Newspaper Page Text
4Himtoam?nj mUmitnr*
Democratic Executive Com
mittee Named, Rules
At the county mass meeting
held here on Tuesday Mr. T. A.
Peterson was elected temporary
and then permanent chairman of
the meeting.
Mr. J. E. Hall was elected per
manent chairman of the Demo
cratic Exective Committee of
Montgomery County. A recess ot
five minutes was taken to allow
each district to present the name
of one man to represent the dis
trict on the executive committee.
The following were elected to
serve as committeemen:
J. R. Adams, Kibbee.
J. P. Mixon, Tarrytown.
Jim Gillis, Soperton.
E. S. Martin, Longpond.
D. S. Barnhill, Lothair.
D. E. Walker, Orland.
E. G. Smith, Mt. Vernon.
J. W. Linder, Higgston.
E. Willis, Tiger.
A motion was carried allowing
Longpond district two members
on the committee, one from Al
ston and one from Uvalda. W. R.
Phillips was elected for Uvalda,
E. S. Martin having been chosen
from Alston.
A resolution was passed mak
ing a majority rule (vote) neces
sary for a nomination. * *
The new executive committee
organized and voted to asssess
candidates for primary election
expenses as follows:
For sheriff, SIO.OO
For tax collector, 12.50
For tax receiver, 10.00
For ordinary, 10.00
For clerk, 15.00
For coroner, 2.50
For surveyor, 2.50
The following citizens were ap
pointed election holders for their
respective districts:
Soperton—J. L. Gillis, Benj.
Gillis, J. A. Wade, Jr.
Kibbee—J. R. Adams, Pearl
Hamilton, W. B. Hilton.
Tiger—E. Willis.
Higgston—J. W. Linder, J. T.
Langford, J. R. Carr.
Mt. Vernon—E. G. Smith, G.
J. Stanford, S. V. Hicks.
Alston —E. S. Martin, K. M.
Johnson, Clifford Mcßride.
Orland—D E. Walker, H. J.
Reynolds, Jas. O’Brien.
Uvalda—W. R. Phillips, J. S.
Kennedy, Willie Calhoun.
Lothair—D. S Barnhill, W. J.
Higgs, A. T. Miller.
Tarrytown—J. P. Mixon, V/.
L. Calhoun, W. T. Dickens.
The white Democratic voters
of Montgomery county, in con
vention assembled for the pur
pose of formulating plans for the
nomination of county officers for
said county for the ensuing four
years, for the purpose of fixing
a date for holding said primary
election and adopting rules gov
erning said primary, and electing
an executive committee, Resolve
First, That the Democratic ex
ecutive committee for said coun
ty be composed of a chairman
elected by this convention from
the county at large and one com
mitteeman from each militia dis
trict of the county-
Second, That the date for the
primary be set to be held on the
4th Wednesday in January, 1916.
Third, That any candidate run
ning for any office in any prima
ry be required to get a majority
of the votes polled before he be
declared the nominee of the
Democratic party, and in any
race where two or more candi
dates are running for the same
office, neither of whom shall get
a majority of the votes polled for
that office, the two candidates
getting the highest votes for said
office shall be eligible to make the
Entertainment at 8.-P. I.
The Glee Club and orchestra
will give a very attractive pro
gram next Wednesday, Dec. 15th
at 7:30 o’clock at the auditorium,
8.-P. I. There will be an ad
mission fee of 15 and 25 cents.
A few new instruments have
; been bought for the orchestra
and this small fee will be charged
I to help cover these expenses.
The program promises to be a
very interesting and entertaing
one and is the first of a series of
concerts that will be given
throughout the year.
Georgia—Montgomery County-
To all whom it may concern:
J. D. Reynolds having in
proper form applied to me
for letters of administra
tion on the estate of Maggie
; Reynolds, deceased, this is to no
tify all persons concerned that
said application will be heard at
the regular January, term of
this court. Given under my hand
and official seal this the 6th day
of Dec., 1915.
Alex McArthur,
Georgia—Montgomery County.
