The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, October 21, 1915, Image 5

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Os the Board of Commissioners of Roads
and Revenues of Montgomery Co.
for the Year 1915.
[Vouchers Nos. 446-689. Orders Nos. 704-995 Inclusive.]
Warrant Issued to For Acct of Amt. of Warrant
August 3.
Cassie Spivey, pauper for July $5.00
Lottie Allen, pauper for July 7.00
E. J. Wells, tax assessor 24.00
J. K. Cartwright, ferryman 30.00
S. B. Morris, clerk tax assessors 28.00
C. C. McAllister, July salary 25.00
J. A. Conner, ferryman 26.00
J. J. Williams, ferryman 35.00
J. B. Adamson, janitor 40.00
M. R. Davis, arbitrator tax assessors 1.00
Homer D. Strickland, clerk, convict hire 137.59
T. G. Gibbs, work on road 10.00
G. F. Clark, convict guard 30.00
D. J. McNealy, machinist 35.00
J. S. Lowe, convict guard 30.00
J. E. Crawford, machinist 45.00
C. W. Strickland, machinist 35.00
M. B. Ware, machinist 30.00
John Gaskin, teamster, 45.00
C. F. Ferrell, Superinsendent 100.00
C. F. Ferrell, gas for auto 5.00
W. L. Calhoun, work on road 2.50
J. C. Snelling, farm superintendent 40.00
J. C. Snelling, paid for labor 29.62
J. C. Snelling, paid for labor 13.67
Ashley Clements, work on farm 14.41
Soperton Sentinel, Adv. and Auditor’s Report 51.00
Soperton Sentinel, Adv. and Auditor’s Report 199.01)
H. M. Kirke, work on jail 15.60
Adam McNatt, non-resident witness 3.20
Cash Grocery Co. convict supplies 1.40
W. M. Moses, medicine for camp 2.75
E. J. Wells, convict supplies 41.51
Isaac Brooks, Com. Tax Receiver 5.00
J. T. Walker, convict supplies 115.00
E. E. Morris, pauper 22.50
W. S. Morris, non-resident witness 2.9(4
Jas. Hester, sheriff, board of prisoners 162.501
Jas. Hester, sheriff, sum. jury and At. Ord. Ct. 12.00
Jas. Hester, shes., Com. on sales and deedtoCo. 31.17
H. V. Thompson & Bros* convict supplies 44.11
W. A. Wooten, cost, cases to gang 85.00
Parker-Willis Co., convict supplies 165.53
J. I. Fountain, convict supplies 31.65
I. J. Soiner, expense with prisoners 1.80
S. J. Clark, attending Com. court 3 days 6.00
Hicks Bros., auto hire, com. and sheriff 7.00
Mt. Vernon Bank, loan paid 2038.06
O. H. Morrison, convict supplies 12.35
W. C. McAllister, official stenographer 30.00
Mt. Vernon Drug Co., farm and camp suDplies 8.60
B. F. Wolfe, non-resident witness 2.99
W. J. Prescott, non-resident witness 2.72
B. Mathias, witness com. Court 4 days 8.00
W. B. Mathias, convict supplies 50.00
J. M. D. McGregor, convict supplies 16.00
M. E. Fountain, convict supplies 124.53
F. B. Mcßride, work on road 2.00
M. B. Allen, convict supplies .75
Marshall & Bruce Co., office supplies 21.50
Marshall & Bruce Co., office supplies 30.75
I. T. McLemore, convict supplies 210.00
Warthen Drug Co., convict supplies 3.06
M. D. Kirkland, work on road * 3.00
Mcßae Bros & McLemore, farm supplies 5.45
L. L. Wolfe & Co., convict supplies .60
F. B. Mcßride, to cover or. 287 for 224.94 rep. 58.00
F. B. Mcßride, to cover or. 287 for 224.94 rep. 58.00
F. B. Mcßride, to cover or. 287 for 224.94 rep. 58.39
Oscar Collins, expense with prisoner 2.90
F. M. Mcßae, convict supplies 4.34
A. R. Davis, arbitrator tax assessors 2.00
J. E. Smith, work on road 12.(KJ
D. S. Williamson, farm supplies 9.63
Mcßae Bros. & McL., jail, farm and con. sup. 5.49
Mcßae Bros. & McL., jail, farm and con. sup. 38.40
J. M. Dowmie, convict supplies 40.00
Mason & Hughes, shop work for camp 11.40
Cash Grocery Co., convict supplies 7.40
B. A. Hooks, convict supplies 301.50
K. Walden, expense with prisoner 3.25
Foote & Davies, office supplies 17,02
Dr. J. E. Hunt, July salary 25.00
A. B. Hester, serving non-res suits for Co. 8.00
L. T. Morris, pauper 22 50
Sarah Fuller, pauper 7.00
Mary Neel, pauper 7.00
C. &E. Pierce, pauper 5.00,
J. A. Hinson, non-resident witness 2.72
B. J. Guest, non-resident witness 2.72
T. W. Cullins, work on road 1.50,
C. F. Ferrell, freight paid 2.98
W. C. McAllister, official stenographer 30.00
Jas. Hester, sheriff, jail labor 6.15
August 5. *.
