Newspaper Page Text
I he 801 l Weevil Quarantine
And the Necessity For It
Atlanta, December. —(Special.)
The new boll weevil quarantine line
In Geor(Ctn linn Juki been ib-fined and
tnaiked out by the Stale Board of
(entomology, effective Monday, Decem
ber 6, and a rigid adherence to the
rules and n ; ulatlona laid down by
the board will be iio'lnted upon In or
d> r to prevent the spread of the boll
weevil at a rale more rapid than un
der ordinary natural conditions.
The Mexican cotton boll weevil,
says the department, entered Georgia
In August, and, owing to the very
bee reason anti favorable conditions,
spread more rapi ly than untleipated.
It hat now been found In the follow
ing countle.>: Decatur, Gratly. Thom
n , Baker, l.owmles, Berrien, Colquitt,
Mite: ell, Miller, Early, Baker, Worth,
Tift, lloiiglieity, Calhoun, Clay, Quit
ninn, Itandolph, Terrell, Dee, Sumter,
ie hley, Webtiier, Stewart, Chattahoo
chee, Marlon, Talbot, Muscogee, llar
i , Cp on, Pike. Meriwether, Troup,
Heard, Coweta, Fayette, Campbell,
Carroll, ItouglaHM and Haralson, a to
lul of forty, or more than one fourth
of the cotton glowing area of the
Condition# Were Favorable
It hat been an unusually favorable
year for the weevil, and it bas ad
vanc'd uniformly through northeast
ern Alabama and In southern Tennes
see If It had not been for the strict
enforcement of quarantine regulations
controlling the movement of cotton
sc. .1, hull , corn in the shuck and such
other nrtlclee ns are liable to carry
boll weevil, this pest would now be
well • iabl bed In every section of
:i At the fir;.l killing frost the
weevil went Into wittier quarlers, and
one of Ids principal hiding places la In
stored cotton seed. This creates the
non ■;ity for ft sirb’i enforcement of
the quarantine regulating the move
ment of cotton seed from Infested Into
non-Infested territory.
The pi i lent aetunl boll weevil line
In tool,-la a Just established, enters
the : laie from Alabama at Newsvllle
In Haralson county, passes through
Tallapoosa aad Bremen, ihen through
Honire in Carroll; through Bill Arp
and Chape! Hill in Douglass county:
slightly north of Bed Oak In Camp
bell nuinty; then turns southward and
pa ■n; through Brooks In Fayette;
ju i euiit of Molena In Pike and east
of Thunder in llpsen; slightly oast of
Junction City In Talbot and a few
mill ■ east of F.llavlUe In Schley ;
thence slightly west of Americas In
Sumter, through l’hllema in Bee,
through Shlngloi and east of Sumner
In Worth; thence through Dosla In
Tift, JU: t east of Nola In Berrien and
A "Pat" Reply.
An Englishman, an Irishman
and a Scotchman wont forth to-
Ifothor to burble a farmhouse.
The Sassenach appropriated a
horse, the Gael a cow, while the
repri sentative from Erin com
mandeered a cart.
As they were making their way
into a town a policeman ap
proached and asked the English
man where he got the horse.
"Ah!" ‘was the reply, "I’ve
had it since it was a foal!"
"And where did you get that
cow?” he asked Scottie, who re
"Ah! I’ve had her since she
was a calf!"
Turning to I’at, the constable
next asked; "Where did you get
the cart?"
"Ah, begorra,” quickly retort
ed Fat, "I’ve had it since it was
a wheelbarrow.
To Meet in Dublin.
Dublin, Dec. 11. —The invita
tion of the Oconee chapter. U.
D. 1 >., to the Georgia division to
hold their annual meeting of
10lit in Dublin has been formally
accepted by the president of the
Georgia divis, n, United Daugh
ters of the Confederacy, Mrs.
Herbert Franklin.
Sudden Death of
Col. J. M. Smith.
Smithonia, l>oc. 11. —Col. J.
M. Smith, the largest landowner
in Georgia and whose vast plan
tation in Oglethorpe county was
unique for its manner of opera
tion, died suddenly while seated
at Ins dining table here today.