F. M. Wilkes, administrator of
the estate of Mrs. Lucy Wilkes,
late of said county, has applied
to the undersigned for leave to
sell all the lands of said estate;
this is to cite all parties concerned
that said application will will be
heard at my office on the first
Monday in January, 1916. Witness
my hand and official signature
this December 6, 1915.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary M. C
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house
door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
day in Jan., 1916, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest, bidder
for cash, certain property, of which
the following is a complete descrip
tion :
That certain tract or parcel of land
situated in the 1386th district (J. M.j
of said county and state, containing
sixty acres more or less, being a por
tion of a 100-acre tract conveyed by
T. N. Dickens to W. E. Dickens on
tlie 14th day of June 1906, and being
a portion of the old Win. Kent place
in said district, and bounded as rol
lows: On the north by G. W. Dick
en’s lands; on the east by public
road leading from Soperton to Pen
dleton Creek; south by Frank Troup
lands and on the west by John Hol
ton lands. Said property levied on
and will lie sold as the property of
W. E. Dickens, lie being in possess
ion at time of this levy, to satisfy an
execution issued from the superior
court of said county in fa vor of Phil
lips Boyd Publishing Co. vs J. E.
and J. b. Logan, G. D. Hughes and j
W. E. Dickens. Pointed out for levy j
by attorney for plaintiff and written i
notice .given defendant in possess
ion. This the 7th day of Dec., 1915.
James Hester. Sheriff.
J. B. Geiger, A tty. for Pitts.
For Tax Collector:
I take this method of announcing my candi
dacy for the ollice of Tax Collector of J/ont
gomery county, subject to the approaching
primary. Your vote will he appreciated.
Very respectfully,
W. Frank Stephens,
Dec 8 1915. Tarrytown, Oa.
For Clerk Superior Court:
To the Citizens and Voters of J/ontgomery
Alter mature deliberation, arid backed By j
what I deem a substantial support, as already 1
tendered me, I hereby make formal announce- I
meet of my candidacy for the office of Clerk
of the .Superior Court. My candidacy, of j
! course, is subject to the rules adopted by the j
! county Executive Committee Having tilled
j this office many years ago, and having kept j
; in close touch with the county’s affairs and. i
!as a citizen, serving its better interests, I
, feel justified in submitting my experience in 1
i expert clerical wmk as a basis for my candida
cy. Fully appreciative of the many favors
extended me. ami asking the continued kin 1-
'■ ness of my fellow citizens, 1 beg to remain
Yours truly,
8. IS. Mourns.
second race, provided that if
either of the two candidates re
ceiving the highest votes should
fail or refuse to make the second
race, then the candidate receiv
ing the next highest vote for
said office shall be eligible to make
the second race, and should he
fail or refuse to make said second
race then the candidate receiving
the next highest vote shall be el
igible to make the second race,
and any candidate running for
office in the first race, shall be el
igible to make the second race if
there are not two candidates in
said race who received a higher
vote in the first race than he re
ceived, for the office.
Above resolutions were adopt
ed by the committee. The sec
ond primary will be held with
the state primary.
1 Fine Hogs Contest
In a Pork Race.
Mr. D. A. Mcßae and Rev.
Charles Montgomery of Mt.
Vernon have been contesting for
real Georgia hog and hominy
fame for some months, and the
result was reached Tuesday when
their two pet pigs were slaugh
tered. Mr. Mcßae’s pig weighed
575 pounds gross and 519 pounds
net; Mr. Montgomery’s 520
pounds gross and 469 pounds net.
These figures show that the two
hogs only missed netting a thous
| and pounds of pork by 12 pounds.
Mr. Mcßae’s hog was a Duroc
Jersey 3nd Mr. Montgomery’s a
Box Supper at McGregor.
There will be a box supper at
McGregor school house Friday
evening, 10th inst., for the ben
efit of the school. Let every one
who will, come out and help us.
Your presence will be highly ap
preciated. B.
Box Supper at Zaidee.
A Box Supper will be given at
Zaidee School Friday night, Dec.