G. N. Braswell, non-resident witness 6.941
Henry Braswell, non-resident witness 6.94
W. B. Hart, non-resident witness 3.80
Willie Loyd, non-resident witness 2.30
Carl Hart, non-resident witness 296
Morgan Carter, non-resident witness 6.94
August 7.
Jas. Hester, sheriff attending sup. court 30.00
J. A. Morris solicitor-general bailiff 12.00
T. J. Hester, house bailiff 12.00
A. B. Hester, riding bailiff, auto 25.00
Carl Adams, riding bailiff 15.00
C. H. Goff, house bailiff 10.00
S. V. Hicks, riding bailiff, auto 20.00
C. T. Braddy, riding bailiff 15.00
J. W. Register, riding bailiff 15.00
Lawrence Thompson, riding bailiff 15.00
M. A. Peterson, riding bailiff 15.00
J. R. Buttersworth, house bailiff 10.00
Jim Buttersworth, house bailiff 4.00
J. E. Horne, house bailiff 12.00
J. S. Higgs, riding bailiff 8.00
Mark Mcßae, Grand Jury bailiff 10.00
Mrs. W. L. Wilson, entertaining jury 5.50
Mrs. W. L. Wilson, entertaining jury 13,00
Mrs. Margaret Abt, entertaining jury 13.00
W. E. Fountain, non-resident witness 9.88
T. J. Mcßae, arbitrator tax assessors 2.00
W. C. Mcßae, arbitrator tax assessors UK)
Total for month of July $5274.59
1 Warrant Issued to For Acct of Amt. of Warrant
September 7.
Dr. J. E. Hunt, August salary 25.00
■jJ. B. Adamson, August salary 40.00
. iJ. K. Cartwright, August salary 30.00
J. J. Williams, August salary 35.00
E. E. Morris, pauper 22 50
L. T. Morris, pauper 22.50
Sarah Fuller, pauper 7.00
Mary Neel, pauper 7.00
C. and E. Pierce, pauper 5.00
Cassie Spivey, pauper 5.00
C. C. McAllister, Jr., August salary 25.00
t Jas. Hester, sheriff, ex. Colfee Co. prisoners 22.80
Jas. Hester, sheriff, ex. Coffee Co. prisoners 33.61
. Jas. Hester, sheriff, board of prisoners 157.30
( E. J. Wells, convict supplies 55.00
J. C. Snelling, convict supplies 3.85
Parker-Willis Co., farm supplies 52.18
J J. C. Snelling, August salary 40.(H>
. Ashley Clements, work on farm 12.67
J J. C. Snelling, paid for labor 34.50
. W. J. Higgs, work on bridge 3.50
Willie Gay, work on road 12.00
, U. T. Allen, work on road 10.00
, Green Burnett, work on road 4.00
. I. F. Dixon, work on road 6.50
| J. H. Sterling, work on road 9.00
J Cash Grocery Co., convict supplies 2.30
J Minter-Smith Hdw. Co., road supplies 125.76
! tjood Roads Machine Co., road supplies 71.50
i Angus Morris, convict supplies 31.00
! J. S. Higgs, work on road 31.00
! W. J. Higgs, holding inquest and jury 16.00
| B. Mathias, Attending Com. Court 2.00
O. H. Morrison, convict supplies 22.50
Montgomery Monitor, printing and ad. fees 96.50
W. W. White, non-resident witness 3.08
, Mcßride Bros., convict supplies 2.75
M. E. Founntain, convict snpplies 44.53
O. H. Morrison, jail supplies 2.25
Hicks Bros., auto hire com. 4.00
Mack New, work on bridge .50
G. F. Clark, convict guard 30.00
I). G. McNealy, convict guard 35.00
P. E. Register, convict guard 30.00
J. E. Crawford, machinist 45.00
C. W. Strickland, machinist 35.00
I. B. Ware, machinist 30.00
Jxhn Gaskin, teamster 45.00
C. F. Ferrell, superintendent 100.00
,C. F Ferrell, gas for auto 5.00
Lotti. Mien, pauper 7.00
Marsh.ul & Bruce Co., office supplies ■ 19.10
Make Moore, hauling stolen goods for sheriff 2.00
