one of his
laborers fast asleep in the shade
of a hedge.
Eyeing the man with a stern
smile, he said slowly;
“Slape on, ye idle spalpeen
slape on. So long as ye slape
ye’ve got a job; but whin ye
wake up ye’re out of wurrk!’’
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia Montg#>m«ry County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mount
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Sept., 1916, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a full and complete description:
201 9.10 aercH more or lesn, located
in the 27611 i (J. M. district of said
county and state, worn particularly
described iu record of deeds, Book
22. Pago 88, clerk’s office of liic supe
rior court of said county, hounded as
follows: Northeast, hy lauds of John
M. Sharpe, northwest hy lauds of Jas.
W. Hharne, (consisting of 24 .‘i.lOscres
divided by a public road, of another
9 9.10 acres), on the southwest hy
lands of H. .Morris and John S.
Sharpe, helng the place on which
Jas. W. Sharpe resides, containing
single-story residence, outbuildings,
etc. Levied on as the property of
Jas. W. Sharpe to satisfy an execu
tion issued from the superior court
ot said county in favor of the Dan
nenherg Go. vs J. W. Sharpe <V. Son
atid J. \V. Sharpe and H. T. Sharpe.
In possession of Jas. W. Sharpe and
written notice of levy given in feints
of the law. This the loth day of
August, 1916.
Jas. Hester, Shetiff.
Sheriff Sale
(tooigin—Montgomery (nullify.
Will In- Mold before tin; court house
door in Ml. Vernon on the llrM Tucs
dn.v in Sept., IMS, between the legal
holll'M ot Mile, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which
the following 1h a complete dencrlp
Twenty aerex of land situate. lying
and being in the b'U.'ird <i. M. district
of Maid connt> and Mtateand bounded
as follows: On die nortl l bv lands
ot Mim. M. A. W bedel . oil I lie east
by landH of Kent ami < aliioun, on
the Mouth by landH of Oliver smltli
and on the west by lauds of Win. »<.
Kent. Said properly levied on and
will lie Hold as the property of Isaac
Itrooks to satisfy a dist re,mm warrant,
in favor of M. A. Wheeler vs Isaac
Itrooks. In possession of defendant
and written notice of levy given in
terms of tin- law. This the 10th day
of Aug,. Hilo .las. Hester. Sheriff.
W. 1,. Wilson, A tty. for Plff.
Indiana Man’s Kidney
Troubles Disappear
"After suffering many months from
kidney trouble," writes W. It. Fox.
of Noblesvllle, I rid . and after hav-
Ing tried many rant dien and prcHcrip-
Hons, I purchased a box of Foley
Kidney Pill*. They not only did
me more good than any other remedy
I hud ever used, but they positively
set my kidney* right. Other mem
ber* of rny family have uaed »amo
with similar results."
From every state In the Union como
unsolicited letters telling of satis
factory results from Foley Kidney
Hill* When the kidneys become
clogged up. get sluggish, and niter
and strain out of the blood only part
of the poisonous waste matter, tho
balanee remains and circulates
through the system, uric acid forms,
and swollen, palnlul Joints and mus
cles are the result
Foley Kidney Hills cleanse and tone
up the kidneys, so that backache,
rheumatism, sore muscles, aching
joints, annoying bladder disorders
and irregularities i-uoa disappear,
Oold Everywhere. ad