10, 1915. The proceeds will be
used for the impovement of the
school. Our friends and the pub
lic generally are cordially invited
to attend. C.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
John Outlaw, administrator of
the estate of Deflate Outlaw, has in
proper form applied to the under
signed for leave to sell all the
lands of said estate; this there
fore to cite all parties concernrd
that said application will bo heard
at my office on the first Moitduy
in January, 1916 Witness my
hand and official signature, litis
the 6th day of December, 1915.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary, M. C.
I Pythian Notes I
Proceedings of Regular Meeting Held «
by Pylbian Literary Society
Being hindered from haviug a
meeting for two Saturdays in
succession, the Pythian Liteary
Society met on Saturday after
noon, Dec. 5, in the Freshman
room. An interesting program
had been arranged for the after
noon, being rendered as follows:
Campus Notes —Herman Ken
Reading—Blanche Hogan.
Current Events - Effie Graham. j
Essay—“ The Woman of the
Past, The Woman of the Present
—Susie Lee McNeil.
Debate—Resolved That, great
er statesmanship is needed today
in our country more than ever
before. Affirmative, Harry Geig
er and Joel T. Outler. Negative,
Willie Wood Peterson.
The debate was especially inter
esting, each side bringing out
strong points. The judges, Eu
gene Truitt, Herman Kennedy
and Susie Lee McNiel, after
careful consideration, rendered
their decision in favor of the
After the program a short bus
iness meeting ensued and the
following officers were elected:
President—Joel T. Outler.
Vice-Pres. Harry Geiger.
Sec’y and Treas. —Meta Vickery.
Cor. Sec.—Susie Lee McNiel.
Censor —Willie Wood.
Doorkeeper—John C. Peterson.
The society voted for Willie
Wood to give the Farewell Ad
dress and Herman Kennedy to
give the Welcome Address.
Motion was made to adjourn
and the society adjourned until
next Saturday afternoon. We
are indeed pleased with the
progress of our society, for each
member manifests great interest
in its welfare.
Sunday School Association
Organized Last Week.
The convention held here on
Thursday and Friday of last week
to form a County Sunday School
Association was well attended
proved a decided success. The
organization of the association
was completed, and next week
we hope to give a full report of
the proceedings, officers, divis
ions, etc.
Two New Candidates
In Political Field.
The local political arena is rap
idly filling in with contestants
for county office, and there have
been a number of entrants. Mr.
I S. B. Morris this week announ
! ces for thelolfice of Clerk of the
Court. This gentleman is no
stranger to the people of Mont
gomery county. He is one of
the home boys, and known to
all. Mr. Morris once served as
Clerk, and in that capacity gave
entire satisfaction. As stated in
his card, he fully appreciates the
favor of the people, and still
hopes to serve them in his capa
ble manner. His methods are
painstaking and accurate, and
his experience in such work cov
ers many years.
Another candidate in the field
this week is Mr W. Faank Ste
phens of Tarrytown. Mr. Ste
phens has had splendid training
as a business man, and many
friends appreciate his ability,
and have given him encourage
ment for a strong campaign. His
card is brief, but to the point.
Cit&t ion.
Georgia Montgomery County.
The appraisers appointed upon
the application of Alma M. Mc-
Queen, widow of W. il. McQueen,
late of said county, setting apart
a year’s support for herself and
minor children out of tint said
estate, having filed their return,
notice is hereby given thut said
application will lie heard at in.y
office on the first Monday in Jan.,
next. This the sth day of Dec.,
1915. Alex McArthur,
Sheriff Sale.
Qcorgi*—Montgomery County.
Will «<»ld before* flit* court 1 onto door in
Mount Vernon on tin* lii wt Tin wdav in Jan..
1916 ,' etween the legal bourn of hhlo, to the
liigheHt bidder for carli, certain property* ot
which the following is a complete description:
One black mure nin'e about (j yearn old nam
ed “i*et;” one inou.H" colored mate mule about
6 yearn old nttnicd • Ib He . ” Raid described
personal property levied on and will he sold
as the property of Mrs. M. K. Davis to satisty
a mortgage execution issued from the superior
court of said county in favor ot Dunn A v\ il
liftntHon against Mis .M. I*'. Davis. This the
7«h day of December, 1915.
