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Mrs. B. M. Fussoll of Ocilla,
Miss Juanita Morrison from the
(i. N. & I. College, Milludgeville,
and Mr. Charlie Morrison of
Glenwood attended the funeral of
their uncle, Mr. E. W. Armfield,
here Sunday.
Ginneries are included in the
line of Eire Insurance we repre
sent. Mt. V. L. & C. Agency.
Mrs. B. 15. Wood and children
left for Macon yesterday morn
ing after spending two weeks
here with relatives.
Dr. C. R. Jenkins, president of
Wesleyan Female College, Ma
con, preached to a full house in
the Methodist church here Sun
day night.
,1. H. Hudson, Ailey, Ga., re
spectfully directs attention to his
Fall Millinery, comprising the
newest ideas, which await your
inspection. • ad.
Mr. Pratt Daniel of I/mgpond
was a visitor here yesterday.
Mr. D. N. McLemore of Clax
ton was here over Sunday with
his brothers and sisters.
See the ad. of the Twelfth
District Fair, which is to he held
in Dublin Nov. 8-13. Let our
farmers attend, and if possible
carry an individual exhibit. This
county could make a creditable
display. Nothing lacking, but a
little efTort.
New Fall Dress Goods. Latest
Styles. The ladies are invited to
call and inspect them,
ad. A. Scgall, Mt. Vernon.
Mr. Walter Lee of Claxton
came up to spend Sunday with
Messrs. M. A. Peterson of Ed
na, .1. C. Clifton of Uvalda, C.
L. Moss of Alston, M. Bridges
and W. A. Conner of Charlotte,
were callers at The Monitor of
fice Tuesday. These are all regu
lar patrons.
Mr. M. .1. Brantley of Route 2
was in to see us Tuesday. He is
a successful farmer.
Mr. .1. B. O’Conner of Kibbee,
one of the new county commis
sioners appointed, was transact
ing business here Tuesday.
Long term Farm Loans are
easy in small payments. If you
need the money, let us advance
it to you. Mt. V. L. &C. Agency.
c TKe*’Wonder Car”
Electric Starting and Lighting
I * V ==
The new Maxwell is equipped with the Simms-
H iff Electric Starting and Lighting System.
This system is a single unit type, combining
in one instrument the generator and motor.
It is the simplest, “sure-fire” powerful self
t i i ter ninvie and has about one-half the wire
of ordinary starters.
We are waiting to take you for •
test ride in the car that has broken
all low “First-Cost” records, and is
breaking all low "After-Cost” records.
V M.&MckmJcp Starter
Demountable Lights g
l isbn I \inrfyhhld B Jr Jr MbUgn'tolgnition 1
j Mcßae & Hicks, Mt. Vernon, Ga. p
•. Li: .. /
The regular meeting of the
Board of County Commissioners
was held Tuesday, and many
citizens attended the pccasion.
Messrs. Sam Hughes and T.
B. Rhodes of Scotland were here
A large party, including a
number from Mt. Vernon, in
dulged in a deer hunt down on
the Altamaha and Oconee river
swamp oesterday. Several deer
were recently killded there.
Mason & McQueen, Mt. Ver
non, are offering the highest
prices for cotton. See them. ad.
Miss Dorcas Mcßae has gone
to Bellville, where she has ac
cepted a place as teacher in the
high school at that place. Many
friends, while regretting her de
parture, trust that she will meet
with success in her new work.
Bellville, while a small town, has
always maintained a splendid
Safety first. —Insure your cot
ton against loss by fire. We pro
tect you. Mt. V. L. &C. Agcy.
Heavy shower Tuesday after
noon. Good on sugar cane and
sweet potatoes; but of no advan
tage to cotton in the field.
He sleeps best whose home is
protected by ample fire insur
ance. Insurance on farm dwell
ings a specialty with us.
Mt. V. L. & C. Agency.
Mr. N. L. Spooner returned
Saturday from Whitewater, Wis.,
where he has been spending the
latter part of the summer with
his daughter, Mrs. Wallace
Spooner. Mt. Vernon relatives
and friends are looking forward
to a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Wal
lace Spooner during the winter.
We do not ask any better col
lateral for a long term loan than
a Montgomery or Wheeler county
farm. Mt. V. L. &C. Agency.
After spending a week with
relatives in Mt. Vernon, Mrs.
Jas. H. Daniel and children
left Monday afternoon for their
home in Bellville. Mr. I). W.
Folsom, father of Mrs. Daniel,
accompanied them home, remain
ing over in Bellville Tuesday.
The highest market price for
your cotton if it is brought to us.