He was 70 years of age. His
wealth was reputed to be about
His idea was to make his es
tate as free from the necessity
of outside purchase as possible.
To gain this end he erected fer
tilizer plants, grist and oil mills
and otherwise made his planta
tion almost independent. Col.
Smith was a bachelor and his
only near relative is a brother.
Hllgbtly east of Valdosta In Lowndes
and on to the Florida line.
Seed For Crushing Only
In fixing the new quarantine area
for the shipment of cotton seed until
the movement of the next crop begins
on August 1, 181#, the stale board of
entomology has authorised the ship
ment of need from Infested territory
for cruahlng purposes only to oil mills
I hat are situated within the 20-mile
afety xone. This safety sone la an
area 20 miles wide, Just east of the
actual boll weevil line. This applies
,olely to seed for crushing purposes,
but these mills will not be permitted
lo ship cotton seed hulls to points
east of the 20-mlle safety tone unUl
January 1 and after.
There will be no restriction upon
cotton seed hulls between January 1
and August 1, even from Infested to
non-lnfested territory, as there Is
practically no danger of carrying the
weevil during that time. Articles
which may not be shipped from In
tested Into non-lnfested territory, ex
cept within the 20 mile soae, Include
seed cotton, cotton seed, sacks used
for seed cotton or cotton seed within
eight months, cotton seed hulls be
tween August 1 and December 31,
Spanish moss and corn in shuck be
tween October 1 and June 30, living
weevils or weevil stages, household
goods containing any of the forego
ing. Whore no time limit is specified
Hie restriction Is continuous.
Articles whose shipment Is not re
stricted include haled cotton, llnters
and loose cotton lint, cotton seed
meal, rake and oil, corn shelled or In
Hie ear with shuck removed, cotton
. eed shown by affidavit to have been
sacked for eight months or more, cot
ton seed for planting after fumigation
by an entomologist, hay and empty
freight cars.
May Delay The Weevil
Strict observance of these quaran
tine regulations tnay result In holding
the weevil In check In this state for
two or three years longer than other
wise. Had It not been for the quaran
tine against articles from Infested
states, the weevil would have spread
all over Georgia long ago. It is Im
possible to prevent the spread of the
weevil by natural means, but artificial
means may be almost wholly con
Everyone Is warned not to carry
live boll weevils Into non-lnfested ter
ritory. There are very Htrlct national
and state laws against any person
having live boll weevils In his posses
sion, and the penalties for violation
are severe. The state board of ento
mology slates that these laws will be
rigidly enforced.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will he sold before the court house
J dour m Mt. Vernon on tltw first Tues
■dny in Jan., lltltl, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
, for cash, certain property, of which
I the following is a complete descrip
II ion;
1 All that tract or parcel of land ly
; ing and being in the l(sS7th district
(i. M. of Montgomery county, Ga.,
hounded on the north by lands re-
I eonlly belonging to estate of T. J.
James, east by by lands of the said
T. J. James estate, and by lands of
| said estate, and west by lands of
Emanuel Bewis, containing 7d 1-4
acres of land, more or less and being
the same lands J. A. Pago sold the
j the said Emanuel Lewis, which is
(evidenced by bond for title given by
said Page to said Lewis, said lands is
j levied on hv virtue of a ti fa for the
f purchase money ot said lands in fa
vor of J. A. Page against Emanuel
Lewis. - Said lands in possession of
said Emanuel Lewis pointed out for
levy by J. A. Page plaintiff in ti fa,
! ami levied on as the property of
Emanuel Lewis to satisy an execu
tion issued from the superior court
of Naiil county in favor of J. A. Pago
\s Emanuel Lewis. Written notice
of levy given defendant as required
by law. Tills the 71It day of Dec.,
I'.ih'i. James Hester Sheriff.
! L. C. Underwood, Atty. for l'lff.
, Tax Collector’s
Last Round.
1 will he at the following places
for purpose of collecting state and
I iminty taxes for the year 1915.