James Hester, Sheriff.
W. M. Lewis, Atty for Plff.
Miller’s Mill School.
Hpeeial Correspondence.
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Smith spent
the week end with their mother,
Mrs. Elizabeth Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Holli
man and sister, Geraldine from
Tarrytown spent Sunday with
Mrs. Wm. Fowler.
Monday evening a number of
friends were delightfully enter
tained at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. George McCrirnmon. Re
freshments were served and
games were played interspersed
with excellent music.
We regret to lose Mr. and Mrs.
McCrirnmon from our midst,
They moved to Mt, Vernon Wed
Our box supper was a decided
success. We extend to all who
so kindly helped our grateful
Several from our community
attended Miss Webster’s oyster
supper at Red Bluff Friday eve
ning. Among those attending
were, Misses Lillian Miller. Ma
mie Tarver, Lizzie Jane Meeks,
Maude and Carrie
Messrs Martin Smith, Bruce and
John McLendon, Leo Cromartie,
Matthew and Fuel Meeks. They
report an excellent time.
Our school now has an enroll
ment of forty-eight. After
Christmas many new pupils are
expected. S. and L.
| Mrs. N. Dead.
We learn with deep regret of
the death of Mrs. Vaughan, wife
Mr. N. Vaughan of Charlotte.
This estimable lady was long a
suffernr from a complication of
disorders, but her death was un
expected to loved ones and
friends, as she was only 29 years
of age. Mr. Vaughan was called
home from superior court and
took her to a hospital in! Hazle
hurst, where she died on Nov.
16th. The burial took place on
Wednesday following at Shiloh
church, Rev. Summer conducting
the service. Besides her husband,
she left three ehildaen.
Miss Parker of Liberty
and Mr. Rivers Wed.
Os interest to their many
Montgomery county friends is
the marriage of Miss Emma Kate
Parker and Mr. Robert Ernest
Rivers, Wednesday, lsc inst.
The happy event was celebra
ted at the home of the bride,
Jones Creek, near Ludowici, in
Liberty county, and was attended
only by the relatives of the young
couple. The ceremony, simple
in form, was read by Dr. J. C.
Brewton of Mt. Vernon.
The bride is the eldest daugh
ter of Hon. and Mrs. Joseph H.
Parker, one of Liberty county’s
most popular young ladies, and
I has throughout South and Middle
Georgia a large circle of friends
and admirers. She wore a navy
blue coatsuit of chiffon broad
cloth, and never appeared more
Mr. Rivers is the only son of
Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Rivers of
Glenwood, and is a young man of
sterling qualities. A progressive
young business man, he is con
nected with the mercantile es
tablishment of Mr. A. P. Stone.
This happy marriage is the cul
mination of an attachment form
ed while both were students of
the Brewton-Parker Institute
several years ago. Both are
graduates of this institution, and
have in this section many friends
and class-mates to offer congrat
ulations and best wishes. They
are now at home to their friends
in Glenwood.
Kil Kare Club Meets.
The Kil Kare girls met Monday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. C.
H. Wright. Holiday decorations
were very artistically arranged
in the hall and parlor. After a
most defightful afternoon, a dain
ty luncheon, consisting of Char
lotte Russe and cakes, was served
by Miss Alleen Mcßae arid Mrs.
The club members present
were, Misses Jennie Thompson,
Alleen Mcßae. Lucile Mcßae,
Winnie and Alma Smith, Bertie
Lou, Cadie Belle and Marion Ad
We had as visitors, Mrs. John
O. Mcßae Misses Debbie and Ol
lie Mae DeLoach, Iris Simpson
and Mr. Albert Simpson.
The next meeting will be held!
at the home of Miss Marion Ad-'
ams. K. K. C. S.
Giiurdian’s Sale.
Georgia— Montgomery County.