J L. Lowery, commissioner and services 57.33
Elijah Miller, commissioner and services 57.33
C C. McAllister, Jr., com. and services 57.33
L. C. Underwood, Co. At. May, Jun. Jul. Aug. 50.00
D. S. Williamson, farm and convict supplies 148.57
Peter Johnson, convict supplies 42.30
J. B. Adamson, K. oil jail and court house 4.15
William Jones, rep. committal trial in jus. ct. 4.50
T. M. Mason, office work 6.75
Marshall & Bruce Co., office supplies 11.06
Oscar Collins, expense with prisoner 2.90
G. R. Tyler, elk, cost Shep Roberson ca. in gang 8.25
Jas. Hester, shes., cost Shep Roberson ca. in gang 12.00
Kavanaugh & Co., convict supplies 25.15
Vidalia Hardware Co., road supplies 15.00
Mason A- Hughes, shop work farm and camp 24.65
M. H. Darley, work on road 6.00
E. E. Burch, work at jail 3.00
Mcßae Bros. & McLemore, farm supplies 4.32
Mcßae Bros & McLemore, C. H. and jail sup. 7.05
Mcßae Bros. &. McLemore, convict supplies 20.70
Parker-Willis Co., convict supplies 191.96
Est. W. H. McQueen, farm supplies 1.55
Est. W. H. McQueen, ferry supplies .50
C. A. Mason, farm supplies 3.40
Soperton, Hardware Co., convict supplies 10.80
W. P. Calhoun, convict supplies 19.78
Mt. Vernon Drug Co., jail camp and farm sup. 11.10
Fred Roherson, damage to land by cutting road 25.00
Bettie Anderson, pauper 7.00
Homer D. Strickland, convict hire 337.50
September 18.
Lilia Brinson, damage to land by cutting road 10.00
J. H. McGirt, damage to land by cutting road 25.00
September 22.
Jas. Hester, shes., cost in cases went to gang 65.05
G. R. Tyler, clerk, cost in cases went to gang 58.80
G. R. Tyler, clerk, recording true bills and crim. evidence 102.95
W. A. Wooten, cost in cases went to gang 204.50
September 25.
D. E. Mcßae, p. m., stamps for com. office 1.00
September 29.
Hicks Bros., auto for sheriff 16.00
M. Bridges, ferryman 26.00
Total for month of August $3206.01
(Continued on Last Page)
Cotton at 12* 1-2.
Alston, Ga., Oct. 14.—Alston
has become known as a promi- j
nent cotton market in this section |
of Georgia. Mr. W. C. Hen
! dricks, of Toombs county, wears
the blue ribbon for obtaining the
best price for one bale of upland
cotton up to this particular time, j
After paying the gin bill, one
bale and seed netted him *97.30.
Cotton is selling around 12 1-2
cents per pound and the seed
are worth S4O per ton.
A marriage of considerable
interest to the many Montgom
ery county friends of the bride
was that of Miss Navie Miller
and Mr. Roy Lanier, which was
solemnized in Waycross Sunday,
10th inst.
The bride is a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Levi H. Miller of Nich
ols, Ga., former citizens of this
1 county. The groom is a prosper
ous young business man of
Sneads, Fla., where they will
1 make their future home. Mont
-1 gornery county friends wish them
i happiness and prosperity.
Will Offer Again.
Tax Receiver John G. Morris
i was here on business Monday.
• Indications point to the earl.v
opening of the county campaign,
j Mr. Morris is recognized as one
I of the county’s most faithful and
I popular officials, and naturally
j expects to enter the campaign as
a candidate for re-election.