Pigeon Spring, Dec. 1, 10 a to 2 p
lliggston, Dec. 2, 10 amto 3 p
McGregor, "8, Dam to 12 ui
Ailey, "8, 1 to 8 p m
Kibhee, 4, 10 a 111 to 8 p
Mt. Vernon "7, 9amto 4 p m
(Charlotte, “8, 12 mtoß p in
Uvalda, “9, Sam to 4p ni
Alston, “ 10, Sanitoß:9op
.1 T Walker, “ 10, at night.
Sharps Spur, " 11. 10 a m to 2p m
(Tarrytown, “ 18, 10a m to8:80 p
Soperton, '* 14, to 12 m 15th
1). S.Barnhill's st. 15, 1 to 8 p m
Lot hair, Dec. 16. 9amto 8 p m
jOrianua, “ 17, 9am to 12 m
Geo. Spivey “ 17, Itoß p m
Orland, ** IS, all day
Mt. Vernon “ 20, wheu hooks
will close.
H. C. Davis,
T. C. M. C.
A. L. Lanier,
Attorney at Law,
Will Practice in all the Courts of
the State.
Atty at Law,
Mt Vernon, Georgia
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Jan., 1916, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for caah, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
One certain lot or parcel of land situate, lying in
the 1668th G. M. district of said county and state,
containing 473 1-3 acres more or less and being
bounded as follows: On the north by lands of C.
H. Calhoun, the Macon, Dublin and Savannah
Railroad and James O’Conner, on the east by lands
of James O’Conner, Lucinda Williams and M.
Johnson, on the south by lands of M A. Hraddy
and H. H. Braddy, Sr.; and on th'* west by lands
of James O'Conner and C. H. Calhoun and lands
commonly known as the J. B. O’Conner home
place, and being the tract of land conveyed by
warranty deed from James O'Conner to J. B.
O’Conner May 26th, 1911. and recorded in the
clerk's office of the superior court of said county
May 29th. Book 16, page 77. Said praperty found
in the possession of and levied on and will be sold
as the property of J. B. O’Conner to eatlssy an
execution issued from the City Court of Houston
County, Georgia in favor of the American Bank
of Macon, against E. H. Holland. J. B. O’Conner
and James McNatt Written notice of levy given
J. B. O'Conner, in possession. £Th»s the 7th day
of December 1915. James Hester, Sheriff.
Hardeman, Jones, Park & Johnson, Attya. for
Sold Everywhere. ad
Safety first.—lnsure your cot
ton against loss by (ire. We pro
tect you. Mt. V. L. &C. Agcy.
Georgia—Montgomery Comity.
W. A. Peterson and J. Cook
Conner, executors of the last will
and testament of Hiram Sharpe,
late of said county, deceased,
having filed their petition for dis
charge, this is to cite till persons
concerned to show cause, if any
they have, against the granting of
said discharge, at the regulur
term of the Court of Ordinary for
said county, to lie held on the
first Monday in January, 1916.
Phis the 6th day of Dec., 1915.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Jan., 1916. be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for rash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
That certain tractor parcel of land situate, lying
and being in the 275th district G. M. of said coun
ty anti state, containg 162 acres more or less, and
hounded as follows: On the north by lands of the
estate of John W. McArthur et al., on the east by
lands of Henry Bynl et al., on the south by lands
of Mrs. Penelope McAllister and on the west by
lands belonging to Joe Bellamy, anti being a por
tion of a tract of lantl originally granted to Wm.
Kyals for 600 acres. levied on anti will be Bold as
the property of John Jay McArthur to satisfy a
superior court ti fain favor of Shands Turpentine
Cup Co. vs John Jay McArthur. In possession of
said defendant and written notice of levy given in
terms of the law. This the 7th day of December,
1915. James Hester, Sheriff.
J. B. Geiger, Atty. for Plffs.
Sheri If Sale.
Georgia—Montjyomory t ’nuiity.