Mason & McQueen,
ad. Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Choice Wheat and
Oats For Sale.
A limited quantity of genuine
Fulghum oats and Blue Stem
Montgomery Co. grown seed
wheat for sale. See me.
J. M. D. McGregor,
1074 t Ailey, Ga.
Seed Oats for Sale.
A lot of Fulghum or May oats.
Most prolific, and are two weeks
earlier than common varieties.
Best on the market. Write
W. H. Kelley,
Rt. 3, Uvalda, Ga.
Trustee’s Sale of Real Estate.
o«ovvii~Montgomery County.
Under and by virtu#; of an order granted by the
Hon. A. H. Mac Don ell, Referee In Bankruptcy, on
the 29th day of Sept.. 1915, the undersigned. trus
tee of the Imnkrupt estate of H. J. Gibbs, individ
ually, will put up and expos** for sale, before
the court house door in Mt. Vernon, Ga , to the
highest bidder for rash, between the legal hours
of sal**, on th»* first Tuesday in November, 11*15.
the following described real estate to wit;
Two hundred one acres of land, more or less,
situate, lying and being in the27sth district C. M ,
Montgomery county, Georgia, hounded hh follow :
On the north by lands of Mrs. Anna Peterson and
R. N. Yeomans, on the east by lands of E. H.
Gibbs, on the south by Milligan's Creek, ami on
the west by lands of W. P. Calhoun.
Said land will be sold free from all liens. All
liens and other claims to attach to the proceeds of
said sale. The salt* will l»e subject to the confir
mation of the Court, and the successful bidder is
required to deposit with the undersigned 10 per
cent, of his bid; and in rase the said sale is not
confirmed by the Court, the said 10 per cent, so
deposited with the undersign**! will lx; returned
to the bidder. This the 4th day of Oct., 1915.
Trustee of the Bankrupt Estate of 11. J. Gibbs.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Will he sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Nov., 1915, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
All that tract or parcel of land lying and t>eing
in the 1343rd District G. M. of Montgomery county,
Georgia, containing according to previous deeds
four hundred and forty-six and 70 one hundredths
(446.70) acres, but according to the plat attach***!
to the deed to secure debt from the said Associated
Realty Sales Co. to the said Trustees of the Mercer
University, of record in the Clerk’s office of Mont
gomery Superior Court, book 17, folios 22-24, con
taining four hundred and thirty-two and 92.100
(432.921 acres, being the tract number**! one on
said plat, and bounded as shown on said plat, on
the north by lands of Brady and J. B. O'Conner,
on the east by lands of Wm. Morris and Tract 5 on
said plat, on the south by lands of N. A. Adams
and W. G. Cooper, on the west by lands of Isaac
Lad son, being the same track conveyed by Mrs.
Fannie Connell to James McNatt, by deed recorded
In Book 15, page 635 in the Clerk’s office of Mont'
gomery Superior Court, as shown on plat attached
to and recorded with said deed.
Also that tract or parcel of land situated in said
State. County and District, containing according
to previous deeds eighty-five acres (K 5) acres,
more or less, but according to the aforesaid plat
attached to said deed to secure debt, containing
seventy-seven (77) acres, being the tract numbered
two on said plat, and bounded on the north by the
Savannah Road, on the east by lands belonging to
McNatt, on the south by lands of S. D. Morris, on
the west by the Ixiuisville road, and being the
same property conveyed by Catherine Morris to
James McNatt by deed recorded in the Clerk’s of
fice of Montgomery Superior Court in Book 15,
page K 4.
Also that tract or parcel of land situated in sai l
State, county and district, containing fifty (60)
acres, and shown on the aforesaid plat attached
to said deed to secure debt us tract numl>er three,
being bounded on the north by tract number 4on
said plat, on the east by lauds of 1,. L. Hamilton,
on the south by A. B. Hutcheson, on the west by
James McNatt. being the same property sold by A.
M. Stewart, as guardian, to James McNatt by deed
recorded in said Clerk’s office in Kook 12. page 103.
Also that tract or parcel of land situated in said
state, county and district, containing forty-seven
and 19.100 (47.19) acres, more or less, and number
si as tract number four on the plat attached to
• o the aforesaid d«***d to secure debt, bounded on
ihe north by lands of La*lson, on the east by Mc-
Natt, on the south by tract number 3 on said plat,
on the west by land of Ladson, and lieing the same
property convey©*! by M. L. Currie to James Mc-
Natt by deed recorded in said Clerk’s office in
Book, 20, page 1.