In fact, Mr. Morris, confident
of his return to the office which
he is so effiiently filling, states
that if the people should again
honor him with the approaching
term, he will not again ask the
place, and retire with grateful
appreciation of the confidence
reposed in him.
Veteran Editor Dead.
Rlackshear, Oct. 15. E. Z.
i Byrd, of Blackshear, a veteran
editor is dead at his home here.
He was well known in the Geor
gia Weekly Press Association,
having been a regular attendant
at the annual meetings for many
years. He organized The Black
shear Times, which he operate 1
for 34 years. He was once Sher
iff of Pierce county.
To be Held With Stuckey Church, Beginning Wednesday,
Morning, October 20, 1915.
Wednesday Morning.
' 10:00 o’clock Introductory Sermon J. E. Taylor
11:00 o’clock-Organize, Appoint Committees, Call for Petitionary
Adjourn for Dinner.
Wednesday Afternoon.
2:00 o’clock—Devotional Services.
2:15 o’ck.ek Recognition of Visitors, Correspondents and Special
2:30 o’clock—Report of Executive Committee.
2:45 o’clock—Report on Publications A. D. Kendrick
3:30 o’clock—Report on Hospital R. M. Stanley
7:00 o’clock—Preaching.
Thursday Morning.
9:00 o’clock Devotional Services.
9:15 o’clock Report on Woman’s Work J. C. Brewton
9:45 o’clock —Report on Missions R. E. Robertson
11:00 o’clock Missionary Sermon L. M. Jessup
Adjourn for Dinner.
Thursday Afternoon.
1:30 o’clock—Devotional Services.
1:45 o’clock—Report on Schools and Colleges L. M. Jessup
3:00 o’clock Report on Sunday Schools J. W. Palmer
7:(H) o’clock Devotional Services.
9:15 o’clock Report on Temperance H. D. Yeomans
Friday Morning.
9.00 o’clock —Devotional Services.
9:15 o’clock—Report on State of Churches O. O. Williams
9:45 o’clock—Report on Orphans’ Home W. A. Rivers
10:15 o’clock —Report on Brewton-Parker Institute L. H. Darby
11:00 o’clock Report on Obituaries E. M. Joiner
11:30 o’clock Report on Nominations M. L. Stephens
11:45 o’clock Report on Requests and Queries D. J. New
12:00 o’clock Report of Treasurer.
12:15 o’clock Report of Finance Committee W. T. Jenkins
Adjourn for Dinner.
Friday Afternoon.
2:00 o’clock Devotional Services.
2:15 o'clock—Appoint Correspondents.
2:30 o’clock Arrange for Printing Minutes.
2:45 o'clock —Miscellaneous Business.
The Georgia Loan Trust Com
pany, Macon, Ga., October
12th, 1915.
Mr. A. B. Hutcheson,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Dear Sir: We have settled every
loan ready for settlement and
have an order for $50,000.00
worth of our loans. Please hurry
on all the first class applications
that you can command. We es
pecially prefer farm loans, domes
tic, at the usual rate, $1,000.00
and up to $20,000.00 or more.
They all must be good loans, both
as to security anil moral.
Very truly,
0. A. Coleman,
ad. Vice-Pres. & Gen. Mgr.
j ' I(ie~Wontic*r C'ar"
Demountable Rims
The 1916 Maxwell is equipped with de
mountable rims, and has the same size tire on
all tour wheels. Two vitally important features,
j ==
To replace a tire on the road it is only nec
essary to loosen five bolt*; slip off the flat
tire; slip on spare rim and tire; tighten three
bolts, and proceed.
We are waiting to take you for a
test ride in the car that has broken s
all low “First-Cost” records, and is
breaking all low “After-Cost” records.
One MariMohai/lop rif' Electric Starter
| j Demountable Kjm vißectricLiqhts 1
Rpin Vision Windshield M h/Mapicto hpiition 1
Mcßae & Hicks, Mt. Vernon, Ga. 1!
j Fine Seed Oats
At Reasonable Price
I have For Sale a fine lot of
Rustproof Appier Seed Oats. In
very best condition, free of grass
or weed seeds. Price 75 cents per
bushel. Write me for prices on
large lots. Satisfaction guaran
teed and shipments prompt.
Petkr Johnson,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.,
or Uvalda, Ga.
Ginneries are included in the
line of Fire Insurance we repre
sent. Mt. V. L. & C. Agency.