Will be sold hofoie the court house
door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
day in Jan., IRI6, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property of which
the following is a complete descrip
tion :
That certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying
ami being in the 275th G. M. district of said coun
ty and state, containing fifty-two ami one-quarter
acres more or leas and bounded as follows: North
by lands of W. A. Johnson and Jas. W. McArthur;
on the cast by lands of Jas. W. McArthur, on the
south by lands of C. C. McAllister, Jr., and on the
west by lands of C. C. McAllister, Jr., E. C. Mc-
Allister and W. A. Johnson. Levied on ami will
be sold as the property of John Jay McArthur to
satisfy two fi fas issued from the superior court
of saiti county. One in favor of the Haynes Hin
son Shoe Co. and one in favor of H. Traub & Sons
vs John Jay McArthur. In possession of defen
dant at time of levy, pointed out for levy by at
torney for plaintiffs, and written notice of same
given as required bylaw. This the 7th day of
December, 1915. James Hester, Sheriff.
J. B. Geigar. Atty. for Plff,
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mount
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Jan.. 1916. be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a full ami complete description:
One certain tract or lot of land situated in the
Town of Soperton, said state and county, and
bounded as follows: On the north by lands of K.
J. Williams, east by lands ofO. H. Peterson, south
by Oak street and west by lands of Dr. J. C. Wil
liams. containing 120 feet front on Oak street and
extending back 286 feet, including all buildings
and improvements thereon. Said property located
in that portion of said town known as the “Oak
Ridge.’’ Levied on and will be sold as the prop
erty of C. H. Jones to satisfy two fi fas issued
from the superior court of said county in favor of
The Hank of Soperton vs C. H. Jones. In pos
session of said defendant and by plaintiff’s at
torney pointed out for lew. ami written notice of
same given as required by law. This the 7th day of
Dec.. 1915. James Hester, Sheriff.
W. L. Wilson, Atty for Plffs.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will l>e sold before the court house
door in Mt. Vernon on the first. Tues
day in Jan., 1010, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which
the following is a complete descrip
tion :
Ten acres of farm land, situate, lying and being
in the 1691*t district G M. of said county of Mont
gomery and being bounded as follows: On ths
north by lands of E. S. Adams, on the east by
lands of Milton Williamson, on the south by lands
of Phoebe Sanders and on the west by lands of
Mm. E. S. Adams. Said property levied on and
will be sold as the property of J. B Baker to satis
fy afi fa issued from the Justice's Court of the
16915 t district in favor of The Soperton Hardware
Co. vs J. B. Baker Written notice given J. B.
Baker as required by law. This the 7th day of
Dec.. 1915. James Hester. Sheriff.
J. D. Durden Atty. for P^ffs.
He sleeps best whose home is
protected by ample fire insur
ance. Insurance on farm dwell
ings a specialty with us.
Mt. V. L. & C. Agency.
To Whom it May Concern:
Mrs. L. V. Hughes having ap
plied for guardianship of the
person and property of Daniel J.
McSwain, a minor child of D. J.
McSwain, late of said county,
deceased, notice is hereby given
that said application will be heard
at my office at 10 o’clock a. m.,
on the first in January next.
This the 6th day of December.
1915. Alex McArthur,
Ordinary and exofficio Clerk
Court of Ordinary.
Sale of Mortgaged Property.
Georgia— Montgomery County.
Under and by virtue of the powers of sale con
tained in two deeds to secure debt, dated respec
tively, June 7th, 1911 and April 8, 1914, between
Benjamin Gillis of Montgomery County, Georgia,
and the Calvert Mortgage Company, of Baltimore
City, Maryland, which deeds are recorded in the
Clerk’s office of Montgomery Superior Court in
Book 14, folio 131 and B*x>k 20, folio 321, respec
tively, the undersigned will sell at public outcry
before the court house door in Montgomery coun
ty, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in January, 1916,
between the legal hours of sale, to the highest
bidder for cash, the followiog property to-wit:
All that tract or parcel of land ’’tuate, lying
and being in the town of Soperton, county of
Montgomery, state of Georgia, described as fol
1. Fronting the east side of Second street, now
known as Wall Street 60 feet and running back
east the same width 150 feet, bounded as follows:
North by Mrs. Lillie Darby; east by W. S. Womack;
south by Mrs. S. A. Sherrod; west by Second
Street, now Wall Street.