Also that tract or parcel of land situated in said
State, county, and district, containing according
to previous deeds seven hundred ami one acres,
hut containing according to the aforesaid plat at
iuchcd to said deed to secure debt, six hundred
and 44.100 (600.44) acres being tract number five
on said plat, bounded on the north by lands of
Wm. Morris and Jas. Palmer, on the east by lands
of Palmer and the Kibliee road on the south by
lands of McNatt, on the west by N. A. Adams
and tract number one on the said plat, being the
same property conveyed by B. E. Higgs to E. T.
Mcßride and Company by deed recorded in said
('lark's office in Book 9. page 370.
Also that tract or parcel of land situated in said
stutc* county* and district, containing twenty-five
(26) acres, more or less, being tract number six
on the aforesaid plat attached to said deed to se
cure debt. bounded on the north by tract number
five on said plat, on the east by the Louisvile
road, on the south by the Louisville road and S. 1).
Morris, on the west by tract number five on said
plat, and being the same property conveyed by
Margaret Bacon to James McNatt, by deed record
in said Clerk's office m Book 16* page 534.
Said property levied on as the property of Em
pire Realty Trust Co. to satisfy an execution is
»ued from the City Court of Macon, in favor of
Trustees of the Mercer University against said
Empire Realty Trust Co.
This the 4th day of October, 1915.
Janies Hester, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Gt*oriria—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before tin* court house
door in Mt. Vernon on the Hist Tin s
day in Nov., 1915. between the legal
hours of sale, to the higlie-d bidder
for east), certain property, of which
•he following is a complete descrip
tion :
That certain tract or parrel of land situated,
lying and being in the 12215 t district G M. of said
county and state and bounded as follows; On the
north by lands of K Miller, on the east by lands
of Sam Miller and Mrs. M. Jones, on the smith by
lands of N N. Bat wick and on the west by lands
of J. D. Johnson, containing seventy-seven 177)
acres more or less, and know n as the L. W. Har
wich home place: said property being in the pos
session of N. N. Harw ich. Levied on and will Ik*
sold as the property of N. N. Barwick to satisfy
an execution issued from the Superior Court of
said county in favor of Reliance Fertiliser Co. vs
N N. Barwick. Property pointed out for levy by
attorney for pinin'iff anti written notice of levy
given in terms of the law. This the sth day of
Oct.. 1915. James Hester.
Sheriff M C.
W. L. Wilton, Atty. for Plffs.
Sheriff snle.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Will be sold be ft we the court house door in Mt
Veinon in the first Tuesday in Nov.. 1915, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain prop arty, of which the following
Is a complete description:
One hundred ami fifty acres of land more or
less, situate, lying and being in the 1221*t district
G M of said county and bound**! as follow s: On
the north by lands of James Branch am! Arthur
Kicks, on the east by lands of Arthur Ricks and
Mar> Higgs, on the south by lands of Mary Higgs
and B 1. Cooper and on the west by lands of
Mary Higgs, known as the Wm. Herndon home
place ami in his possession at tba time of levy.
Levied on ami will be sok! as the property of Wm.
Herndon to satisfy two fifas issue*! fnwi the su
perior court of said county. One in favor of The’
First National Bank of Dublin Wm. Herndon
and John Branch and one in favor of The First
National Bank of Dublin vs Win. Herndon and K.
A Ricks Written notice of levy given in terms
of the law. This the 4th day of October, 1915.
James Heater, Sheriff
J. B. Geiger, Atty. for Ptt.
I NOV. 8 to 13, 1915 I
$1500.00 PREMIUMS |
Thrilling Aerial War Flights and Bomb |>
Dropping by Airship r** . Alii
Eg Ail who wish to enter Exhibits and Displays or desire Information concerning
Fair should address E. ROSS JORDAN, Mgr., g
j| or N. G. BARTLETT, Secy., Dublin, Ga. j|
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Motitiromery ('minty.
Will be sold bnfoie The court house
door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
day in Nov., Hilo, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property of which
the following is a complete doscrip
-1 tion:
On© certain lot of land in the* Town of Char
lotte, in »aitl county, known as Lot No. 4 in Block
No. 12, fronting 100 feet on the north side of
Brooks Avenue and extending Itfick 200 feet on
First street, containing a single story house. Said
property levied on and will be sold as the property
of Irene Conner to satisfy a fifa issued from the
Justice’s Court of the 275th G. M. district in favor
of R. H. Mobley vs J. A. anti Irene Conner. Levy
made and returned to me by K. Wilkes, constable,
and written notice of levy given defendants. This
the sth day of Oct., 1915.
Jas. Hester, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will bo sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Nov. 1915, between
the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for
cash, certain property, of which the following is a
complete description:
All that certain parcel of land situated, lying
and being in the 1343rd District. G M. of said
county and state anti bounded north by land 9 of J.