By virtue of ait order of the
Court, of Ordinary of the said i
county of Montgomery, will be
hold at public outcry on the first
Tuesday in January, 1916, at the
court house door in said county,
between the legal hours of Hale,
the following land to wit ;
All the right and interest, of
Letie Westberry in and to all
that tract or parcel of land lying
and being partly in the 51st dist
rict (4. M and partly in the 1715th
district G. M. of Toombs county,
Georgia, containing five hundred
thirteen an<f 18-HX) acres, accord
ing to a survey and plat made hy
J. K. Carr on the 20th day of
November, 1918, and hounded as
follows: On the north by lands
of C It. McLeod, B. Nunn, Mc-
Intosh and Clem Phillips, on the
east by lands of Clem Phillips
end B. A Mosley, on the south
by lands of Mrs Blount and Mrs.
Moody and on the west hy lands
of Mclntosh and C. B. McLeod.
Lula Turner,
I Guardian of Letie Westberry.
Ceremony at Bride’s Home
With Only a Few
Washington, D. C., Dec. s.—lt
was officially announced at the
White House Saturday that the
President and Mrs. Norman Galt
will be married on Saturday, Dec.
As previously stated, the cere
mony will take place at Mrs.
Galt’s residence, at No 1308
Twentieth street northwest.
Mo invitations to the wedding
will be issued, it was announced.
The only attendants will be Mrs.
Galt’s mother, Mrs. Wm. H.
Bolling; her brother and sister,
the President’s daughter. Miss
Margaret Wilson; his brother and
sister and members of the two
immediate households.
Colquitt Man Kills
Police Chief Scott.
Col(juitt, ,r Ga./ r ,December 5.
It. E. Fudge shot and instantly
killed Chief of Police J. W. Scott
here last night. Fudge is the
oldest son of F. E. Fudge, a
wealthy merchant and land own
er of Colquitt. Young Fudge is
not married and is about twenty
five years old. Scott was 36
years old and leaves a widow and
several small children.
Saw J. E. Brown Marry,
Dies at Age of 92 Years.
Carnesville, Ga., Dec. 2.—Mr.
Wesley Fricks, who was 92 years
of age, died 5 miles west of here
last night. He was probably the
oldest citizen of Franklin county
and the oldest Mason in this sec
tion, having been a charter mem
ber of the Carnesville lodge.
He was a guest at the wedding
of the war governor, Joseph E
Brown. He is survived by eight
children. He was buried with
Masonic honors in the Carnes
ville cemetery.
Honor Roll of the
McGregor School.
Martin Morris Theodore Mitchell
Ruby Caapenter Edna Conner
M. C. Carpenter Geo. Rowland
C. C. Conner Magdalen Rowland
R. D. O'Neal.
Teachers’ Meeting.
The southern section of the
Montgomery County Teachers’
Association will meet at Long
pond on Saturday, December 11,
at 10:30 a m. Every member
is expected to be present.
Sheri 1! Sale.
Georgia— Montgomery County.
Will he Hold before the court house
door in Ml. Vernon on I he first Tues
day in Jan., 1910, between the legal
hours of Male, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which
tin- following is a complete descrip
tion :
All tliai tract or parcel of land ly
ing and being in the lfiß7th district
(i.M.of Montgomery county. Ga.,
hounded on the north by lands re
cently belonging to estate of T. J.
James, east by by lands of the said
T. J. James estate, and by lands of
said estate, and west by lands of
Knmniiel Lewis, containing 70 1-4
acres of land, more or less and being
(tie same lauds J. A. Page sold tlie
tlie said Kmanuel Lewis, which is
evidenced by bond for title given by
said I'age to said Lewis, said lands is
levied on by virtue of a fl fa for pie
purchase money ot said lands in fa
vor of J. A. Page against Emanuel
Lewis. Said lands in possession of
said Kmanuel Lewis pointed out for
levy by J. A. Page plaintiff In fl fit,
ami levied on as the property of
Kmanuel Lewis to satisy an execu
tion issued from the superior court
of said county in favor of J. A. Page
vs Kmanuel Lewis. Written notice
of levy given defendant as required
by law. This the 7th day of Dec.,
1915. James Hester Sheriff.
L. (J. Underwood, Atty. for Pltf.
NO. 32.