2. All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying
and being in the aforesaid town, county and state,
fronting the west side of Hamilton Street 100 feet
and running back west from said street the same
width 160 feet; bounded as follows: North by W.
S. Womack, east by Hamilton Street, south by
Malinda Berwick; west by Mrs. S. A. Sherrod and
lot described in No. 1, being the lands whereon
said Benjamin Gillis now resides.
No. 1 being conveyed to Benjamin Gillis by Mrs.
S. A. Sherrod by warranty deed dated Jan. 30,
1911, and recorded in Book 16, page 49.
One half of No. 2 beiug conveyed to Benjamin
Gillis by S. A. Hamilton by warranty deed dated
Feb. 9, 1911 and recorded in Book 16, page 47, the
other half of No. 2 being conveyed to Benjamin
Gillis by G. W. Hamilton, C. W. Hamilton, Extra
of the estate of Chas. S. Hamilton, by Ext’rs deed
dated Octocer 24, 1911 and recorded in Book 20,
page 313.
Said lands will be sold for the purpose of paying
the indebtedness of Benjamin Gillis io the Calvert
Mortgage Company and the expenses of this pro
feeding, said indebtedness consisting of two series
of notes, one of the series amounting to 56 in
number, each for the sum of $14.00, all dated April
Bth. 1914, the first of said notes due one month
after date, the next five months after date, and
one each month thereafter until sixty months
after date, except the note due the eleven month;
the other series amounting to 21 in number, each
for the sum of $11.66 except the last which is for
$12.06, all of said notes dated June 7th, 1911, and
the first note due forty months afterdate, and one
each month thereafter until sixty months after
date; all of said notes bearing interest at 8 per
cent from maturity. All of said notes not due in
course are declared due by reason of default in
those notes which have already become due, it be
ing provided in the deeds above referred to, as
well as in the notes themselves, that if either of
the same should not be promptly paid at matu
rity then the entire debt for which said notes were
given should at the option of the holder become
tlue and payable at once, and that after giving
four weeks notice of the time, terms and place of
sale by advertisement once a week in the newspa
per in which the Sheriff’s sales of said county are
advertised, shall have authority to sell said proper
ty at auction at the usual place for conducting
sales at the court house door in said county; and
there havinfe been default in the payment of 16
notes of the first series and 15 notes of the second
series, and said default continuing for 30 days, the
whole of said indebtedness is declared to be due.
The amount which will be claimed to be due by
the Calvert Mortgage Company on the first Tues
day in January, 1916, on the first series of notes is
the sum of $252.75 principal and interest, and on
the second series is the sum of $725.59 principal
and interest.
Said property will be sold as the property of
Benjamin Gillis, and any balance remaining after
the payment of said indebtedness and the expense
of said sale, will be paid to the said Benjamin
Gillis, or his assigns, and the Calvert Mortgage
Company wlil make to the purenaser a deed to
said property. This Dec. 6th, 1915.
Calvert Mortgage Company,
By West & Daseer, Attys. at Law.
Administrator’s Sale.
Georgia Montgomery County. '
By virtue °f an order from Hon. Alex McArthur,
Ordinary of Montgomery county, granted on the
2nd day of August, 1915, will be sold at public
outcry before the court house door in Mt. Vernon
said county during the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash on the first Tuesday in
January, 1916, the following described property
One grist mill and fixtures located at Uvalda,
Ga., in said county and generally known as the
Moses Grist Mill. Also one saw mill and fixtures,
located near the town of Uvalda, and known as
the Martin Moses saw mill. Also at the same
time and place, and upon the same terms, will he
sold the following described real estate, all of
which lies in the 275th Dist. G. M. of Mountgomery
county Georgia:
10 acres in the town of Uvalda, bounded on the
north, east anti south by the lands of J. J. Moses,
and dh the wes£ by the right of way of the Geor
gia & Fiorina R. R.