D. Phillips; east by lands of W. B. Connell; south
by lands of Miss Rosa Belle Connell and west by
lands of John Martin containing thhtytwo (32)
acres, more or less. Levied on and will be sold as
the property of John E. King to satisfy an execu
tion issued from the superior court of Wheeler
county in favor of E. T Mcßride Co. against
John E. King Written notice given defendant
as required by law. This the Ist day of Oct. 1915.
James Hester, Sheriff.
W. M. Lewis. Atty for Plff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia— Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mount
Vernon on th«* first Tuesday in Nov., 1915, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a full and complete description:
All that tract or parcel of land sitatc. lying and
I being in the 1567th G M. district of said county
I and state, and bounded as follov s: On the north
by lands of Angus M--i on the east by lands o;
Ben Morris and • I* Mllm ii th. soiuh by hums
of S. P. Morris and on th*w# • t by lands ol Angus
Morris, and known as the Lodie Morris place,
containing oae hundred acres (luo) more or leas,
| and being in the possession of Lodie Morris. Lev
! ied on and will be sold as the property of L. D
Morris to satisfy an execution issued from the su
! perior court of said county in favor of Bank of
j Valalia vs L. D. Mortis. D. E. IV in i and D. C.
j Mortis. Pointed out for levy b> attorney for
j plaintiff' and written notice given defendant in
iti fa. This the Ist day of Oct.. 1915.
James Hester. Sheriff.
D. ('. I‘aiillo. Atty. for 1 itfs.
Shwnff Salo.
I Georgia Montgomery County.
Will Ik* sold bob v the our: ho sc door in V.t.
j Vernon on the first Tuesday in Nov.. 19t5, le
; tween the Icgxl hours of sole, to the highest bidder
for ia-h. certain property, of whuh the following
• a complete desci iption:
All of that tract or paicel of land situated, lying
and being in the 275th district G. M of said
county and state, and containing seven (7) acres
more or less, and bounded as follows: On the
north by lands belonging to Aiex Jones, on the
east ami south by lands belonging to Margerett
llal! ar;d on the west by lands L longing to Sam
A. Johnson, being s* ven acres taken from the
west side of a tract of land owned by Margcntt
i Hall, and to include .h. house and held where P.
j H. Hall now resides, the dividing line between
I said seven acres and lands of Margcrett Hall run- ‘
I ning north and south and t*aiallel to the wire \
I fence on the cast side of the Margcrett Hall
: lands, and is the same tract of land conveyed to
I*. H Hall by Margerett Hail by a warranty dved
j dated the sth day of !»’,<• is **h**wn by,
! the record of said dee* 1 in Bo© No. 15 folio 2-© of 1
the Records of Deeds in the office of the Gte:k of
the Superior court o Ml ntgomery c*unty. ©a.
I Levied on and xaill be sok! as the property of the
principal defendant in fi fa, l*. H. Hall, to satisfy
: an execution issued from th** Superior Court of
} saal county of Montgomery in favor of Th« Mt.
1 Vernon Bank vs 1* 11 Hall, i nnc pal. L. C Ad
ams ami John Jay McArthur securities. Sani de
scribed property in Ih* possession of I*. H Hall,
j instiled out for levy by attorney for plaintiff, and
I written notice of I* vy given in terms of the law.
This the 4th day of Oct.. 1915.
J-.tme** Hester, Sheriff.
* M B Calhoun. Atty. futffilffs.
! Farm Loans in Montgomery and |
Wheeler Counties at Low Kates |
.8 We write fire insurance on town and |
I farm property throughout the county. $
I If you need a loan, or if your property 1
| is unprotected, see us at once. |
|We always have the best and I
| newest designs in |~ wp l rv I
1 The Quality and JIJ ! CAI -j-
I* Finish of our Stock is Dependable and |
l ndisputable. Fine Engraving |
, cpatr ‘ ng j
| Phone; 15 UIOALIA, BA. |
Statement of the Ownership, Management, Circulation, etc.,
of The Montgomery Monitor, published weekly, at Mt. \ ernon, Ga.
Required by the Act of August 24, 1912:
Editor. 11. H. Folaom, Me Vernon,
Managing Editor. do
Business Manager, do
Owner. do
Known bondholder*, mortgagees, and other security holder®, holding 1 per cent, or more of total
amount of bonds, mortgages or other securities:
No outstanding indebtedness. H. B. Folsom.
Sworn to unu *ubicnbed before me this sth day of Oct., 1915. F. Cume,
vSeali Com. N. P M. C., Ga.
CMy commission expires June 10, 1915.)