The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, December 16, 1915, Image 3
* * * - £ * * t TO ALL FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS: % % A BIG SALE NOW GOING ON IN TARRYTOWN AT THE A. I 1 ESTROFF STORE, UNDER MANAGEMENT H. ZEESMAN. f -3k * W * £ fjfr | Your Best Opportunity is Now Here! f | ALL OF OUR GOODS MUST BE SOLD, AND LOW PRICES WILL MOVE THEM QUICKLY £ jfe ___ i fir } Big Sale Begins on Dec. I Oth ! f AND LASTS UNTIL JAN. Ist. I % mrnmrnmmmm.m % t READ THESE PRICES AND PROFIT: I 4tr 4k * A Big Cut in Domestics. II Men’s Shoes & Furnishings II Ladies’ Fine Shoes. * | A SACRIFICE IN ALL LADIES’CLOAKS PLEASING REDUCTION IN MEN’S HATS \ Ladies’ $2.50 Shoos reduced to $1.98 »P I n !| Men’s Work Shoes S 3 00 value $2.25 Indies’ 2.00 Shoes for 1.48 % | aU co m this sale for 4 3-4 c. Men’s 2.50 Shoes cut to only 1.75. I; flies’ 1.50 Shoes for 1.18 * * Cheviots cut down to Be. \\ Men’s 1.75 Shoes at this sale for 1.55 j Npucials * n * ja< J* eß h° w Quarters, *- $ t Outings, regular 10c seller Bc. |i Men’s Dress Shoes, 5.50 value for 2.75 j; S~UO values sacrificed lor 98c. |j£ Dress Goods 25c and 35c kind for 18c. |; Men’s Dress Shoes, 5.00 value for 2.25 |i SpwCfclls ill QrOCCriCS * * Percale cut down to Bc. I Overalls, SI.OO kind for only 75c. i: * £ | Riverside Homespun 6 J-2c. I A U Work Shirts, 50e kind 35c. j! I ,V> *' 25c. * | All 50c Serges to be sold for 37 l-2c. SI.OO Overall Jackets for 75c. II ‘ J wx ‘ !h " . f A . r , h , ttt ™ 1 ,or 25c. % t Oilcloth, 2oe seller, 19e. j; Men’s 50e Underwear reduced to 35e. I u 'l7" Ir", , T r , • 25c 1 I FIT OUT THE WHOLE FAMILY NOW. | BUY YOUR WINTER’S SUPPLY. \ % i NOTHING BUT HIGH-CLASS GOUDS OFFERED OR SOLD! f t * # ' i. | You Must Come and See to Appreciate What we are Doing for the People of * * Tarrytown and Vicinity. Travel a Few Miles and A\/1 ~ DOLLARS. * | SALE BEGINS DEC. 10. ENDS JAN. Ist. * w |H. ZEESMAN, Mgr. Tarrytown, Ga. j THE MONTGOMERY MONITOR—THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, IQIS