180 acres more or less, bounded on the north by
the lands of H. A. Moses; on the east by lands of
Mrs. H. L. Moses; on the west and south by the
lands of W. A. Connerr.
150 acres, more or less, of land known as Joe
Ryals land, and bounded on the north by the es
tate of W. J. Peterson; on the east and south by
lands of Mrs. Anna Rackley; and on the west by
Peterson lands.
30 acres more or less, of land known as the Con
ner land, anti bounded on the north by the lands
of Alex Downey; on the west by the lands of El
mira Dasher; on the east and south by the lands
of J. J. Moses.
375 acres of land more or less, known as the
Culbreath land, anti bounded on the north by lands
of W' A. Conner; on the east by lands of Sallie
and Mary Morris, and on the west by Mary Morris,
and on the south by lands of Lizzie and Mary
8 lots in the town of Uvalda described as follows:
Lots No. 2, 3 and 6 in block 14, fronting 66 feet
each on Knox street, and running back 155 feet to
an alley.
The above described property will be sold as the
property of M. T. Moses, deceased, for the pur
poses of paying outstanding debts against his es
tate. and for distribution among his heirs at law.
This Dec. 6th, 1915. J. B. Geiger,
Administrator of M. T. Moses.
Sherfe’ Sale.
Georgia-Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Jan., 1916, between
the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for
cash, certain property, of which the following is a
complete description:
That certain tract or parcel of land situate, ly
ing and being in the 1567th G. M. district of said
county and state, and bounded as follrws: North
by lands of B. A. Conner, on the east by lands of
I. T. MoLomore. on the south by lands of the es
tate of Mary Conner and cm the west by the D. L.
Conner lands, containing 25 acres more or less, and
being the soutnern portion of a tract of land carv
ed from the David Higgs land near Higgston, Ga.
levied on and will be sold as the property of B. A.
Conner to satisfy a rt fa issued from the superior
court of said county in favor of Wilson Brothers
vs B. A. Conner ACo , B. A. Conner and P. O.
Dixon. Pointed out for levy by attorney for plain
tiff and written notice of levy given B. A. Conner,
in possession. This the 7th day' of December 1915.
James Hester, Sheriff.
J. B. Geiger, Atty. for Plff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Jan.. 1916, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
All of that tract or parcel of land lying and be
ing in the 275th district G. 11. of said county and
state, near the water of the Altamaha river, and
bounded as follows: North by lands of A. J. Mose
ley. east by lands of J. E. Dixon, south by lands of
A. J. Moseley and west by lands of Dr. O. J.
Whipple, being in the shape of a square, and
carved out of the eastern portion of a tract of
land on which A. J. Moseley now lives, and con
taining ten acres more or less. Property pointed
out for levy by defendant, levy made and returned
to me by M. A. Peterson, constable, and written
notice of levy given as the law requires. Levied
on and wifi he sold as the proberty of A. J. Mose
ley to satisfy a ft fa issued from the Justice’s
Court of the 275th Districe G. M. of saki county.
This the 7th day of December. 1915.
James Hester, Sheriff.
[Just a Word|
to You?
► There comes a time when you need :
E something in Hardware and Furniture. 2
t It may be a Pocketknife or a W indow «
► Shade, or it may be a Hundred Dollar :
E purchase. Keep this in mind when 2
E that time comes. We are here to serve 2
i you A>itb the right goods, with prices 2
t and quality guaranteed. When it is 2
t . ;
t come to see us. *
lailey hdw. co. I
\ AILEY, QA. |
► <
s §
j 5-Passenger Touring, $750 j
| Roadster, $725 J
(F. O. B. TOLEDO) 1
I i
| The Car for the Money
| The Car for the People |
Little More to be said |
$ 1 ' - —— jj|
I r*
5 f<z
I Better Able Than |
Ever! |
The business men and the |
citizens generally of the |
southern part the county |;
3ft CMhier Vice-Pre..
T. A. Clifton Dr. J. H. Dees A. T. Johnson g
|j> John Jay McArthur W. T. Mcßride F. B. Mcßride 11
|§ J. S. Sharpe Joe W. Sharpe D. S. Williamson g